Michigan Prescribed Fire Council
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MICHIGAN PRESCRIBED FIRE COUNCIL September 27, 2005 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes DNR Service Center, Gaylord, Michigan
Attendees: Don Johnson (DNR—FMFMD), Dennis Ireland (Michigan State Firemen’s Association), Jack McGowan-Stinski (TNC), John Lerg, (DNR—Wildlife), Steve Cross (DNR—FMFMD), ULrika Zay (MDOT), Lynn Sampson (USGS—NRCS), Paul Rogers (MACD—Chair).
Handouts The agenda and budget detail were offered.
Agenda An update on the Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin Fire Councils was added to the agenda.
Treasurer’s Report Jack McGowan-Stinski provided a report documenting a current treasury balance of $8,176. He reported income from the Workshop of $1604.64 before debiting Lara’s time (52 hours).
Education and Outreach Committee No one was present from this Committee to provide a report. Questions arose as to the process for including information to the website and on the updates to the brochure. Don J offered to get the contact information for the webmaster. Additional names were discussed as additions to the Committee.
Training and Certification Committee Steve C reported that preparations are in place for the S130-190 class offering at Muskegon Community College from October 31 to November 4. We have no sign-ups as yet, but he is expecting a full class.
Steve reported that preparations are progressing for a S131-290 class offering (Advanced Firefighter/Squad Boss-Intermediate Fire Behavior) at the Lowe Foundation February 13- 17, 2006. He anticipates a full class for this offering as well.
Don J advised that we should be maintaining rosters of successful class graduates so we can provide independent verification to agencies requiring this information to meeting their needs.
Indiana has offered to supply instructors for S130-190. Jack M will thank them for their offer and utilize them in our upcoming offerings as needed.
Consultants Committee Ulrika Zay reported that Dan Z has scheduled meetings on January 19 and July 20 for their group. The major item on their agenda continues to be the Administrative Rules. Don J offered that public input to these Rules might be most appropriate during the 30- day open comment period that has yet to be set.
Workshop Planning Committee John L and Paul R reported that all comments received on this past Workshop were positive. The evaluation forms have yet to be tabulated, but the template used for our Workshops appears to be effective.
For the coming year, the Steering Committee decided to forego the demonstration burn and utilize the available time to visit additional sites to evaluate the effects of fire and complimentary treatments. People appointed to the ad hoc committee for the coming year are Steve C, John L, Ulrika Z, Barb B, Lara K, and Jack M. An October meeting is planned, and SAF representatives will be invited to join us in these preparations.
Jack m reported on 2007 planning. The venue has been focused from the UP to a location yet to be confirmed in Marquette. The intent of this effort is to possibly include interest from Wisconsin. Bob Ziel, Don Mikel, and Randy Swaty are contributing on this effort.
John L reported on 2008 planning. He suggested a venue in southern Michigan to possibly include interest from Indiana and Ohio. Jack M will ascertain interest in Indiana, and Dave B will ascertain interest in Ohio.
Legal and Legislative Committee Don J reported on the Administrative Rules. Right now, they are before the Legislative Services Bureau for review and formatting. Following this process, they will go out for a 30-day public review which will also incorporate at least 2 meetings. During that period, they will be posted to www.michigan.gov/orr. Don will advise when they are posted. Given that this process has moved beyond the DNR, there is not opportunity to project or offer a timeline on this effort.
Executive Support There was significant general discussion regarding our need for executive support. Lara has been filling in this capacity in an exemplary manner. Thank you Lara!!! Examples of this support include registrations and other preparations for training and workshop offerings, budgeting, maintenance of training rosters, purchasing, and planning.
As the Council becomes more active in different arenas, the need for this support will continue. Essential to functioning of this support is an understanding of what the various elements of the Council are doing. Effective immediately, all actions of the Council (committee agendas/notes, transmissions, products) will be copied to Lara for information.
Additionally, discussion focused around the desire to have Lara in attendance at meetings. There were several suggestions on when such attendance would be most valuable, and a benefit was noted in having Lara at all meetings. However, the group acknowledged the need to balance her attendance with her primary responsibilities at TNC. Consensus was that we would definitely benefit form her attendance at steering committee meetings at least annually plus her participation in the training and workshop offerings at whatever level she felt necessary to provide executive support.
Council Status Change John L reported on information he had on Michigan not-for-profit status. This change probably represented the next logical step if change were needed. There is still a concern that any change in status may impact agency affiliation with the council. John L offered to get more information on this concern and report.
Discussion of this opportunity focused in the winter of 2005 when the Council had amassed considerably more revenue and had not established a strong pattern of spending. Since that time, the Council has seized opportunities to spend revenues in the furtherance of their mission. Currently, revenues and spending pattern are more in line with the comfort level of the TNC, the holder of Council revenues. This has expanded the timeframe under which this concern can be considered.
Filling of Offices There was considerable discussion on the filling of Vice Chair (Chair Elect) for the coming year. Candidates were discussed, and the vote was ultimately tabled until next meeting. John L offered his name in nomination for secretary and was unanimously elected. Jack M offered his name in nomination for Treasurer as Lara already supplies detail on the budget and pays the bills. He was also unanimously elected.
Other Fire Councils Dave B offered by email that he was seriously considering attending the Ohio function in early November. The Council encourages him to do so and to develop contacts.
The Wisconsin Fire Council asked for a speaker to present on Michigan’s Administrative Rules process. Don J has offered to provide that talk.
Indiana has offered to provide instructors for our training offerings and thereby increase dialogue. Jack M has offered to maintain contacts with both Indiana and Wisconsin.
Contributions to June Agenda Report on progress of Smoke Management Plan Review of progress on Council status change Review of SB 925 and Administrative Rules process. Election of Vice Chair
Round Table Jack M reported on 2 roll-overs of 4x4s used on fires. Both were fitted with 20 gallon unbaffled tanks and were carrying water. Identified contributing factors included the unbaffled tanks, inexperience by driver and excessive speed for terrain and intended maneuver. Jack commented that roll-bars are now available for these machines. Next Meeting Our next meeting will be held at a location to be determined in Grand Rapids on December 7, 2005 from 10am to 3pm. The Council agreed to hold meetings in southern Michigan in the colder months and travel north (St. Ignace??) in the warmer months.
Adjourned 1:30 PM.