Minutes for approval 22/09/2012

THE COUNCIL OF BRITISH - MINUTES OF AN ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL held on Tuesday 12th June, 2012 at the Cutlers’ Hall, Warwick Lane, EC4M 7BR at 12 noon.

PRESENT AND APOLOGIES EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Mrs D.M. Ellis CBE, Chairman Present G. Harris, Deputy Chairman Present Mrs A. Phelps, Deputy Chairman Present O. Kimberley, Hon. Treasurer Present

APPOINTED MEMBERS R. Phelps, CUCBC (Div 8) Apologies M. Blandford-Baker, COUR (Div 10) Apologies D. Saoul, Leander Club Apologies M.D. Williams, London Rowing Club Present C. George, Present

ELECTED MEMBERS B. Millns (1) Northern Present T. Edwards (2) Yorkshire Present S. Darnbrough (3A) Lancashire & Greater Manchester Present J.C. Davies (3B) Cheshire, Merseyside & N.Staffs Apologies T. Walton (4) East Midlands Present C. Anton (5) West Midlands Present S. Brown (7) West Anglia Apologies A. Johnson (9) East Anglia Apologies A. Weekes (11) Upper Thames Apologies P. Moore (12) Reading Apologies A.J. Evans (13) Middle Thames Apologies A. Crawford (14) Staines & Molesey Apologies R. West (15) Kingston & Present J. Davey (16) & Present Mrs S. Cassidy (17) University of London Present Dr N. Jackson (18) Barnes & Hammersmith Apologies P. Simpson (19) Present M. Stallard (20) South Anglia Present J. Clayton (21A) Lower Thames & Medway Present P. McCorry (21B) Kent & Sussex Coast Apologies M.E. Green (22) Hampshire & Dorset Present Mrs P. Sondheimer WAGS Present Ms V. J. Perry (24) Devon & Cornwall Present Mr S Osborne Welsh Rowing (+1 representative) Apologies M. Morrice (+2 representatives) Apologies

MEMBERS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL Miss K. O’Sullivan Chairman National Coaching Committee Present J. Harlow Chairman Championships Not present Mrs F. Dennis Chairman National Competition Committee Apologies C. Killick Chairman Water Safety Sub Committee Apologies R. Mallett Chairman National Development Committee Present M. Martin Chairman Junior Rowing Commission Apologies

MEMBERS CO-OPTED BY COUNCIL Miss A. Faiers Apologies B. Hawden Apologies W.C. Thomson Present J. Turnbull Apologies Mrs F. Dennis Apologies

NON-VOTING MEMBERS Hon. Life Vice-Presidents - C.G.V. Davidge OBE Apologies J.A. Veats Apologies M. Brandon-Bravo OBE Present

BRITISH ROWING STAFF J.R. Allsop Financial Controller Present Mrs R.E. Napp National Manager Present D.W. Tanner CBE International Manager Present Mrs P. Randolph Minute Secretary Present Miss W. Kewley Rowing & Regatta Apologies

REGIONAL CHAIRMEN R. Bayliss West Midlands Present P. Clements WAGS Apologies C. Eales Wessex Present C. Edwards North West Apologies M. Humphrys Thames Present G. Nicholls East Midlands Present


1. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS The Chairman welcomed Council members and recorded her thanks to the Worshipful Company of Cutlers for their hospitality. Mrs Ellis said she had attended a meeting at Dorney Lake on 11th June. It was an extremely muddy site at the moment however she felt sure that the facilities would be fantastic. The spectator stands were very high and she advised members with tickets to allow good time to locate and reach their seats.

Rowing’s ‘Team GB’ had been announced by the BOA on 6th June, and during the run up to that British Rowing had received one athlete appeal. The BOA was currently dealing with 17 appeals across other sports. Council remembered in silence members of the rowing community who had died since the last meeting; George Moody who had served as a Divisional Representative for 23 years, West Midlands Regional Chairman and Henley Steward, Dr. Helen Patterson – Champion of the Thames, Rolls Pollard – Chairman Peterborough City RC and recipient of the ARA Medal of Honour, Rebecca Chamberlin of Clare College.

Richard du Parcq was welcomed, attending as a substitute for N. Jackson, Division 18.


2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Noted and recorded as above.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Non pecuniary Mrs. D. M. Ellis : SRA Director; BOA Board Mrs A. Phelps : BPA Trustee Mr. M.D. Williams : FISA Treasurer Pecuniary C. George : UKCC Tutor and Assessor M. Green : UKCC Tutor and Assessor G. Harris : UKCC Tutor, Assessor and Verifier Miss K. O’Sullivan: UKCC Tutor and Assessor

4. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on Saturday 14th March 2012 were agreed to be an accurate record and signed, subject to the following amendments:  Miss K. O’Sullivan to be added to Declarations of Interest, pecuniary  Trinity Hall  John Russell, Putney Town.

5. MATTERS ARISING a) CEO Appointment: Kate Burt has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer, taking up her role on Monday 18th June. She has in the intervening months been taking on board a good deal background information, such as the draft Whole Sport Plan. The interview process had gone very well with seven strong candidates shortlisted for the post. Six were interviewed and the panel were very pleased to be able to offer the role to Kate Burt who had the marketing, branding and commercial experience the sport was seeking. The interview panel comprised Mike Baldwin, Rod Murray, Mrs Ellis and Liz Nicholl from funding partner, UK Sport. A representative from Odgers was also in attendance. b) Constitutional Changes: The Chairman explained that it was necessary to amend Articles 17 and 18 to include a clause (d) that explains how the regional representatives will become members of this Council. The purpose is to avoid a situation where all representatives retire in the same year and to do this fairly. This would need Council’s approval in order to go forward to the AGM. Regions were currently arranging their elections and this would simply establish the length of terms of office before representatives retired. With the correction of one typographical error clause d was approved to go to the AGM in September. The new Model Regional Constitution has been developed in parallel to ensure consistency with the amended Articles 17 and 18.


(a) Each candidate for Regional Chairman must be a member of a Club which is an Affiliated Member from the region that the Regional Chairman is to represent and a Registered Individual. The Committee of one of the Affiliated Members Member Clubs from that Region must nominate the candidate and another such Affiliated Member Club must second the nomination.

(b) The names and addresses of the Regional Chairmen, the name of a Club, being an Affiliated Member of which they are a member, and the Region which they are elected to represent shall be delivered in writing to the Company Secretary not later than 31st July in 2012, and thereafter not later than 30th November in each year, commencing 30th November 2013.

(c) The Company Secretary shall report the results of elections to the next meeting of the Council, and shall also send them to the Affiliated Members of the Region concerned.

(d) On the coming into force of these Articles all Regional Chairmen shall be elected at an EGM of their Regions, in accordance with paragraph 17(a) above, one third of whom (to be determined by


British Rowing drawing names at random at an Open Council Meeting) will be required to face re- election by 30th November 2013, a further third so drawn by 30th November 2014 with the final third by 30th November 2015. Those re-elected in years 2013, 2014 and 2015 will be eligible to serve a further three year period on Council and then must stand down from Council for a period of at least one year.


(a) Each candidate for Regional Representative must be a member of a Club which is an Affiliated Member from the region that the Regional Representative is to represent and a Registered Individual. Those Regions entitled to Regional Representatives shall determine how these Representatives are elected by the Affiliated Members in the Region.

(b) The names and address of the Regional Representatives, the name of a Club, being an Affiliated Member of which they are a member, and the Region which they are elected to represent shall be delivered in writing to the Company Secretary not later than 31st July in 2012, and thereafter not later than the 30th November in each year commencing 30th November 2013.

(c) The Company Secretary shall report the results of elections to the next meeting of the Council, and shall also send them to the Affiliated Members of the Region concerned.

(d) On the coming into force of these Articles all Regional Representatives shall be elected at an EGM of their Regions, in accordance with paragraph 18 (a) above, one third of whom (to be determined by British Rowing drawing names at random at an Open Council Meeting) will be required to face re-election by 30th November 2013, a further third so drawn by 30th November 2014 with the final third by 30th November 2015. Those re-elected in years 2013, 2014 and 2015 will be eligible to serve a further three year period on Council and then must stand down from Council for a period of at least one year.

c) Regional Constitutions: Mrs Sondheimer asked for clarification on the role of the Events Co- ordinator. Mrs Napp said she believed that this would normally be the person with responsibility for co-ordinating the competition calendar. C. George asked what the purpose of the model was and what powers could be applied with regard to Regions following it. The Chairman said that it should be seen as an advisory document, to ensure that there was consistency across the country. It was acknowledged that for Regions such as Thames there would clearly be slight variations. Constitutions came to Council to be approved and it was important that where Regions wished to make changes from the model that they should highlight those clauses and give some background to the reasons for the change. All Regions should submit their new Constitutions to Council for approval by November 2012. Mrs Millns said there was no reference to the Sports Committee in the model and asked if leaving that out had been intentional. G. Harris said that attendance at the Sport Committee was not through the route of the Regions but from the Committees. However, he did not believe there was any reason why a Region could not put together a Sports Committee of its own if it so wished. M. Stallard questioned the reference to Divisions in para 1.9 and Mrs Napp said and she would amend this before Constitution was circulated. There was a discussion about whether Divisions were to be retained and it was noted that some Regions were creating sub-Regions. In the East Region M. Stallard confirmed that there would no longer be Divisions and that representation would be directly from Clubs and Events to the Region. M. Humphrys said at the moment he believed only the Thames Region was retaining Divisions. C. Eales said that Wessex and the Sussex Coast were using the divisional boundaries. The Chairman thanked all Council and the Regional Chairmen for their hard work during this period of re-organisation, she knew how much time many had spent on the re-structuring in the regions. d) COO Welsh Rowing: There was no update. e) World Cup: D.W. Tanner, Mrs Ellis and Rachel Dulai had attended a panel meeting of 30 people at UK Sport to answer questions on British Rowing’s bid document. The Board has now come back with a suggested amount of money and some criteria what we have to meet in order


to access the funding. Also a request for FISA. UK Sport would rather that the World events were not one offs. Would like to see continuity. We have asked FISA to link the 2013 and 2015 World Cups. At the moment UK Sport are making recommendations to their Board and would hope to hear on 26th June. There were implications for the competition calendar, particularly for the Thames Region and the Chairman was in touch with A.J. Evans and P. Blaseby, as well as Ivor Lloyd at Dorney Lake. If both UK Sport and FISA gave their support for 2013 and 2015 British Rowing would be expected to contribute a percentage of the cost. However, these international events will be a draw for sponsors and present other commercial opportunities for the new CEO to pursue. f) Upgrade to 6 Lower Mall: The work on the refurbishment was on target and it was hoped would be completed by mid July. This would provide an office for the CEO, additional office space and an improved meeting facility which it might be possible to let out on a commercial basis.

6. FISA MATTERS Further to matters covered elsewhere in the Agenda was the ongoing debate about the racing distance for international Adaptive racing. The Danish Federation had asked for the views of British Rowing on racing over 1000m. They had highlighted the challenges for a number of international venues that would not be able to set up a start at 1000m. British Rowing’s performance team were still in favour of 2000m, whilst some medics still had slight concerns depending on the nature of the disability of the rower. This will be discussed in preparation for a vote at the FISA Congress in February. The Chairman asked for the views of Council. C. George said he believed this was history repeating itself and felt just like the arguments that had been used some years ago with regard to women’s racing. He supported 2000m and believed it was a matter of setting a standard and training to that standard for what was an endurance sport. Mrs Phelps she believed that the amount of training that Tom Aggar did proved the point that this was achievable. It was important to the Paralympic athletes that they achieved the same sort of profile as the Olympic athletes. It was very disheartening for both the rowers and their supporters to have the finish half way down the course. R. West said he did not see why all courses could not be required to finish 1000m races at the stands. It was generally agreed that 2000m would also attract younger and fitter athletes to Adaptive rowing. Overall Council favoured racing over 2000m and the Chairman said she would welcome further comment outside the meeting.

7. INTERNATIONAL REPORT Almost all of the world’s top crews had turned up for the Lucerne at which GBRT had retained the overall team trophy. There was still some work to be done and some crews need more time together having raced together for the first time at Lucerne. It was noted that there was still little opportunity for top Adaptive competition other than Varese. British Rowing had been asked to attend a meeting at UK Sport last Friday regarding the Governance and the Board. This had given an opportunity for the sport to update on the conferences that had taken place and other work done by members of this Council. The work on the Constitution. The Chairman said she had stressed that this is work in progress. What was clear is that if a sport wanted public funding they did want to see independent members on the Board of Directors. Oliver Kimberley was already in place and the sport would soon be advertising for two independent directors. We have restructured our Council however it should be noted that the suggestions was do NGBs need Councils any more. It is something that you should be aware of. I told them that arising from some very successful conferences and the work done arising from those British Rowing is in good shape to move forward. However I feel should pass on that the question was asked. C. George said it would be interesting to see data and do some comparative analysis. Mrs Ellis said she had been able to tell the funders that there were only a few areas where the Board could not decision without referral and that our Council did not slow things down. Compared with many NGB’s Rowing has proved it runs a very slick operation. In response to questions the Chairman said that an independent director should have no conflict of interests but could be drawn from sport but be independent of rowing. T. Walton asked about the contract for the work at Caversham. Mrs Ellis said that A. Johnson, Chairman of the Facilities Panel had been in touch with M. Hayes to go through the upgrade in some detail. 5

D.W. Tanner said he would like to commend the work of the GB Rowing Team so far and it was acknowledged that there was still a good deal of hard work to be done. However, following Munich there were still come good results and he was confident that the team would come away with Olympic and Paralympic medals. He gave an update on the situation at Caversham and gave some additional background information on the plans to extend the facility which was currently under some pressure. There were in the region of 60 people on site every day. There would be an additional gym and an extension to the upper floor. There would be an improved meeting room, more space for the medics and a briefing area. The company who had carried out the original build were being employed to complete the project. The work should be complete by the end of the year and would make a big difference to the quality of activity. The Paralympians trained alongside the Olympic squad and at the moment there was no room to accommodate the junior rowers. A quantity surveyor had been involved, contracted by Sport England and the International Manager believed there was a significant advantage in employing those who had knowledge of the previous build and who had worked with us over the past years. There was still some negotiation over the rates although they had been halved. It was not known what the impact of the extension to the building would have at this time but the IM thought it would be a modest increase, if any. Mrs Millns asked if the appropriate approvals for this spend had been sought by Executive. C. George said it had been detailed in the budget. C. Anton thanked the IM for his explanation and for his presence at the meeting which was appreciated.

8. FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Management Accounts O. Kimberley said that there had been some late adjustments to the accounts and therefore there as no summary available for this meeting. The annual audit was now complete and the organisation would end the year with a respectable surplus. It was noted that £800,000 had been spent on boats and equipment this year. Bank interest was up and there was a planned spend of £1.6m on Caversham and £300,000 on 6 Lower Mall. The Board had questioned the exposure of funds in the current banking climate and the Hon. Treasurer advised Council how these were spread across a number of institutions in order to minimise the risk. Financial Reporting: O. Kimberley had already had a meeting with the CEO to discuss reporting procedures. The organisation had grown substantially over the last fifteen years and there were aspects that were due for review and updating so a review of national and international reporting systems was planned. The Hon Treasurer aimed to report back on progress at the November meeting. Subscriptions: O. Kimberley said that he had undertaken to review subscriptions. A selection of clubs would be examined to check their current figures against registered members. The aim was to achieve a clearer picture of club memberships and from there to look at the scale of fees and subscriptions. The timescale for that piece of work would be to come to Council in June next year and give members a period of three months until September 2013 for consultation before deciding on a course of action. The Treasurer aimed by September to come to this Council with a below inflation proposal which he hoped would be compensated for by the increased membership figures but improved record keeping from our clubs was important. C. George said he believed that club subscriptions should be based on the number of registered members. M.D. Williams said that a number of club returns were not credible. J. Clayton said he thought most clubs would want to see representation based on British Rowing registered members. Mrs Napp said that it was important to assess carefully the impact of any proposed changes to the method of calculating club fees and she would welcome the advice of the Treasurer following his review. C. Anton said he had thought figures would be brought back to this meeting rather than 2012, it was not an acceptable way of working to base fees on the fantasy figures put forward by some clubs. Mrs Phelps said she thought the system of people being able to name primary clubs should be addressed first. O. Kimberley said he would welcome all input from Council.

9. WHOLE SPORT PLAN Mrs Napp said that a very full plan with a good deal of background on market understanding and statistical analysis had been submitted on 14th May. During the course of the last WSP we 6

had been told that the capital funding was likely to be reduced. However a compensating factor was the funding coming to the sport through the Inspired Facilities programme. There would be more revenue funding and less capital funding but it was hoped that this would be made up by the Lottery funding. An Executive Summary had been circulated showing what the sport aimed to achieve in the next four year cycle. At this stage the document was a funding application but gave Council an outline. There would be some feedback from Sport England by 17th August. £40 million would be held back to reward successful National Governing Bodies and so it was hoped that British Rowing would benefit from this during the cycle. There would be three areas of focus within this plan; education, participation and the talent programme. Questions were invited. C. Anton asked where the average club rower fitted in to the plan. Mrs Napp said that support for existing club rowing was all under ‘infrastructure’ which made up 60% of our funding. With regard to other organisations with whom we are working, the funding for this plan is for the development of rowing generally and some of the money is intended for use with other organisations and the participation figures are of benefit to the sport as a whole. C. Anton did not feel it was satisfactory that the Birmingham Sea Cadets had no representation or way of putting their concerns across to the governing body. Mrs Napp said this was a good point; the NGB was beginning to work with a range of other organisations and perhaps a discussion was needed about the way in which we work with them in the longer term. C. Eales asked Mrs Napp how she saw the Coastal organisations fitting into the plan. Mrs Napp said that there were no overall participation figures for Hants and Dorset as most of the members were not British Rowing registered. R. Mallett said he believed that the number of registered oarsmen was rising and that the organisation should recognise Hants & Dorset and WEARA. Mrs Napp said that neither organisation had ever paid a fee to the NGB and that there had been no formalised association other than a presence in the British Rowing Almanack. The membership figures remained high and this was a very pleasing trend. J. Clayton asked if the National Manager could explain the significant rise. Mrs Napp said that she believed it demonstrated that our Whole Sport Plan was working. One of the ongoing challenges was that programmes took time to deliver. C. Eales asked if Sport England took bad weather into account for rowing when measuring participation figures. Mrs Napp said that weather did have a significant impact on our figures and the model did make some adjustment, ie for snowfall. Mrs Napp said that British Rowing’s liaison officer at Sport England had been very positive about the submission however she did not expect any official announcements until the end of the year. D.W. Tanner confirmed that UK Sport would also feedback then.

10. NATIONAL REPORT Further to the report Mrs Napp said that British Rowing would be manning a Spectator Experience marquee during the Olympic and Paralympic regattas and she hoped that members would be able to take time to visit. Rowing & regatta had been launched in an online format in time for the Olympics. Members would be able to purchase a subscription for £3, which would also give them an archive of the last nine issues. At this stage they could not opt out of receiving the paper copy as it was important not to undermine the ABC circulation figures. The magazine had been doing very well in the last year or so and was currently within budget. It was hoped this would give us good exposure during the Olympics. RowActiv: C, Anton asked if there were plans to make the i-phone application available in android format. Mrs Napp said it was an expensive process but we hoped to introduce this soon. Row for Gold: M. Brandon-Bravo asked for Nottingham and Nottingham Union RC to be corrected in the Row for Gold paper. Club Tenures: Mrs Napp referred Council to Alan Meegan’s informative paper on the good work that had been done to secure tenures for our clubs.

11. ASSOCIATED ORGANISATIONS Mrs Napp thanked J. Clayton for pointing out the omission of this section from the revised Articles and Rules. It was proposed that this should be included as a section in the Rules of British Rowing. The following wording was proposed:

Proposed new wording – To be added as a new paragraph, Section H Subscriptions 7

Associated Organisations The Council will also approve the annual fee for Associated Organisations. These are organisations outside the governance structure of British Rowing that support the aims and objectives of the Association. Associated Organisations are approved annually by the Council and listed in the appropriate section of the British Rowing Almanack and on the British Rowing website. Associated Organisations do not have any voting rights or any other rights or obligations. Any additional services provided by British Rowing will be separately negotiated.

This wording is intended to cover the following organisations that were previously affiliated organisation members. It is not intended to cover Watersports Centres as an ‘Approved Teaching Centre’ status will be developed for them.

The following are the organisations currently registered as Affiliated Organisation members who could transfer to the new category:

BUCS Marine Society and Sea Cadets Cambridge Sports Lake Trust Plymouth Rowing Forum Cambridge Rowing Association Serpentine Rowing Association Cornish Pilot Gigs Association Skiff Racing Association Cornwall Rowing Association Thames Traditional Boat Society Guernsey Rowing Club Thames Traditional Rowing Association Hamble River Rowing Club Trafalgar 2001 Trust Isle of Man Rowing Federation UK Surf Rowers League Jersey Rowing Club Whitby Friendship ARC London Youth Rowing

The inclusion of Hants & Dorset, WEARA and CARA was discussed and it was noted that C. Eales now represented CARA. R. Mallett and C. Eales were of the opinion that the new category would be very appropriate for the Coastal Rowing Associations.

The Rule change was approved and would be incorporated into the new Rules of British Rowing.

12. REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEES 12.1 National Development Committee Nil Report.

12.2 National Coaching Committee Questions arising from the Report. C. Anton queried the reference to points. Miss O’Sullivan said that discussions were ongoing and the committee was not in a position to make any recommendations at this stage. The success of Explore Rowing events and informal competition such as the Northern Sunday League had widened the debate. Coaching Courses: J. Davey said that the Level 3 course appeared to have been on hold since 2010. G. Harris said that the course was currently being revised as part of the transfer to the new framework. A review of the content and the administration of the course was in hand. It was hoped to have the new course in place for the end of the year. There was a discussion about reviewing the procedure for application to take a course and whether it would be a good idea to have a system of recommendation or references from clubs for prospective candidates. There was a need to assess and mentor candidates. C. Anton said this could also apply to umpiring candidates. M. Green asked about progress with the introduction to coaching course for 16 – 18 year olds. Mrs Napp said that the work on this was almost complete, with a second pilot session taking place on 2nd July in the Eastern Region. The course should be widely available by September. Mrs Napp would send the outline programme to M. Green in the meantime. Action: REN Junior Rowing Commission: Mrs Ellis said that despite the weather the Junior Inter-Regional Regatta had been extremely successful. The officials had risen to the challenges very well and the levels of enjoyment amongst the young people was fantastic.


12.3 National Competition Committee Appeal Decision: Mrs Ellis said she had received an email from Mrs Dennis to advise Council about the NCC’s decision following an appeal by the Head of the River Fours’. The statement was read and is copied below:

The HOR4’s made an appeal to the National Competition Committee regarding the conduct of a coach at the event in 2011. When the request to enter an under-pointed crew was refused by the Entries Secretary and Chief Umpire the coach re-submitted the entry to comply with the entry criteria. However on race day he blatantly ignored their instruction and made two substitutions without informing the organising committee. This was a deliberate act as the points of these Rowers meant that the crew was under-pointed and ineligible to compete. As a result they were disqualified.

The Committee has considered the evidence and upholds the action taken by the NCC Chairman to reprimand the coach for his actions. The Committee agrees that the coach, deliberately disregarded the entry qualifications for the event and British Rowing Rules of Racing 2-3-4, crew composition and 2-7-3, misrepresentation. However, the crew was acting under the instructions of the coach who acted without the knowledge or authority of the captain of the University Boat Club.

In addition to the above the Committee agreed that any further misconduct by the individual will result in exclusion from participation in all British Rowing activities under rule 2.7.5d. The individual concerned, the HOR4’s and the university have been informed of the outcome of the committee’s investigation.

Masters’ Rowing: W. Payne wished to advise Council that he was putting forward a proposal for another Category in Masters’ Rowing and that this would go through the normal process. The Handicap tables were also being reviewed. Mrs Ellis had passed on his email to Mrs Dennis and T. Walton. Council asked for a copy of the draft Competition calendar for 2013/2014. J. Clayton asked Council members to read the Status Review Group’s paper and respond. Regatta Season: It was noted that Marlow Regatta were encountering huge problems in running their event alongside the development of the Olympic site. Henley Women’s Regatta were also having to contend with a fast stream and mud. A number of other regattas had been cancelled due to wind and rain.

Recommendation D: The appointment of P. Clements as Deputy Chairman of the National Competition Committee was noted and approved.

12.4 British Rowing Championships Committee Further to the Report: The Chairman confirmed that there was a separate committee for the Diamond Jubilee Rowing Championships this year, with J. Harlow as Chairman overseeing both events. Council asked if it could be given the list of names as this was a British Rowing committee and event. Action: DME/PR

12.5 Executive Committee There were no matters arising from the Report.

12.6 Water Safety Sub-Committee A revised report had been tabled following the Executive meeting. Incident Reporting System: C. George said the committee was disappointed that there had been no update to the incident reporting system since 2010. It was noted that reports were still being received and dealt with by the Committee. Where there were lessons to be learnt recommendations were passed on and published in Rowing & regatta, the website. C, Anton asked what the problem was with the current system. C. George said he did not believe the work had been prioritised. Mrs Napp said the only response she could make was that every chairman saw the work of his committee as a priority. C. George said the work could have been given to an outside contractor. Mrs Napp said it was important that the system was integrated.


12.7 Medical Sub-Committee Nil Report.

10.9 British Paralympic Association The report was noted.

10.10 Commonwealth Games Council for England. Nil Report.

12. REGIONAL CONSTITUTIONS The amendments to the Constitution were approved following the discussion recorded at 5c). See Appendix 1 attached to the minutes.

13. AFFILIATIONS AND RESIGNATIONS Mrs Napp explained that Executive had deferred approval for the two clubs in WAGS until the Constitutions had been amended. This had now been done and the purpose of the clubs had been clarified.

New Club Affiliations Taunton Rowing Club (Div. 23) – TUN – The objective of the club is to encourage the sport of rowing, recreational and competitive, for members of the club and to promote rowing in Taunton and the wider region, subject to approval of a revised Constitution. Langport Rowing Club (Div. 23) – LAN – The objective of the club is to encourage the sport of rowing, recreational and competitive, for members of the club and to promote rowing in Langport and the wider region, subject to approval of a revised Constitution.

Change of Club Code Anglia Ruskin Boat Club (Div. 09) ARU - Anglia Ruskin Boat Club would like to change their Boat Identification Code from CCA to ARU. CCA was the reference to the Cambridge College of Arts and Technology, and the University has since been rebranded to Anglia Ruskin University.

Clubs who have not paid the 2012 club affiliation fee and who are therefore no longer affiliated to British Rowing. Division 01 Newcastle Schools Rowing Association (Junior Racing Name for Tyne RC) Division 07 Northampton School for Boys (Junior Racing Name for Northampton RC) Division 21B Deal, Walmer & Kingsdown ARC Division 23 The Bristol Watermen

14. CORRESPONDENCE There was none.

14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Membership benefits: C. George said he had been very impressed with the welcome pack he had received from British Triathlon. Olympic Tickets: The tickets for NGBs would be delivered this week and Council would receive further information in the next few days. There may be additional tickets available because the FISA allocation had been increased. Diamond Jubilee Medals: The Chairman said that the organisation had in the past awarded Jubilee medals to reward the efforts of our volunteers. She proposed that sixty Diamond Jubilee medals were awarded and invited the views of Council. C. Eales said he thought it was an excellent idea, seconded by C. George and approved by all. GB Rowing Team: Mrs Ellis asked the International Manager to pass on to the team the good wishes of Council for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and to wish them all a very successful summer.

16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Council takes place on Saturday 22nd September, venue to be confirmed. The meeting ended at 3.15 pm


Appendix 1 – Minutes of the Council Meeting 12/06/2012 D R A F T – MAY 30th 2012 British Rowing Regional Rowing Constitution

Note: This is a model constitution for British Rowing Regions to be agreed at a meeting of the British Rowing Council on 12th June 2012. Regions may if appropriate add or amend clauses, but are asked if they do so, to list amendments clearly on an attached sheet for the benefit of Council Members.

() brackets are integral to the text [ ] brackets indicate where regional specific information should be entered Black crossed out text indicates old text Red text indicates new text

The name of the Rowing Council shall be the [ ] Rowing Council (“the Council”)

1. DEFINITIONS In this constitution the following words shall have the following meanings:

1.1 Affiliated Member shall mean any member of British Rowing as defined in Article 8(ii) of the Articles of British Rowing.

1.2 “British Rowing”: shall mean British Rowing Limited, the National Governing Body for the sport of Rowing, to which Clubs and Events within the [ ] Region are affiliated

1.3 “the Council”: shall mean the Regional Rowing Council for the [ ] Region as constituted under these rules and as referred to in the rules of British Rowing.

1.4 “the Division[s]”: shall mean Division[s] [ ] as defined by the Regional Rowing Council. British Rowing. for representation on the British Rowing Council.

1.5 “Events”: shall mean events registered with British Rowing. The definition shall include Regattas, processional and Simulated Rowing Events.[ but not private matches]

1.6 “Member Clubs” or “Clubs” or “Members”: shall mean those Clubs or Events registered as affiliated to British Rowing from time to time and classified as being in [any one of] the Division[s] and shall include Universities, Colleges and Schools so registered.

1.7 “Member/s” shall mean and include [a] Member Club/s and Event/s

1.8 A “Member Representative” shall mean a person who is authorised by a Member Club or Event to speak and vote for the Member at meetings of the Council. Such a person shall also be a member of the Member Club or Event and must be prepared to produce proof of such appointment and membership if called upon to do so.

1.9 “the Region”: shall comprise Division/s [ ] and Clubs and Events within that/those] Division[s] as recorded as affiliated to British Rowing from time to time in the records of British Rowing.

1.10 “the Regional Chairman” shall mean the Chairman of the Regional Rowing Council, who shall represent the Region on the Council of British Rowing


1.11 “the Regional Representative(s)” shall mean the person(s) elected to represent the Region on the Council of British Rowing who is not the Regional Chairman.

1.12 “Masculine” shall be deemed to include the feminine and vice-versa, except where the contrary appears.


2.1 To promote the sport of rowing in the Region at all levels.

2.2 Regional representation through the medium of the Divisional Representatives who for this purpose shall be styled Regional Representatives. 2.2.1 To represent the interests of the Region within British Rowing 2.2.2 To represent the interest of British Rowing within the Region. To represent the interests of the Region within British Rowing and to represent the interests of British Rowing within the Region.

2.3To ensure that the talents and resources of all Members of the Council are utilised to the full and that no one receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief, social status, sexual orientation or political belief or is disadvantaged by the conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance.

2.3 To support all Members in the achievement of their objectives and in the conduct of their activities within the sport and to ensure that the talents and resources of all Members of the Council are utilised to the full and that no one receives less favourable treatment on any grounds which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance, in accordance with British Rowing’s Equity Policy.

2.4 To conduct all business and activities in the Region in accordance with best practice guidance and procedures applicable to the voluntary sector.


The Council shall consist of an equal number of representative/s appointed by each of the Members.

3.1 The Council shall consist of one representative appointed by each of the Clubs and Events in the Region.

3.2 Each Affiliated Member of British Rowing shall have one vote.

3.2 All decisions of the Council (except constitutional change) shall be decided by a simple majority of those present , the Chair having a second or casting vote.

3.2 A Region may elect a person as its President in recognition of exceptional services to rowing within the Region [and he shall chair the Council/AGM/General Meetings]

3.3 Changes in this constitution may be made by a two thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting of the Region.

3.4 The Council shall appoint an Honorary Auditor/Examiner who shall not be an Officer of the Region.


3.5 The Council may not override the nationally agreed policies of British Rowing, and must always be consistent with the practices and guidelines of British Rowing.


4.1 The election of the Regional Chairman and the Regional Representative(s) to the British Rowing Council shall be conducted by the Region in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the British Rowing Articles of Association.

4.2 The Regional Chairman [and the Regional Representatives] shall be elected by the [ ] Regional Rowing Council for a term of up to three years and will be eligible for re-election, but may not serve more than two consecutive terms, in total six years.

4.3 The Council shall appoint from amongst its Member Representatives an Chairman Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer.

4.4 The Council shall further appoint from amongst its Member Representatives any other Officer to a permanent position on the Council it may choose.


5.1 The objects of the Council shall be discharged through an Executive Committee, an Umpires Commission, a Coaching Commission, Junior Commission, Masters Commission, and Committee, a Coaching Committee, a Junior Committee, a Masters Committee, an Events Co-ordinator, Regional Safety Adviser and such other bodies as from time to time appear necessary.

5.2 The Council shall, without restriction as to numbers, appoint the Chairman and members of the Regional Commissions, Committees except the Regional Umpires Commission,Committee each of which shall have power to co-opt from within or outside the Council.

5.3 The Council shall appoint representatives to National Committees as required by British Rowing


6.1 At the Annual General Meeting the Council shall appoint from among its Members the Executive Committee which shall comprise:-

6.1.1 The Officers of the Council appointed under clause 4.1 above. following Officers:

6.1.2 The Regional Chairman

6.1.3 British Rowing Divisional Regional Representative/s.

6.1.4 Honorary Secretary

6.1.5 Honorary Treasurer

6.1.6 Regional Safety Adviser 13

6.1.7 Chairman of the Regional Coaching Committee

6.1.8 Chairman of the Regional Junior Committee

6.1.9 Chairman of the Regional Masters Committee

6.1.10 Chairman of the Regional Recreational Rowing Committee

6.1.11 Chairman of the Regional Umpiring Committee

6.1.12 [Chairman of the Young Peoples’ Committee]

6.1.13 All other persons whom the Committee would wish to appoint or to co-opt onto the Committee.

6.2 The Chairman of the Council shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

6.3 The Executive Committee shall have power to fill casual vacancies and to co-opt from within the Council or from bodies associated with the region in any way.


7.1 The Council shall hold an Annual General Meeting no earlier than 30th September and no later than the 30th November in each year. Notice of the Annual General Meeting stating the agenda items, posts to be filled by election and nomination forms will be posted to Member Clubs not less than twenty-one days before the meeting.

7.2 At the Annual General Meeting there shall be made the elections and appointments referred to in paragraphs 4 ,5 & 6 above. Any such appointments not then made or any vacancies thereafter shall be made or filled by the Executive Committee.

7.3 Nominations for Regional Chairman, Regional Representatives and Officers on the Council shall be notified to the Hon. Secretary by Member Clubs or Events not less than 2 1 weeks before the meeting in each year. save that the Secretary may accept a written statement that a Representative is so nominated in the absence of any information to the contrary.

7.4 A Member shall be responsible for the capability and suitability of a Member Representative to represent the Member at meetings of the Council.

7.5 Apart from the Annual General Meeting, all other General Meetings of the Council shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an E.G.M. and all that is transacted at an A.G.M. shall also be deemed special with the exception of the following which shall be deemed ordinary business:-

7.5.1 Consideration of the accounts

7.5.2 Election of Officers and appointments to Committees.

7.5.3 Appointment of an Honorary Auditor/Examiner.

7.6 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council shall be held on the written requisition of the 14

Executive Committee or on the written requisition of not fewer than three Members. The Honorary Secretary shall give written notice to all Members of such a meeting which shall be called within fourteen days of such request specifying the matters to be considered. Twenty one days shall be the required notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

7.7 All appointments and elections referred to in this Constitution shall be annual except for the Chairman and Regional Representative but those appointed or elected may, if eligible, be re-appointed.


8.1 Generally, meetings of the Executive Committee and its committees etc. shall be held as required at the request of the respective Chairman.

8.2 Committees and other bodies shall have the power to determine matters within their remit and shall report to the Council via the Executive Committee which shall itself then report to the Council.

8.3 All Committees may at their discretion make regulations for the better conduct of their business, such regulations to be approved by the Executive Committee with a copy being deposited with the Secretary of the Council.

8.4 Any person who has a financial interest in any matter coming before a Committee shall declare such interest immediately the person becomes aware of such and shall not be entitled to vote on such a matter unless permitted to do so by majority resolution of the relevant Committee.


9.1 The quorum for meetings of the Council shall be [ ] Representatives present and entitled to vote. Before a meeting commences, every Representative present shall declare to the secretary of the meeting stating whom they represent.

9.2 Committees or bodies shall fix their own quorums which shall be set annually.

9.3 No Member Representative may represent a Member Club or Event Member of which the Representative he or she is not a member.

9.4 Decisions of the Executive and other Committees shall be made by majority vote of the appointed members, each voting member having one vote. In the event of equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.


10.1 The Council shall have the power to introduce a subscription payable by the Members to enable it to carry out its objects. Such subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Council and failure by a Member to pay such a subscription will result in suspension from involvement in the activities and services provided by the Region and the Council shall have power to refer the suspension to British Rowing for further consideration and until such time as the subscription and any arrears have been paid in full.


10.2 All financial transactions shall be in accordance with Financial Procedures which shall be adopted by a Region at an Annual General Meeting.

10.3 The Council shall be non-profit making, and any funds, income, or acquired property of the Council shall be applied in pursuance of the above objects or any of them. No portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to Members of the Council.

10.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the reimbursement of reasonable and proper out of pocket expenses incurred in the course of furthering the objects of the Council.

10.5 The Council shall be entitled to solicit and receive financial support from any source but has no powers to enter into any form of borrowing or Loan Agreement without the written agreement of British Rowing under resolution of British Rowing’s Executive Board Committee.

10.6 The Council may not take any person into any form of employment or enter into any form of Agreement, financial or otherwise, lasting more than twelve months without the written agreement of British Rowing under resolution of British Rowing’s Executive Board Committee.

10.7 The Executive Committee shall have the power to apply any funds of the Council and authorise any payments for the furtherance of its objects subject to its accountability to the Council and to the restrictions set out in 10.3 and 10.6 above.

10.6 The Treasurer shall maintain such bank accounts which are considered necessary by the Council at a financial institution approved by the Council. The account(s) shall be in the name of the Council and shall be operated only under the joint signatures of two Officers of the Council, one of whom shall be the Treasurer or the Chairman, except for cheques less than one hundred pounds where the signature of the Treasurer alone is acceptable.

10.7 The Treasurer shall maintain such Books of Account as are required in order to give a full and complete statement of the financial affairs of the Council. The books shall be audited annually by the appointed Auditors/Examiners (who shall be neither the Treasurer nor a signatory on the Bank Accounts) and the accounts signed by the Auditors/Examiners shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting for acceptance.

10.8 Upon acceptance of the annual accounts by the Council at its Annual General Meeting, the Treasurer shall be directed to forward a copy of the audited accounts to the Treasurer of British Rowing no later than six months after the end of the financial year.


11.1 The rules of this Constitution may only be altered by a two thirds majority of the votes of the Members of the Council present at a General Meeting duly convened in accordance with the rules hereof.

11.2 The rules of this Constitution and any amendments thereto shall first be approved by British Rowing before adoption by the Council.

11.3 Any property of the Council shall be vested in the Council for the time being and to this end, the Council may appoint Trustees to hold the assets of the Council and such Trustee shall be appointed or removed 16

by an ordinary resolution of the Council.

11.3.1 Any decision to wind up the affairs of the Council may be made at a General Meeting called for that purpose at which a simple majority shall be sufficient to pass such resolution.

11.3.2 Subject to clause 11.3.3 below, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to British Rowing who shall decide, giving due consideration to the views expressed by the Region, by resolution as to what shall be done with them including consideration of realising all the assets and converting them into money and distributing them amongst the Members of the Region.

11.3.3 Any assets which have been funded by the Lottery or other grants from Public Bodies shall, if made a condition of such funding, be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Region in priority to any other assets which shall have been funded by the Region itself or the Members.

11.3.4 In the case of funds being insufficient to discharge the liabilities, British Rowing shall advise on how the shortfall balance shall best be provided.

11.4 In addition to the above rules, the rules set out in the schedule hereto which are special to the Region shall also form part of and be deemed to be incorporated into the rules of this Constitution.

11.5 The secretary shall send a copy of the minutes of the Executive Committee and Council meetings to British Rowing at the same time as they are circulated within the Council.

Updated May 2012 to reflect change to the British Rowing Memorandum and Articles of Association considered by an EGM of British Rowing on the 14th April 2012.