Model European Parliament s1

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Model European Parliament s1

Model European Parliament

Baltic Sea Region

Tartu, Estonia, 2014

Honourable delegates to be, presidency, teachers, directors and distinguished guests, Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

It is my utmost pleasure to invite you all to the lovely city of good thoughts – Tartu. As it is the biggest university-city in Estonia, you will be constantly surrounded by lively and eager students, who like you, are yearning for new knowledge on a daily basis, for experience and solutions to the most pressing political issues of our time. The environment is set and the city of good thoughts is waiting.

Having experienced an international session of MEP in Norwich as a delegate and in Vilnius as a Committee President, as well as being aware of the hard work the organisers have done during the previous months, I can assure Tartu will offer unforgettable memories to each and every one who is part of the MEP BSR session. There are countless people tinkering at every bit of the event to make your stay as pleasant as possible. For the event to be successful to the maximum extent and enjoyable for all of you, we kindly ask you to be well prepared regarding your topics.

Soon already we all shall gather to exchange thoughts, exercise our persuasion techniques and healthily compete at being the best. But one should not only perceive the upcoming week as full of hard work and sleepless nights. Rather it is an opportunity to discover a whole new country and city, enjoy the promising spring among friends from all around the Baltic Sea and even further.

Yours sincerely,

Kätliin Lember, President of the General Assembly

2 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

MEP Session in Tartu, Estonia March 22 - 27, 2014 Program:

Saturday March 22

Arrival of delegates and teachers/directors

20.00 Pizza for delegates at hostel lobby Hotel Tartu

20.30 Dinner for teachers/directors at hotel lobby Hotel Pallas, Tartu

Sunday March 23

08.00-09.30 Breakfast at hotel cafeteria for delegates

10.30 Opening Ceremony at the Main Hall of University of Tartu (Ülikooli 18, Tartu)

Speakers:  Mr. Dan Gustafsson, Chairman of MEP BSR Board  An Estonian politician (TBA)  Mr. Mihkel Veski, Head Organizer of the MEP BSR Tartu-session  Heads of Delegations

12.30 Lunch at DuNord Gaudeamus, W. Struwe 1, Tartu

13.30-17.30 Committee meetings Locations: Lossi 36-306 - Committee on Foreign Affairs Lossi 36-305 - Committee on Regional Development Lossi 36-304 - Committee on Industry Research and Energy Lossi 36-307 - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Lossi 36-104 - Committee on Culture and Education Lossi 36-420 - Committee on Constitutional Affairs

18.00 Dinner at DuNord Gaudeamus

19.30 Evening free

3 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Monday March 24

07.00-09.00 Breakfast at hotel cafeteria for delegates

10.00-13.00 Committee meetings Locations: Ülikooli 18-226 - Committee on Foreign Affairs Lossi 3-224 - Committee on Regional Development Jakobi 2-114 - Committee on Industry Research and Energy Ülikooli 18-22 - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Jakobi 2-336 - Committee on Culture and Education Lossi 36-420 - Committee on Constitutional Affairs

11.00 Visit to Planetarium for teachers/directors

13.00 Lunch at DuNord Gaudeamus

14.00-17.00 Committee meetings continued

17.00 Resolutions to be handed in at 14.00/Correction Panel/Printing

18.30 Dinner at DuNord Gaudeamus

20.00 Lasertag for delegates at Megazone (Tasku Shopping Centre, Turu 2, Tartu)

Tuesday March 25

07.00-10.00 Breakfast at hotel cafeteria for delegates

10.00 National Delegation meetings and lobbying at Estonian Students’ Society (Tõnissoni 1, Tartu)

13.30 Lunch at the Newton café in Science Centre AHHAA

14.30 Visit to Science Centre AHHAA, Visit to the KGB cells museum,

16.00 MEP BSR Board meeting for teachers/directors

19.00 Deadline for handing in amendments

19.30 Dinner at DuNord Gaudeamus

4 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Wednesday March 26

07.00-08.30 Breakfast at hotel cafeteria for delegates

09.00 Delegates/teachers/directors in front of White Hall of University of Tartu (Lossi 25, Tartu)

09.30 General Assembly Three resolutions in the morning (Small coffee breaks in between)

13.00 Lunch at DNG

14.00 General Assembly continued Three resolutions in the afternoon (Small coffee breaks in between)

17.00 Closing Ceremony

Speakers:  Mr. Karl Kull, President of the International MEP Tallinn 2011  Mr. Mihkel Veski, Head Organizer of the MEP BSR Tartu-session  Ms. Kätliin Lember, President of the General Assembly  Ms. Nina Nørgaard, Administrative Coordinator of MEP BSR

19.30 Farewell party with dinner at corp! Sakala (Veski 69, Tartu)

Thursday March 27

Departure all delegations

5 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Issues MEP BSR Tartu March 22 – 27, 2014

I Committee on Foreign Affairs / CP Louis Philipp Lukas

The question of external relations in the EU -Following the enlargement of the EU, Eastern partnerships with neighbouring countries have been established, e.g. with Georgia and Moldova but not with Ukraine. What strategies should the EU adopt to make these partnerships/negotiations more rewarding? economic/print

II Committee on Regional Development / CP Hanna Bergwall The question of smart cities - Cities in the Baltic Sea Region are becoming increasingly important to the development in the region. How can they be developed from “pockets of smartness” to becoming genuinely smart?

III Committee on Industry Research and Energy / CP Håvard Lystrup

The question of energy efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region - The region is to a certain extent depending on energy resources from its strong neighbour Russia. In what ways can the region safeguard energy security and work for greater independence e.g. by diversification of energy supplies?

6 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

IV Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs / CP Mirjam-Kim Rääbis The question of immigration and multi-ethnic societies - What should the EU do to take responsibility for integration within the member states? To what extent should the states accept cultural diversity when it conflicts with national cultural practices?

“Who are we – Or the crisis of ethno-cultural identity” (Mazur p.52)

V Committee on Culture and Education / CP Jens Jacob Aabel Nordkvist The question of educating young people to meet labour market demands - Some young people are not suited satisfactorily for the jobs needed at present. In what ways might education policies be changed to help reverse and create a workforce better skilled for the future in a globalised world?

VI Committee on Constitutional Affairs / CP Zuzanna Kwiatkowska

The question of how to bring the citizens of Europe closer to each other and the EU –In times of crisis many European citizens seem to lose interest in the EU and focus more narrowly on national matters which might be a cause for concern when it comes to further integration. In what ways can this lack of interest be addressed?

7 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014


Belgium (accompanying teacher: Paul van Turenhout)

Louise Buelens [email protected] Johannes Lips [email protected] Niels Brion [email protected] Mitchell Stam [email protected] Tine Hannes [email protected]

Denmark (accompanying teacher: Steffen Knudsen) Amanda Wessman Eir [email protected] Caroline Haagerup Bang [email protected] Victor H. B. Christoffersen [email protected] Olivia Nørgaard Nedergaard [email protected] Olivia Kubasiak Kløvedal Reich [email protected] Sarah Pihl Petersen [email protected] Amanda L. Nygaard Frisk [email protected] Marcela Silvia Garro Freyre Pina [email protected] Christine Alsing Schuldt [email protected] Mathies Duch Gronemann [email protected] Jeppe Høstgaard Poulsen [email protected] Rasmus Pilegaard Petersen [email protected]

Estonia (accompanying person: Mihkel Veski)

Elisabeth Niido [email protected] Maria Johanna Kull [email protected] Liisa Lotta Tomp [email protected] Isabel Jezierska [email protected] Marten Martinson [email protected] Markus Kuslap [email protected] Marta-Liisa Talvet [email protected] Felix Visser [email protected] Oliver Issak [email protected] Paul Kristjan Kalda [email protected] Tuuli Helind [email protected] Doris Abe [email protected] Anni-Teele Värav [email protected] Linda-Riin Võeras [email protected] Karl Kreevald [email protected] Finland (accompanying teacher: Markus Ahlfors)

8 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Heidi Kråkström [email protected] Zacharias Qvist [email protected] Nina Alen [email protected] Viivi Nuuttila [email protected] Irene Lindqvist [email protected] Nea Harjanne [email protected] Maria Aalto [email protected]

Germany (accompanying teacher: Steffi Kruschel)

Marie Wollnik [email protected] Michael Sonntag [email protected] Juliane Friedrich [email protected] Philipp Pauli [email protected] Saskia Wubbernitz [email protected] Christopher Müllner [email protected] Jan Friedrich Hellmuth [email protected] Paulina Kintzinger [email protected]

Norway (accompanying teacher: Kathleen Hammervold)

Sunniva Sol Rolset Stanens [email protected] Paul Ingar Wilhelm Jevanord Krohn [email protected] Astrid Ytre-Eide [email protected] Martine Therese Bjørneboe Øhra [email protected] Luna Amlan [email protected]

Poland (accompanying person: Zuzanna Kwiatkowska)

Marta Lidia Sudo [email protected] Jakub Cichuta [email protected] Witold Kopczynski [email protected] Anna Szczepanska [email protected]

Sweden (accompanying teacher: Dan Gustafsson)

Leopold Henriksson [email protected] 9 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Wilhelm Sondén [email protected] Veronica Ågren [email protected] Klara Zellman [email protected] Otto Pagels-Fick [email protected] Fanny Olsson [email protected] Andrea Mattson [email protected] Tilda Jalakas [email protected] Edwin von Krusenstjerna [email protected]


Head Organizer Mihkel Veski [email protected]

Co-organizer Ursula Jõers [email protected]

Co-organizer Hans Lindemann [email protected]

Administrative Coordinator Nina Nørgaard [email protected]

10 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Presidents of the General Assembly

GA President Kätliin Lember

GA Vice-President Oliver Grauberg

Committee Presidents

Committee on Foreign Affairs

CP – Louis Philipp Lukas

Committee on Regional Development

CP – Hanna Bergwall

Committee on Industry Research and Energy

CP – Håvard Lystrup

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

CP – Mirjam-Kim Rääbis

Committee on Culture and Education

CP – Jens Jacob Aabel Nordkvist

Committee on Constitutional Affairs

CP – Zuzanna Kwiatkowska

11 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Participating schools:


Dr. Nassaucollege

Kardinaal van Roey-instituut



Sint-Jozefcollege Aarschot


Gefion Gymnasium

Rysensteen Gymnasium

Sankt Annæ Gymnasium

Svendborg Gymnasium

Viborg Gymnasium og HF


Gustav Adolf Grammar School

Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasium

Miina Härma Gümnaasium

Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium

Rocca al Mare Kool

Tartu Jaan Poska Gümnaasium

12 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014


Gymnasiet Grankulla samskola

Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu

Kauniaisten lukio


Anton Philipp Reclam Gymnasium

Christianeum Hamburg

Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium Bonn

Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium Bremen

Hilda-Gymnasium Koblenz

Kaiser-Wilhelm-und Ratsgymnasium

Katharinen-Gymnasium Ingolstadt

Leibnizschule Wiesbaden


Nesbru Videregående Skole


ZS UMK Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickie


Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium Djursholm

Viktor Rydbergs Samskola

13 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

I Committee on Foreign Affairs

Committee President: Louis Philip Lukas, Germany


Victor H. B. Christoffersen Denmark Mathies Duch Gronemann Denmark Maria Johanna Kull Estonia Marta-Liisa Talvet Estonia Felix Visser Estonia Irene Lindqvist Finland Juliane Friedrich Germany Mitchell Stam Netherlands Sunniva Sol Rolset Stanens Norway Jakub Cichuta Poland Otto Pagels-Fick Sweden

II Committee on Regional Development

Committee President: Hanna Bergwall, Sweden


Olivia Kubasiak Kløvedal Reich Denmark Karl Kreevald Estonia Liisa Lotta Tomp Estonia Marie Wollnik Germany Michael Sonntag Germany Luna Amlan Norway Anna Szczepanska Poland Fanny Olsson Sweden Edwin von Krusenstjerna Sweden

14 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

III Committee on Industry Research and Energy

Committee President: Håvard Lystrup, Norway


Johannes Lips Belgium Christine Alsing Schuldt Denmark Jeppe Høstgaard Poulsen Denmark Rasmus Pilegaard Petersen Denmark Doris Abe Estonia Markus Kuslap Estonia Anni-Teele Värav Estonia Zacharias Qvist Finland Philipp Pauli Germany Andrea Mattson Sweden

IV Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Committee President: Mirjan-Kim Rääbis, Estonia


Louise Buelens Belgium Amanda Wessman Eir Denmark Sarah Pihl Petersen Denmark Tuuli Helind Estonia Elisabeth Niido Estonia Nina Alen Finland Heidi Kråkström Finland Christopher Müllner Germany Saskia Wubbernitz Germany Astrid Ytre-Eide Norway Witold Kopczynski Poland Tilda Jalakas Sweden Wilhelm Sondén Sweden

15 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

V Committee on Culture and Education

Committee President: Jens Jacob Aabel Nordkvist, Sweden


Niels Brion Belgium Caroline Haagerup Bang Denmark Marcela Silvia Garro Freyre Pina Denmark Marten Martinson Estonia Oliver Issak Estonia Linda-Riin Võeras Estonia Viivi Nuuttila Finland Maria Aalto Finland Jan Friedrich Hellmuth Germany Martine Therese Bjørneboe Øhra Norway Veronica Ågren Sweden Klara Zellman Sweden

VI Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Committee President: Zuzanna Kwiatkowska, Poland


Tine Hannes Belgium Olivia Nørgaard Nedergaard Denmark Amanda L. Nygaard Frisk Denmark Isabel Jezierska Estonia Paul Kalda Estonia Nea Harjanne Finland Paulina Kintzinger Germany Paul Ingar Wilhelm Jevanord Krohn Norway Marta Lidia Sudo Poland Leopold Henriksson Sweden

16 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

The Model European Parliament (MEP) concept and methodology

The Model European Parliament program is a leadership program for youth in the 28 EU countries, set up in 1994 with a secretariat in The Hague, NL. The aim of the program is to educate young people at high school level about European integration and cooperation, and to develop their understanding of common issues as well as provide them with knowledge about EU’s institutions. The program develops political awareness and an understanding for Europe’s cultural diversity.

The MEP program is successfully expanding into regional organizations in several parts of Europe. In 2004 a regional organization was set up in the Baltic Sea Region by schools/institutions in Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and DK, and at present we have been joined by schools/institutions in Estonia, Latvia, Kaliningrad, Russia, Poland, Germany, Iceland and Norway as well. The program is a training ground for future leaders and politicians as well as for talented students who share an interest in European issues.

The vision of the MEP Baltic Sea Organization is:

- Build relationships between youth in the Baltic Sea Region - Penetrate common Baltic Sea and Nordic issues - Give insight into each individual’s potential to affect society’s development - Focus on trade, industry, politics and culture and social affairs - Give insight into modern democracy and the parliamentary system, using the European Parliament as an example - Develop debating skills in large international forums The working language during the MEP is English. 10 students are chosen to represent each member country, and together they comprise a delegation. Each delegate represents his/her native country in a committee, which discusses international issues, and each committee has a specified subject to discuss. The common goal is to write a resolution that they can support and defend in the General Assembly (the youth parliament).

The MEP program is also a cultural and social event, which gives the participants the opportunity to experience the diversity of the countries around the Baltic Sea and be part of numerous social events, such as teambuilding, sightseeing along with living with a family in the host country.

The sessions take place twice a year in the Baltic Sea Region and since the start of the organization they have been hosted by Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bremen, Tallinn, 17 Tartu 2014 March 22nd – 27th, 2014

Copenhagen/Malmoe, Helsinki, Riga, St. Petersburg, Ilawa/Torun, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Kaliningrad, Vilnius, Gdansk/Gdynia, Copenhagen, Leipzig, Reykjavik and Bruges/Blankenberge.

Pedagogically the MEP program focuses on:

a) Individual ICT introduction to EU institutions and to specific topics

b) Study program before the sessions in class/groups

c) Workshops/committee work run by experienced students and delegate

d) Project work/written resolutions in English

e) Debating and rhetoric skills

f) Intercultural skills and competencies

g) The experience of an advanced and realistic role play (as a learning method)

The MEP BSR office is located in Copenhagen, DK, and run by an administrative coordinator. More information about MEP BSR and sessions are to be found at . Enclosed here please find material and guidelines in preparation of MEP conferences at the national, regional and international levels.

For further information please contact Administrative Coordinator Nina Nørgaard [email protected]

/Final version March 2014


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