Hfl-Sophomore English Daily Lessons (Metzler)

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Hfl-Sophomore English Daily Lessons (Metzler)


DAY 1 (abbreviated schedule :39)

•create nametags upon entry & during attendance (index cards/markers) •get to know you “machines”

HW: Read introductory letter and syllabus Syllabus signed by student & parent Need 2-pocket folder to keep in room by DAY 6

DAY 2 (abbreviated schedule :39)

• Collect signed syllabus upon entry • Answer questions re: syllabus – esp. late work policy • Metz Intro PowerPoint (bio, philosophies, procedures, etc.)

• Don’t forget Puzzle of Week (if time)

HW: List 5 class cheer ideas (20 points)

DAY 3 (first full day :53)

• Tie up any loose ends from intro (syllabus, puzzle, etc.) • Vote on class cheer ideas and select one (small group ideas on board) • Model regimen for each class: cheer, headline news, etc.

HW: Visit Metz website, figure out how to contact me & send me a 1- paragraph email telling me something interesting or important about yourself (if you can’t email, bring it in) DAY 4 (abbreviated schedule :39) (LCD projector needed)

• Puzzle of Week • Visit Metz’s Website to show navigation through class page, etc.

HW: In 1+-page double-spaced typed essay, respond to: “If everyone in politics, education, and corporate America keeps carrying on about ‘math and science, math and science, we need more math and science,’ what the HECK are we doing in English class studying writing and literature?”

DAY 5 (newsprint paper, markers, microscope)

• Review essays during attendance to prepare for discussion • Turn in essays (M to review for FCAs) • small group discuss responses to writing/lit question • group puts top 3 responses onto newsprint  share w/large group - metz record on board (bring out microscope prop) - discuss value of analysis, psychology/ethics, putting humans “under microscope” • What is fiction? – take responses • If it’s all made up, then why should we bother reading it? - literature transports us - reflective of ourselves, human beings, human condition – better than any other discipline at helping to answer “Who are we?” or better yet, “Who am I?” - And this is why we study CHARACTERS! – to get at human condition - escapist vs. “good” fiction (review genres at attached or link http://www.manuslit.com/old/Definitions.htm

HW: Read “Journal Journey” and write first entry: “Who’s the most interesting character (complicated/complex, maybe good + bad, hard to figure out, etc.) in all the stories you’ve read or films you’ve seen (not TV sit-coms)? Why is that character interesting?” DAY 6 (LCD projector or Monitor)

• Literary Elements PowerPoint presentation + handout

• Take out complex character piece - underline the most vivid/powerful word you used to describe this character - on new sheet of blank paper, write your name at top, name of character very large in middle, and descriptive word in parentheses underneath character’s name - Crumple up your character piece – snow ball for 30-sec - pick up snowballs – everyone has one to share from their snowball (no student names necessary) - gently return snowballs to their owner – flatten & save if you wish

“Those were some fascinating characters – some more complex than others – and our snowball fight was a conflict. Remember, that’s all you need to make a story: a character and a conflict.”

HW: Review Lit Elements Powerpoint handout & be prepared to apply it

DAY 7 (LCD projector or Monitor/DVD)

• Handout: West Wing Lit Analysis • preview characters and back-story • view program: “Two Cathedrals” & fill out handout

HW: Fill out WW handout more fully, and review for DAY 9 discussion

DAY 8 (abbreviated schedule :39) (handouts)

• Introduce regular pursuits: - read “Keeping a Portfolio” quietly while M returns first mini-essay, place in portfolio kept in room - “Daily Dose” – choose 3 you wish to focus on & write down on recording sheet - “Weekly Widgets” – could be every other week, etc. - Latin Roots: packet + Rules (probably won’t do the full-class points approach if we do a trial run and it’s too much – we may do a full- class teams review + quizzes that are cumulative – i.e. each subsequent quiz includes all previous roots/words)

***suggested Latin Roots option: each student puts a dash (-) to the left of the words they’d like to cover. Each day we’ll call on different student to “serve up” a root, its meaning, and examples. When each word is covered, students turn their dash into a plus (+) or place a plus where there was no mark. Once we’ve covered enough for a quiz (about 10), we’ll cover the ones with a +. Each quiz will cover the new words plus those previously covered. So, on a 10-question, 20-pt quiz, there will be ten words initially, but could be 50 or more late in the term.

• Handout “Deep Dive” and walk through it in class as model for “Loud Lines”

HW: Write down the most powerful “Loud Line” (and who said it) you’ve ever encountered in a work of literature, film, or TV drama (not comedy, horror or action), and do a “Deep Dive” ready to discuss and turn in.

We’ll do “Loud Line” activity after West Wing Analysis sharing

ALSO: Begin thinking about a book you’d select for independent reading on the side!!

DAY 9 (post-it notes)

• Write your Loud Line on a post-it note during attendance • Daily Dose & Latin Roots • Circle discussion group (no one looking at other’s back) for WW analysis • After WW discussion, some closure questions: - Is Josiah Barlett a complex character? Why? - Did you find a point of connection w/this fictional work? Explain. • Take your Loud Line post-it, place it on your chest, forehead or shoulder. Take your LL paper in hand and wander around the room

- find someone who’s line you find intriguing or powerful (mutually) and sit with them - discuss your loud lines & why you find them compelling. Prepare to share with large group

• Share “Deep Dive” & collect

HW for Day 11: Find a current news story related to politics. Write down what it illustrates about the “good” in politics and the “bad” in politics (can do +/- columns if you wish) – bring it in ready to discuss

ALSO, visit Metz web site and surf for Shakespeare background. Write down • 1 interesting thing about shakespeare’s life or work (serious) • 1 interesting thing about shakespeare’s life or work (fun/trivial) • 1 interesting thing about Julius Caesar (the man or the play)

DAY 10 NOTE: didn’t get to A&P!!!

• read “Reading Radar” during attendance • Daily Dose & Latin Roots • read aloud in class Updike’s “A&P” paying close attention to all we’ve addressed so far (Radar: lit elements, loud lines, etc.)/ Underline, write in margins, take notes as we go)

• circle up/full-class discussion of character, setting/symbolism, LLines, theme

*** Remember this short story as a model throughout the course for how to use your Reading Radar and to do a Deep Dive of Loud Lines***

HW: News story related to politics + Shakespeare stuff DUE tomorrow! DAY 11

• Daily Dose & Latin Roots • Round Robin sharing of each of the three Shakespeare/JC findings • Metz wrap w/ comparison of Globe Theater to Wrigley field

• shift to small group sharing of political stories - everyone shares in small group - group selects top 3 good/top 3 bad aspects of politics & puts on newsprint paper - group also selects one political story to share w/class as emblematic of some of these elements - share w/large group

• Sign out JC texts

** We’ll begin Julius Caesar next week, and we’ll continue to look for these aspects of politics, as well as other lit elements (esp. complex character)

HW for DAY 14: Read JC Intro (pp. vii-xxxii : Roman History, Author, Theater) & come with questions

DAY 12 (abbreviated schedule :39)

• Introduce Independent Reading Project & Field questions

We’ll begin browsing in library tomorrow! If you have a book you’d like from home, BRING IT TOMORROW.

DAY 13 (Library)

• Intro by librarians • Browse and read • Ind reading selections due by end of week HW: JC intro reading due tomorrow.

DAY 14 (Toga props – tie ‘em during attendance)

• field questions on background reading • round robin sharing thru rows of +/- aspects of politics (try to use one- word descriptors  e.g. greed, kindness, revenge)

• Metz suggest: Politics= People attempting Progress with Power

• Launch JC ACT I

HW: finish scene we’re in

DAY 15

• JC – finish ACT I

• demonstrate Proofreading Partner & Sentence Variety sheets

HW: On your Why English essay, tally up your sentence starts and word counts + practice proof marks on one (1) paragraph

***NOTE: If you didn’t type/double-space to begin with, you must do that now before you begin this exercise!!

DAY 16 (abbreviated schedule :39)

• Partner up to discuss what you discovered in the proofing exercise - pick one example to share w/ larger group - share

HW: Identify your best paragraph & write on the back of that page (or a new page) what elements make it good. If it’s lacking, write what would have made it better.

DAY 17 • Partner up to discover elements of good paragraph (write down two) • Share elements of good paragraph w/large group • Metz review writing process (brainstorm, outline……) - highlight outline to topic sentence to paragraph - SANDWICH MODEL

• JC begin ACT II

HW: Pick paragraph from essay and rewrite it to be a “good” paragraph based on today’s modeling – Plus, list those elements that you incorporated to make it a good paragraph.

DAY 18

• Share paragraphs & collect • JC – attempt to finish ACT II

HW: Finish ACT II

DAY 19

*** Guest speaker: HFL grad, sports magazine editor, fiction writer***

DAY 20 T

• Do JC Metaphor sheet while Metz hands back Returns • Any questions on ACT I study guide? • Review/Discuss Act II (summary + study guide) • Read aloud Act III, scene i (quiz next time) • Distribute K-W-L sheet for HW & begin filling it out (partners OK)

HW: complete K-W portion of Sheet (fill in “L” as we learn)

DAY 21 W 10/11

• quiz Act II & Act III, i • Act III HW: finish what we don’t get to in class & do Venn diagram/character exercise

DAY 22 F

• Review Act III (+ study guide) & do Venn diagram exercise • Launch Act IV

HW: finish Act IV (Come w/questions ‘cause we’ll have a quiz)

DAY 23 M

• Review Act IV study guide + other questions w/peers during attendance • Quiz: Act IV (review immediately) • Act V

DAY 24 T

• Finish JC • complete “Magic Squares” character sheet in class

HW: Writing Headlines sheet for DAY 26 (will display gallery style) - need to be in sequential order - after headline include Act and scene notation (e.g. III.ii) - Make them look like ripped headlines in scrapbook or like headlines on the front pages of a newspaper (fill in copy/text with jibberish or “xxxxxxxx” to fill space)

DAY 25 W

• Study Guide Act V • In class groups do “What if Brutus…?” exercise - each group assigned two (2) questions - select answer & justify with text support - share & collect (all members write all responses on their page, but only one will be collected to represent group) DAY 26 F

• Headlines Gallery (display & collect) • Any final Study Guide review questions? • JC test DAY 30

DAY 27 M

• View JC film

DAY 28 T

• View JC film

DAY 29 W

• View JC film • Discuss & test prep

DAY 30 F

**JC test**

HW: Read “Butterfly” and complete Character Analysis & Theme pages

DAY 31

• small group  large group discussion/analysis of “Butterfly

DAY 32-37

NOTE: Catch up for JC plans. Due to fire drills, students reading drama aloud, and other scheduling issues, JC took more time than initially planned. Pick up from Day 38 for updated notes. DAY 38 (abbreviated schedule) M

• JC Review session – Family Feud style (+5 bonus to winning team)

DAY 39

• JC test • When finished, begin brainstorming for JC essay - need to define heroism or goodness in your own terms - need to generate ideas for how both characters meet or do not meet your criteria

HW: brainstorm page due tomorrow (30 pts)

DAY 40

• Metz model process from brainstorm to outline

DAY 41 (computer cart)

• Metz grade outlines in class • students begin creating rough drafts (due Day 43)

DAY 42 (abbreviated schedule) M 11/20

• in class work on rough drafts

HW: Rough draft due tomorrow

DAY 43

• Peer edit rough drafts

HW: Final draft due on Wednesday (Day 46) *****Thanksgiving Break*********

DAY 44 (abbreviated schedule) M 11/

• Sign out Animal Farm texts • Handout AF study guide & Lit Notes pages • May begin reading AF  CH 1-2 for next Monday • Launch class-wide “Society” exercise  presentation due Friday (day 47)

HW: Create a full-page list with thoughts/ideas regarding what you’d need in the perfect society. Feel free to get into the details of the inner-workings, like laws, enforcement, building roads, etc.

DAY 45

• Workshop on Society exercise - Metz let them struggle with leadership, planning, etc. for half of the class - If intervention needed at half-way mark, suggest “divide & conquer” strategy for completing the presentation prep

HW: JC essay due next time

DAY 46

• Turn in final JC essay - cover page or 1st page with student ID#, class info, date, and engaging title - clean final draft - rough draft + peer edit sheet/notes for partner’s credit

• Workshop on Society exercise  class presents next time! DAY 47 Fri

• class presentation on Society - note struggles to find leadership, direction, division of labor, responsibility, ability, etc. as part of presentation process

HW: Read AF CH 1-2 for next time (Quiz) *If you miss an AF quiz, we won’t re-take them. Your next one will just count twice.

DAY 48 (abbreviated schedule) M

● Quiz on AF Ch 1&2 • Review & discuss • hand out Sentences packet (mark those sections you believe you have a good handle on)  I’m assuming the first page is complete review. Let me know if it is not.

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 3 & prepare notes

DAY 49

● Quiz on AF Ch 3 • What is a sentence? Subject – predicate (verb) • Preview Phrases/Clauses section - small groups present different types of phrases

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 4 & prepare notes

DAY 50

● Quiz on AF Ch 4 • Phrase/Clause worksheet (on own, then partners, then whole class) - use underlining technique for subject-verb identification

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 5 & prepare notes DAY 51 F

• hand back JC essays with portfolio cover sheet (students will have opportunity to re-write 1 page, showing improvements, after setting up conference w/metz outside of class – lunchtime?) ● Quiz on AF Ch 5 • Independent v. Dependent Clauses - Metz demo - Students practice  find examples in JC essay & write on clean page for tuesday

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 6 & prepare notes

DAY 52 (abbreviated schedule) M

● Quiz on AF Ch 6 • More Independent v. Dependent Clauses - Metz demo - Students practice  for next time, 2 independent clauses & 3 dependent clauses from JC essay (if can’t find, make up). Underline subjects/verbs appropriately – 20 pts.

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 7 & prepare notes PLUS clause i.d. page

DAY 53

• collect clause homework ● Quiz on AF Ch 7 or plot handout for CH 7 comparing Squealer’s “Spin” • Begin sentence structure models - Metz model - Practice individually on hand outs

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 8 & prepare notes **reserve computers for day 58***

DAY 54

● Quiz on AF Ch 8 • More sentence structure models - Share with partners to discuss - Share with whole class to identify questions

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 9 & prepare notes

DAY 55 F

● Quiz on AF Ch 9 • Fragment & Run-ons

HW: Read Animal Farm Chapter 10 & prepare notes for next Tuesday

NOTE: Monday will be “Grammar Rock Unplugged” teaming up to create sentences by positioning your bodies w/ signs in the right order

DAY 56 (abbreviated schedule) M 12/18

• “Grammar Rock Unplugged”  prep for sentence structure test on Friday (DAY 59)

HW: finish AF by next time  quiz on chapter 10, then discuss

DAY 57

● Quiz on AF Ch 10 • discuss parallels to in-class society exercise • assign 1 chapter to each student  become “expert” on chapter in prep for presentations after Winter Break

HW: look up Video News Release (VNR) using AF links on metz site (what is it? How does it function? +/-??) DAY 58 (computers needed) W 12/20

• Propaganda Surf  use AF links on metz site - Define - Types of propaganda - 1 Example of each (e.g. religious, political, etc., not incl. advertising w/detailed examples. Look at all the advertising examples, but no need to recreate these)

HW: Sentence structure test next time

DAY 59 F 12/22

• sentence structure test! • REMINDER: independent reading project due 1/8!

HW: AF stuff  propaganda poster project/bonus if VNR

***Winter Break***

DAY 61 T 1/2

• REMINDER: Propaganda Potpourri due Friday & ind reading due 1/8 • AF plot presentation workshop (students join group per CH assignment) - 1 chapter per newsprint page - Plot summary (bullets) - Visual to represent chapter - “loud lines” + pg # - Due next class

HW: Character Shields due beginning of next class (presentation matters colors? Neatness) DAY 62

• Display Shields gallery style (10-min) • Present AF chapters

HW: Propaganda Potpourri (any videos? Metz reserve projector or laptop)

DAY 63 F 1/5

• Propaganda Potpourri Gallery

HW: Independent Reading project due next time

DAY 64 (abbreviated schedule) M 1/8

• Independent Reading Gallery

HW: For DAY 67—JC Re-write - select 1 page from JC essay to re-write - include at least 1 complex sentence as topic sentence - highlight or boldface changes (should be significant) - attach new work to old essay (folded to page) - worth +10 points on essay

DAY 65 T 1/9

• Metz listening exercise: Why Women Will Take Over the World

HW: AF handouts and review + JC rewrite DAY 66 W 1/10

• sample listening exercise for midterm

HW: AF handouts and review + JC rewrite

DAY 67 F 1/12

• JC rewrite due!  collect • midterm prep

HW: AF handouts and review  test on day 69

DAY 68 T 1/16

• AF discussion and review

HW: AF test next time

DAY 69 W 1/17

• AF test • sign out 1984 w/ notes sheets - Keep in mind: In what way is our current culture like/not like that depicted in 1984?

HW: begin reading 1984

DAY 70 F 1/19

• Orwell bio reading or surf? • Quiet reading of 1984

HW: 1984 thru ______? DAY 71 (abbreviated schedule) M 1/22

• fill out midterm test sheets/scantrons ahead of time • preview test


*** Exams 1/23-26***

***** End 1st Semester ***** ***** Begin 2nd Semester *****

DAY 72 (abbreviated schedule) M

• Announce: kids to do puzzles of the week? • Launch 1984 (officially) • distribute vocab sheet (review all, check ones you know, rest as guide) • Dystopia Day!! (see handouts for role-playing)

HW: Chapter One + study guide (we’ll go through the first couple of chapters all together. After that, we’ll do small groups with lingering questions for whole class) **Be sure to write down a few Loud Lines from each chapter! It’s a long book, and you’ll need those notes!

Plus, do 1984 Preview questions handout  write on back of page provided

DAY 73 T

• Discuss 1984 Preview questions handout • Study Guide Ch. 1 • Pavlovian Lemonade demonstration  classical conditioning of humans! - much like Two Minutes Hate of Goldstein - Pavlov demonstrated that he could elicit a conditioned response from a naturally occurring (neutral) physiological response

HW: Part 1 (CH 2-8) by next Monday. Overnight, ask yourself to what extent you are free to act as you wish, or to what extent someone else can shape your behavior. DAY 74 W

• Skinner meets Big Brother!  Behavior Modification Day

• Skinner took the classical conditioning concepts of stimulus and response, and applied it to shaping behaviors

• He spoke of the ABCs of Behavior - Antecedent (certain conditions in which behavior is likely to occur) - Behavior (the actions themselves) - Consequences (the response – reward/punishment)

• Train student volunteer to “perform” using clapping (reward) • Squirt Gun (aversive) - say list of words aloud - on 1 selected word, student gets squirted until he won’t say it (if tough subject, demonstrate flinching behavior) - follow up with M&M rewards to see if appetitive is stronger than aversive consequence

• Behavior Modification handout (sampling in class or at home) - explain +/- reinforcement/punishment - walk thru grid (discuss misuse of “negative reinforcement”)

HW: for Monday, fill a page with the list of ways Big Brother is watching you at school, at home, in our society

DAY 75 computer carts F

• Big Brother meets Sniffy the Rat - groups compete to train Sniffy on computer - winning group +10 bonus, 2nd place +5, 3rd +3

HW: Part 1 (CH 2-8) + study guide for Monday. We’ll quiz on 1-8 on Tuesday. Plus, fill a page with the list of ways Big Brother is watching you at school, at home, in our society DAY 76 (abbreviated schedule) M

• Share “BB” lists verbally, then collect • small groups to review study guide 2-8 (tackle Winston Smith allusions  Churchill & “smith” as everyman or blacksmith  see Chestnut Tree p.66)

HW: Quiz CH 1-8 next time

DAY 77 T

• Quiz 1984: Part One  ch. 1-8 • Quiet reading when done  Part Two ch. 1-10 by next Monday - we’ll review study guide on Monday and Quiz on Tuesday - This is a tough section. Pace yourself and do study guide!

DAY 78 W

• Begin Daily Dose & Latin Roots again • Quiet Read + read at home

DAY 79 F

*** Because of snow day Tuesday & longer review, QUIZ 1 today!***

• Quiet Read + read at home

HW: Part 2 completed by Monday after Feb. Break!

DAY 80 M

• Begin Daily Dose & Latin Roots again • Quiet Read + read at home

HW: NO HOMEWORK NIGHT  Wellness Week Remember: Part 2 completed by Monday after Feb. Break! DAY 81 T

• DD & LR • Quiet Read + read at home

HW: Part 2 completed by Monday after Feb. Break!

DAY 82 W

• DD & LR • Julia characterization handout w/partners, then discuss • Quiet Read + read at home

HW: Part 2 completed by Monday after Feb. Break!

DAY 83 F

• DD & LR • Life Above Charrington’s Shop handout (groups of 3), then discuss • Quiet Read + read at home

HW: Part 2 completed by Monday after Feb. Break!

*** February Break*** DAY 84 M

• Assign groups to each of the ten chapters in Part 2 • Groups create posters to summarize each chapter - Give the chapter a title & explain why - Include a visual representation of chapter (a scene, metaphor, etc.) - Include two Loud Lines w/context and interpretation

** Utilize study guide for direction & ideas  we won’t walk thru study guide this time around!!

** Work time today and half of tomorrow

HW: Everyone fill out Winston-O’Brien Characterization chart for Wed (2 pts each for small boxes, 5 pts for big boxes = 35 total)

Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by next Friday

DAY 85 T

• DD & LR • Continue group work for half period • Begin presentations (ch 1-4)

HW: Everyone fill out Winston-O’Brien Characterization chart (2 pts each for small boxes, 5 pts for big boxes = 35 total)

Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by next Friday

DAY 86 W

• Collect characterization charts • Presentations (ch. 5-10) • Quiz tomorrow

HW: Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by next Friday DAY 87 F

• Quiz 1984: Part Two  ch. 1-10 • Quiet reading when done  Part 3 (1-6)

HW: Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by next Friday

DAY 88 M

• Groups assigned to Three Slogans handout (2 groups per slogan) • work today and 15 minutes tomorrow, then mini-presentations

HW: Reintegration Handout due Wednesday (5 pts per column =30)

Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by Friday

DAY 89 T

• group work for :15 • presentations  2 groups per slogan & compare new insights

HW: Reintegration Handout due Wednesday Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by Friday

DAY 90 W

• Pens & Pencils down to discuss reintegration chart - what do Learning, Understanding, Acceptance mean? - How does pain work in each stage? (physical, emotional) - How effective? - Are these techniques, or varying degrees of them, used in any ways that you’ve ever seen? (prisoner scenarios, group membership, forms of teaching)

• Collect charts

HW: Read Part 3 (ch 1-6) by Friday DAY 91 F

• Assign groups to each of the 6 chapters in Part 2 • Groups create posters to summarize each chapter - Give the chapter a title & explain why - Include a visual representation of chapter (a scene, metaphor, etc.) - Include two Loud Lines w/context and interpretation

** Utilize study guide for direction & ideas  we won’t walk thru study guide this time around!!

** We’ll present them Monday!!

HW: Assign Character analysis for Winston – Due Tues. Day 93

DAY 92 M

• Part 3 Chapter Presentations

HW: Assign Character analysis for Winston

DAY 93 T

• share character analyses in small groups (5 groups) - group picks consensus on metaphor, graph, loud lines, etc. - put on posters to present

HW: Big Brother Jeopardy tomorrow Everyone generate 3 question/answer strips (Metz to check for completion before game)

1984 Exam on Friday

DAY 94 W

• BB Jeopardy HW: 1984 Exam on Friday DAY 95 F

** 1984 Exam **

DAY 96 M 3/19

• distribute 1984-Truman Show Essay Assignment • distribute Truman Show Notes packet • Begin viewing Truman Show

HW: assemble all sentence structure/paragraph/proofreading handouts to review for next essay

Bonus assignment drawing comparisons between current US culture and 1984 Due Friday

DAY 97 T

• view Truman Show

HW: review all sentence structure/paragraph/proofreading handouts

Bonus assignment drawing comparisons between current US culture and 1984 Due Friday

DAY 98 W

• view Truman Show

HW: review all sentence structure/paragraph/proofreading handouts

Bonus assignment drawing comparisons between current US culture and 1984 Due Friday DAY 99 F • collect 1984 Bonus assignments upon entry • review notes & field questions on Truman Show • independent work on brainstorm and outline (Due Monday)

HW: brainstorm due Monday – outline will be due Tuesday

DAY 100 M 3/26

• Collect brainstorm upon entry • Island Exercise to launch Lord of the Flies • Record and return brainstorms at end of class

HW: Outline due next time (day 99)

DAY 101 T

• collect outlines & sign out LOF texts upon entry (study guides?) • Note 1954 copyright (similar historical context to 1984 in terms of WW II and Cold War) • quiet read LOF • record and return outlines at end of class

HW: Rough draft due Friday Day

DAY 102 W • questions/issues on first encounter with text? • quiet or out loud reading of LOF?

HW: Rough draft due Friday Day 103 Final essay due Monday Day 104

DAY 103 F

• check in rough drafts (remind of student # vs. name) • peer edit session (proofing, sentence structure, rubric, etc)

HW: Final essay due Monday Day 104 (staple clean rubric to back) DAY 104 M 4/2

• Collect essays upon entry (staple clean rubric to back) • Quiet read LOF

DAY 105 T

• Launch “Controlling the Past” 1984 Interview project - utilize opportunity over spring break, if available, for interview • Quiet read LOF

HW: Paragraph – Whom would you interview and why? List of questions you’d ask (don’t shy away from the tough questions… remember: “When an old person dies, a library burns to the ground”)

DAY 106 W

• Round Robin sharing of interviewees and why • Mrs. Osur librarian visit to explain audio/video capabilities

HW: Finish LOF thru CH ______?

*****Spring Break*****

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