Khadija Bint Khuwaylid
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Khadija bint Khuwaylid The first wife of the prophet; daughter of Khuwaylid; pillar of Islam
Khadija bint Khuwaylid, may ALLAH be pleased with her, known as Tahira (righteous, virtuous) due to her noble and sublime character.
Jibreel (Gabriel), came with the good news from Allah (SWT) , saying to the Messenger (PBUH), "When she [Khadija ] comes, give her a greeting from her Lord and me, and give her the good news that in Jannah (paradise) she will have a house of brilliant pearls, in which there will be no clamour or toil."
First Heart to Accept Islam. Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, came from a noble family. Her father Khuwaylid bin Asad bin ‘Abd al-‘Uzza bin Qusayy was one of the most honored leaders of their tribe, She was the first wife of the Prophet (PBUH) and the first heart to be affected by and to accept his call to Islam.
Her Marriages Before Mohammed (PBUH) Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, married two times before Mohammed (PBUH), Ibn Ishaaq narrated, Before the Prophet (PBUH), Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her was married to Atique bin Abed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoom, she was still virgin. When Atique died, she was again married to Abu Hala Al-Nabbash bin Zurara, Ibn Ishaq added, before been married by the prophet she was under Atique Bin Abid Bin Abdullah , she gave birth to Hind bint Atique, After Atique she was married to Abu Hala Malek Bin Nabbash bin Zurara al-Tameemi al-Asady, ally of bin Abdul Dar bin Quassay, she gave birth to Hind bint aby Hala, Hala bin abi Hala, so Hind bint Atique, Hind, Halaa are brothers and sisters to the children of Prohphet Mohammed (PBUH) from Khadija, Zubair said, some people believed that Abu Hala married Khadija may Allah be pleased with her, before Atique.
Mohammed (PBUH) Marriage to Kahdija bint Khuawaylid: The prophet (PBUH) married Khadija may Allah be pleased with her before revelation when he was twenty five years old, some sources said twenty one. The marriage was approved by her uncle Amro bin Asad when Mohammed (PBUH) propsed to her, her uncle said “Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalib proposes to Khadija, a strong young man” Khadija may Allah be pleased with her was forty years old, she lived with the prophet for twenty four years.
Reasons for her marriage to the prophet (PBUH) was described by ibn Ishaq “ Khadija bint Khowaylid may ALLAH be pleased with her was a wealthy woman from very reputable family, she used to hire men to accompany her merchandises against some share of profits. She heard about the Prophet's fair dealings and how he was acclaimed to be al-Ameen amongst the people, and so she asked if he could accompany her merchandise to Syria against wages higher than what she used to give to others, besides her Maisarah, her loyal servant would also accompany in his journey, the prophet (PBUH) agreed.
The prophet (PBUH) started his journey with Maisarah, when he arrived at Syria, he stayed under the shade of tree near to monk cell, and the monk asked Maisarah about Mohammed (PBUH), “a man from Quraish, from the people of Haram, Maisarah replied. The monk said whoever came and sat under that tree is a messenger sent by Allah (SWT). The prophet sold all his merchandises, purchased whatever he liked and started his journey back to Makkah al-Mukkarrama. When arrived at Makkah Khadija may Allah be pleased with her sold the merchandise brought by the prophet (PBUH) at double price and she was very pleased. Khadija heard that the Prophet had a bright and sacred future ahead of him. Perhaps she heard this from her servant Maisarah, who informed her of what had happened to the Messenger during a commercial trip to Syria in which he had worked for her. Or perhaps he conveyed to her what the monk in Busra said about the future of the Prophet-upon learning this, Lady Khadija suggested that prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) marry her, the Prophet Mohammed accepted the proposal of Khadija, he was twenty- five, he informed his uncles, his Uncle Hamza bin Abdul Mutalib may Allah be pleased with him accompanied the prophet to Khadija’s house and proposed her to him,, his distant cousin, who was fifteen years his senior. They had six children: two sons, Qasim and 'Abdullah, both of whom died in infancy, and four daughters, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kaltoumum, and Fatima all before revelation.
The Children of the Prophet (PBUH) : Scholars agreed that Mohammed (PBUH) and Khadija may Allah be pleased with her were the parents of six children - four daughters and two sons. His first son Qasim died at the age of two. He was nicknamed Abul Qasim, meaning the father of Qasim. His second son Abdullah died in infancy. The four daughters were: Zainabe, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah may Allah be pleased with all of them, they all embraced Islam and migrated with him, scholars views differed about the two sons named Tayyeb and Thahir , Mo’mar Zahri said, scholars claimed that Khadija may Allah be pleased with her gave birth to a son named Thahir, while others said the only son of the prophet from Khadija was Qasim.
Aqil narrated from ibn Shahab that, the prophet had four daughters and two sons named Qasim and Thahir.
Qutada said, From Khadija, the prophet had two sons, one was Qasim, nickname of the prophet he lived till walking stage and died, and four daughters.
Zubair said Khadija gave birth to Qasim the eldest of the prophet children, followed by Zeinab, Abdullah known also as Tayyeb and Thahir, Qasim died in Makkah followed by Abdullah who died in Makkah too.
Zubair added, I had been informed by Ibrahim bin Munzer, by ibn Wahab, by ibn Lahee’a , by abi Al-Aswad Mohammed Bbin Abdul Rahman that “ Khadija bin Khawaylid may Allah be pleased with her gave birth to Qasim, Thahir, Tayyeb, Abdullah, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kalthoum and Fatimah.
Ali bin Abdul Aziz Jarjani said “the children of the Prophet (PBUH) are Qasim the eldest, followed by Zainab, Kalabi too said “ Zainab followed by Qasim, Umm Kalthoum, Fatimah, Ruqayyah and Abdullah known also as Tayyeb, Thahir, this was true.
Kalabi said “ Abdullah was born during islam, before islam the prophet had one son from Khadija may Allah be pleased with her.
Khadija bin Khowaylid and the Holy Revelation: Aishah, the veracious, gave the following narration of that most significant event that brought the Divine light which would dispel the darkness of disbelief and ignorance. It led life down a new course and brought about the most serious amendment to the line of the history of mankind:
Forerunners of the Revelation assumed the form of true visions that would strikingly come true all the time. After that, solitude became dear to him and he would go to the cave, Hira’, to engage in Tahannuth (devotion) there for a certain number of nights before returning to his family, and then he would return for provisions for a similar stay. At length, unexpectedly, the Truth (the angel) came to him and said, "Recite." "I cannot recite," he (Muhammad (PBUH) said. The Prophet (PBUH) described: "Then he took me and squeezed me vehemently and then let me go and repeated the order ‘Recite.’ ‘I cannot recite’ said I, and once again he squeezed me and let me till I was exhausted. Then he said: ‘Recite.’ I said ‘I cannot recite.’ He squeezed me for a third time and then let me go and said: "Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! and your Lord is the Most Generous.’"
The Prophet (PBUH) repeated these verses. He was trembling with fear. At this stage, he came back to his wife Khadijah, and said, "Cover me, ... cover me." They covered him until he restored security. He apprised Khadijah of the incident of the cave and added that he was horrified. His wife tried to soothe him and reassured him saying, "All will never disgrace you. You unite uterine relations; you bear the burden of the weak; you help the poor and the needy, you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness."
She set out with the Prophet (PBUH) to her cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal bin Asad bin ‘Abd Al-‘Uzza, who had embraced Christianity in the pre-Islamic period, and used to write the Bible in Hebrew. He was a blind old man. Khadijah said: "My cousin! Listen to your nephew!" Waraqa said: "O my nephew! What did you see?" The Messenger of All (PBUH) told him what had happened to him. Waraqa replied: "This is ‘Namus’ i.e. (the angel who is entrusted with Divine Secrets) that All sent to Moses. I wish I were younger. I wish I could live up to the time when your people would turn you out." Muhammad (PBUH) asked: "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa answered in the affirmative and said: "Anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should be alive till that day, then I would support you strongly." A few days later Waraqa died and the revelation also subsided. [Bukhari 1/2,3]
The first person to embrace Islam
The first person to embrace Islam was Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her. She supported him, consoled him, and loved him dearly. She was also the first person to pray with the prophet (PBUH)
Haithemi in Majma stated, by Afif al-Kanadi , I once passed through Makkah Al-Mukkarrama and met with Al-Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib to buy something, while I was with him I saw a man coming from a small shelter near to him, the man looked at the sky, when it was dusk, he started to pray, after that appeared a lady and a young man, both started to pray after that man, when I asked Al- Abbas about them he told me it was my nephew Mohammed bin Abdullah, the lady is Khadija bint Khowaylid and the young man is his cousin Ali bin Abi Talib, the man claimed to be the prophet of Allah, his religion was embraced by his wife and his cousin only, he claimed that with his new religion he will conquer Persia and Rome, Afif embraced islam sometimes after that incidents, he wished to have embraced islam at that time only to be the second man after Ali Bin Abi Talib.
Virtues of Khadija Bin Khwoaylid – May Allah be Please with Her: Glad Tidings of a House in Paradise: Aisha may Allah be pleased with her narrated that “the prophet (PBUH) gave Khadija may Allah be pleased her glad tidings of a house in Paradise which will be hollow in which there will be no loud noise (din) nor weariness."
Jibraeel Conveys Salam from the Al-Mighty: Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him narrated, Jibraeel the trustworthy arrived in the presence of the Noble Prophet (PBUH) and said, "This is Khadija, who is coming, she has with her a utensil in which there is curry (or he said food, or drink). When she arrives give, her salaam from her sustainer and myself, and give her glad tidings of a house in Paradise which will be hollow in which there will be no loud noise (din) nor weariness."
Anas may Allah be pleased with him narrated, Jibraeel the trustworthy arrived in the presence of the Noble Prophet (PBUH) and Khadija was with him, he gave her salaam from her sustainer, Khadija replied, "Allah the exalted is Himself As-Salaam (The Giver of peace) and peace comes from Him, Salaam be upon Jibraeel, he is the messenger of Allah. Salaam be upon you and salaam be upon all those who are listening but Shaytaan
Best of all Women: Ali bin abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him narrated, “I heard the prophet (PBUH) saying “ Sufficient for you, from the women of the worlds are, Maryam bint Imran [the mother of Eesaa], and Khadija bint Khuwaylid,
Khadija Bint Khowayled was the second person to hear Qura’n after the Prophet (PBUH).
Narrated by Awzaie’ that, I heard Yahya bin Katheer saying, I asked aba Salama which part of Qura’n revealed first was it Mudather or Iqra?, he said I asked Jaber bin Abdullah “which part of Qura’n revealed first was it Mudather or Iqra? Jaber answered “I would tell you what we had been told by our prophet (PBUH), he, i.e. prophet said, when I was in the valley I heard some one calling on me, I looked around, above me I saw Jibraeel on the air, I was very much terrified, After the angel had disappeared I had clambered down the mountain as fast as I could run, I entered to Khadija and said “cover me up, cover me up i.e dathroony dathroony, so Al-Mudather was revealed.
Prophet’s Continued Love & Loyalty to Khadija: Aisha may Allah be pleased with her narrated “ Abdul-Aas bin Rabi fought for the Quraish against the Muslims in the Battle of Badr. He fell captive to the Muslims and was taken as a prisoner of war. When the Quraish were paying the ransom to secure the release of their prisoners, Zainab may Allah be pleased with her gave over as ransom for the release of her husband the necklace which she had received from her mother, Sayyida Khadija may Allah be pleased with her when she was married. When The Prophet (PBUH) saw this necklace the memories of Khadija came to his mind and tears rolled from his eyes. After consultation with the his companions may Allah be pleased with them the necklace was returned to Zainab. Her husband was released without ransom on the condition that he would send Zainab to Madinah on his return to Mecca. At that time Zainab was in Mecca. Two men from Madinah were sent to wait outside Mecca to bring Zainab safely to Madinah.
The prophet (PBUH) attitude towards those who loved Khadija: ' Asia's statement: "I was not so jealous of any of the Prophet's wives as I was of Khadija . I never saw her, but he frequently mentioned her and he would often kill a sheep, cut it in pieces and send them round among Khadija 's friends. I often said to him: 'It seems as if Khadija was the only woman in the world!' And he replied: 'She was indeed a fine woman and I had children from her." Tabrani said “Khadija bint Khowaylid was the mother of all Prophet’s children, both males and females, except Ibrahim whose mother was Maria the Coptic. when Hala bint Khowaylid asked for permission, A’isha was jealous of Khadija. "On that, the Prophet remembered the way Khadija used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, ‘O Allah! Hala!’ So I [A’isha] became jealous and said, ‘What makes you remember an old woman amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a teethless mouth) of red gums who died long ago, and in whose place Allah has given you somebody better than her?’
Ahmed narrated “prophet said, Allah has given me somebody better than her in her place !!, "She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand."
Al-Hakem in Almustadrek narrated “ Aisha may Allah be pleased with her said the prophet (PBUH) used to speak a lot about the virtue of Khadija, so I became jealous and said, ‘What makes you remember an old woman amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a teethless mouth) of red gums who died long ago, and in whose place Allah has given you somebody better than her? When the prophet heard this he became very angry.
Khadija bint Khowaylid -First Among All: Besides the above two Hadiths, we find the hadiths of Afif Al-Kanadi and the Hadith of ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with both of them, Rabia’ Saady narrated, I came to Huzaifa bin Yaman at the mosque of Prophet (PBUH), I heard him saying “the prophet (PBUH) said Khadija Bint Khowaylid is the first of all women in the world to believe in Mohammed (PBUH).
Buraidah may Allah be pleased with him said “KHADIJA BINT Khowaylid was the first person to believe in the Prophet (PBUH) with Ali ibn abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him”
Zuhari narrated “Khadija Bint Khowaylid was the first of all women in the world to believe in Mohammed (PBUH).
Khadija bint Khowaylid, One of the Best Four Women in Paradise: Ibn Abbas narrated, the prophet (PBUH) drew four lines on the ground and asked, you know what those line were? We answered only Allah and his prophet know, then the Prophet (PBUH) said: "the best of the paradise people are Khadija bint Khowaylid, Fatima bint Mohammed, Maryam bint Ibrahim and 'Isaiah bint Muzahem, the wife of Fir'awn. It is worth mentioning that the prophet (PBUH) did not marry another lady throughout her life time, Arwa narrated from Aisha may Allah be pleased with both of them that the Prophet (PBUH) did not marry another woman till Khadija died”
Khadija’s Death & Prophet’s Sorrow and Grief: Khadija died at the age of sixty-three (according to some historians). Her death brought deep sorrow to the Holy Prophet, especially since it was followed by the death of Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, who died several days (or months) after that. Hence, the year in which the deaths of Khadija and Abu Talib occurred, was called "the year of sorrow" by the Prophet (PBUH).
Khadija's death was a disaster for the Prophet; not only because she was his wife, but also because she was the first one to believe in his messengership. Khadija also supported her husband with abundant shares of her property for the sake of Islam. She held a unique character in Mecca and between all Arab women.
Abu Obeida Mo’mar bin Muthana said “Khadija died 5 years to Hijra, some say 4 years to Hijra, ‘Oraw and Qatada believed it to be 3 years which is most likely.
Aisha may Allah be pleased with her said “Kadija died before Salat was imposed, she died in Ramadan and was buried in Hujoun , she was 65 years old.
Khadija’a death brough great sorrow to the prophet (PBUH), till h married Aisha may Allah be pleased with her. Of the Virtues of Khadija may Allah be pleased with was her absolute obedience and great love for the Prophet (PBUH), when he proposed to her she said, I accept you as my husband for your truthfulness and honesty, her obedience to him was best exemplified by incidence of Zayed bin Haritha may Allah be pleased with him, when she noticed that Mohammed (PBUH) liked her servant Zaid, she immediately granted him to the prophet. The virtues of Zayed to become among the first to embrace Islam was due to this incident.