1. ______Is the Retention of Larval Characteristics in the Adult Form

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1. ______Is the Retention of Larval Characteristics in the Adult Form

Practice Exam I Leader: Eva Week 1.10 Course: A ECL 365 Supplemental Instruction Instructor: Dr. Adams Iowa State University Date: 9-24-2012

1. ______is the retention of larval characteristics in the adult form.

2. ______are used in blood clotting in most vertebrates. Mammals use ______.

3. In order for a hypothesis to be scientific, it must be ______and make ______.

4. ______is the scientific study of the kinds and diversity of organisms, and their evolutionary relationships.

5. The ______is known as the age of the amphibians.

6. The class ______is the 2nd most diverse group of vertebrates, with over 10,000 extant species.

7. In birds, the ______fuses to form the ______, or “wishbone”.

8. ______structures have similarities due to shared ancestry; ______structures have similarities that are not from shared ancestry – think convergent evolution.

9. The ______is made up of girdles and appendages.

10. ______and ______are the smallest units of the muscle and are the power source to every action made.

11. ______attach skeletal muscles to bone.

12. ______join cardiac muscle fibers to coordinate simultaneous contraction. This muscle type is striated and ______.

13. The ______officially broke the tie to water.

14. The are known as transitional fish due to their characteristics that allow for the transition to land.

15. The order Squamata contains three traditional subgroups. One of these, , is NOT monophyletic because the remaining two, and are phylogenetically nested within a lineage of the first.

16. The is made up of the cranium, vertebrae, and the ribs & sternum.

17. Birds form a group within the amniotes. 18. There are two main components of the circulatory system, the and the ______. 19. True/False All vertebrates have a closed system in regards to the circulatory system.

20. Mammals are homeotherms.

21. Birds are , meaning they lay eggs.

22. Most mammals have dentition.

23. The segmented bands of muscle that are found in fish are called ______.

24. The term “amphi bios” means .

25. ______were early synapsids and known as sailbacks.

26. The aortic arch curves to the in birds, and to the in mammals. This shows that the 4-chambered heart evolved twice!

27. Gill filaments contain , thin filaments that increase the surface area.

28. Gas exchange in the lungs takes place in the .

29. , the family of salamanders known as the lung less salamanders, breathe using respiration.

30. occurs when segments of a population become separated and then diversify in separate places.

31. Class _____have a skeleton made of cartilage but don’t have a swim bladder whereas class have a bony skeleton and a swim bladder. Both classes are extant.

32. is a transitional organism between fish and tetrapods that was notable for having fins with wrists.

33.The or stem reptiles were lizard like insect eaters with an amphibian like skull.

34. The functional unit of a muscle is the .

35. Blood is made up of ______and ______cells. Name the types of cells and their function.

36. The evolution of a ______-______jaw articulation in mammals allowed other jaw bones to be modified for the function of . They are now found in the mammalian . Short Answer/Essay Portion

36. List the four characteristics that ALL chordates share at some point in their lives.

37. Briefly describe the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation.

38. List and briefly describe the theories on why vertebrates made the move to land.

39. Describe the amniotic egg in detail.

40. Define skull fenestration (function). List each type and give examples of extant vertebrate groups that show each type.

41. Discuss Evolution by Natural Selection. Be sure to include all four components, and why it is important. 42. Describe the hypotheses of flight evolution. Be sure to include the one major flaw of the original Cursorial hypothesis.

Orchestrate the patterns of the circulatory system for the following vertebrate groups:




43. What are the three traits that should be maximized to create optimum respiration of oxygen?

44. Describe the counter-current flow.

45. What are some changes seen in the axial skeleton of fish vs a tetrapod. Make sure to note the vertebral column and its purpose. 46.

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