TKAM Reading Guide Chapters 9-15

Name Period

Score /10 Chapter Questions Due

Score /10 Extended Response

Directions: Answer all questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to label the chapter in which the questions are from. Attach this sheet to your questions.

Chapter Nine:

Who are the following people and how are they related to Atticus and to the children? a. Alexandra b. Francis c. Jack d. Jimmy

Chapter Ten:

1. At the beginning of this chapter, Scout is ashamed of Atticus. List his faults as she sees them.

2. Explain why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, according to Miss Maudie.

Chapter Eleven:

1. Why do you think the author gives such a detailed and ugly description of Mrs. Dubose? How does it make you feel?

2. Atticus explains to the children why he considered Mrs. Dubose to be a “great lady” and a brave person. How does this “fit in” with his explanation of why he is defending Tom Robinson?

Chapter Twelve:

Why does Cal speak one way around colored people and another way around white people? Is she being honest or hypocritical in what she does? Explain. Chapter Thirteen:

Scout and Aunt Alexandria communicate very poorly with each other. Is the fault more with one than the other, or are they equally at fault? Explain.

Chapter Fourteen:

Explain how Jem “broke the remaining code of our childhood.”

Chapter Fifteen:

1. Describe events prior to the scene at the Maycomb jail that show the tension and unrest of the town. Be specific.

2. What does Scout’s childish attempt at conversation accomplish? Explain.

Extended Response Question

Directions Select one of the two questions below and write an extended response. Be sure to use information from the novel to support your answer. This will be a graded assignment worth 10 points and due the same time the Reading Guide questions are due! Be sure to check the calendar for due dates!

Literary Analysis: When the narrator uses irony, she means something different from what she says.

 Francis tells Scout that he got just what he asked for, for Christmas. What does Scout really mean when she says, ”Francis had requested a pair of knee-pants, a red leather booksack, five shirts, and an untied bow tie”?

 Discuss the irony of the following statement and the situation, which it describes. “…there followed what I later realized was sickeningly comic aspect of an unfunny situation: the men talked in near- whispers.”