1. What/Who Ruled France from 1795-1799?

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1. What/Who Ruled France from 1795-1799?

1. What/who ruled France from 1795-1799?

A. Napoleon B. Three Consuls C. Louis XVIII D. The Directory

2. What is a “Concordat”?

A. A military alliance between France and Russia B. The leader of Prussia C. An agreement with the Pope D. The name for the process whereby Prussia gained more land in the 19th century

3. Why was the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) so important?

A. It meant that France had finally lost the war B. It meant that France would easily invade and defeat Russia C. It meant that Napoleon would not be able to invade England D. It meant that Napoleon would have to be exiled to St. Helena

4. Napoleon replaced the Holy Roman Empire with what?

A. Germany B. Confederation of the Rhine C. Prussia D. The Republic of Skippy

5. The Continental System was aimed at ruining the economy of what country?

A. England B. France C. Russia D. Austria

6. Which document said that any ships that docked in England could be confiscated?

A. Berlin Decree B. Milan Decree C. Concordat D. Treaty of Pressburg 7. The Peninsular War begins when which country refuses to participate in the Continental System?

A. Poland B. Sweden C. Portugal D. Russia

8. What is the goal of guerilla warfare?

A. Use hit and run tactics B. Avoid large confrontations C. Spread out the length of a conflict D. All of the above

9. Who was the Czar of Russia in 1812?

A. Nicholas I B. Alexander I C. Rasputin D. Peter the Great

10. Napoleon invade Russia with approximately how many troops?

A. 321,000 B. 572,000 C. 691,000 D. 1,000,000

11. In a scorched-earth policy, one may destroy which of the following?

A. Crops B. Livestock C. Transportation systems D. All of the Above

12. How of Napoleon’s troops returned to France after invading Russia?

A. 12,000 B. 22,000 C. 500,000 D. 788,000

2 13. What battle took place October 13th-16th, 1813?

A. Waterloo B. Trafalgar C. Battle of Nations D. Invasion of Egypt

14. Leipzig is in what modern-day country?

A. Sweden B. France C. England D. Germany

15. Who ruled after Napoleon was sent to Elba?

A. The Directory B. Louis XVIII C. Napoleon’s brother D. Marie de Medici

16. Which battle was Napoleon’s final defeat?

A. Waterloo B. Trafalgar C. Battle of Nations D. Invasion of Egypt

17. Waterloo is in which modern-day country?

A. France B. England C. Norway D. Belgium

18. Where did Napoleon die in 1821?

A. Elba B. United States C. St. Helena D. France

3 19. Where is Napoleon’s body today?

A. Elba B. United States C. St. Helena D. France

20. Who represented Austria at the Congress of Vienna?

A. Hardenberg B. Metternich C. Talleyrand-Perigord D. Castlereagh

21. Who represented Prussia at the Congress of Vienna?

A. Hardenberg B. Metternich C. Talleyrand-Perigord D. Castlereagh

22. Who represented England at the Congress of Vienna?

A. Hardenberg B. Metternich C. Talleyrand-Perigord D. Castlereagh

23. The Congress of Vienna concluded in what year?

A. 1805 B. 1815 C. 1821 D. 1837

24. Which leader at the Congress of Vienna suggested the Holy Alliance?

A. Hardenberg B. Castlereagh C. Alexander I D. Metternich

4 25. How many countries joined the Holy Alliance?

A. 0 B. 3 C. 6 D. 9

26. When was cotton first brought to England?

A. 16th century (1500’s) B. 17th century (1600’s) C. 18th century (1700’s) D. 19th century (1800’s)

27. Who created the Flying Shuttle?

A. James Hargreaves B. John Kay C. Robert Fulton D. Samuel Crompton

28. What did James Hargreaves invent?

A. Cotton Gin B. Water Frame C. Spinning Mule D. Spinning Jenny

29. What could the Spinning Mule do?

A. Spin 8-30 threads at once B. Produce wider cloth C. Produce soft but strong yarn D. Put a Mule on a merry-go-round and spin it

30. Who first coined the term “Capitalism”?

A. Castlereagh B. Marx C. Engel D. Metternich

5 31. According to Marx and Engel, what is the correct order of society?

A. Communism, Socialism, Capitalism B. Socialism, Capitalism, Communism C. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism D. Capitalism, Communism, Socialism

32. According to Marx and Engel, who would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie?

A. Bourgeoisie B. Proletariat C. Dictators D. No one

33. According to Marx and Engel, what would eventually happen to capitalism?

A. It would succeed and last forever B. Have a brief revolution, but stay in power C. Would be overthrown D. These guys never said anything about capitalism!

34. In capitalism, is there a limit on how rich someone can become?

A. Yes B. No

35. In Communism, after a brief dictatorship, how was the economy supposed to be operated?

A. There would be no need for an economy B. Would only produce goods for profit C. Would only produce goods for what the people needed D. Would no longer need any type of currency

36. What country/countries sent troops to help end the Boxer Rebellion?

A. Great Britain B. Russia C. United States D. All of the above

6 37. Why did the Opium War begin?

E. China invaded Great Britain F. Great Britain was bored G. France and England engaged in a naval battle off the coast of Spain D. China tried to interrupt Great Britain’s selling of Opium to China

38. Which of the following countries did not participate in the Second Opium War?

A. China B. Spain C. France D. Great Britain

39. What country introduced the Open Door Policy for China?

A. Great Britain B. France C. U.S. D. Spain

40. In what Chinese city the Boxer Rebellion begin?

A. Hong Kong B. Kowloon C. Beijing D. Nanking

41. What did King Leopold II control in Africa?

A. Zimbabwe B. Tanzania C. Congo Basin D. Cape Town

42. Which of the following was not true?

A. Great Britain claimed land from Egypt to South Africa B. France occupied a lot of west Africa C. Portuguese occupied Angola and Mozambique D. Germany occupied Zaire

7 43. Who wrote “The White Man’s Burden”?

A. Emily Dickinson B. Rudyard Kipling C. Walt Whitman D. Edgar Allen Poe

44. What was the main idea of “The White Man’s Burden”?

A. To say that imperialism was wrong B. To justify imperialism C. To explain the history of the Scramble for Africa D. None of the above

45. Leopold II was the king of what country?

A. England B. Germany C. Belgium D. Norway

46. Which event did not take place in the 1890’s?

A. Russo-Japanese War B. Spanish-American War C. “White Man’s Burden” is published D. Open Door policy is introduced to China 47. Which event did not take place in the 1800’s?

A. Otto von Bismarck becomes first Chancellor of Germany B. Wilhelm I becomes first Kaiser of Germany C. Germany is created D. First Dreadnought is created

48. Did the Boxers succeed in the Boxer Rebellion?

A. Yes B. No

8 49. Which of the following was not a result after the Boxer Rebellion?

A. Boxers are defeated B. Some Chinese officials are executed C. China has to pay reparations D. China invades Japan

50. What is the best way to describe the Boxer Rebellion?

A. Anti-Communist B. Anti-China C. Anti-Government D. Anti-Foreigner

51. Which of the following did the United States not gain from Spain during the Spanish American War?

A. Hawaii B. Puerto Rico C. Philippines D. Guam

52. Where did the February Revolution of 1848 take place?

A. Great Britain B. France C. Sweden D. Spain

53. Who was the Austrian Foreign Minister that fled during the 1848 Revolutions?

A. Louis Kossuth B. Louis-Philippe C. Klemens von Metternich D. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

54. Who was offered the German crown at the Frankfurt Assembly?

A. Otto von Bismarck B. Wilhelm I C. Frederick William IV D. Giuseppe Mazzini

9 55. Which of the following was true after the Revolutions of 1848?

A. German states remained divided B. Italy did not gain independence C. France is ruled by an emperor D. All of the above

56. What is it called when trade is stopped through political or military means?

A. Dominion B. Extraterritoriality C. Embargo D. Mandate

57. What is it called when there is a penalty for breaking international laws or codes?

A. Mandate B. Sanction C. Extraterritoriality D. Protectorate

58. In the 1860’s-1870’s, which of the following did Prussia not fight?

A. Denmark B. Sweden C. Austria D. France

59. What was the title given to the German emperor?

A. Tsar B. Dictator C. President D. Kaiser

60. Who was the first German emperor?

A. Otto von Bismarck B. Frederick Wilhelm I C. Wilhelm I D. Frederick the Great

10 61. What does “Risorgimento” mean?

A. Resurgence B. Revival C. Rebirth D. Re-live

62. Who founded Young Italy in 1831?

A. Giuseppe Garibaldi B. The Pope C. Giuseppe Mazzini D. Mr. Rosato

63. Who was the leader of the “Red Shirts” and led the fight for Sicily?

A. Giuseppe Garibaldi B. The Pope C. Giuseppe Mazzini D. Mr. Robbins

64. Besides Liberia, what other country remained untouched during the Scramble for Africa?

A. Kenya B. Ethiopia C. Zaire D. South Africa

65. Which of the following is an example of extraterritoriality?

A. Great Britain invades China B. British citizens living in China were subject to British laws C. Great Britain trades with China D. Great Britain and U.S. sign a peace treaty

66. What did the Berlin Conference of 1884 decide about imperialism in Africa?

A. A country must add economic development to any land it occupies B. A country must bring religion to any country it occupies C. No rules or regulations for imperialism D. Imperialism is to be banned

11 67. Which of the following was not a cause of World War I?

A. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated B. France and England were competing against Germany in Africa C. France won the 1871 Franco-Prusso War D. Germany and England were building up their navies (Dreadnoughts)

68. What country had the Schlieffen plan?

A. England B. France C. Russia D. Germany

69. The Schlieffen plan was intended to defeat ______first, then ______

A. Germany, France B. France, Russia C. Russia, Germany D. Ottoman Empire, France

70. Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. What terrorist group was Princip a member of?

A. Black September B. Black Friday C. Black Hand D. Al-Qaeda

71. Which of the following countries was not a member of the Central Powers?

A. Russia B. Germany C. Austria-Hungary D. Ottoman Empire

72. What is a stalemate?

A. A secret German weapon B. When no one is able to win in war (a draw) C. When one side easily wins in war D. None of the above

12 73. What year did World War I begin?

A. 1914 B. 1915 C. 1916 D. 1917

74. Who lost the Battle of Tannenberg?

A. France B. Germany C. England D. Russia

75. Did the Schlieffen plan succeed?

A. Yes B. No

76. What was the problem when the Germans used tear gas in Russia in 1915?

A. Russians had elaborate gas masks B. The tear gas actually froze C. There was not enough of it D. The Russians were already in tears due to Nick Lachey’s awful music

77. What poison gas smelled like moldy hay and was created by France?

A. Mustard gas B. Chlorine gas C. Phosgene gas D. Cyanide

78. The Christmas Truce took place in No-Man’s Land in what year?

A. 1914 B. 1915 C. 1916 D. 1917

79. The Dardenelles ultimately connected what two waterways?

A. Black Sea and Baltic Seas B. Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea C. Black Sea and North Sea

13 D. Black Sea and Arctic Sea 80. In 1915, who controlled Gallipoli?

A. France B. England C. Russia D. Ottoman Empire

81. Verdun was a fortress-town in what country?

A. England B. Germany C. France D. Belgium

82. What was the longest single battle of World War I?

A. Battle of the Marne B. Battle of Verdun C. Battle of the Somme D. Battle of Tannenberg

83. At what battle did the tank first appear?

A. Battle of the Marne B. Battle of Verdun C. Battle of the Somme D. Battle of Tannenberg

84. The Battle of Jutland was an indecisive naval battle between what two countries?

A. England and the Ottoman Empire B. France and Germany C. Russia and Austria-Hungary D. Germany and England

85. Who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide?

A. France B. Germany C. Ottoman Empire D. Austria-Hungary

14 86. The Zimmerman Telegram discussed a military alliance between what two countries?

A. Ottoman Empire and Japan B. Mexico and France C. Germany and Mexico D. Mexico and Russia

87. The Zimmerman Telegram was an intercepted and coded message. What country intercepted it and showed it to the United States?

A. Mexico B. Germany C. France D. England

88. What country finally entered World War I April 6th, 1917?

A. Mexico B. U.S. C. Canada D. Bulgaria

89. Lawrence of Arabia (T.E. Lawrence) worked in military intelligence for what country?

A. France B. U.S. C. Germany D. England

90. Mesopotamia is what modern-day country?

A. Israel B. Iraq C. Egypt D. Afghanistan

91. What was Lawrence of Arabia’s key role in World War I?

A. Bombing Germany from his fighter plane B. Leading Arab revolts within the Ottoman Empire C. Sinking German ships in the Atlantic Ocean D. Commanding a tank division at the Battle of the Somme

15 92. Who was the last Tsar of Russia?

A. Nicholas II B. Alexander IV C. Ivan IV D. Peter I

93. Who led the provisional government of Russia after the Tsar abdicated?

A. Lenin B. Alexander Kerensky C. Stalin D. Wilhelm II

94. What country sent Lenin into Russia on a train in 1917?

A. France B. England C. Germany D. Bulgaria

95. What was the name of the Revolution that brought the Communists into power in Russia in 1917?

A. Easter Revolution B. Velvet Revolution C. Bolshevik Revolution D. Winter Revolution

96. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk took which country permanently out of World War I?

A. Russia B. Germany C. Switzerland D. Belgium

97. Which of the events took place first?

A. Nicholas II becomes Tsar B. Duma created C. World War I began D. Lenin leads the October Revolution

16 98. Which of the following events did not happen within a year or two of 1905?

A. Russia loses the Russo-Japanese War B. Nicholas II allows a Constitution to be written C. Duma created D. Rasputin murdered

99. Who was the man that became Prime Minister and was in charge of organizing military trials for suspected terrorists (assassinated in 1911)?

A. Nicholas II B. Joseph Stalin C. Petr Stolypin D. Nikita Khrushchev

100. Which of the following was not a result of Russia’s participation in World War I?

A. Food shortages B. 5 million Russians killed C. Inflation D. Victory over the Central Powers

101. What was the Duma?

A. Russia’s Dictator from 1879-1902 B. Russia’s Parliament C. Russia’s peasants D. Russia’s working class

17 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. C 41. C 42. D 43. B 44. B

18 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. D 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. D 56. C 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. C 61. A 62. C 63. A 64. B 65. B 66. A 67. C 68. D 69. B 70. C 71. A 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. B 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. B 80. D 81. C 82. B 83. C 84. D 85. C 86. C 87. D 88. B 89. D 90. B

19 91. B 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. C 96. A 97. A 98. D 99. C 100. D 101. B


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