Course Number, Course Title: Studio Art Honors
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Course Syllabus Studio Art Pamela Duffus
Course Information Course Number, Course Title: Studio Art Honors Year Offered: 2012/2013 Teacher’s Email Address: [email protected] Web Address: > Jr./Sr. High School > Staff > Duffus
Course Description Studio Art Credits: 5 (Prerequisite: Portfolio Review and Department Recommendation) This class is for the serious art student. Students will compile a competitive portfolio of work showing a breadth of development in either drawing, 2D design, or 3D design. Students will complete works of art necessary for their individual needs.
Course Goals and Objectives To prepare students for the college art experience and AP Studio art. Students will be guided through developing a solid breadth portfolio throughout the year. Critiquing is essential and will take place often. A visual journal is required.
Texts, Readings, Materials Reference books: 1. Gardner’s Art through the Ages Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. Grading 20% Participation 80% Projects, Sketchbooks, and Homework
Participation is measured weekly. Grades are averaged at the end of each marking period. Point Value Description √++ 5 Excellent Focused, On task √+ 4 Good Mostly on Task √ 3 Fair One or more of the following occurred: Minor Lack of Focus, Late for Class, Texting, Computer Games, Unprepared for Class, Disrespect of Peers/ Environment/ Teacher, Extended Time out of Class √- 2 Unsatisfactory Two or more of the above occurred: Lack of Focus √-- 1 Poor Three or more of the above occurred: Highly Disrespectful/ Disruptive, Cut Class
Projects will be assigned point values. Some will be worth 5-10 points and others 100. The more involved the project the more points it will be worth. Course Syllabus Studio Art Pamela Duffus
Curriculum Content Honors Studio Art Unit Descriptions 1. Portraiture- 2D - Graphic portraits will be created with an emphasis on proportion and scale. Students will be encouraged to experiment with the manipulation of form and the other elements of art to create balance using symmetry/asymmetry. Discussion about appropriate photographic references, ethics, artistic integrity, and plagiarism will open this unit. Possible Examples: Chuck Close, Dorthea Lange, Cindy Sherman, Frida Kahlo, Picasso, Willem de Kooning
Drawing - Portraits from observation and photographic references will be created with an emphasis on self-portraits. Discussion about appropriate photographic references, ethics, artistic integrity, and plagiarism will open this unit. Possible Examples: Chuck Close, Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jan Van Eyck, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Diego Velázquez, Rembrandt, Dorthea Lange, Cindy Sherman
3D- Self-portrait from observation using a variety of techniques and mediums including, but not limited to mixed media assemblages, clay images, wire sketches, and paper constructions. Some of these projects will be created quickly like 3D gesture drawings or sketches. Possible Examples:
2. Perspective 2D - Spatial exploration- a focus on internal and external space using graphic design elements. Possible Examples: Renaissance art, M.C. Esher, Salvador Dali, Edward Hopper, Bruegele, Charles Demuth, Salvador Dali
Drawing - Spatial drawing- a focus on internal and external space through observational and inventive drawing will take place. An understanding of atmospheric perspective, linear perspective and the exploration of various points of view will be developed. Possible Examples: Renaissance art, M.C. Esher, Salvador Dali, Edward Hopper, Bruegel, Cézanne, Charles Demuth
3D- Spatial exploration focusing on internal and external space, using form and the principles of design. Possible Examples:
3. Observational Still Life 2D - Figure/Ground - Student will work with and manipulate observed imagery (a still life, objects of interest, a landscape…) to create explorations in 2-D design. Focus will be on figure/ground relationships and positive/negative space using shape, color and value. Possible Examples: MC Esher, Miro, Edgar Rubin (faces-vase)
Drawing - Still life Drawing- Still life objects will be arranged by the teacher and students. Focus will be on composition and creating the illusion of three-dimensional form using the elements of art and principles of design. Possible Examples: Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh, Wayne Thiebaud, 17th century Dutch, Audrey Flack. Course Syllabus Studio Art Pamela Duffus
3D- Using nature as inspiration to create 3D forms or patterns on ceramics or a sculpture. Possible Examples:
4. Figure Drawing 2D - Figurative forms- Focus will be placed on the human form as inspiration for 2-D design. Students will explore abstraction through the use of exaggeration and simplification. They will develop rhythmic imagery expressing movement in the composition using repetition of the elements of art. Possible Examples: Matisse, Marc Chagall, Edward Munch, Picasso
Drawing - Figure Drawing- Student models will provide subject matter. Focus will be placed on developing an understanding of how the human body relates to its surroundings. Gesture drawings as well as developed images will be created. Possible Examples: Käthe Kollwitz, Toulouse-Lautrec, Edward Dega, Matisse, Frederick Franck
3D- Use the human form as inspiration for works in various mediums. Possible Examples: George Segel, Kiki Smith,
5. Visual Communications 2D – Advertising and Design Students will explore and create various styles of advertisements such as; billboards, labels, posters, logos, pop-ups…Discussions about color theory, imagery and psychology will take place. Possible Examples: Chinese and Japanese scrolls, Jacob Lawrence, Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, Roy Lichtenstein, the Limbourg Brothers, Andy Warhol
Drawing - Illustrative Drawing – Focus will be placed on storytelling. Students will explore various styles of illustrative works including, but not limited to children’s books, comics, animation, social commentary, surrealism, and political statements. Possible Examples: Chinese and Japanese scrolls, Jacob Lawrence, Francisco Goya, , Salvador Dali, Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, Roy Lichtenstein, Renaissance/pre-renaissance frescos and paintings including Raphael, Bruegel, the Limbourg Brothers, Artemisia Gentileschi
6. Expressive and Non-Representational Work 2-D - Non-representational and Abstraction- Students will be encouraged to create non-representational works focusing on the principles of design using the elements of art as well as works manipulating and abstracting subject matter to create abstracted imagery. Possible Examples: Bauhaus, Frank Stella, Helen Frankenthaler, Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Miriam Schapiro, Susan Rothenberg, neo-expressionists, Modernism, Clement Greenberg
Drawing - Creative/expressive drawing- Students will be encouraged to work from their subconscious with a focus on individual expression through mark-making. Abstraction and distortion will be discussed. Possible Examples: Edward Munch, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Matisse, Mannerist art, Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Marc Chagall, Miro, Frida Kahlo, Henry Rousseau, Odilon Redon, Max Beckmann, Willem de Kooning, Francis Bacon
3D- Non-representational and Abstraction- Students will be encouraged to create non- representational works focusing on the principles of design using the elements of art as well as works manipulating and abstracting subject matter to create abstracted imagery. Possible Examples: Course Syllabus Studio Art Pamela Duffus
CALENDAR Drawing 2D/Photo 3D Summer Work in traditional drawing or Work in graphic style or with Work in 3-dimentional 1self-portrait painting mediums. Focus on photography. Focus heavily on mediums to create all 1 piece from life various mark making techniques, good design using the principles projects. Focus heavily on 1 still life composition, and quality of the of design. form and space. 1 creative piece elements of art. September Self-portraits charcoal, pastel, 2D 3D Portraiture paint… Graphic representation of a self- Develop a series of self- Unit #1 portrait portraits out of various Focus on realistically representing mediums. Vary the size the person, developing values in and intensity of each one. color or B&W, and creating Photo For example, one might be dynamic compositions using Portraits and self-portraits, a one-day sketch using interesting facial expressions, candid and posed wire and another a life size backgrounds, and cropping. ceramic sculpture.
October Observational perspective Surreal and inventive Create a sculpture focusing Perspective/ Spatial drawings of internal and external perspective drawing on spatial explorations of exploration spaces internal and external space. Unit # 2 1,2,3 point perspective in Focus on the relationship Atmospheric perspective in Comics of various forms in space. landscapes Photo Depth of field Manual aperture November/Decemb Still-life drawings in various Figure ground studies using Observations from nature. er mediums contrasting color or value. This could inspire Observation still-life Positive vs Negative space decorative elements on a Unit #3 piece of pottery or a Collage of a still life. sculpture based on observation of an element Choose a dominant element of of nature. art to focus on.
Photo Select focus on specific objects or parts of objects
January Figure Drawing Figurative images as design 3 rd ¼ Figurative forms element Figurative sculpture. Unit # 4 Create a sculpture base on Photo elements of the human People, the human form, fashion form photography… February Figure Drawing Figurative images as design 3 rd ¼ element Figurative sculpture. Create a sculpture base on Photo elements of the human People, the human form, fashion form photography… March-Advertising Illustrate stories, poems, songs… Create illustrations with texts for and illustration Comics graphic novels… book covers, graphic novels, Unit # 5 Medical illustration/anatomy greeting cards. Wallpaper/fabric design Advertisements Wallpaper/fabric design
Photo Course Syllabus Studio Art Pamela Duffus
Products and advertising April Creative and expressive Non-representational design Non-representational Expressive drawing/painting focused on line work. sculptures drawing / quality and mark making nonrepresentational Focus on Focus on design Surrealism color theory, texture, line color theory, texture, line Unit # 6 quality. quality.
Photo Creative and expressive photograph. Computer manipulated images May Portraits and self portraits Graphic portraits/self portraits Revisit what is needed. Revisit portraiture Unit #1 June What do you need to complete What do you need to complete What do you need to Individual work your breadth portfolio? your breadth portfolio? complete your breadth portfolio?
Personal Journal You will be required to respond weekly to specific question in a journal/sketchbook. The questions are designed to help you understand who you are as an artist and to prepare you for interviews and writing an essay. Class discussions will be based on these questions.
Critiques/Discussions There will be weekly critiques or discussions addressing various topics pertinent to senior art students going to art school. Representatives from various schools will come in and speak.