P335 Busey Spring 2001 Casey Assignment Part 2
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P335 Busey Spring 2001 Casey Assignment Part 2
In this assignment you will write a letter to the parents of a 15 year old patient, Jenny Dark, who has a condition very similar to that experienced by Casey Cave. You will write this letter assuming that you are Jenny’s neurologist and that you’ve had experience with similar cases including that of Casey Cave. The purpose of the letter will be to help Jenny and her parents make a decision about whether to have Jenny’s left hemisphere removed. In order to do this, you will have to first determine what functions are carried out by the left hemisphere. Mollie will show several videos in class today, and you should answer the following questions as you watch the video. Then follow the instructions at the end of the assignment for the formatting of your letter to Jenny’s parents.
The goal of these videos is to help you understand what various parts of the brain do and therefore what functions might be lost if it is removed. These notes below are just for your reference and are not handed in.
Video 1- Epilepsy and split brains As you watch the videos, note in the table below which functions are associated with the left and right hemispheres. The first line has been done for you. Other videos might also help you fill in this table.
Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere Controls right hand Controls left hand
Video 2- False memories How can real and false memories be distinguished in the PET scanner?
Which hemisphere is this effect located in?
What does this mean for Jenny, who will have her left hemisphere removed?
Video 3- Old Brain, New Tricks Where are various aspects of language located?
Does this differ for people who learn language later?
How do deaf people use their auditory cortex (since it isn’t being used for processing auditory information)? Instructions for your letter to Jenny’s parents
Jenny Dark is a 15 year old who has a condition identical to Casey Cave. Assume for the moment that you are the consulting neuroscientist working with Jenny and her parents. Your job is to provide information to the Darks in order for them to be able to make an informed decision about the surgery. If they chose to have the surgery, Jenny will have her entire left hemisphere removed, including the left hippocampus but not the thalamus or right hippocampus. You need to anticipate what functions Jenny might lose as a result. In a 1-2 page letter, describe the operation and summarize the functions that will be lost as a result of the removal of her left hemisphere. Be specific about which functions are located in the left hemisphere. Also describe the prognosis for recovery, noting that Jenny is two years older than Casey, and therefore might not recover in the same way. Address your letter to Mr. and Mrs. Dark, adopt a compassionate tone, and provide as much assistance as you can to help Jenny and her parents make this most agonizing decision.
Your letter should be emailed to Mollie Jacobs ([email protected]) by 3:00 on Friday afternoon (January 26). Note that this is an individual assignment (although an early version of the syllabus listed it as a group assignment). It is worth 10% of your grade in the course.