Biology a - Final Review

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Biology a - Final Review

Biology A - Final Review

1. Define hypothesis and give an example of one. An educated guess

2. Define invasive species. Species that cause environmental and economic harm

3. Give examples of how invasive species happen. People bring them (or they hitch a ride), they have no natural predators and can outcompete other species

4. What is the relationship between invasive and the native species they interact with? The invasive species can outcompete the native species and take over their habitat.

5. During the carbon cycle, in what form are carbon atoms generally returned to the atmosphere? a. simple sugars c. methane b. carbon monoxide d. carbon dioxide

6. Which is not a pathway by which plants obtain nitrogen? a. Chemical fertilizers c. photosynthesis b. lightning d. symbiotic bacteria

7. Compare and contrast immigration and emigration. Immigration – coming into the population Emigration – leaving a population

8. Write an equation for population growth rate. (birth rate + immigration) – (death rate + emigration)

9. List three consequences of increased human population. Habitat degradation, species loss, increased pollution

10. Define trophic level. Feeding level of an organism (secondary consumer, etc)

11. In terms of biogeochemical cycles, how are humans contributing to the increased release of greenhouse gases? Burning more fossil fuels which adds carbon to the atmosphere which increases the greenhouse effect.

12. What is the difference between greenhouse effect and climate change?

13. How is climate change affecting biomes? Changes the temperature and amount of precipitation which can change the animal and plant species

14. How does the pH scale work?

15. Which limiting factor is density independent? a. disease c. competition b. drought d. food supply

16. What are forest fires, temperature fluctuations, and floods examples of? a. biotic, density dependent factors b. biotic density independent factors c. abiotic, density dependent factors d. a biotic density independent factors

17. Describe how enzymes affect reactions. Speeds up reaction and lowers activation energy

18. A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring is a(n) . a. Family c. Species b. Organization d. community

19. What is an organic compound? Molecule that contains carbon

20. According to the energy pyramid below, which organisms are the primary consumers?

Algae mosquito larvae frogs raccoons

21. What does the pyramid of biological magnification illustrate? A. Higher trophic carnivores eat very little food. B. Toxic substances increase as trophic levels increase in a food chain. C. Acid precipitation destroys underwater habitats. D. The process of eutrophication destroys underwater habitats.

22. Which statement would not be included in a summary of the cell theory? a. The cell is the basic unit of organization. b. All cells contain a nucleus that controls cell division. c. All organisms are made up of at least one cell. d. All cells come from other, preexisting cell.

23. Give three examples of carbohydrates. (i.e. glucose)

24. What is the difference between scientific theory and scientific law? Laws do not change and theories can change

25. What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? Quantitative: Numbers Qualitative:Observations

26. On a laboratory exam, a student is asked to determine if the cells under a microscope are plant cells or animal cells. What might the student look for? a. chloroplasts and a cell wall c. a nucleus and ribosomes b. ribosomes and vacuoles d. a cell membrane and mitochondria

27. The diagram below represents a cell in water. Explain why more water is moving out of the cell than into the cell. A. The concentration of solute in the cell is higher than it is outside the cell. B. The concentration of water outside the cell is too great. C. The concentration of solute outside the cell is higher than it is inside the cell. D. The concentration of water inside the cell is too great

28. Which movement of substances through a cell membrane against a concentration gradient requires energy? a. osmosis b. diffusion c. active transport d. facilitated diffusion

29. The process of photosynthesis converts which type of energy to chemical energy? a. heat b. light c. kinetic d. potential

30. Which is a product of photosynthesis? a. ATP b. glucose c. water d. carbon dioxide

31. The equation below represents a biological process? Where is this process completed? CO2 + H2O ----> C6H12O6 + O2

a. mitochondria b. ribosomes c. cell membranes d. chloroplasts

A student wants to test how fast a plant grows using different fertilizers. They set up 3 different plants. Each plant has 3 corn seeds and uses the same soil from the same bag. The pots are set in the sun where they all receive the same amount of sun. The student waters the plants every day using the same amount of water at the same time. Two of the plants get 2 different fertilizers in their water. Use the previous paragraph to answer the following questions.

32. What is the control? Plants with no fertilizers

33. What is/are the independent variable(s)? fertilizers

34. What is the dependent variable? Plant growth

35. List 1 constant in the experiment. Water amount, sunlight amount, soil

36. How much energy gets passed on in each level in an energy pyramid? 10%

37. What happens to a food web if we remove the producers? falls apart, everything dies 38. What happens to a food web if a toxin is introduced to an ecosystem? Higher level organisms die

39 – 42. Label the organisms below as producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, or decomposer. Fungi decomposer Grass producer Deer (only plants) primary consumer Cougar (only meat) secondary consumer

43. Define autotroph. Makes their own food

44. Define heterotroph. Gets food from other sources (eats other organisms)

45 – 47. Fill in the chart telling whether a species benefits or is harmed. Symbiotic Relationship Species 1 Species 2

Mutualism Benefits Benefits Commensalis m Benefits Neither

Parasitism Harmed Benefits

48. Ticks, leeches, and fleas are examples of what kind of species relationships? parasites

49. A bird pollinating a flower is an example of what kind of species relationships? commensalism

50. The lynx and hare is an example of what kind of species relationships? Predator/prey

Use the graph below to help you answer the next 2 questions.

51. How does the size of the lynx population affect the hare population? As the lynx increase the hare decrease, as the lynx decrease the hare increase

52. Describe what would happen to the hare population if there were no predators. Exponential growth, unlimited growth

53. List two sources of carbon. Carbon from vehicles, people (respiration), factories

54. Identify 2 density independent factors. drought, weather (tornadoes, storms), sun 55. Identify 2 density dependent factors. depends on the number of individuals – disease, competition, amount of food available

56. List and describe the 4 macromolecules. a. proteins

b. nucleic acids

c. carbohydrates

d. lipids

57. Describe the key and lock model for enzymes. What happens when the active site is altered? Each enzyme has a specific substrate (substance) that can bind to it, only one thing can fit into an enzyme

58-62. Match the words to the correct definition. __A__ Builds/creates molecules A. Anabolic

_B___ Breaks a parts molecules B. Catabolic

__D__ Releases heat C. Activation energy

__E__ Uses heat D. Exothermic

__C__ Energy needed to start a reaction. E. Endothermic

63. List 2 factors that affect enzymes. Temperature, pH, amount of substrate, amount of enzyme

64. What invention helped in the discovery of cells? microscope

65. List the 3 parts to the cell theory. a. all living things are composed of cells

b. the cell is the basic unit of life

c. cells come from pre-existing cells

66 – 70. Match the correct organelle to its function. __C__ Makes energy for the cell A. Ribosomes __B__Site of photosynthesis (also energy for the cell) B. Chloroplasts __E__ Contains the DNA C. Mitochondria __D__2 kinds, rough and smooth D. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) __A__Site of protein synthesis E. Nucleus 71. List 2 things that plant cells have that animal cells do not have. A. Chloroplasts B. Cell wall

72. Unlike Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells have no ______nucleus ______or __ membrane bound organelles .

73. Complete the table by checking the correct column(s) for each description.

Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic Description Solution Solution Solution A solution that has the same osmotic concentration as a X cell’s cytoplasm A solution that causes a cell to shrivel X A solution that causes a cell to swell X

74. In diffusion, molecules tend to move from areas of _____high__ concentration to __low__ concentration.

75. What is required for active transport? Energy

76. Draw a food chain and label each organism as producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, or decomposer.

77. Draw and describe an energy pyramid, specifically how population sizes relate to each level. Label the levels and how much energy gets passed to each level. 10% gets passed on

78. List 3 characteristics or structures that all cells share. Cell membrane, DNA, ribosomes

79. Distinguish between osmosis and diffusion. Osmosis deals with only water going through the cell membrane, diffusion is all particles

80-85. Choose the best answer (some may be used more than once, some not at all).

_A___ water moving across the plasma membrane A. osmosis B. exocytosis __E__ Occurs when substances move against the concentration gradient, requires energy C. facilitated diffusion D. dynamic equilibrium __B__ Plasma membrane surrounds a large substance inside the cell and moves it outside the cell E. Active transport F. Passive diffusion __F__ Movement of molecules down a concentration gradient (high to low concentration)

_C___ Moves molecules across the plasma membrane using transport proteins 86. Write the equation for photosynthesis.

6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6H1206 + 6 O2

87. Write the equation for respiration. C6H1206 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

88. Respiration makes energy for our cells to use. What do we call the molecule? ATP 89. List the 3 stages/steps of respiration. a. GLycolysis b. Krebs Cycle c. Aerobic respiration/electron transport

90. Draw a table that compares plant cells, animal cells and bacteria.

91. Which organism(s) is an autotroph? Shrub, cacti

92. Which trophic level would you put the lizard in? Secondary consumer

93. Which organism would have the lowest population? coyotes

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