Present: Tuesday, Gary, Mark, Jim, Patricia (Partial)

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Present: Tuesday, Gary, Mark, Jim, Patricia (Partial)

Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, March 23, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room PV 502 Minutes

Attendees: Cheryl Carpenter-Davis, Mindy McCallum, Melissa Giese, Cynthia Sexton-Proctor, Lisa Bonneau, Kristy Bishop, Tammie May, Jim McGraw, Al Dimmitt, Leo Hirner, Tracy Curry, George Green, Fran Padow, and Jared Rinck

Approval of Minutes The minutes were reviewed and approved.

Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report No report

IRB Report A researcher from KU has been approved to study developmental reading at PV with Vicki Raine.

HLC Committee Report HLC Committee structure and membership is being considered. May be formalized after the HLC Conference at the beginning of April so that meetings of the committee may begin in May 2012.  We will have our second annual Summer Symposium: Countdown to Reaccreditation, July 20th in the PV Education Center from 8:30 to noon. o Current Program: Bob Mundhenk as keynote, Flash Five Assessment Reports (5 slides in 5 minutes), Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Results

Survey Reports

Noel Levitz Survey of Student Satisfaction  The Noel-Levitz online Student Satisfaction Inventory invitation was emailed out to all students on March 19th. The methodology was changed to allow all students the ability to participate. Originally a random sample of student was going to be asked.

 We have had a good response with over 600 students completing the survey. Our goal is 2000 by April 20th.

 A communication plan was created and consists of the following to get the word out to students: BB notice, Insider article, myMCCKC announcement, Facebook and twitter feeds, and a request of faculty through the division chairs to encourage participation in their classes.

 An incentive plan was developed to increase participation rates. All students who complete the inventory will be entered into a drawing to win one of 15 MCC $25 bookstore gift cards. A reminder will be sent to those students who have not completed the survey on March 28, 2012. A third reminder will go out at a later date as determined by the current response rate.

Scantron ClassClimate We have received our new software for surveys and faculty evaluations. It will allow flexibility and customization that currently limits us. Kristy and Melissa will be self-training on the new system shortly.

1 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, March 23, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room PV 502

MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report

Discipline-Level Outcomes and CIFS The DACC made a recommendation concerning outcomes and the CIF’s. This recommendation will be mailed out to vote on as there was no quorum for voting.

Second Cohort meetings Meetings of the 2nd Cohort will be 3/23/12 at BTC CA 104A, and 4/13/12 at MW CC 110 (Arbor Room). 2nd Cohort includes Chemistry, Geology/Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology/Anthropology.

First Cohort The 1st Cohort is administering assessments this semester. Encourage and support them and invite them to help mentor the 2nd Cohort.

Blackboard Organization for Disciplines All DACC Members, all 1st Cohort faculty, and the full-time faculty in the 2nd Cohort have been added to the BB Organization. Cynthia is requesting that each campus send her the names and employee ID numbers of the adjunct and dual-credit faculty in the 2nd Cohort Disciplines for inclusion and communication.

Higher Learning Commission Update

 The Delta version of the Assurance Criteria revisions is available, visit  A group of 4 MCC representatives attended the Pathway Pioneer Institution Workshop for Cohorts 1 & 2 and Peer Reviewer Training on March 8 & 9, 2012 in St. Charles, IL. They were able to review the new computer program for Assurance and Pathways.  A group of MCC representatives will be attending the Annual NCA/HLC Conference in late March/early April. Cynthia, Kristy, and Tristan have had their proposal on Knowledge Management accepted to present at the conference. They have been collecting oral history about MCC and visited the MCC archives. No information has been systematically sent to the archives since 2004.

Assessment Reports

Human Diversity Next Human Diversity Assessment Meeting is on 4/6/12 at 1:00 pm in AC 263.

Distance Education Assessment Leo presented the results of his assessment project on Distance Education at MCC. Leo compared the results from the study done in 2001 with the replicated study done in Spring 2011. The top 2 problems didn’t change within this time frame. After the 2001 results were reported, DE made interventions to focus on engagement and more interaction. There has been a progression from correspondence course practices to Online courses using Quality Matters practices. One outcome of the 2011 survey has been the availability of course syllabi and/or the course calendar to students prior to enrollment. All KC Online courses now offer this feature to students.

2 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, March 23, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room PV 502 Surveys The New Student Orientation survey for the 4 pilot courses will go out April16th to students. Learning communities will go out the end of April. Service Learning post-tests will go out at the end of the semester.

Proposals for new assessment or survey requests Tammie May is working with Melissa and Kristy to survey Cass County students on their experiences. It will be administered in class via paper collection.

Campus Reports

 BR-They have met about their charge. They are reviewing the GRIT inventory survey preliminary results and looking to target retention efforts with the data.  BTC- No report  LV-They didn’t meet last month due to ZBB demands.  MW- The Curriculum and Assessment committee has been on hibernation with ZBB. They will meet in April.

 PV-hasn’t met, busy with ZBB.

Old Business  A draft charge for the Campus Assessment Committees was discussed. There have been a couple of changes made today. The charge will be sent out to the committee for vote by email.  MCC is hosting the 2nd annual Regional Community College Assessment Conference on April 20, 2012 at MCC-Penn Valley, Education Center. There are 32 registrants from MCC and 44 from 13 other institutions. Registration confirmations to MCC employees have been sent. o We have filled all slots for panel presentations and are looking for room and World Café table facilitators. If you are interested please email Melissa or Kristy. o The MCC conference website ( is complete and includes a block of rooms at the conference hotel-Embassy Suites on the Plaza. Melissa and Kristy are arranging a welcome social at the hotel the evening of the 19th for traveling conference attendees. o Several vendors have indicated interest in sponsorship; however we are awaiting confirmation from a couple. There are 2 vendors registered currently.

New Business None

The meeting was adjourned.

Future Meetings April 12th at 3:00 p.m. in the AC Boardroom


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