American Beauty

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American Beauty


American Beauty (Drama/Comedy) ( 1998) © 2000 by Raymond Weschler

This learning sheet is produced by Raymond Weschler from The Chinese part and extra exercise was written by Ai-ping Liu from the Language Center, National Central University, Taiwan. If you copy from this learning sheet, please acknowledge the source. Thanks.

Major Characters

Lester (‘Les’) Burnham…………………….Kevin Spacey An unhappy and frustrated advertising executive whose wife no longer cares about him, and whose daughter almost hates him.

Carolyn Burnham……………………………Annette Benning Lester’s unhappy wife, who is a struggling real estate agent.

Jane (‘Janie’) Burnham…………………..Thora Birch Lester and Carol’s 16 year old daughter who is a typically frustrated and insecure teenager, who strongly dislikes both of her parents.

Angela Hays……………………………………Mena Suvari Jane’s very pretty friend who wants to be a fashion model, who is interested in Lester even though that makes Jane very angry.

Ricky Fitts………………………………………Wes Bentley A gentle but somewhat strange teenager who moves in next door to the Burnhams, who likes Jane very much.

Colonel Frank Fitts………………………..Chris Cooper Ricky’s extremely conservative father, a member of the United States marines, who strongly dislikes drugs and homosexuals.

Barbara Fitts…………………………………..Allison Jannery Ricky’s quiet and gentle mother, and Frank’s wife.

Buddy Kane………………………………….Peter Gallagher The top real estate agent in the neighborhood where the Burnhams live, who decides to have an affair with Carolyn.

Jim Olmeyer………………………………….Scott Bakula A gay neighbor of the Burnhams who is an attorney. 2

Jim Berkeley…………………………………..Sam Robards Jim Olmeyer’s partner, who is an anesthesiologist.

Brad Dupree…………………………………..Barry Del Sherman An executive at the office where Lester works who decides to fire him because of his bad attitude.

Plot Summary

This film is the story of the Burnhams, a typical American family that lives in an upper middle class suburb in the state of Connecticut, perhaps an hour or two outside of New York City. Lester Burnham has a pretty wife and daughter, a nice house, and a fairly good paying career, but he is still extremely unhappy. He hates his job, he knows that both his wife and daughter have no respect for him, and he feels he is growing old way too fast. Carolyn Burnham is also unhappy, in part because she has a very hard time selling houses, and in part because her marriage is horrible and her daughter seems to hate her. Finally, Jane Burnham has her own unhappiness, both because she hates her parents, and more disturbingly, because her best friend and her father seem like they want to sleep with each other. In short, the Burnhams are the classic dysfunctional family.

The Burnhams soon face great challenges when Lester decides to quit his job, Carolyn decides to have an affair with her greatest competition in the real estate business, and Jane falls in love with Ricky, the gentle yet somewhat strange young man who moves in next door. But the greatest crisis comes when Lester decides to recapture his youth by buying cars and drugs from his teen years, and by becoming obsessed with Angela, Jane’s beautiful 16 year old friend. As Lester’s life spins out of control, Jane, Carolyn and even Ricky’s dad find their own reasons why it would be better if Lester were dead….

Some Words and Expressions that You May not Know

Lester introduces us to his family, almost loses his job, and tries to improve his relationship with Jane.

I need a father who is a role model. A “role model” is a person who others look up to as an example of excellent behavior or great accomplishment. 通常指值得效法之人物,典範 Not some horny geek boy who is going to spray his shorts whenever I bring a girlfriend home from school. If a person is “horny,” they want to have sex. A “geek” is a socially awkward person, often more at ease with computers than people. 3

Here, if a man “sprays his shorts,” it’s implied he is getting sexually excited (To spray is to scatter small drops of water, like a garden hose). 指Jane的父親,向怪人一樣,成天只想著與Jane的同班女友Angela發生性關係 “shorts”原意指短褲,此處指容易”性”奮 What a lame-o. “Lame” is a slang word meaning stupid, bad or ridiculous (as well as injured or disabled). Children will sometimes add the suffix ‘o’ to an adjective like this to turn it into a noun (but this is rare for adults). “Lame”原指愚笨或荒謬,小孩們常在字尾加上”o”的諧音,指蠢蛋一個 Someone should put him out of his misery. “To put a person out of their misery” is to kill them, perhaps because they are suffering so much that it’s considered a humane thing to do. 結束某人的苦難,意指殺了某人 Look at me; Jerking off in the shower. “To jerk off” is the most common slang way of saying to masturbate. masturbate指自慰 This will be the high point of my day; It’s all down hill from here. “The high point” of a day or event is the most exciting or best part. If something goes “all down hill from here,” it becomes worse, though note that in the right context, it could mean that it becomes easier! 指一天中最好或最興奮的時刻或處境,從此就走下坡,越來越糟。但也有可能 因上下文之不同而指”越來越容易” The handle on those pruning sheers matches her gardening clogs. “Pruning shears” are metal tools to cut (or prune) plants and bushes. “Clogs” are a type of shoe, usually made of wood on the bottom. 前者是修剪花木之工具;而後者是木頭作底之工作鞋。此處Lester無奈且諷刺 其妻子連修剪花木之行頭也得搭配好,已顯示其身分地位。 How do you get them to flourish like this? Eggshells and miracle-grow. If a flower “flourishes,” it grows with strength and beauty. “Miracle grow” is a well-known product to help plants grow. 花草長的茂盛,而miracle-grow是一種幫助植物生長之肥料之產品名 Angry, insecure, confused. I wish I could tell her that’s all going to pass, but I don’t want to lie to her. A person who is “insecure” has little confidence in themselves, and is often nervous around other people. In this case, if a situation “passes,” it goes away or dies out. 覺得沒有自信,沒有”安全感” Nice going dad! This is what you say to a person in a joking manner when they have just dome something very stupid or ridiculous. 反諷某人做了愚蠢荒謬可笑之事 Both my wife and daughter think I’m this gigantic loser. “Gigantic” is extremely big or huge. In this case, a “loser” is a person whose life in general is not happy, or who has little good about them. 4

Lester指出家人都認為他很沒用,一無事處 I didn’t always feel this….sedated. A person who is “sedated” is sleepy or not very alert, often because of the effects of a drug. Lester已對生活備感無趣。因藥物影響或副作用也會有昏昏欲睡的感覺 We’re all under a deadline here. To be “under a deadline” is to be in a situation where you have to finish something before a certain time. 指大家都得在期限內完成任務事情,指大家都面臨生活或工作上之壓力 Product launch. A business expression for the production, distribution and marketing (advertising) for any new product, from software to food. 專指產品的生產,傳銷,市場宣傳之術語,”launch”原指發射 I need to cut corners around here. If a company has to “cut corners,” it has to reduce the money it spends. 指公司得節省某處的開銷 Times are tight and you got to free up some cash. In this context, if “times are tight,” there’s little money left. “To free up” cash is to find savings in one area in order to spend it in another. 指所剩不多,手頭很緊 Like the time Mr. Flourney used the company MasterCard to pay for that hooker. MasterCard is a very well known brand of credit card. “Hooker” is a slang word for a prostitute. 用公司的信用卡付錢給妓女 That’s unsubstantiated gossip. If a piece of news is “unsubstantiated,” it has not been confirmed or verified. “Gossip” is unofficial talk or writing, often about people’s personal lives, and often untrue. 小道八卦,指未經證實之八卦消息,常與個人隱私有關 That’s because Greg has to pay women to fuck him. “To fuck” a person is a very crude way of saying to have sex with them (obviously!), but be aware that this word can be used in many grammatically different ways (See ESLnotes for “Dog Day Afternoon”).

A job description mapping out in detail how they contribute. To “map out” something is to clearly express in writing all of its important details and how they relate to each other. 指很小心地將細節弄清楚,並仔細地記下來 Management can asses who’s valuable and who is expendable. “To asses” a situation is to analyze or judge it carefully. If a person is “expendable,” they are not really needed. 指業界可以評斷員工的價值,expendable指人不被需要,沒有價值 I’m one of the good guys, Les. I’m trying to level with you. 5

“To level with” a person is to speak with them very honestly, including, if necessary, by telling them unpleasant or bad news. 指真誠對待某人,就算是壞消息,也會真實告訴對方 You don’t think it’s weird and kind of fascist? “Weird” is an important word that means strange or bizarre (It is widely used in this movie). “Fascist” usually refers to a dictatorial political system, but note many people use it more generally to refer to any system they think is unfair, such as how people are fired at a job. weird等同strange或bizarre,皆指某人或事物很怪異。”Fascist”指獨裁統治如法 斯司黨,而我們常用此字表示”不公平”,如工作上待遇之不公或被炒魷魚 Let’s just all sell our souls and work for Satan, because it’s more convenient that way! A person’s “soul” is the non-physical part of them that lives on after they die, and “Satan” is another name for the devil. If something is “convenient,” it is accessible, easy to reach, or suited to one’s needs. 指把自己的靈魂給賣了而為撒旦工作,乾脆這樣做比較方便。反諷的話

That house would never had sat on the market for six months. If a house “sits on the market,” it continues to be for sale, but nobody is willing to pay the price that is being asked. 指房子六個月賣了六個月仍賣不出去 Their Sycamore?! Come on! A “sycamore” is a type of tree. “Come on “ is the most versatile phrasal verb in English. Here, it means “Stop saying nonsense and be serious.”

A substantial portion of the root structure was on our property! A “substantial portion” of something is a big part of it. The “root structure” of a tree refers to the part of the tree that grows out under the ground, in search of water and food. 最實質的那一部份其實是我們的房屋底下。影片中指鄰居庭院種的那棵樹其 實大多根的部分是在Lester 家下面。此處暗指Carolyn的瑣碎無趣斤斤計較的一面。 I wouldn’t have had the heart to cut down something if it wasn’t partially mine. If a person doesn’t “have the heart “ to do something, they don’t have the desire to do it, or they think it would be too cruel to do it. 指不想做某事,或者如果做了的話實在太殘忍了,此處還是在那顆樹的問題上 打轉。 Do we always have to listen to this elevator music? A very negative expression for the type of music that is played softly in elevators, stores and other public places. 很負面的說法,指責其母親是否一定得忍受那討厭的東西,如電梯內,商店內所 撥放之輕音樂 A nutritious but savory meal. Another word for delicious, or filled with flavor. 不但營養,且美味可口的一餐 6

No dad, it was spectacular. A strong adjective meaning excellent, wonderful or amazing. 指棒極了,太好了 They hired this efficiency expert named Brad. An “efficiency expert” is a person who is hired by a company to help it be more efficient or productive, so that it can save money. 指公司僱用了一位”效率專家”,顧名思義,其能使員工工作效率提昇或更有 生產力為公司省下一筆錢 I mean, hello, you’ve barely even spoken to me for months! Note that in the right context and when said with a sarcastic or cynical tone of voice, this is a common way to imply that a person is being ridiculous, stupid, or insensitive. 如果用極諷刺或憤世嫉俗之口氣說”Hello”的話,指某人情緒已達荒謬,愚蠢 或一點兒也沒反應之地步,影片中Jane對父親提醒其親子關係已十分糟糕。 What happened? We used to be pals. A nice little word for friends. 以前我們相處不錯的,像朋友似的。此處指Lester和女兒的親子關係日漸惡化

Lester meets Angela, and soon he finds himself obsessed by her.

Wait till you see the native stone fireplace! “Wait till you see…” is a way of saying “I think you’ll be excited by…” Carolyn 仲介賣房子。指其壁爐之價值。 A simple cream could lighten things up. “To lighten up” a house is to make it brighter and friendlier (In this case, cream is the color of a paint that Carolyn suggests). 指用”奶油白色”的漆可以使房子亮了起來,看起來舒服的多 Skylight. A glass window in a ceiling to allow light in. 指天井之窗。使光線由天花板透進 Just filled with positive energy, huh? People (and places) can have either positive energy (which is good and makes people happy) or negative energy (which is bad and makes people angry or upset). 指人或建築物充滿好的”氣” The ad said that this pool was lagoon-like. A “lagoon” is a small lake, usually separated from the ocean by sand, and often found on tropical pacific islands. If the pool is “lagoon-like,” it looks like a lagoon. lagoon原指沙堆積而形成之瀉湖,常在熱帶太平洋島上可見。但此處指Carolyn房 屋不實廣告中誇大的說法,指游泳池像瀉湖般美麗 I think ‘lagoon,’ I think waterfall, tropical. This is a cement hole. “Tropical” refers to those places on earth that are hot and muggy, 7

such as islands in the Caribbean sea. “Cement” is the hard rock material that pools and sidewalks are made of. 其實只是水泥築成的一般游泳池罷了 They’re trying to take an active interest in me. To “take an active interest” in a person is to become very concerned by how they are doing in life. 指很留意注意某人的生活及工作;此處Jane表示不喜歡其父母開始多關心起 他。 Gross! I hate it when my mom does that. A popular slang word for disgusting, repulsive, or very unpleasant. 指”噁心,討厭”,此處影片中Angela也提及不喜歡父母親多關心多干涉她的 事情。 They’re such assholes. A very crude but common insult, similar to jerk, creep or shithead. 罵人的粗話,其他字如jerk, creep, shithead也是差不多意思 I’m missing the James Bond marathon on TNT. A “marathon” is the showing of many movies or TV shows on the same day that feature the same person (In this case, the character James Bond). TNT is a cable television channel. 指電視台一天內一再播放同一男主角的戲,如”馬拉松”一般疲勞轟炸 She’s just willful. :: She hates you, too. An interesting but rarely used word meaning determined or stubborn. 不太常用的字,指某人”心意堅定”或”固執” Rockwell High’s Dancing Spartenettes. Note that high school’s are often called just by their name and the word ‘high.’ This is a reference to the school’s cheerleaders, who are the students who cheer on athletes at various school games. 指高中之啦啦隊為運動選手比賽加油, spartenettes 指那些啦啦隊成員訓練有 術,如斯巴達式的英勇矯捷。 You were also very good tonight. Very precise. A good word for accurate, exact or correct. Lester 誇講Angela啦啦隊舞跳的很好。 You didn’t screw up once. “To screw up” something is to do it very badly. Very common. 指把事情搞砸了 Do you need a ride? The noun you need for the act of being transported by car. 搭個便車,送某人一程 Could he be any more ….pathetic? An excellent word meaning completely hopeless or ridiculously bad. 指某人可憐到極點或可惡至極,影片中Jane指自己的父親很糟糕 It’s the weirdest thing….I feel like I’ve been in a coma for about 20 years. A “coma” is the state of being unconscious for a long period of time, usually caused by disease or a sharp blow to the head. Lester看見Angela之後渾然忘我之感覺。 8

I’m used to guys drooling over me. “To drool” is to let saliva run slowly from your mouth (like a baby), so if one person “drools over” another, the one who is drooling is perhaps sexually attracted to the other. 若對女人直流口水,指很受對方吸引。Angela指已習慣男人看了他口水直流 I knew what they were thinking…just like I knew guys at school thought about me when they jerked off. “To jerk off” is to masturbate. 指學校男同學將Angela當作性幻想對象而自慰 Vomit. :: No, I like it. This is literally food or other matter that has been thrown up, but as here, it’s also a slangy way of simply expressing disgust or revulsion. 指噁心,嘔吐,其實是指”討厭”的意思 If people I don’t even know look at me and want to fuck me, it means I really have a shot at being a model. “To have a shot” at doing something is to have a real chance or possibility of doing it. Angela認為只要有機會當上模特兒(如果那麼地吸引男士的話) There is nothing worse in life than being ordinary. In this case, another way of saying average or not easily noticed. 這個平凡無奇的生活是最無趣,最糟糕的事了。此處也是Angela 自信滿滿覺得 自己十分美麗特別。 Somebody hung up, and I star-69ed, and I called you back. “Star-69” (*69) is a feature in some phone systems that lets you know who just called you without picking up the phone. 指電話機來電號碼顯示裝置,便知道是從Jane家中撥出來的電話。

The Fitts family moves in next door, Angela dreams of being a model, and Carolyn drags Lester to a party of her business colleagues.

Colonel Frank Fitts, U.S Marine Corps. A “Colonel” is a high rank or level in the military. The “Marine Corps” are the military branch that are known for fighting on beaches. Rick的父親向鄰居自我介紹;美國海軍上校 This is my partner. :: Jim Berkeley, but people call me J.B. Note that the use of “partner” to refer to a gay lover, a person who is also often called a significant other. 影片中特指男同性戀伴侶,也常被稱之為”重要的另一半” Let’s cut to the chase. :: What are you guys selling? “To cut to the chase” is a slangy way of saying to quickly get to the point, or say what needs to be said. 此俚語指”有話快說”,”講重點” He’s a tax attorney. :: And he’s an anesthesiologist. An “attorney” is a lawyer, and an “anesthesiologist” is a person 9

who gives anesthesia and other pain killers to people having surgery. 前者指律師,後者為麻醉師 How come these faggots have to always rub it in your face? “Faggot” is a very negative slur (insult word) for a gay man. If a person “rubs it in your face,” they are making obvious what you would rather not see. 很負面的一種稱呼男同性戀者。而”rub it in your face”特指某人再你面前做一 些不雅的動作,做一些你不想看到的事情 How can they be so shameless? An excellent word to describe a person who is without shame, or whose behavior suggests they have no morals or dignity. 不知羞恥 Don’t placate me like I’m your mother, boy. “To placate” a person is to try and stop them from feeling angry, often by agreeing with them, or doing something they want you to do. 順從或安撫某人使其平靜,不生氣 Forgive me for speaking so bluntly, but those fags make me want to puke my fucking guts out. To speak “bluntly” is to speak honestly, or frankly. “Fag” is also a slur for a gay man. “To puke” is a slang word meaning to vomit or throw up, and “guts” are stomach intestines. 老實說,那些同性戀的人令我噁心。guts原指”膽量”,此處指腸胃,膽汁都要吐 出來了 He just pulled down his pants and yanked it out. “To yank” something is to pull it out suddenly or forcefully. 此處指很突然地,很快地秀出性器官 So did you do it with him? In the right context, to “do it” with a person is to have sex with them. 就是指發生性關係 He’s a well-known photographer. He shoots for Elle, on like, a regular basis. Elle is a well-known women’s fashion magazine. To do something “on a regular basis” is to do it regularly, or consistently. Note the use of “like,” which is an extremely common filler word (with no meaning) among many teenagers and others. Be aware of it, but avoid it! 女性時裝雜誌名稱。 定期/固定幫此雜誌拍攝照片。青少年說話太常用”like”這字穿插其中。其實 我們知道就好,不要氾濫用這個字。 It would have been so majorly stupid of me to turn him down. In this case, “majorly” is a slangy adverb that means completely. Here, “to turn down” a person is to refuse to have sex with them. 指拒絕與某人上床實在是太笨了。可能是指對方互相利用、有利可圖。 You’re this pampered little suburban chick. If a person is “pampered,” they are spoiled and always get what they want from others. “Suburban” refers to the suburbs or residential neighborhoods outside cities, and “chick” is a slang word for a female. 10

指被寵壞的女孩要什麼得一定得到不可。而”suburban”郊外的住宅區。 Stop acting like your god damn Christi Turlington. “God damn” as a filler adjective is a crude way to express emotion such as anger of frustration. Turlington is a well-known model. God-dam粗魯或舉喪的口氣;而此處是指責Angela別再裝模作樣像Christi Turlington名模一般。 Cunt! This is considered by many to be the most vulgar word in English! A crude way to refer to female sex organs, and an insult word that is even stronger than bitch. 這個字是非常粗俗的用字,指女性之性器官。 I’m so sick of people taking their insecurities out on me. If a person is “insecure,” they have no confidence in themselves. If you “take your insecurities out on” another person, you are blaming them for your lack of confidence. 指自己本身缺乏自信,而又將此不安全感遷怒別人,責備別人、發洩在別人 身上。 That’s the pervert who filmed me last night. A “pervert” is a strange person who is often thought to have strange or bizarre sexual desires. 是行為怪異或性變態的人。此處指Ricky晚上偷拍Jane的事情。 No way, he’s a total lunatic. “No way” is a common way of saying absolutely not. A “lunatic” is a crazy or insane person. 常用”lunatic”指瘋子、不正常的人。 He would always serve the most random, weird things. If something is “random,” it is made or done without fitting any pattern or plan. “Weird” means strange or bizarre.

His parents had to put him in a mental institution. A hospital run by the state for crazy or mentally disturbed people. 精神病院或療養院。 You total slut! You got a crush on him! A “slut” is a woman who has sex with lots of men. A silly word, in part because there is no such word for a man! “To have a crush on” a person is to like them in a romantic way, even though you don’t really know them very well. A dated but fun expression. 罵指與眾多男士上床之女性。而對某人偷偷愛慕則是have a crush on someone 是個滿好玩的說法。 I remember this creepy incident when you were filming last night. If something is “creepy,” it is scary or disturbing. An “incident” is a small event or occurrence. 指偷拍這件令人害怕討厭之事。 I really don’t need to have some psycho obsessing about me right now. :: I’m not obsessing, I’m just curious. 11

“Psycho” is a funny slang word for a crazy or insane person. “To obsess” about someone is to constantly be thinking about them. 此處psycho指精神異常的人。 指Ricky變態,為Jane著魔而偷拍。 What a freak! And why does he dress like a bible salesman? A “freak” is a person who looks very strange, or behaves in very strange or bizarre ways. A powerful and common slang word. 怪胎、神經病。口氣很強但很常用。 Everyone here is with their spouse or significant other. A “spouse” is a husband or wife. “Significant other” is a popular expression for a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, lover, or gay partner. 前者指配偶。後者廣義指另一半,也包括男女朋友或同性戀伴侶、同志等等。 這裡是Carolyn 要Lester陪同出席參加一些聚會 How would it look if I showed up with no one? A widely used way of saying to arrive. 出席、出現某場合。 This is an important business function. My business is selling an image, and part of that job is to live that image. A “business function” is a dinner or social event such as a party in which making business connections is considered as important as having a good time. “To live an image” is Carolyn’s way of saying to appear to be living in a certain way, so that others will see her as being successful in both a personal and business sense. 此處Carolyn指”推銷業務”已成為他生活的一部分,而維持這專業形象亦 成為他生活的一部分。 Say whatever you want to say and spare me the propaganda. “Spare me” the details is a way of telling a person you are not interested in hearing about them. “Propaganda” is ideas and publicity that are spread around by governments, in order to manipulate people, or to convince them to think in a certain or acceptable way. 此處是指少推銷、少做宣傳,直接了當說。 Do you party? Do you get high? “To party” is a relatively new and slangy verb which means to do the things one does at a party---drink, take drugs, dance, etc… “To get high” is to feel the various effects of an illegal drug like marijuana. 此處指一些party聚會中,磕藥、吸毒、喝酒等興奮之行為。Rick和Lester相談甚 歡,並提起吸毒一事。 I wouldn’t tell you this if I weren’t a little tipsy….but, I’m in complete awe of you. If a person is “tipsy,” they are slightly drunk, dizzy and likely to fall or stumble. To be “in awe of” a person is to have extreme respect for them, possibly combined with fear of their great authority. 些許醉意。指敬畏崇拜某人,通常是對權貴地位很高的人。 Your firm is hands-down the Rolls Royce of local real estate firms. 12

“Hands-down” is a grammatically curious expression which means absolutely, or without competition. A “Rolls Royce” is one of the most expensive cars in the world. Carolyn很崇拜的對Buddy表示他是房屋仲介業之龍頭老大 Your personal sales record…is very intimidating. If something is “intimidating,” it is threatening and scary. 銷售業績很高、很嚇人。 I’d love to sit down with you and pick your brain. “To pick a person’s brain” is to talk with them for a while in order to find out what they think or know about a particular subject. 指從言語中吸取對方對某些主題的看法或精華。 Technically, I’m the competition, but I don’t flatter myself that I’m even in the same league with you. In this type of context, “technically” essentially means “One could say that…” This usage is very common. “To flatter” a person is to speak highly or positively about them. A “league” is a division in sports that divides players by how good they are (Pro League, AAA League, etc). Carolyn 說明自己並非自誇,聲稱自己和銷售大王Buddy是同一陣線或同一 等級。

Lester meets Ricky, remembers how happy he had been as a teenager, and realizes how dead his life and marriage have become.

Did you see that movie where the body is carrying its own head, where the head goes down on that babe?! In this context, to “go down” on a person is to give them oral sex. “Babe” is a very slangy word for a good-looking woman. 暗指進行口交。此處 Lester和Ricky聊到年輕時看的一部電影,快活的時光與現在無 趣的婚姻生活無法相比。 I just do these gigs as a cover; I have other sources of income. A “gig” is a slang term for a job, or more often, a concert for a musician. To do something “as a cover” is to do it just to fool other people (In this case to fool Ricky’s dad). Ricky表明自己當服務生這項工作只是一個掩護;真正其他收入卻來自販毒 My dad interferes less in my life when I pretend to be an upstanding young citizen with a respectable job. An “upstanding citizen” is a person who obeys the law, doesn’t cause problems and is well respected. A loved expression for politicians. 指守法不惹麻煩又受人尊敬的好公民。政客們很喜愛用此說法。 I should say hi to your dad. I don’t want to be rude. A good alternative to impolite, obnoxious or badly mannered. 粗魯沒教養。 Last time I saw you, you looked kind of wound up. 13

If a person is “wound up,” they are very tense or perhaps upset. 緊張或心情不好難過之表情 Rootbeer. A popular soft drink that many Europeans say tastes like cough syrup. 很多歐洲人說這種飲料味道像咳嗽糖漿。 She’s going to spend the night. Note the verb: “To spend” time at a place is to pass time there. 此處指在某處過夜。 To you, he’s just another guy who wants to jump your bones. “To jump a person’s bones” is a fun but silly way of saying to have sex with them. 此說法有一些好笑,但傻裡傻氣的口氣,指想與某人上床。 Your mom is the one who is embarrassing. What a phony! A person who is a “phony” often says things they don’t really believe, or acts in ways that are false or hypocritical. 指某人說話言不由衷、虛偽、偽君子。 If he just worked out a little, he’d be hot. “To work out” is a common way of saying to exercise. In this context, if a person is “hot,” they are very sexy or attractive. 健身運動。“Hot”常指某人很性感、很吸引人。 You never sneaked a peak at him in his underwear? I bet he’s got a big dick. “To sneak a peak” at a person is to very quickly look at them, without them noticing (perhaps when they are naked and unaware). “Dick” is one of the most common slang terms for a penis (along with “cock”). 指很快偷瞄一下。而Dick、cock都是很常用的俚語,指男性陰莖。 You’re so grossing me out right now. A classic line of teenage English! “To gross out” a person is to disgust them, or even make them sick. Note both the use of “so,” and putting the verb in the progressive tense, adds to its colloquial teen charm. 真令我噁心到家。青少年常用語。注意此處”so”的用法,特別有青少年口語 玩味的可愛之處。 If he built up his chest and arms, I’d totally fuck him. “To build up” your arms or chest is to increase their muscle size by lifting weights or other exercise. Note that “totally” is a much loved adverb that is over-used by many teenagers. 指勤練胸肌和臂肌。而”totally”則是青少年愛用(濫用)的說辭,指一定。 It’s the psycho next door! What if he worships you?! “To worship” a person is to greatly admire and respect them, as if they were a God. 指崇拜或愛慕某人之意。 What if he’s got a shrine with pictures of you surrounded by dead people’s heads and stuff? A “shrine” is a place of worship or prayer in honor of a God or religious figure. 14

指擺滿顝顱頭等類似可以作法或祈禱拜拜的神壇。此處指Jane害怕被偷拍照 片被擺在神壇前做法。 come to America’s weirdest home videos. “Home videos” are private movies made by people with their own video cameras (“America’s Funniest Home Videos” is a TV show). 美國有名很受歡迎的電視節目,主要播放民眾自拍的各式好玩怪異的錄影帶。 So what’s up? A very common way of asking what’s new, how’s life, etc….

I need a urine sample. :: Wow, it’s been six months! “A urine sample” is a small glass of urine (piss) that is often used to see if a person has been using drugs. “Wow” is a very common way of expressing great excitement, surprise or other emotion. 尿液採樣,測試看是否有嗑藥等。Ricky的父親仍突襲檢查其是否喀藥 Can I give it to you in the morning? I just took a whiz. “To take a whiz” is to urinate. “To take a leak” is much more common. 指剛剛才去上過小號。也常用to take a leak。 You’ve been working out, haven’t you? I can tell. Note the verb “to tell” often means to see or realize. “看得出來”某人一直有在健身。Angela 說此話故意挑逗 Jane的父親。 You were masturbating! :: Oh, all right, so shoot me! I was whacking off. “So shoot me” is a funny way to reply to a person who has accused you of doing something wrong. A way of saying “I don’t care that you’re upset.” “To whack off” is another slang term meaning to masturbate. 難不成要殺了我!才不在乎對方生氣呢!此處是 Lester在自慰時被妻子看到 之後所說的話。 That’s right. I was choking the bishop, chafing the carrot, saying hi to my monster. :: That’s disgusting. Three ridiculous ways of saying to masturbate, none of which are really used (A “bishop” is a figure in a church and a piece in the game of chess, and to “chafe” is to become sore after being rubbed too much). 以上說法都極為荒謬,是Lester在劇中說自己自慰一事。分別是勒主教的脖子, 搓紅羅蔔及和我的怪獸打招呼 Well, excuse me, but some of us still have blood pumping through our veins. “Some of us” is a colloquial way of actually referring to yourself when you want to make a point. If liquid is “pumping through” a vein, it is moving quickly through it. “Veins” are the small tubes that carry blood in the body. This is Lester’s way of saying he is still interested in sex. 這裡也是Lester反諷其老婆之說法。意指”人家”也是有血有肉的,也還是需 要性生活。字面意思為血管內血液澎湃地流著 I’ve changed. And the new me whacks off when he feels horny, cause you’re obviously not going to help me out in that department. This is Lester’s colorful way of saying he knows that Carolyn is no longer interested in having sex with him. 15

指Lester早就知道自己的太太早已對他”性趣”缺缺 Don’t you mess with me, Mister! I will divorce you so fast, it will make your head spin. :: On what grounds?! “Don’t mess with me” is a way of telling a person to stop provoking or upsetting them (Note the use of ‘you” for added emphasis). “It will make you head spin” is a way of saying it will greatly surprise you. “On what grounds” is a way of asking the legal reason for an action. Carolyn指Lester別把他惹火了,別把他逼瘋了,否則火速離婚讓他連吃驚一下 都來不及。 憑什麼可以離婚? I don’t even try to touch you, since you made it so abundantly clear how unnecessary you consider me to be. In this case, “abundantly” means completely or totally. 完全地,徹頭徹尾地 I did support you when you got your license, and some people might think that entitles me to half of what’s yours. The “license” Lester is referring to is one to sell real estate. If a person is “entitled” to something, they have a legal right to it. This is Lester’s way of saying that after a divorce, he’d get half of Carolyn’s money. 這裡指的是房地產仲介之執照。此處Lester威脅太太,若離婚後仍可得到太太 所得的一半 I figured you guys might be able to give me some pointers; I need to shape up fast. “To figure” is to think or believe. A “pointer” is a helpful suggestion, and to “shape up” is to get in good physical shape, often by exercising. “pointer”意指”好點子”或一些好的指示,以便可以在短時間內鍛鍊出好身 材 Do you want increased strength and flexibility as well? :: I want to look good naked. In this case, “flexibility” is the ability to move and stretch your arms, legs and body muscles without pain. 指靈活度,健身之後使四肢靈活,也不會疼痛 What is this? Fucking gay pride parade? Note that many ethnic and other social groups have annual parades to celebrate their identities (Pride is a sense of self-respect, and thus a Gay Pride parade celebrates gay culture). Also note the use of “fucking” as an adjective, which is crude but common. 常有不同族群或社會團體舉辦遊行,而同性戀為自我認同,也常慶祝或街上遊 行 My entire life is passing before my eyes, and those two have barely broken a sweat. “Barely” means only just, or hardly. “To break a sweat” is to begin to sweat or perspire, usually because of having exercised. 指那些幾乎都不運動,不流一滴汗的人。注意”barely”的意思就是”hardly” 16

I have to take a drug test every six months just to make sure I’m clean. “I’m clean” is Ricky’s way of saying that he’s not using illegal drugs. 指沒有用要吸毒之情況,用”clean”來指明 Are you kidding? You just smoked last night. “To kid” is to joke around or not speak seriously (But note that this is almost always used in the progressive tense). 你在開玩笑嗎? 注意一下都是用”現在進行式” 來表達 One of my clients is a nurse in a pediatrician’s office. A “pediatrician” is a children’s doctor. 指小兒科 I cut her a deal, and she keeps me in clean piss. This is Ricky’s way of saying that he agreed to sell his friend marijuana for a very cheap price, and in exchange, the friend gives Ricky urine (piss) from the doctor’s office that will not have any drugs in it. 指Ricky是如何通過尿液偵測反應,其實Ricky用低價賣大麻給他的朋友,然後 交換到”clean”沒藥物反應的尿液來避開檢查自己的尿液這一關 Pink Floyd. A very popular rock group in the 1970s. 70年代很有名的搖滾樂團,有”牆”等專輯 How much is an ounce? An “ounce” is 1/16th of a pound, and the unit of measurement for many illegal drugs like cocaine or marijuana. 特別在計量藥物的單位,1”ounce”為16分之一”pound” This shit is top of the line. It’s called G-B, and it’s genetically engineered by the US government. If something is “top of the line,” it is considered the very best quality. If a drug is “genetically engineered,” it is made by changing around the basic biological structures (genes, or DNA) of a plant or animal. 最佳品質,最高檔的東西。指是美國政府從植物或動物基因改進而研發出來的 產品 It’s extremely potent, but a completely mellow high. No paranoia. If something is “potent,” it is strong or powerful. “Mellow” is a popular slang word form the 1970s which means gentle, soft or pleasant, and in this case a “high” is the pleasant feeling one gets from an illegal drug like marijuana. “Paranoia” is a feeling of great fear or anxiety. 藥性很強,但又會讓你覺得很舒服,很high。服用完不會有恐懼或焦慮的感覺 How much? :: Two grand. A “grand” is a slang term for 1,000 dollars. 俗語:指一千美元 Jesus! Things have changed since 1973. A common way of expressing emotion such as surprise or frustration.

You don’t have to pay now. I know you’re good for it. If a person is “good for” their debts, they are responsible and will pay it. 17

此處指某人信用很好,不會呆帳 There’s a card in there with my beeper number. Beep me anytime. A “beeper” is a small pocket device which tells a person when they have received a phone call. Note that there’s both a noun and a verb. 指B.B. call 隨身電子呼叫器。而現在一般人則使用手機 When I was your age, I flipped burgers all summer just to be able to buy an 8-track. :: That sucks. “To flip” burgers is to turn them over by throwing them gently in the air. An “8- track” is a type of music tape that died out after the 1970s. If something “sucks,” it is considered very bad. Crude but common. 指速食店的打工時翻動漢堡之動作 “8-track”指的是70年代以前很流行的音樂帶子。That “sucks”指某人很令人 討厭 All I did was party and get laid. “To get laid” is a crude but widely used way of saying to have sex. 比較粗俗的講法,套句現在年輕人的用語就是 “炒飯”或”劈腿” My dad thinks I pay for all of this with catering jobs. “Catering jobs” are those jobs in which people serve food and drinks at parties and other social meetings. 在派對或外燴替人準備餐點之工作 Never underestimate the power of denial. “To underestimate” something is to not take it as seriously, or value it as highly, as one should. “Denial” is the act of denying or refusing to admit something.

The Burnhams fall apart as Les quits his job in order to become a teenager, Carolyn decides to sleep with the enemy, and Jane and Ricky become very close friends.

What the hell do you think you’re doing? Note that “the hell” is often added to Wh questions to express emotion such as frustration or anger. 表示氣憤或沮喪時常在Wh為首之問句中加入此用語 Bench presses. I’m going to whale on my pecks and then I’m going to do my back. “Bench presses” is a way of lifting weights. “Pecks” are a slang term for chest muscles, but the expression above is rarely if ever used. This is Lester’s way of saying he’s going to increase his chest and back muscles. 在劇中Lester用語,指要加強鍛鍊自己的胸肌或背部。”Bench presses”式一種 舉重的招式 I see you’ve been smoking pot now. “Pot” is the most common way of referring to marijuana. 指大麻 18

I think using illegal psychotropic substances…. is a very positive example to set for our daughter. “Psychotropic substances” is a medical way of referring to drugs like marijuana that cause people to have strange psychological effects. If you “set a positive example” for a person, you act in such a way that they can look up to you as an example for how they should act. 通常大麻等藥物要有心理的療效。而此處反諷指吸毒為女兒建立了好榜樣 You’re one to talk, you bloodless money-grubbing freak. A classic line. “You’re one to talk” is a way of telling a person that they are being hypocritical, or saying one thing but behaving differently. “Bloodless” means cowardly or fearful, but this is rarely used. If a person is “money-grubbing,” they’re always looking for ways to make money in any possible way, and a “freak” is a strange or bizarre person. 指某人指示說一套做一套,偽善。而後者指無所不做,到處收刮錢的怪人 You have such hostility in you. “Hostility” is anger toward another person. 指敵意 You will not get away with this. “To get away with” something is to be able to do it without being caught or punished, even if it is a bad or illegal action. 特別做壞事而又可以脫身而出,不受處罰。 “My job basically consists of masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and at least once a day retiring to the men’s room so I can jerk off….. “To consist of” means to be made of. “To mask” something is to hide it, and “contempt” is a powerful noun meaning complete lack of respect, or disdain. “The men’s room” is the men’s bathroom. Lester對工作及上司充滿不滿與歧視,但還是得掩藏起來 …..while I fantasize a life that doesn’t so closely resemble hell.” “To fantasize” about something is to dream about it, and “to resemble” something is to look like it. 幻想生活不是像地獄一樣地苦。意味著平時的生活有如地獄般苦悶 For 14 years, I’ve been a whore for the advertising industry. A widely used word for a prostitute. 妓女 What sort of severance package is management prepared to offer me?…. A “severance package” is the money and other items that a company offers an employee after they are fired or let go. Severance原指”切斷”,”分離” 。此處為退職津貼。指員工被資遣或炒魷魚 時,公司會給的一些錢或其他等,整個配套政策為一個package …considering the information I have about our editorial director buying pussy with company money? An “editorial director” is the person responsible for the contents of a magazine or newspaper. “Pussy” is a crude term for female sex organs, or in this case, for sex in general. 19

指編輯部主任用公司的錢召妓。”Pussy”是一種很粗魯的用語 I think it would interest the IRS, since it technically constitutes fraud. The IRS is the Internal Revenue Service, which is the federal government agency that collects all taxes. “To constitute” means to be made of, or be equal to. “Fraud” is a legal term that refers to the illegal act of lying to or deceiving others in order to gain personally. IRS是國稅局的簡稱。fraud是詐欺行為 I’m sure some of our advertisers and rival publications might like to know about it as well, not to mention….Craig’s wife. A “rival” is a major competitor, and a publication is usually either a book, magazine or newspaper. rival原指競爭對手。此處指同業或具與自己之出版品競爭能力之出版品 One year’s salary with benefits. In this context, “benefits” include the various things that employers give employees besides money, including health insurance, retirement pay and paid vacations. 薪水之外還有之福利,如健康醫療保險,退休金或有給休假 What do you say if I throw in a little sexual harassment charge, to boot? A “sexual harassment” charge is an official accusation that one person has tried to intimidate or scare the other into offering sexual favors while on the job. “To boot” is a colloquial way of saying “in addition.” “to boot”:十分口語的說法,和”in addition”意思相同,此處指上司對員工性騷 擾的指控 Can you prove that you didn’t offer to save my job if I let you blow me? In this case, to “blow” a person is to give them oral sex (A “blow job” is the most common way of referring to oral sex on a man). (指對男性進行口交) Man, you are one twisted fuck. If a person is “twisted,” they are immoral or psychologically disturbed. Note the use of “fuck” as an insult noun, which is interesting but rare. “twisted”原指扭曲。此處就是指不道德或不正常的人 Let’s just say that things were a little hectic around the house. If things are “hectic,” they are filled with hurried movements and excitement. 指家裡有一些混亂急躁的感覺 Yes, we are splitting up. “To split up” is an alternative way of saying to break up. 指夫起獲朋友吵架,分開 According to her, I’m too focused on my career…as if being driven to succeed is some kind of character flaw. If a person is “focused” on something, they concentrate and spend much time on it. A person who is “driven to succeed” is determined to do well or be successful. A “character flaw” is a personal trait or habit that is considered negative, such as willingness to lie. 20

指過去太專注於事業上,有如認真工作追求成功是人格上一大弱點。”flaw” 指缺點或性格上之特質,通常是負面的 It is my philosophy that in order to be successful, one must project an image of success at all times. “To project” an image is to constantly act as if that image or reputation is accurate and true. 投射出,表現出一種積極,正面的形象 I think maybe you forgot your medication today, mental boy. “Medication” is a word for medicine, in this case for a mental disease. “Mental boy” is a silly insult for an emotionally disturbed person. 諷刺的說法。指某人情緒,精神異常卻又忘了服用藥物加以控制。”mental”原 指心靈上的,精神狀態的 I don’t want to end up hacked to pieces in a dumpster somewhere. “To end up” is to finish or complete. If a person is “hacked to pieces,” they have been cut into small pieces by an ax or knife. A “dumpster” is a large trash container often used for big apartment buildings. 指不願到後來下場悲慘,有如被剁成好幾塊置之大垃圾筒裏 Jane, that’s like, almost a mile. A unit of length that is equal to about 1,609 meters.

You like being nailed by the king?! :: Yeah, fuck me, your majesty. In this case, to “nail” a person is to have sex with them. “Your majesty” is the expression one uses to address a King or Queen. “nail”原意是指甲。此處指”某人願意,喜歡和別人上床”而majesty則是對君主或女 王之尊稱 I’d like to fill out an application. :: There’s no job for manager, just for counter. If you “fill out a job application,” you write in information about yourself on a standard question form to see if an employer is interested in you. The “counter” at a fast food place is the flat surface where the money and food are exchanged. 填申請表找工作。 櫃台的工作。此處Lester離職後在速食店打工 I don’t think you’d fit in here. If a person doesn’t “fit in” at a particular place, they would not be comfortable being there, perhaps because everyone else is so different. 指某人不適合此地的工作或環境 I’m sure there’s been amazing technological advances in the industry, but surely you must have some sort of training program. “Amazing” is a powerful adjective meaning incredible or fantastic. “Technological advances” refer to things such as computers, cell phones, etc. A “training program” teaches people new skills. 很不得了之科技上的進步,但無可厚非也少不了訓練部門吧 That was exactly what I needed. “The royal treatment,” so to speak. “Royal” is an adjective that refers to the king, queen or monarchy 21

(though the word is also widely used in advertising). “So to speak” is an expression that is used to show that the words one just used can be interpreted or mean different things. 與前面之”your majesty”用法相呼應,指皇家貴族之禮遇 I was so stressed out. A person who is “stressed out” is feeling very tense or nervous. 常用此片語指壓力很大,很累 I go to this firing range downtown, and I pop off a few rounds. A “firing range” is a place where people practice shooting guns, and to “pop off a few rounds” is to shoot a few times, usually firing at a target. 射箭場練習個幾回。”range”原指範圍或牧場亦可以指射擊場地 People who used to live there fed the stray cats, so they were always around, and it drove my mother nuts. “Stray cats” are those cats in the neighborhood that don’t belong to anybody. If something “drives a person nuts,” it makes them crazy. 野貓。指野貓令人快瘋了,快受不了了 This is where my dad hangs out. :: I take it he has a thing for guns. “To hang out” in a place is to pass a lot of time there. If a person “has a thing” for guns, they like guns a lot. 某人經常出沒閒晃之地,而”has a thing”片語指對某種事物喜愛,有興趣 One of my clients is a locksmith. A person who works with keys and locks. 鎖匠,類似的用法有blacksmith為鐵匠或鍛工 It’s like official state china of the 3 rd Reich. In this case, “china” refers to fine plates, cuts and silverware. The “3rd Reich” was Germany’s nazi government under Hitler. “china”此處指在希特勒統治底下享有之精緻的瓷器或餐具 There’s a whole subculture who collect this Nazi shit. A “subculture” is a group of people within society that have a specific interest or lifestyle that is different from the majority. 只有一群人特有之生活習慣或作風而獨樹一格,形成一種”次文化”,如收集 一些納粹時期之瓷器碗盤等 This incredibly benevolent force wanted me to know that there was no reason to be afraid, ever. If a person is “benevolent,” they are nice or kind and have good intentions. In this case, a “force” is a general power, such as a God or nature itself. 指”仁慈的力量”,如上帝或大自然的力量 Sometime there’s so much beauty in the world I feel that I can’t take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. If a person “can’t take it,” they don’t have the strength or energy to deal with it. If a building “caves in,” it collapses or falls down. 指快承受不住了,而整個心靈會崩潰 I quit my job and then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost $60,000. 22

Note that after you tell a person “fuck you,” you can then tell a 3rd person that you told them to “go fuck themselves.” Very crude, but useful. “To blackmail” a person is to threaten to reveal something they want kept secret, unless they agree to pay money. 很粗俗的說法,但也很常用。指對某人相當不滿也相當氣憤時說的話。 “to blackmail”指向某人恐嚇財 Your mother prefers I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink. “Dick” is a slang word for a penis, and a “mason jar” is a wide-mouthed jar that is commonly used for storing home made jam. 此處Lester諷刺其太太早就對他”性趣”缺缺而對待他向犯人般無法享用性 生活。 “mason-jar”廣口瓶,通常存放自製果醬的那種瓶子口 How dare you speak to me like that in front of her! “How dare you” is a very strong way of expressing disapproval.

I marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me on the day you lose your job. “To marvel” at something is to be amazed by it. To be “contemptuous” of a person is to look down on them with disgust or anger. “marvel”對某事感到極大訝異,Carolyn指丈夫居然在失業當天仍對他用語言 相譏,輕視他。contempt為名詞 I want to thank you for putting me under the added pressure of being the sole breadwinner now. “Sole” is an interesting adjective which means only. The “breadwinner” of the house is the person who makes the money. 指Carolyn變成家中唯一之經濟來源。the sole就是the only… Don’t give a second thought as to who is going to pay the mortgage. The “mortgage” is the monthly payment that is made to a bank after having borrowed money to buy a house. 特指房貸,注意mortgage字中”t”沒有發音 You don’t complain? :: Yeah, let’s bring in the laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one. A machine that measures how loud the laughter is for an audience. 測量笑聲之機器 From now on were going to alternate our dinner music, because frankly, I am really tired of this Lawrence Welk shit. “To alternate” two things is to go back and forth between them. “Frankly” is a common way of starting a sentence when you want to be totally honest. Lawrence Welk was a conductor who was very famous for very soft, bland and popular elevator music. Lester明白表示要換掉那晚餐時間太太所喜愛播放之無聊音樂。 Lawrence Welk音樂以柔和抒情著稱而很多電梯內的音樂也是如此 I wish you hadn’t witnessed that awful scene tonight, but in a way, I’m glad. “To witness” something is to see or observe it. In this case, a “scene” is 23

a dramatic, loud or emotional argument. If a person is “glad,” they’re satisfied or happy.

You cannot count on anyone except yourself. The words that a person would say who has been badly hurt by someone they had trusted. Look, I really don’t feel like having a Kodak moment here, OK? A famous expression from a Kodak film ad; An emotional or sweet event or incident between two people that both will remember forever. 原是柯達相機底片的廣告台詞,指很甜蜜的時刻或很棒的感覺

You ungrateful little brat! A person who is “ungrateful” does not appreciate what they have been given, and a “brat” is a badly-mannered person, who is usually a child. Carolyn罵她那不知感謝的,被寵壞的女兒! When I was your age, I lived in a duplex. A building with two separate living units. 複式房屋,指家境不好,得與另一戶人家共住之情況 You little bastard! How did you get in there? A crude and classic insult. A “bastard” is a mean or abusive man. “bastard”罵人的話,指很卑鄙的男生 Fight back, you little pussy! :: No Sir, I won’t fight you. In this case, a “pussy” is a coward, or a person who is too scared to act. “pussy”此處又可指膽小的人。此處 Ricky的父親再度對他拳打腳踢 I picked the lock, Sir. “To pick” a lock is to open it, usually by using a small tool. 指開鎖 What are you looking for, money? Are you on dope again? “Dope” is a common colloquial word for illegal drugs like marijuana. “on dope”很常用之口語,指吸毒 You need discipline. :: Don’t give up on me, Dad. “Discipline” is either self-control or the threat of punishment, usually to get a child to behave correctly. “To give up on” a person is to decide that they will not ever succeed. 此處指Rick與其父親之間的關係及互動緊張的一面 I thought you’d be hopeless, but you’re a natural. A person who is “a natural” at a particular job or skill is very good at it, even if they have not done it in the past. 指某人簡直是天生就擅長某事或技能

Lester catches Carolyn with Buddy as Jane and Ricky grow closer, but Ricky soon has big problems with his dad. 24

1970 Pontiac Firebird! I rule! The Pontiac Firebird is a type of very sporty car. “I rule” is a teenager’s way of saying that they are great (or more colloquially, cool), for having done something cool (In this case, for having bought the Firebird). 一種青少年極喜愛的跑車。”I rule”用語與”cool”類似,指棒透了 Shouldn’t you have consulted me first? “To consult” with a person is to talk with them in order to get their opinion in a particular topic or issue. 先與某人商量。Lester任意買了一輛年輕人喜愛開的跑車而沒和妻子商量 When did you become so….joyless. A rare but powerful word for unhappy. 不常用此說法,意指”unhappy” Whatever happened to that girl who used to fake seizures at frat parties when she got bored? A “seizure” is a sudden medical condition in which people often begin to shake violently and lose control over their bodily functions. A “frat party” is a party at a college fraternity, which is usually a house where many male students live who love to drink beer. “seizure”原指”捕獲”,此處指疾病之發作,身體不聽使喚之顫動起來 “frat party”指大學內男同學 所舉行的派對。此處指女生在派對中無聊時 會佯裝疾病發作而引人注意。 We used to run up to the roof…to flash the traffic helicopters. If you “ flash” a person, you pull down your pants in order to very briefly show them your ass. It’s a bit hard to flash a helicopter! 指脫下褲子,很快地秀一下屁股給別人看 Lester, you’re going to spill beer on the couch. “To spill” a liquid is to let it accidentally pour out of a container. 指倒翻了啤酒弄髒了沙發椅 This is a $4,000 couch, upholstered in Italian silk! “Upholstery” is material that is used to cover furniture. “Silk” is a very fine and expensive thread that is used to make cloth. 特指非常昂貴絲質之義大利製的沙發椅 It’s just stuff, and it’s become more important to you than life. Honey, that’s just nuts. Here, “stuff” is just another word for things, and if something is “nuts,” then it is crazy or insane. 指Lester認為妻子太重視表面,太不正常了,簡直是瘋子 I got kicked out. To be “kicked out” of a school is to be officially removed. 被學校退學 Dad and I had this huge fight, and the next day at school, some kid made a crack about my haircut, and I just snapped. In this context, “a crack” is a joke or perhaps disrespectful remark. If a person “snaps,” they lose their temper and often act violently (To snap is to literally break off, or to break into two or more pieces). 25

指同學針對她的頭髮開玩笑,後者為此大發脾氣 “snap”原意為破碎成碎片 He’s a total asshole. He’s got this crush on my friend, Angela, and it’s disgusting. A “total asshole” is a complete jerk, creep or bastard. “To have a crush” on a person is to secretly like them in a romantic way. total a asshole, jerk, creep bastard都是罵人的稱呼,笨蛋,怪胎等 指Lester暗戀自己女兒的同學Angela I know you think my dad’s harmless, but you’re wrong. If a person is “harmless,” they’re not dangerous or harmful to anybody. 無傷害的,不會做出傷人的事 He’s doing massive psychological damage to me. A powerful adjective meaning extremely big, huge or enormous. 指在心理上造成”極大”的傷害或影響 I’ve got almost $3,000. Of course, I was saving it up for a boob job. A silly expression for plastic surgery to make a woman’s breasts bigger (Boobs are breasts, and is probably a safer colloquial word than tits). 指隆乳手術,如鼻子美容手術亦稱a nose job 口語中也用boobs或tits指女生的胸部 Today is the first day of the rest of your life. A favorite cliché for people who want to start their lives over.

Dad, you stare at her all the time. :: Jane, you better watch yourself, or you’re going to turn into a real bitch, just like your mother. “To stare at” somebody is to look at them for an extended period of time, without turning away. A “bitch” is a mean, abusive or unpleasant female. Very crude, but widely used. 盯著Angela看個不停,而此處Lester反倒要她的女兒小心點別像他母親一樣 而bitch為對女性的蔑稱 I need a super smiley with cheese, A-S-A-P. As soon as possible. A very useful abbreviation (The super smiley is a cheeseburger). 常用這個縮寫指As soon as possible,如BTW指By the way The super smiley一種漢堡 I think we deserve a little junk food after the workout we had this morning. “Junk food” is unhealthy food like hamburgers and French fries. A “workout” usually refers to vigorous exercise, although here Carolyn is talking about sex. 泛指漢堡薯條等速食垃圾食物。此處的workout原指健身運動等,而Carolyn用此 詞指做愛一事。Carolyn 和 Buddy幽會被 Lester撞見 We were just at a seminar. Buddy, this is my husband. A “seminar” is a public lecture or presentation on a particular topic. 指公眾演講或討論會議之場合。此處 Carolyn趕緊圓謊 Whoa, you are so busted! :: This really doesn’t concern you. “Whoa” is a common way of expressing emotion such as surprise. 26

If a person has been “busted,” they have probably been caught doing something that is illegal or embarrassing. 為了不合法的或難為情的事而被抓到時的縮寫。”busted”指… Actually, Jamie is senior drive-through manager, so you are on her turf. The “drive-through” part of a fast-food restaurant is where people in cars pick up their food. “Turf” is a interesting word for land or territory. 速食店都有車道取餐點服務,名稱極為drive-through。Turf指某一地區或領域。 此種說法很有趣,指員工直屬於某領隊管理下做事。on the turf I guess we could cool it for a while In this context, to “cool it” is to stop it, at least until things calm down. 事情暫緩或冷靜一下 So, you and psycho boy are like fucking on a regular basis. “Psycho boy” is a silly way of referring to a person who may be crazy. To do something “on a regular basis” is to do it regularly or consistently. 精神不正常的人,此處指Rick Now that you have a boyfriend, you’re like above it? In this context, to be “above it” is to be more concerned with other things, or to think that it is not so important.

Put up a fight, dude. You are like, such a push-over. “To put up a fight” is to try and fight back. “Dude” is a very popular word with which young males address each other. A “push-over” is a person who easily agrees to do anything. 反擊,在打回去呀.而dude是男性朋友互稱用語,”push-over”是指逆來順受什麼 都答應做的人 You should learn to roll a joint. “To roll a joint” is to make a marijuana cigarette, by adding the drug to a piece of rolling paper. 指大麻煙捲 I should probably go see what Jane’s up to. A slangy way of asking what a person is doing. 常用語,與What is Jane doing同意 I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cocksucker. :: Jesus, what is it with you?! A “cock” is a crude term for a penis, and thus a “cocksucker” is a crude term for a person who performs oral sex on men (especially other men). “What is it with you?” can be a way of expressing great anger. 很粗俗的詞語,特指男性對其他男性口交。Ricky的父親以為兒子是個同性戀 怪物 You mean that? :: You’re damn straight I do. A slangy and somewhat dated way of saying completely correct. 沒錯,我就是… I’d rather you were dead than be a fucking faggot. A very crude slur (insult word) for a gay man. 指男同性戀者(有汙辱之意) 27

You should see me fuck. I’m the best piece of ass in three states. Another crude term for a person who is looked on as nothing more than a sex object. 字面上指”屁股”,但意指某人一無是處,只是個性器物罷了,非常粗俗的用詞。 此處Ricky在父親一陣毒打之後故意說重話、承認自己是個玻璃。 The constant cycle of victimhood. In this case, the idea that a person who feels that they are a victim of society will always be so until they change their actions or attitudes. 除非改變作風或態度,否則惡性循環就一直會覺得自己是一位犧牲者 You’re way too uptight about sex. :: Just don’t fuck my dad! If a person is “uptight” about something, they are tense or nervous about it. 指Jane對性太緊張了,有點小題大作 You’re just a kid, and he’s like a mental case. Another slangy way of referring to a crazy or disturbed person. 精神不正常的人 We can use my plastic surgery money. Surgery that is designed to improve a person’s physical appearance. 美容手術 I know people in the city who can help us get set up. :: What, other drug dealers? In this case, “to get set up” is to find a new home and establish a new life. “Drug dealers” are people who sell illegal drugs on city streets. 指有些機構協助人們戒菸或戒毒,使之重生,建立新生活 You’d be out of your mind to go with him. If a person is “out of their mind,” they’re crazy or emotionally unstable. 瘋狂不正常 Go fuck yourself! :: Hey, shut up, bitch. An honorable if equally crude alternative to “fuck you!” Jane和Angela 鬧翻了 You two deserve each other. The expression you’d say to a couple when you are equally upset at both partners. 對某兩人很生氣,亦指那兩人都一樣糟糕

Lester Burnham has the strangest day of his life….

Jesus, man, you’re soaked. If a person is “soaked,” they are completely wet, usually from rain. 全身溼透了 Where’s your wife? :: Probably out fucking that dorky prince of real estate asshole. “Dork” is a slang word for a jerk or fool, though dorky is rarely used. 不常用此字形容某人呆頭,笨蛋 28

Our marriage is just for show; A commercial for how normal we are, when we’re anything but. If a marriage is “just for show,” it is kept up just so that people will think the partners are still doing well, but not for any other reason. Here, “We’re anything but” implies that the next word is normal. 此處Lester自嘲他與Carolyn的婚姻只是表面作秀一般,一點也不是正常一般的 家庭 Do you want a sip? :: Sure. A “sip” is a the act of drinking just a small amount at a time. 指小酌一下 This is my first time. :: You’re kidding. If a person is “kidding,” they are joking or not being serious. Angela 表明自己其實沒有任何性經驗

I’m still a little weirded out, but I feel better. Thanks. If a person is “weirded out,” they are felling a little strange, or perhaps scared or shaken. An interesting but very slangy phrasal verb. Angela和Lester 最後其實兩人什麼也沒做,經歷一個最奇怪的感覺;還是有 點覺得奇怪。 I’ve always heard that your entire life flashes in front of you the second before you die. In this case, “to flash” is to pass by extremely quickly. 指回憶從眼前快速閃過。Lester在死前的幻覺 That one second stretches on forever, like an ocean of time. In this case, “to stretch on forever” is simply to go on forever (“To stretch” is to grow longer, often by pulling two sides apart). 那一秒鐘卻一直持續 Yellow leaves from the maple trees that lined our street. A “maple tree” contains maple, which is the delicious syrup that Americans love to put on their breakfast pancakes. 一般早點煎餅上林上楓漿 I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it’s hard to stay mad when there’s so much beauty in the world. If a person is “pissed off,” they are very angry or upset. Very common. 非常氣憤 My heart fills up like a balloon that’s about to burst. If a balloon “bursts,” it explodes because it has too much air or water. 爆裂開 And then it flows through me like rain, and I can’t feel anything but gratitude, for every single moment of my stupid little life. If a liquid “flows through” a body, it travels smoothly through it, perhaps like a river. “Gratitude” is an important word meaning appreciation or gratefulness. 像雨般流串在我身體,我什麼也感覺不到,只有感激,感激。Lester死時對其微不 足道之人生感嘆的一段話。 29

American Beauty

Possible Topics for ESL Class Discussion

1) Are the Burnhams really a typical American family, or are they in fact more dysfunctional (“screwed up”) than most? What about compared to your family?

2) Why are Lester and Carolyn so unhappy? Should they be?

3) Which characters had public images that hid who they really were, and which ones seemed to be completely honest?

4) Do you think most men over 40 dream of being 18 again?

5) What did you like and not like about this movie? 30

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