The Universe – The Secrets of the Sun

Follow along with the video and answer the questions. They are in order of appearance.

# Question Answer What 2 elements make up most of the Sun’s 1 mass?

2 What type of star is the Sun? If the Sun were made of wood and burned, how 3 long would it take to burn out? What is the process by which the Sun produces 4 energy (heat/light)? What are the particles called that bring heat and 5 light from the centre of the Sun to Earth? How long does it take light that leaves the Sun 6 to reach the Earth? What drives all outbursts of explosions on the 7 Sun? What evidence do scientists see on the Sun that 8 proves the existence of many magnetic field lines? What results when a high energy flare shoots 9 enough material back towards the Sun’s surface?

10 What is a CME?

11 What happened to Mars’ atmosphere?

What is the trigger for most solar magnetic 12 storms? What evidence do we see in the sky when the 13 solar magnetic storms break through our magnetic shield? How long did it take for the fastest coronal mass 14 ejection ever recorded (in 1859) to get to Earth?

15 What technology did it affect?

16 How long is the Sun’s sunspot cycle? (time)

17 In what year did the last solar maximum occur? What force causes the superheating of the 18 corona? How often does a solar eclipse occur on the 19 Earth? If you stayed in one place on Earth, how often 20 would a solar eclipse occur? 21 When will the Sun die? 22 What will the Sun expand to? 23 What will happen to Earth’s orbit? About what size will the Sun be once it has cast 24 off its outer shell?