Board Meeting Minutes s9

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Board Meeting Minutes s9

RHLL Board Meeting Minutes October 13, 2008

Attendance: Kimberley Handy-Oakes, Chris Bakken, Julie Hill, Andy Peterson, Ann Trausch, Pam Schwisow, Darryl Giorgini, Bobby Burks, Lisa Hires, David Post, Neal Bieker, Jennifer Ward, Randal Imus

Voting Board Members in Attendance: Neal Bieker, Bobby Burks, Andy Petersen, Kimberley Handy-Oakes, Ann Trausch, Jennifer Ward

Agenda . Confirm the acceptance of the minutes from Sept 8th. . Thanks You’s . Volunteer Contact List . Financial Review – Kimberley Handy-Oakes . Filling open volunteer positions . Sponsorship . District 4 President’s Meeting Update . Fall Ball Status . Planning 2009 . Softball Status . Equipment/Uniforms Acceptance of the Minutes for September 8th Meeting: One change will be made and updated on the website. Otherwise, accepted.

Thank You’s: Chris Bakken was thanked for efforts and leadership as the outgoing President of RHLL.

Financial Review: Kimberley Handy-Oakes . Bank account successfully move to Neal Bieker and Kimberley Handy-Oakes. . Attempting to reconcile 3 deposits without deposit slips. Based on their amounts, may have been “company matches” for volunteer hours, i.e. employees of Intel, Nike. . Other than the 3 deposits, everything has been reconciled up to the end of August 2008. . Attempting to reconcile starting amount for 2008 with information for the 2007 tax return. Action Item: Resolve by December Meeting

Volunteer Contact List: Action Item: Requested that Jennifer generate a new list for distribution based on the previous list form 2006.

1 Filling Open Volunteer Positions: . Fundraiser Coordinator - Action Item: Ann to contact candidates . Picture Coordinator – OPEN . Opening Day Coordinator – Alison Carlson . Web Page Editor - Action Item: Andy to contact candidates . Sponsorship – Randal Imus

Sponsorship: . Randal Imus has agreed to coordinate the Sponsorship efforts. . Sponsorship has decreased over the past years . Current sponsors seem content with current practice of receiving a plaque . Action Item: Neal to provide Randy with list or current sponsors. . Action Item: Neal to provide Randy with RHLL logo. Randy will print business cards. . Several ideas discussed: o Sell web links from our site to other sites? o Time constraints with printing shirts with sponsor’s names: print coaches shirts only? o Broadcast e-mail to all RHLL families with sponsor’s names provided and encourage families to patronize their business? o Flyers at Registration Day? o Levels of sponsorship – sponsor a division for a higher amount? . Banner for coaches to hang at games has not consistently worked. The banners are also expensive. . Talk to Raleigh Hills and Raleigh Park Elementary auction people for ideas. . Attempt to get sponsorships before December. Many companies either will include this as part of their holiday gift or will need to budget the money for next year. . Action Item: Lisa to make plaque sample of what we might use if we are going to affix a small metal plaque to the Raleigh Hills Elementary Little League dug out. If we want to move forward with this, we will need to get school district approval.

District 4 President’s Meeting Update: . Neal did not attend. . Andy or Neal will attend next month. . All of the Presidents this year are new. Some mentoring taking place.

THPRD Update: . Still have not received an updated bill from THPRD. . Expect to receive/resolve it within the next month. . Other leagues and sports are experiencing the same issues.

Fall Ball: . Majors 9 and 0. All kids rotating positions and getting to pitch. . Turnout has been good in general, middle age group is starting to decrease a little.

Planning 2009: . See proposed schedule that has been updated and posted to the website. . Have Opening Day at Raleigh Park again. . Montclair recently included in RHLL. Have an event at the school, like one of the registration sessions.

2 . Talk to principals and PE teachers at Greenway and Vose to see what issues there may be with families participating in RHLL. . Continue to use Kinkos for printing (rather than electronic distribution). . Outdoor tryouts preferred. No venue yet, although Whitford has been adequate for past several years. Bobby would like to sync up softball tryouts with baseball. . Action Item: Ann to review and revise informational forms.

Softball: Bobby Burks . Bobby’s main concern is having fields for practice and play. . Andy commented that his shouldn’t be an issue. Many leagues are “returning” unused fields due to increased THPRD fees.

Equipment: Pam Schwisow . Cleaning the shed. . Need to order things, like waffle balls. . Uniforms will be ordered in January for Baseball and February for Softball . Tom is putting together a gear list . Action Item: Kimberley to put together equipment budget.

Open Discussion Items: . Volunteer checks- the few enquiries have been resolved.

Action Items for Next Meeting: . JBO used on-line umpire service and were very happy with them. Kimberley Handy- Oakes to look into this.

Action Items for Next Year: . Start planning for Fall Ball 2009 in May 2009. . Next year, add to Coaching Presentation how to be clear on who volunteered the appropriate volunteer hours. It isn’t about reporting who didn’t volunteer, but rather identifying those that did.

Unfinished RHLL Business: This item was listed in the August 18th minutes, but a status was not provided in the October 13th Meeting: . Look at Charter on the Internet and change Charter to reflect email as communication in lieu of or in addition to regular mail for League communications.


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