EMTTC Annual General Meeting
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EMTTC Annual General Meeting 8th November 2015 – Draft Minutes Attendees: Clive (Chair, Ind), Kevin (Treasurer, Aerokinetics) & Ann (Welfare, Aerokinetics), Charlotte (Comp sec, Lincoln), Rose (Squad, Lincoln), Liam (Lincoln), Neil & Jo ( Hinckley), Annette (Soar), Natalie & Nannette ( Elevate), Sarah (DMT, Charnwood), Brian (Aerokinetics), Chris (Nightflyers) 1. Apologies for absence were received from Kieran & Gemma (Mky Hbrgh), Toni (Nightflyers) Kirsty & Andy (Abbey HF), Mandy, Dani & Tracey (NTGA), Monica & Sean (Phoenix), Ian (Extreme), Ray (Bassetlaw), Darren (Delta) 2. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were approved (p Chris, s Clive) 3. Chair’s report will be circulated by email (wrong laptop!). There will also be a report from Mandy on the year’s coaching courses. 4. Treasurer’s report we made more money than budgeted last year. We need to agree what to spend ring-fenced funds on (see Judging Course later!) EMGA accounts are still confused – please continue to use the existing account until we have definitive confirmation that the new account is operational. Identifying payments is still rather variable. All clubs are asked to put “TRA -
7. Any other business: Awards for people within the region Clive, Chris, Dani, Rose, Sarah, Andrew Stamp, Brodie Hove-Coleman and Callum Mclvenna all received Special Achievement awards at last week’s EMGA awards evening. Congratulations! Competitions and officials We are getting very short of qualified judges for competitions, now that numbers have increased to over 220. We need to be able to run 3 panels. Every club needs to provide the correct number of judges for their entries and we will need to increase the ratio of judges to competitors on the entry form. A few steps will be taken to achieve this. 1. Alter the entry form (Chris to sort out) 2. The existing £25 fine for not providing a judge will be enforced 3. Judging courses will be held urgently to address the problem – a number of clubs had put people on cancelled courses this year: this isn’t sustainable, so Clive will discuss with EMGA to get agreement that courses will run, even if short on numbers. EMGA ring-fenced funds will cover the shortfall if necessary. The next competition is at Market Harborough on 31st January. We also need judging help with the schools comp though on 6th December (Loughborough) as we have over 300 entrants already! Novices are welcome at this one (in smallish numbers) Judge courses To address the urgent shortfall, Clive will arrange a club judge course on 10th and 17th January, location tba but Toni has said she can probably find somewhere in Nottingham. (It was decided that 2 successive Sundays was more achievable for people than a single, whole weekend.) The is also a club course being run at Nottingham University 13th/14th Feb which may have spaces. A county course will be considered – date tba. Can clubs give an indication of likely demand please? Coaching Courses There is an Awards coaching course at Northampton on Sunday 13th Dec. Book now! Lilleshall training weekend 1st proposed date was cancelled by Lilleshall. 2nd proposed date was not convenient for over half the clubs. Clive will liaise with Stacey for another proposal. Next General Committee Meeting Chris will arrange a Skype call before the next NDP competition – shortly after Christmas.