Cawthra Park Examination Schedule

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Cawthra Park Examination Schedule

CAWTHRA PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE June 2014 V.3 Monday June 23 Wednesday June 18 8:45 a.m. C Room Course Length Length Room Shortened Day Schedule 313 CHC2P0-B 1 1.5 205 Tutorial Day 218 EMS3O0-A 1.5 1.5 207 SPECIAL EXAM ROOMS 217 FSF1D0-F 1.5 2 217 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Period A Conflict Room - 304 107 FSF1D0-G 1.5 1.5 203 Extended Time Rooms – 310/312 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Period B 305 FSF1D0-H 1.5 2 210 Quiet Study Hall - Library 303 FSF1D0-I 1.5 2 214 (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Period E Thurs/Fri) 308 FSF1D0-J 1.5 Cafeteria – Group Study 10:00– 10:50 a.m. Period C 315 FSF2D0-B 1.5 (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) 304 FSF2D0-C 1.5 10:50 – 11:40 p.m. Period D (No food will be available as the Servery 101 HSB4U0-B 2 will be closed) School Day Ends at 11:40 215 HSB4U0-C 2 p.m. 204 HSP3CO-A 1.5 304 NO CAFETERIA SERVICE 209 HSP3U0-C 1.5 IMPORTANT DATES TODAY 208 HSP3U0-D 1.5 Emergency date: Tuesday June 24 216 ICS3U0-A 1.5 Exam Review – June 26 (9:00 Wednesday June 18 am) 207 MHF4U0-D 2 Report Card Distribution – June 26 Specialist High Skills Major 213 SBI4U0-C 2 students: (10:15 am) 212 SPH3U0-A 2 ***“ H” (SHSM codes) 211 write with the NOTE: in the 2014-15 school corresponding “0” section year only 203 **** 1 exam will be written per day 205 12:15 pm 214 Conflicts TEXTS TO BE BROUGHT TO EXAM 317 Course Length Room ENG1D0-E 305 Conflicts Opens 10:45 304 EXAM REVIEW – June 26 ENG1D0-F 303 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. Period A 9:00 – 9:15 Course Length Room Course Length Room Course Length Room a.m. ENG1D0-G 304 Period B 9:15 – 9:30 a.m. ENG1D0-H 308 BAF3MO-B 2 317 AWT4MR-A 2 309 Period C 9:30 – 9:45 a.m. ENG1D0-I 313 CHW3M0-B 1.5 205 CGC1D0-C 1.5 218 Period D 9:45 -10:00 a.m. ENG1D0-J 204 CIA4U0-A 2 305 CGC1D0-H 1.5 205 Period E 10:00 - 10:1 5 a.m. ENG1D0-L 203 HFN2O0-C 1 203 CGC1D0-I 1.5 210 . REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTION: ENG2D0-E 317 HFN2O0-D 1 204 CGC1D0-J 1.5 217 HOME ROOM 10:15 AM ENG2D0-F 315 SCH3U0-B 1.5 211 CGC1D0-K 1.5 215 ENG2D0-G 107 SCH3U0-C 1.5 214 CHY4U0-B 2 311 ENG2D0-I 207 SCH3U0-D 1.5 207 HFA4U0-B 2 315 ENG2D0-J 101 SCH4U0-A 2 303 HFA4UO-C 2. 317 ENG2D0-K 205 SCH4U0-B 2 308 SBI3C0-A 1.5 208 ENG3U0-A 211 SNC1D0-C 1.5 217 SBI3U0-D 2 308 ENG3U0-F 217 SNC1D0-E 1.5 218 SBI3U0-E 2 305 ENG3U0-G 209 SNC1D0-F 1.5 216 SBI3U0-F 2 303 ENG3U0-H 210 SNC1D0-H 1.5 215 SNC2D0-C 1.5 213 ENG3U0-I 208 SNC1D0-J 1.5 210 SNC2D0-D 1.5 212 ENG4U0-B 216 SNC1P0-B 1.5 208 SNC2D0-E 1.5 214 ENG4U0-G 215 SNC2D0-J 1.5 211 ENG4U0-H 214 SNC2P0-B 1.5 207 ENG4U0-I 218 Conflicts 304 Conflicts 304 EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS June 2014

1. Student Examination Schedule On examination days, only those students writing an examination on that day should be in the building. From 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., students in the building should be in the Library (during designated hours) or in the Cafeteria. The expectation is that students will study individually or work quietly in groups in the cafeteria.

2. Illness / Death in the Family Students who miss a final evaluation or formal examination must call the school immediately. For illness, the medical certificate and a letter from their parents is to be submitted to their alpha administrator within 3 days. The medical certificate must state that the student is "unable to write their final examination” on the specific date. In the event of a death in the family, the alpha administrator must be contacted prior to or on the day of the scheduled final evaluation. Each case will be dealt with on an individual basis under the Ministry of Education / Peel District School Board Policy which applies to Grade 9, 10, 11 & 12 students. This could mean rescheduling the evaluation until the next semester, completing the evaluation on the make-up day, making up the credit at summer school or accepting a zero for that final evaluation. The decision will depend on the duration of the illness/family emergency, the nature of the evaluation and the progress of the student to date in the course.

3. Lates Examinations begin on time. Late arrivals will not be given additional time.

4. Conflicts If you have two exams scheduled to be written at the same time, this is a conflict. Please obtain a blue conflict form from the student counter, complete and return to the Student Counter by Friday May 30, 2014. You will receive a written note from the Vice-Principal about the solution to the conflict. The conflicts will be written in a designated conflict room which will be included in the written note.

5. Library Students who wish to use the Library Information Centre are expected to be involved in individual study without any talking. Approximately 100 students can be accommodated. (June 9-18)

a) No computers will be available unless it is for the completion of a Final Evaluation or Incomplete Summative Assessment with teacher permission. b) There will be no circulation of resources due to end of semester procedures. This includes dictionaries. c) The photocopier will be available during library hours. The office photocopier is not available to students.

June 19 – June 20 open 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. only - Exam Atmosphere –Silent Study

6. Out of Bounds While exams are in progress, please be advised that teaching rooms, hallways and lockers are out of bounds. You should not be in the halls unless you are on your way to or from an exam or study area.

7. Buses School buses will be operating on their regular schedule throughout the exam period.

8. Equipment You must provide the necessary equipment for your exam. Check with your subject teacher to determine what is needed.

9. Cancellations If examinations are cancelled for any reason, an announcement will be made indicating that Peel District School Board schools are closed on many television stations, the PDSB website and on the following radio stations: 1010 CFRB 680 CFTR 1050 CHUM 98.1 CHFI 1250 CJMR 97.3 CJEZ 99.9 CKFM 102.1 CFNY 88.5 FOXY 100.7 CHIN 590 CJCL 103.5 Z 860 CJBC 93.1 FM 1540 CHIN In the event that the school is closed, exams scheduled that day will take place on Tuesday June 24, 2014, during the same time slots as originally scheduled. Please listen to the radio and check the Cawthra Park website for updates at 10. Textbook, Materials Collection/Fees Owing: Textbooks and notebooks are not permitted, unless specified on the examination paper. Notebooks must be left at the front of the exam room. Texts to be returned should be placed on the floor beside the desk or as directed by the exam supervisor. All textbooks must be returned at the time of the exams.

11. Examination Room Procedures a) You will be admitted to the Exam Room 5 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin. b) You must write the exam in the room designated (check with the classroom teacher). If you have been designated to write in the Extended Time Room, you will receive written notification. c) Subject related notes, coats, all electronic devices, knapsacks and bags are to be left at the front of the classroom. d) Once the exam begins, please do not leave your seat for any reason. Notify the teacher by raising your hand if you require assistance, paper, etc. e) If you need to clarify any exam questions, please raise your hand and make your concerns known to the presiding teacher. f) Any attempt at collusion or communication with another student will result in a mark of zero. g) Students must stay in the exam room for a minimum of one hour. After the first hour, students will be released from exams at intervals. Students may not leave the exam room during the last 15 minutes of the exam. h) Ensure you have signed the attendance sheet at the beginning of the exam period. i) Fire Alarm –Students will turn their papers over and leave the building by regular fire routes. The supervisor will lock the door as he/she leaves.

June 2014 Student Planning Calendar

Mon. June 2 Tues. June 3 Wed. June 4 Thurs. June 5 Fri. June 6 Due today: Special Education time requests due

Mon. June 9 Tue. June 10 Wed. June 11 Thurs. June 12 Fri. June 13 EQAO Gr. 9 Math EQAO Gr. 9 Math Late Start at 9:45 for Late Start at 9:45 for Grades 10,11,12 Grades 10,11,12

Mon. June 16 Tue. June 17 Wed. June 18 EXAMS Thurs. June 19 EXAMS Fri. June 20 EXAMS No assessments Early Release day schedule 8:45 exam 12:15 exam 8:45 exam 12:15 exam Make-up day for in-class Exams begin at 12:15 Subject Subject Subject Subject summatives Subject Room

Room Room Room Room

Mon. June 23 EXAMS Tue. June 24 EXAMS Wed. June 25 Thurs. June 26 Fri. June 27 8:45 exam RESCHEDULED No exams 9:00 – 10:15 - Exam School closes until 8:45 exam 12:15 exam Review September 2, 2014 Subject Room Subject Subject 10:15 : Report Cards distributed

Room Room

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