Carbon Neutral Päijät-Häme 2030: Climate Action Roadmap

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Carbon Neutral Päijät-Häme 2030: Climate Action Roadmap Carbon Neutral Päijät-Häme 2030: Climate Action Roadmap ENTER The Regional Council of Päijät-Häme Carbon Neutral Päijät-Häme 2030: Climate Action Roadmap Päijät-Häme region is committed to mitigating 2030. The network is coordinated by the Finnish climate change with an aim of reaching carbon Environment Institute. neutrality by the year 2030. This requires significant reductions of greenhouse gas The Climate Action Roadmap presents actions emissions at all sectors as well as increasing towards carbon neutrality. The Roadmap is carbon sinks. updated annually, and future development targets include climate change adaptation, actions on Päijät-Häme region achieved a Hinku (Towards increasing carbon sinks and indicators to follow Carbon Neutral Municipalities) region status the progress. The Roadmap is a part of national in 2019. The national Hinku network brings Canemure project supported by EU Life program. together forerunner municipalities and regions, which are committed to an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels by ROADMAP Read more: STAKEHOLDERS CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Stakeholders Climate action requires broad cooperation with different stakeholders including municipalities, companies, higher education institutions and regional actors. Päijät-Häme climate coordination group steers regional activities, and the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme facilitates the work of coordination group. Kymenlaakson Sähkö: Lahti Energy ltd: Heikki Rantula Eeva Lillman Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Eira Rosberg Y Päijät-Häme cities and municipalities: Asikkala Kärkölä Harri Hirvonen Markku Koskinen Häme Centre for Economic Hartola Lahti Päijät-Häme Development, Transport and Janne Myntti Aino Kulonen the Environment cities and muncipalities Heinola Orimattila Helka Sillfors Kirsi Liukkonen-Hämäläinen Hollola Padasjoki Annariina Keto Maria Virtanen Iitti Sysmä Anniina Jäntti Susanna Uusi-Kytölä The Regional Council The Regional of Päijät-Häme: Council of Maarit Virtanen Päijät-Häme Juha Hertsi LUT-University: LAB University of Ville Uusitalo Applied Sciences: Anne-Marie Tuomala « TAKAISINRETURN Read more: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emission in Päijät-Häme 2007-2018 and estimate for 2030 Climate emissions of Päijät-Häme region reduced by 23 % between 2007 and 2018 in line with national emission trends. However, ad- 2000 ditional action is needed in all sectors to speed up the transition to 1800 achieve the climate goals. 1600 The Finnish Environment Institute calculates the volume and trend in climate emissions for all Finnish municipalities. The Hinku cal- 1400 culation method used to follow emissions in Päijät-Häme region 1200 emphasises those emissions that municipalities have influence on. For example, HINKU calculations do not take into account industrial 1000 fuel use, which is included in emissions trading. 800 The emission chart shows the emission trend, estimate of emissions 600 in the year 2030 with current measures and the emission target. The estimate for 2030 includes both actions in the region and na- 400 tional development regarding, for instance transport and energy 200 efficiency improvement. In 2019, Lahti Energy implemented an en- ergy transformation and stopped using coal in district heating. This 0 will decrease the emissions from heating significantly in coming ktCO2e/year 2007 2017 2018 2030 2030 estimate current target calculations. The impact is included in the 2030 estimate. actions F-gases Rail transport Other heating Electric heating Read more: Electricity Waste management Road transport Oil heating District heating STAKEHOLDERS CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Agriculture Machinery Water transport Industry RETURN Climate Change Adaptation The climate will change significantly, even tified regarding, for example, stormwater man- though the current climate change mitigation agement and storm damage, but studies cov- goals were met. This means that adaptation ering all sectors are lacking. Land use planning actions need to be considered alongside miti- is a means to impact, for instance, stormwater gation efforts. The City of Lahti has a compre- management and development and mainte- hensive climate change adaptation plan, but in nance of ecological corridors at municipal and other region’s municipalities this work is only regional levels. beginning. Adaptation needs have been iden- Actions Municipality/Region Organization Timetable Impact Regional study on the impacts of climate change and adaptation The Regional Council needs in Päijät-Häme. Päijät-Häme of Päijät-Häme, LAB 2020/2021 Recommendations for municipal adaptation actions based on Municipalities The Regional Council regional information. of Päijät-Häme 2021 Specification of ecological corridors with relation to updating the Päijät-Häme The Regional Council regional plan. of Päijät-Häme Continuous Symbol legend: Impact: Minor Moderate Major TAKAISINRETURN Themes Climate work is done at different sectors with the aims of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in- creasing carbon sinks, and improving climate change adaptation and resilience. The Climate Ac- tion Roadmap focuses on the themes of energy, circular economy, agriculture, forests and land use, and climate leadership. In addition, actions related to climate change adaptation are outlined. Read more: ENERGY TRANSPORT CIRCULAR ECONOMY AGRICULTURE FORESTS AND LAND USE LEADERSHIP Read more: CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STAKEHOLDERS GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS TAKAISINRETURN Leadership The need for climate action and leadership is still gro- The role of municipalities in building a sustainable re- wing. Municipalities have an important role in acting gion is central. Climate issues must be visible in both as an example, enabling sustainable lifestyles and decision making and communication. However, clima- creating a good operating environment for compa- te work is done together with citizens, companies, hig- nies. Päijät-Häme region has set goals for climate her education institutions, and other actors. neutrality and strives to act responsibly in mitigating climate change. This creates also positive opportuni- For example, in Hollola, Orimattila and Sysmä a sur- ties for regional image and attractiveness from the vey on climate issues has been made for citizens and point of view of both new residents and companies. decisions makers and the results are used for prepa- For young people, an interesting region must also be ring climate programs. sustainable. The City of Lahti has piloted, for instance, participa- tory budgeting, in which one of the themes was envi- ronment. The Green Capital Year funds environmental projects done by different regional and national actors. Cooperation between companies and municipalities will be strengthened with support of Ilmastokumppa- nuus (Climate Partnership) project beginning in 2021. Read more: ACTIONS TAKAISINRETURN Leadership Actions and indicators KuvausActions toimenpiteestä Municipality/Kesto Vaikuttavuus Toimijat Region Organization Timetable Impact All municipalities that are part of Hinku network have functioning Päijät-Häme Municipalities Continuous energy and climate coordination groups and action plans. Climate issues are linked into municipalities economic policy, pro- Päijät-Häme Municipalities Continuous curement, land use planning,etc. and the issues are regularly dis- cussed at relevant boards. The responsibilities related to climate work are clearly identified. Päijät-Häme Municipalities Continuous Climate meetings at all municipalities’ steering groups to specify Päijät-Häme The Päijät-Häme 2020–2021 action needed. Regional Council and municipalities Municipal climate programs are published in Hollola, Heinola and Päijät-Häme Municipalities 2021 Orimattila, and Hinku action plans in other municipalities that be- long to the Hinku network. Strengthening the cooperation with companies through expand- Päijät-Häme The Päijät-Häme 2021– ing the Climate Partnership model from the City of Lahti to the Regional Council and whole region. municipalities Päijät-Häme City of Lahti, Associati- 2021 Climate leadership training for municipalities as a part of Green on of Finnish Munici- Capital year. palities, municipalities Päijät-Häme The Päijät-Häme 2021 Developing climate evaluation of municipal decision making. Regional Council and municipalities Symbol legend: Impact: Minor Moderate Major RETURN Energy Energy efficiency improvements, production of renewable The use of solar energy is increasing rapidly in in- energy and clean electrification are essential for reducing dustries, municipalities and households. Also, wind energy greenhouse gas emissions. Besides renewable energy, construction is planned in several municipalities. Lahti heat pumps can reduce emissions significantly, when the Energy has invested in wind energy outside the region, energy source is waste heat, ground, water or air. and it formed 22 % of energy production in 2019. There are also several studies on biogas in the region,
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