Trinidad Area Catholic Community s2

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Trinidad Area Catholic Community s2

FIRST SATURDAY ADORATION Adoration for First Saturday, July 3rd, begins with prayer at 10:15 am. Mass will follow at 11:00 am. There will be adoration after Mass for one hour. Everyone is welcome to come and pray.

HOLY TRINITY PARISH FESTIVAL – AUGUST 14TH & 15TH Plans for the Festival are underway. This year, we are celebrating 125 years that our church was dedicated, so please keep these dates open and plan on attending the festivities. All profits made at the Festival will be used to purchase new tables and chairs for the gym.

If you have any quality items for the Silent Auction or any usable Christmas items for the Christmas Booth, please bring them to the Pastoral Center during open hours. If you need the items picked up, please call the Pastoral Center. Non-perishable grocery items are needed for the Country Store.

Outside Vendors are welcome on Sunday, August 15th. If you are interested in renting a booth space, please call Louise at the Pastoral center, 846-3369 x14.

Raffle Tickets – Since it is against State Gambling Regulations to mail raffle tickets, you may purchase them at the Pastoral Center during open hours. If you would like to help sell the tickets, please talk to Louise. RECIPES WANTED ! So many folks have asked to buy St. Joseph Cookbooks but we no longer have those available and we will not be able to reprint them because of copyright laws. We are asking for your favorite recipes to put together a new Parish Cookbook. These cookbooks make wonderful gifts to pass on to family members and keep Mom’s traditional, favorite recipes into the new generations. Please bring your recipes to the Pastoral Center. A SEASONAL REMINDER Now that it is summer, please remember that the clothing ladies, young women, teenagers and girls wear to weekend and weekday Masses, be modest and appropriate. Short skirts, halter tops, short shorts, revealing tops and clothing that exposes more than it covers should not be worn to Mass. Please be respectful.

ATTENTION KNIGHTS Those Knights of Columbus that have been working at the Ave Maria Shrine will meet this Tuesday, the 29th at 6:00 pm to continue our work ......

YARD SALE – CAR WASH – RAFFEL Holy Trinity Academy is having a Yard Sale and Car Wash on July 2nd & 3rd @ 268 Nona Ave. Refreshments will be available. Please call 850-0740 for more information. ALSO the Trinidad Lions Club is raffling a “Walking Boots” handmade quilt and a swimming pool (15ft diameter and 42 in deep. Chances are $2 each Quilt can be viewed in the window at Hadad’s Home Furnishings. Proceeds will benefit Holy Trinity Academy. For chances call 859-0740.

WHAT A WISE SKY All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism! JUNE 27, 2010 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ______


Sat 5:00 Anv. Mass for: Doug Vukich, Tom Mariano Barbara Ridolfi, Jerod Brunelli, Dotti Makloski, Phyllis Moniot, Shirley Soldano, Bill Shea Sat 5:00 ST. IGNATIUS INTENTIONS: In thanksgiving to St. Jude Sun 7:00 Walter Desa, Frank Veltri, Phyllis Moniot 9:00 Anv. Mass for: Lee Gonzales Jerod, Brunelli, Margaret Montoya, Phyllis Moniot, Dottie Makloski, Harry Briner, Bernie Roberts, Frank and Annie Quintieri, Well-being of Danny Cordova 11:00 Anv. Mass for: Mary Barela, Bernice Santistevan Mike DeBono, Bernie Roberts, Pasquin Family; Scarofiotti Family; Deceased members of Simola Family Mon 8:00 Anv. Mass for: Rose Trujillo, Chris Vasquez Tue 8:00 Anv. Mass for: Bernice Santistevan Wed 8:00 Dottie Makloski, Bernard D. Reorda Thu 8:00 Phyllis Moniot Fri 8:00 Anv. Mass for: Lloyd Sanchez Louis F. Blasi family Sat 5:00 Antionette Coszalter, LeAndra Gyurman, Phyllis Moniot, Bernie Roberts Sat 5:00 SAN ISIDRO INTENTIONS: Anv. Mass for: Joe Costa Asencionita V. Vialpando Sun 7:00 Liz Dekleva, Bernie T. Roberts 9:00 Dottie Makloski, Cid Tapia Sr., Phyllis Moniot, Holly Ringo, Nick Ringo Jr., Joseph and Kathryn Fausone; Living & deceased of Jennissen and Ledermann families; Well-being of Gilmary Coover, In thanksgiving to St. Anthony, Intention in thanksgiving 11:00 Anv. Mass for: Mary Riggio Ben Griego, Dottie Makloski, Shirley Soldano

ANOTHER OPTION FOR YOU Ever wondered what to do when someone dies, you know the family does not want flowers and you don’t think the deceased needs any more masses offered? One option people sometimes choose is to have memorial contributions made to a charity. Along those lines, we want to suggest contributions to our Diocesan Ministry Fund campaign. We will report to the family of the deceased the names of persons making such contributions and the amount contributed. The DMF enables the many works of the Diocese of Pueblo, especially training for ministry (either as priests, deacons or lay persons). It is a fine way to honor a deceased person’s memory. TRINIDAD AREA CATHOLIC COMMUNITY

OFFERTORY 06-20-10 Trinidad: $6,881.61 Readings for the Week of June 27, 2010 San Isidro: 144.65 Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Wednesday: Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Mt 8:28-34 Thank You! Thursday: Am 7:10-17/Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 2010 DMF Saturday: Eph 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29 Goal: $93,576.00 Next Sunday: Is 66:10-14c/Gal 6:14-18/ Pledged: 43,245.00 Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9 Pledges 179

JULY 4TH INDEPENDENCE DAY! Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of (people), and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. Dwight D. Eisenhower

PARISH HAPPENINGS, JUNE 27 – JULY 4, 2010 Sunday Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Word & Communion Service, 10:00 am, Trinidad State Nursing Home Televised Celebration of Holy Trinity Mass, 1:00 pm, Channel 71 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Adoration, 8:30 am, Holy Trinity Church New Hope Catholic Charasmatic Prayer Group, 6:30 pm, Holy Family Hall Saturday First Saturday Adoration, 10:15, Holy Trinity Church Sunday Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass, 11:00 am, Trinidad State Nursing Home Televised Celebration of Holy Trinity Mass, 1:00 pm, Channel 71

LIFE OF THE PARTY A little boy sat through a Sunday School class and learned about the time Jesus went to a wedding and changed the water into wine. “And what did you learn for that story?” asked his father afterwards. The boy thought for a moment and answered, “If you’re having a wedding, make sure Jesus is there/” From the Desk of Sister Didyaknow

In Giving We Receive: “Stone Soup” Once upon a time, a beggar asked alms at the mansion of a lord. Rebuffed by the servants who claimed they had nothing to give, the beggar replied, “Sorry for it, but will you let me boil a little water to make some soup with this stone?” With their curiosity aroused at such an unusual proposal, the servants readily provided saucepan, water and spoon. The pauper promptly popped in a stone, savored it and suggested it needed the flavor of a little salt and pepper. The servants, caught up in the proceedings, shared some of theirs. With a flourish, the beggar stirred and tasted and observed that it would certainly be improved with any fragrant vegetables and meat there might be around. His unwitting assistants supplied them. Similarly, with a final fanfare, the beggar accepted a bit of sauce. Then all tasted and enjoyed, with the servants agreeing that stone soup is excellent.

Liturgical Parish Ministries: Like this fable, each of us has gifts we can share with the parish family. We may think we have nothing to give, but when we come together and share what God has given us, the outcome is always a blessing that benefits all of us. Liturgical Ministers are always needed. If you are not a minister at this time, please consider sharing your gifts and talents with our parish family. The more parish ministers we have, the richer and tastier our “soup” will be.

Monday, June 28 is the feast of Irenaeus of Sirmium, bishop and martyr. Irenaeus suffered under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian at Sirmium, a town now in ruins near Sremska Mitrovica in Yugoslavia. When called on to sacrifice to the gods, he refused. He was imprisoned and tortured. When he continued to refuse, he was sentenced to death. He died in 304.

Saturday, July 3 is the feast of Thomas, apostle and martyr. Thomas was one of the original twelve Apostles, and was called Didymus (“twin”), since he was the twin brother of St. James. He is characterized in the Gospels as “Doubting Thomas.” After the Resurrection and Ascension, Thomas traveled to India to proclaim the Gospel. It was in India where he was martyred. Thomas is the patron of architects, builders and construction workers.

Symbols of the Church

Altar and Cherubim/Ark of the Covenant: The Ark of the Covenant was the meeting place of God with the Israelites on the journey from Egypt. It was the symbol of the presence of God among them.

Altar of Burnt Offering: This is the altar upon which the offerings of first-fruits and grains were made. It is also a symbol for Old Testament worship.

Ark and Rainbow: This is the most common symbol of the flood. It is also a symbol of the Church, since in the Ark all living creatures found refuge from danger.

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