Vanier College Council Meeting

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Vanier College Council Meeting

Vanier College Council Meeting Wednesday November 28th, 2012 Agenda VC120 @ 10:00pm

In attendance: Rob Krasny, Chris Puckett, Alex Truong, Ariel Derrick, Michelle Le, Monika Gul, Daniel Cabalse, Andrew Brown, Annalissa Crisostomo, Ryan McInerney, Safia Ali, Khaliq Martin, Rodney Fajardo, Eleni Giavonopolous

1.0 Motion to Commence @ 10:06pm : Motioned by Rob, seconded Monika [10-0-0] Motion Carries 2.0 Standing Items

2.1 Adoption of the Agenda: Motioned by Monika, seconded by Melissa [8-0-2] Motion Carries 2.1.1 November 28th 2012 2.2 Adoption of the Minutes: Motion to table the minutes: Motioned by Monika, seconded by Rob [4-0-6] Motion Carries Daniel enters at 10:09 pm 2.2.1 November 21st 2012

3.0 Reports: 3.1 Master’s Office Stanley Tweyman Rob: Stan keeps asking if everyone is going to RSVP to the dinner on the 7th. Let me know, it’s at noon and he will let Stan know Monika: ask Athletics because they said they didn’t get an invite, there’s only 8 of them Alex: is this a facebook event? Rob: it was an email

3.2 President Rob Krasny -Sold Crashed Ice tickets -Sold Pub Night -Sold swag -Organize Car Push -Organized COD and pool tournament Rob: Thanks to Rodney, Ryan and Annalissa for setting up -Had president’s meeting with Janet, talked about open bar policy for only 7 minutes cause we talked about security issues for an hour and a half -What they said about open bar was that all presidents put together information that we acquired from any other Canadian University on their policies for open bars. Any university says they don’t allow open bar, or they don’t have an open bar policy -From an administrative standpoint I don’t think open bar is necessary -Janet said the best option would be cash ticket bar Alex: Aren’t bartenders trained to look for drunk people? Rob: The issue is the issue 5 years ago, with the student that passed away -there’s a meeting tomorrow, we will talk more about it then I’m assuming -about security and the attacks and the facebook group: -Thanks to everyone who stopped by - if there is anything you want to say about York, or concerns, don’t aim it at York or blame York. This is a message from both me and Janet - I can send you an email about the protest, the quick points for and against that people came up with to fix the security. I apologize I need to leave for an essay later

3.3 Vice President Finance Alex Truong Melissa: you still have those envelopes Alex: refund checks will come on the 8th Alex: between this meeting and next meeting, the auditor tried to set up a date, but me and Chris have exams so it can’t be until January Monika: are we under any contract with the auditor? Rob: she is too expensive Alex: we started with her in the summer Monika: it feels like it’s a never ending contract Rob: it’s a contract that gets renewed Alex: we can hire a new one that starts in the summer

3.4 Vice President Social/Cultural Chris Puckett -sold Crash Iced -Swag and pub night -worked for sub-committee stuff with Michelle -been working with Michelle for Charity Ball -contacted Blue mountain -thinking of getting the same place as last year at the bottom of the hill

3.5 Director of Finance Ariel Derrick -Alex taught me how to write checks, so I wrote some -went to movie night -Sold crashed ice -fixed printer again

3.6 Director of Social/Cultural Michelle Le -sold pub night and crashed -worked on sub-committee with Chris -went to VP social meeting -planned out Frost week -emailed Sophia -got quotes for buses -constitution meeting

2 3.7 Director of Promotions Melissa Barnas -attended and set up for movie night -Sold pub night and Crashed Ice tickets -posted page for murals -contacted Jordan; He wants swag stuff for Monday Melissa: can council fill out their forms tonight after the meeting, and have them in by Monday so I can make the masters list?

3.8 Director of Publications Dave Barnett -absent with regrets -had a shift at 6:30pm -sold crashed ice -sold Swag -sold Pub night tickets -had a meeting with the editor and chief for Vandoo -created an article for the event in the Vandoo- will be out by the end of the week Kim: where can I make presence known in the regard of what id like to see in the Vandoo? Rob: the Vandoo office, just go there and talk to them

3.9 Director of Clubs and Affiliates Monika Gul -attended athletics and chaired meeting and honoraria portion -put up mural event page on facebook, made it live -recommend as soon as red bull is done, push contest throughout exam period -attended the constitution meeting

3.10 Director of Administration Daniel Cabalse -sold pub night tickets -sold swag -sold Crashed Ice tickets -bought black ops for the office Daniel: I am getting more games: Did anyone have any requests? Rob: NHL 13 Chris: FIFA 13

3.11 Commuter Representative Rodney Fajardo -sold swag with Daniel -attended car push -help set up for pool tournament

3.12 Residence Representative Ryan McInerney -sold pub night tickets -sold Crashed Ice tickets -help set up for pool tournament

3 -put up posters in residence for swag

3.13 First Year Representative Khaliq Martin –sold swag -sold Crashed Ice -attended the movie night and set up

3.14 First Year Representative Safia Ali –sold pub night tickets -helped Michelle with swag

3.15 YFS Representative Kimaiyo Spence Kim: I’d like to take the time to welcome the first year people -You can get an SSC card, its free usually its 7 dollars, can get it in Vari or in the connection tunnel to central square -it gives u discounts when your travelling, locally u can get discount on VIA rail or greyhound Monika: you get like 25 % off, its recognized internationally as a student card -during exam period you can be given a snack pack, a healthy alternative, juice box, dried fruit, things to sustain you -a lot of events next year, frost week, Spike Lee. -YFS will be having their own Montreal trip, its school wide, opportunity for people that are separated by college have an opportunity -it is coming up soon -rally for safety, 12-2 and it was a lot of safety concerns -a lot of controversy, so YFS is trying to get the feedback, not saying they can stop it but they are trying to be part of the solution -when we had our meeting, did mention Suit-up and that it was a great initiative, if u have a blazer send on -other directors also cosigned, the buzz is there

3.16 President of Athletics Eleni Giovanopoulos -final week of intramurals, men’s squash tomorrow -it’s our last event pre party at 5 30, direct anyone downstairs -last chance to collect torch points -we will find our torch ranking on December 4th -we are Top 2 -TRY cup Dodgeball Friday, against Ryerson and U of T -selling Vanier jerseys in the lobby, works well with swag -co-ed basketball registration due December 6, aiming for 4 teams, -would need 200 more dollars -$3275.00 due for York intramurals, will add 200 more for this semester, do one check -jerseys are $25, $20 for council

4 4.0 Old Business: 4.1 Office Space Monika: mural page is up Ariel: we need stationaries for the office Daniel: Can the rookies send me their office hours for next semester? Michelle: everyone should email him the winter schedules Daniel: do we still want to go with honoraria’s tomorrow? Michelle: no it’s not tomorrow

4.2 Swag Melissa: Everything needs to be in by Monday Chris: Dons don’t have lower price right? Melissa: dimple wants to know if we can do it again this year Chris: she wants to pay to our budget rather than check or cash- budget code Monika: it’s only fair because they are a part of Vanier community and they do a service to it Melissa: they did it last year Chris: I have no problem with that

Be it resolved that Vanier College Council charge Dons and Res council, council price of 20 dollars for Vanier swag combo: motioned by Chris, seconded by Daniel [9-0-1] Motion Carries

Daniel: for the people last year that didn’t get anything that signified they were on council last year, they wanted to know if we would accommodate them with swag Monika: they should be able to because its fair, with their names and position from last year, it would be nice to let them have Melissa- can we purchase 2 sweaters? I want my position from last year Monika: if she paid full price for the sweater shed have to pay extra for the broidery. If she covered the cost, I see no problem in doing it Andrew: with the embroidery, will they be able to do it? Is there a limit to characters? Melissa: I will ask, last year there was 2 lines Monika: it would be best to assume the max amount of people possible should be able to have it done [last year’s council sweaters]. I assume 7 or 8 max Daniel: council price or original? Melissa: original price

Be it resolved that Vanier College Council cover the cost of embroidery for last year’s council sweaters: motioned by Daniel, seconded by Monika [9-0-2] Motion Carries

Michelle: when can we expect them? Melissa: in January

5 Andrew: does anyone wants to be in charge of letting past council members know? Daniel: I will by email or facebook Ryan exits at 10:48 pm Melissa: we’ve sold like 40 sweaters not including any Vanier affiliates

4.3 Suit Up -waiting for monetary figures from each college

4.4 Frost Week Michelle: I have a budget that I am still working on -I might be a little over budget -was thinking we could possible dip into the social budget -it doesn’t look too far over budget, with revenue Chris: trampoline dodgeball took up a lot of the money but we wanted to do it later during the year Andrew: remove trampoline dodgeball from your budget and just use the social budget Michelle: it looks like my frost week sucks Ryan enters at 10:50 pm Chris: there is only 48 spots, if we want to charge money, what would be a reasonable amount? Monika: can we potentially make it free or 5 dollars if possible? Andrew: look at your numbers again because you will have a lot more money Michelle: For the charity ball Glendon people want us to think of something to raise money for, after or during the event to contribute Monika: I suggest a raffle prize, photo booth etc. Andrew: is the money going towards a charity or towards the event cost? Monika: says if we do a raffle before-hand or during it would go to Princess Margret hospital Monika: the reasoning behind it: it makes colleges more involved like a sponsor Andrew: the point of the charity ball is to raise money, so we should just raise money towards Princess Margaret Monika: people would be more inclined to come, more ticket sales, more money will go towards it Monika: Glendon is asking if every college can donate 250 dollars, so everyone can have access to the whole castle during cocktail hour Michelle: would people like that? Monika: they are looking into getting food carts, finger foods etc. You will not be hungry Michelle: I see no point in opening the castle, if people are already buying it, I don’t think it will make it that more intriguing Michelle: if one college backs out, we have to pay more or we all have to back out Safia: it’s worth more to put into the charity or an event ourselves, it sounds nice though

6 Kimaiyo: if all the colleges contribute, we don’t want to be the ones dropping the ball on opening the castle Michelle: please promote it as much as you can – it’s on January 17th 4.5 Social Sub-Committee Chris: it’s up, can everyone join it and promote it? Chris: if anyone asks about it, just let them know about it. Ask people if they want to join

4.6 Constitution Committee Michelle: met up last Thursday- re read the constitution -Rob needs to email everyone that he wants to read it Michelle: we need to think of changes we want to make -next Thursday at 6 possibly Monika: I don’t remember confirming that Andrew: if there are things you are changing, you need to have it done by mid- January. Monika: someone needs to let Dave know

4.7 Elections -nothing to report

4.8 Movember -nothing to report 4.9 Crashed Ice -almost half tickets are sold -keep promoting it -posted it in the Stong page, so tell your friends from other colleges -free bus to Niagara Falls

4.10 Athletics Honorarium Monika: it was on Monday. It went good -Michelle helped count Monika: it was done fairly and accurately in my opinion. There are the results before we motion: Eleni- 100 % Erin- 90% Marissa-70% Evon-75% Celita-100% Moin-85%

Eleni: it went fairly done, thoroughly discussed Eleni: when rob was chairing he said they wouldn’t get their amount cause they weren’t hired right away [in regards to new Athletic hires]

7 Monika: I think they should have got it because they were hired early enough. if it is within a reasonable time they should have gotten it Ryan: if they’re fine with it, why do we care? Monika: technically * is what I am saying. In terms of feedback, they should know too Michelle: we should add it in the constitution meeting because it’s not in it, since there is no procedural rule Andrew: essentially were doing them a favour. Since you were hired late, because you hadn’t done enough work to be judged on.. . Eleni: they both agreed that they were okay for full honorariums Andrew: keep in mind it’s under our discretion

Be it resoled that Eleni receive 100% of her honoraria for the fall term: motioned by Monika, seconded by Daniel [11-0-0] Motion Carries Be it resoled that Erin receive 90% of her honoraria for the fall term: motioned by Monika, seconded by Ariel [11-0-0] Motion Carries Be it resoled that Marissa receive 70% of her honoraria for the fall term: Motioned by Monika, seconded by Melissa [11-0-0] Motion Carries Be it resoled that Evon receive 75% of his honoraria for the fall term: motioned by Monika, seconded by Michelle [11-0-0] Motion Carries Be it resoled that Celita receive 100% of her honoraria for the fall term: motioned by Ryan, seconded by Rodney [11-0-0] Motion Carries Be it resoled that Moin receive 85% of his honoraria for the fall term: Motioned by Chris, seconded by Khaliq [10-0-1] Motion Carries

Monika: I will give Alex and Annalissa the amounts Alex: email to me and CC her

5.0 New Business: 5.0.1 Meeting Etiquette Monika: the meetings haven’t been the most productive; shutting down ideas, inside conversations, talking over each other, not fair to Brown, the speaker, the secretary or the first years. I know we want to have fun but ultimately the meetings, they need to be productive. Put up your hands please. For someone that is keeping the minutes for the meeting it’s hard for her to know. Daniel: were doing pretty good right now Monika: even side jokes, side conversations. in my opinion I thinks that’s not the way meetings should go Michelle: write down your reports. It makes it go a lot faster. If you forget anything tell Anna later Andrew: that goes with punctuality as well Rob: For honorariums next week, do new council members still vote? Daniel: you take the liberty of abstaining, ultimately it’s your choice Andrew: it would be a reasonable vote, since you were not there, but if you feel strongly about anything.. . Alex: no one will judge you

8 5.0.2 Bullying awareness Annalissa: Some people responded to the facebook post on bullying and they would like to do so some kind of bully awareness for next semester. Kathryn and Asmita are interested, and would like to know if anyone has any ideas. If you do, just let myself know and we can work on it over or after the break Kim: I would like to volunteer my services 6.0 Next Meeting: @ Tuesday, December 4 at 4pm-honorarias

7.0 Motion to Adjourn @ 11:22 pm: motioned by Daniel, seconded by Chris [11-0-0] Motion Carries


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