Llanfoist Fawr Community Council

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Llanfoist Fawr Community Council




Present: Cllr. C. Holland Cllr. J. James (Chair) Cllr. Mrs L. Palmer Cllr. Mrs B. Russell Cllr. Mrs J. Smith Cllr. Mrs L. Thomas Absent: Cllr. J. Faragher ``

1. To accept apologies for absence: Cllr. D. Carpenter, Cllr. D. Davies, Cllr. Mrs H. Stockham, Cllr. M. Thomas & C. Cllr. M. Hickman.

2. To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below: Cllr. Mrs L. Thomas declared an interest regarding item 7 – B.B.N.P. planning application 15/13210/FUL. Cllr. Mrs L. Thomas left the meeting whilst this item was being considered.

3. To sign the minutes of the meeting of the Council – 16 th February 2016: Resolved: - that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 16th February be confirmed.

4. To receive a report from the Clerk on Matters arising from previous meetings:  Possible “Centenary Fields” – Llanfoist. Mr Rhodri Edwards / Fields in Trust has agreed to visit the 2 possible sites in Llanfoist. Resolved: - Members requested the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Mr Edwards on the 4th April 2016. Llanfoist Community Councillors, the Chairman and the Clerk are to attend.  Govilon Memorial Garden – remedial work to be undertaken as a “Community Project” by Costains. Resolved:- Members requested that the Clerk asks Mr Baker for available dates and times to meet and finalise plans for this work.  New chairs for Govilon Village Hall. It was noted that Community Councils are no longer eligible to apply to the Welsh Church Fund. Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Grants will not be considered until 20th June 2016. Purchase of the chairs will cost £1,757.00 for 70 chairs (£25.10 each). Resolved: - Members agreed that the Llanfoist Fawr Community Council is to apply for a grant from the Lottery.  Sale of Community Corner, Govilon. It was noted that Mr Dilley has now provided details of his new solicitor so that details of purchase can be confirmed. Resolved: - The Clerk will continue to deal with this matter.  A465 – Section 2 meeting. Attended 29/2 by Chair & Clerk. It was noted that the Chairman had asked Costains to urgently consider fully stone cladding the bridge at the Glanbaiden Roundabout – currently only the “wings” of the bridge are scheduled for

1 cladding. It was noted that this bridge is in an area at the entrance to the Brecon Beacon National Park and the bridge should be made more fitting for the surroundings. Resolved: - It was noted that at the meeting on the 29th February 2016 C. Cllr. Kevin Williams had agreed with the Chair that he would continue to liaise with Costains on this issue. The Clerk will liaise with C. Cllr. Williams to find out if any progress has been made.  Celliwig Court, Llanwenarth. The full Brecon Beacon National Park Planning Officer Report has been forwarded to the Chairman and Cllr. Chris. Holland. A paper copy was available at the meeting. It was noted that the Planning Officer had recommended this application for approval and that it was granted planning permission by the Brecon Beacon National Parks Planning Committee.  3 Year Grounds Maintenance contract has been drawn up by the Clerk for Alun John Landscapes. The Chairman signed the contracts on behalf of the Community Council. Resolved: - The Clerk will forward the contract to Alun John Landscapes for signing.  Requests for regular hire of sports facilities – to be considered at May 2016 council meeting – currently no further applications received.  Llanfoist Multi Use Games Area. At this meeting the Clerk ascertained the key access arrangements for the shed that contains the Tennis nets for the MUGA. It was confirmed that all use of the nets is considered “Private Hire” and will be charged at a rate of £5 per hour for private use and £10 per hour for “Club / Group” use. Resolved: - The Clerk will widely advertise, through local notices, the MUGA Facility – especially the use / availability of the Tennis Nets / Court. It was confirmed that the Court will be booked through the Clerk / Avalon Booking System.  BT – telephone line / broadband has been ordered for Govilon Sports Pavilion. Installation date - 12/4/16.  Llanellen Village Hall – disabled access. The Clerk confirmed that the paperwork is currently with Land Registry for completion.  Old School Meadow, Llanfoist. A meeting / plan is needed to complete the project. Resolved: - The will be put on the April 2016 agenda for consideration. The Llanfoist Councillors are to supply an outline of what they would like at the field.  Alun John Landscaping has confirmed that all outstanding grounds works at Llanellen, (tree pruning) and Govilon (work to the side of the Salisbury Community Hall and fencing / gates at the King George V Playing Field) is to be completed before the end of March 2015.

5. To distribute / circulate items of correspondence received:  Queen’s 90th Birthday Commemoration. Commemorative Medals are available at a cost of £1.99 each. It was noted that it may be possible to work with Abergavenny Town Council to make a small cost saving. Resolved: - The Llanfoist Fawr Community Council resolved to approve the purchase of HM Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Commemorative Medal for Schools and Councils for all children attending the Llanfoist Primary School. The costs of the medals are £1.99 + VAT each. The Clerk will liaise with Mr Jon Murphy, Head teacher at Llanfoist Primary School, to ascertain the number of medals required.

2  Gwent Police – December 2015 to February 2016 Crime Report and February / March Crime Report. The Clerk gave members details of both reports.  Velathon 2016 – Llanfoist residents meeting 5th April 2016, 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at Llanfoist Village Hall. An email has been received from a local resident, Peter Sturgess wishing to know if members of the council will be attending the meeting and what the council’s view is on the event and the disruption it will cause. Resolved: - Cllr. Mrs Jayne Smith will attend the meeting – other Councillors will attend the meeting if they are available. The Clerk is not available to attend this meeting. The Clerk will put up posters, on the 3 main Community Council noticeboards, advertising the meeting and will e-mail details of the meeting and the poster to all Community Councillors. The Clerk will respond to Monmouthshire County Council with details of the Community Council representative at this meeting. The Clerk will also respond to Mr Sturgess to confirm that Cllr. Mrs J. Smith will attend the meeting and that the council will consider the impact of the 2016 event following this meeting.  Monmouthshire County Council – “Give Dog Fouling the Red Card” – meeting at County Hall, Usk 19/4/16 – 2.30 p.m. It was noted that the Clerk will attend this meeting to ensure that the Llanfoist Fawr Community Council is doing all it can to tackle this issue within the local area.  Annual Play Area Inspections. Councillors were given a brief overview of the main issues highlighted in the reports - Llanellen requires replacement of the roof panels on the playhouse / slide, 2 flat swing seats and a repair to the damaged safety surfacing under the swings. Govilon has a mole problem that needs addressing. Resolved: - The Clerk has obtained a quote of £80, + VAT & delivery charge, for 2 Flat Swing Seats – Councillors approved this quote. The Clerk will send a full copy of the reports to Alun John Landscapes and ask that they quote to fulfil all of the issues highlighted. It was noted that Alun John has already been asked to inspect & quote for the repair of the playhouse.  Kidneywales – Walk for Life details.  Rural Development Programme. It was noted that the Llanfoist Fawr area has been identified as one that can attract maximum funding. Resolved: - The Clerk will invite Mike Powell to the April 2016 Council meeting.  Tenovus – donation request.  Abergavenny Eisteddfod = funding request.  Welsh Government – Local Government Ethical Framework / The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016. It was noted that a full copy of this order had been sent to all members prior to the meeting. Resolved: - The Llanfoist Fawr Community Council resolved to adopt the revised Code Of Conduct (Wales) 2016.  Newport City Council – Consultation period ends 12/4/16 regarding establishing a new Welsh-medium secondary school on the site of Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon, Newport.  Monmouthshire County Council – Parking Places Order 2016 - noted.  Superfast Broadband. A list of postcodes covered was circulated to members.

3 Other items of correspondence were received and noted.

6. To consider Monmouthshire County Council planning applications as listed:-  DC/2016/00225 – Discharge of condition 2 (Drainage) from planning consent M/11132 – Whitecastle, Llanfoist, NP7 9LL Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.  DC/2016/00226 – Discharge of condition 9 (Ecology) from planning consent M/11132 – Whitecastle, Llanfoist, NP7 9LL Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.

7. To consider Brecon Beacon National Park Authority planning applications as listed:-  15/12898/FUL – Conversion of redundant boat shed into holiday let – Boat Shed Adjacent to the Boat House, Church Lane, Llanfoist Wharf, NP7 9NG. Planning Permission granted by B.B.N.P.  15/12920/FUL – Proposed single storey replacement garage extension to dwelling at Vali Mai, Dragon Lane, Govilon, NP7 9PG9NG. Planning Permission granted by B.B.N.P.  15/12970/TPO – Works to trees to make power lines “storm resilient” (TPO) – Land above Ty’r Y Wen Farm, Near Maes Berllan, Abergavenny, NP7 7EY. Planning Permission granted by B.B.N.P.  16/13098/FUL – Proposed new detached dwelling – Holly Cottage, Mill Lane, Govilon NP7 9SA. Application withdrawn.  16/13181/FUL – Enlarge front porch and single story rear extension – Ty Newydd Cottage, Cwm-Cegyyr Road, Llanwenarth, NP7 7ET. Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.  16/13210/FUL – Proposed two storey extension to the rear of the house replacing the existing single storey structure – Larch Cottage, Mill Lane, Govilon, NP7 9SA. Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.  116/13259/FUL – Construction of single storey pitched roofed extension to rear and construction of lean-to porch extension to front elevation – Ty Newydd Lodge, Llanwenarth, NP7 7ET. Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.  16/13265/FUL – First Floor extension to create additional accommodation – Canal Wharf House, Blaenavon Road, Govilon, NP7 9NY. Resolved: - Members recommended this application for APPROVAL.

8. Updates from County Councillors: Cllr. Cllr. Martin Hickman has sent his apology and is unable to attend this meeting.

9. To agree expenditure and other accounts matters:  Internal Auditor Ms. Nicola Eyre has been recommended by the Clerk – the cost is expected to be in the region of £275 plus travelling expenses of 45p per mile from Bridgend (meeting can take place closer to Bridgend to avoid any unnecessary expense). 2015 audit cost was £424. Resolved: - The Council resolved to appoint Ms. Nicola Eyre as the Internal Auditor for the 2015/16 Internal Audit.

4  Finance Committee Members considered the setting up of a “Finance Committee”. Resolved: - Members resolved to set up a Finance Committee that will meet on a quarterly basis starting in April 2016. The Clerk is to supply a draft set of Committee Terms of Reference for consideration at the April 2016 council meeting and the first meeting of the Finance Committee will be immediately following this meeting. The members of the Finance Committee will be Cllr. J. James (Chair), Cllr. Mrs J. Smith, Cllr. Mrs L. Thomas, Cllr. C. Holland & Cllr. J. Faragher.

 Churchyard Donations St Faith’s Church, Christchurch, Govilon, Llanwenarth Baptist Church, St Helen’s Church St Peter’s Church  Payments for approval: - Merlin Waste Control Specialist Ltd (March) £ 174.16 Amanda Preece (Cleaner - Feb) £ 50.00 Alun John Landscapes (Feb) £ 60.00 A. Smith £ 120.00 Trustees of Llanover Estate (Rent of Llanellen V. Hall Car Park) £ 20.00 One Voice Wales (Clerk’s Training) £ 35.00 NFU Mutual - £ 2,263.21 H. M. Revenue & Customs (2 mths) £ 414.70  Direct Debits:- Swalec (S.C.H.) £ 63.51 Swalec (Gov. Spts. Pav.) £ 88.65

Clerks Salary & expenses - As agreed March TCBC – Pension Fund (Employer & Employee Contribution) – as agreed March

Resolved: that the above accounts be approved for payment.

10. To exclude the press and public from the meeting, under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 (Section 100A), whilst the following 2 items are discussed, as this relates to the disclosure of exempt information, as defined under Paragraph1, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the above Act. Resolved: - The council unanimously approved the above motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting.

Item 11 Confidential

Next Meetings:- 05/04/16 - Planning Meeting - Govilon Sports Pavilion – 7.00 p.m. (if required) 20/04/16 - Council Meeting – Govilon Sports Pavilion – 7.00 p.m. The meeting closed at 8.49 p.m.


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