INT 101 Formal Essay #3 on Persuasive Writing 100 Points

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INT 101 Formal Essay #3 on Persuasive Writing 100 Points

INT 101 Formal Essay #3 on Persuasive Writing – 100 points Due by Tuesday, November 14th, 11:59 PM

Pick any one topic from the nine topics listed below. The purpose of a persuasive research paper is to get the reader to side with you on a particular topic for the reasons that you present.

 Is the Death Penalty Inhuman? o Different Religious Views on Capital Punishment o How is the U.S. different from other countries? (esp. Canada, Norway, Japan) o “As long as state parole boards can calmly condemn a man to death and then go about their business as if nothing were morally wrong with this, the U.S. is not the greatest country in the world.” Comment.

 Do We Need Stricter Gun Control in America? o Rise of Violence in America : What is causing it?; Relate to Lord of the Flies o 2017 Las Vegas Shooting; 2016 Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting; 2015 Oregon College Shooting; 2015 Charleston Shooting in Emanuel Church; 2013 Navy Yard Shooting; 2012 Sandy Hook School o How is the U.S. different from other countries? (esp. Canada, Norway, Japan) o A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

 Colin Kaepernick’s Refusal to Stand During National Anthem is Unpatriotic o His reasons for refusing to stand; Is he correct? Is it his right to sit? Is it disrespectful?

 Could the Holocaust Happen Today? o What is genocide? Examples we have seen in human history. o What were the causes of the Holocaust? What lessons were learned and what can be done to never let it happen again? o Are people more racist, sexist, & violent today than they were ten years ago?

 It’s Time To Pay College Athletes o Athletes are cheap labor who bring in millions for big-time football schools. It’s time they got paid for their work. o Ed O’Bannon’s class action lawsuit against the NCAA that players should be compensated for NCAA’s use of their likeness & name.

 Should Marijuana Be Made Legal? o Is legal marijuana really the fiscal and medical savior that advocates claim it to be?

 The Confederate Flag as a Symbol of Hate o Does the Confederate flag only belong in a museum? o History of the Confederate Flag o Has this issue fostered unity or division among races? o What do flags really represent to people and how does that play out in this particular issue?

 Should the World Keep or Toss Gender Male and Female? o Some say that utopia is a world in which there are a wide variety of genders and gendered expressions, all of which are seen as equally true, and equally acceptable. Explain how gender roles have been hugely oppressive in history for both sexes. o Are public bathrooms and changing facilities which require transgender people to use public bathrooms based on the sex of their birth certificate a violation of civil rights? Explain your position. Discuss the state of NC’s controversial HB2 Bathroom Bill.

 Gay Marriage in America o How will the 2015 Supreme Court Decision affect daily life in America in the future? How does it impact society? What is the role/authority of the Supreme Court in America? o What is the global response? How will this affect foreign relations?

Prewriting Strategies for your Persuasive Essay As with any essay, you should take some time to organize your thoughts. Choose a side of the argument that you feel most comfortable presenting.

Components for your Essay Your paper must be 3 – 5 pages, double spaced, and include an interesting title as well as Works Cited page and in text citations. It must also contain the following five common elements.

1) Introduction The introduction should present the topic of your paper. Clarify the relevant values of the topic so that the audience can see the position of the paper. Remember that there are many parts of any argument. The topic of the paper should be specific to the issue that you plan to address. The introduction most often begins with a general reference to the topic and narrows down to your thesis within four to six sentences. The thesis should be clear, concise, well stated and identifiable. In other words, the reader should have no question about what will be argued within the paper.

2) Present facts that support the side of the argument that you plan to present and to persuade for or against. Facts can consist of statistics, researched information, and other materials that are found in scholarly journals, government publications and other academic or professional fields. Remember to cite all information that is not your own original idea. All sources should be cited in a bibliography.

3) Sequence or prioritize the facts in a manner that builds the argument in the most influential way. The presentation of facts for the argument should follow the same organization presented when clarifying the relevant values. The first issue stated in the thesis should be the first topic approached in the persuasion/argument section of the paper and so on.

4) Refutation In the refutation section of the essay, you will have the opportunity to refute any claims made against your argument. This section will make your argument that much stronger if you can show that opposing ideas have been considered and disproved.

5) Conclusion You must remember that this is your last chance to state your case. Think of the conclusion as the summation in a court case; you have to be convincing. The conclusion should never be thought of as just a summary of the essay. If you answer the question, “So, why am I writing this paper to this audience?” you can create a stronger conclusion that does what it was intended to do, persuade.

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