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Mackellar Primary School School Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting: Term 2, Week 11 Date: Thursday 23rd June, 2016 Location: Staff Room Time: 6.30 pm Distribution: Matt Borg, Leanne Keane, Diana Darmanin, Anthony Michielin, Monique Hamilton, Aneta Kimoska, Bianca Davis, Anna Bouzinis, Martina Jimenez, Sofie Akamatis, Gabrijela Kilpatrick, Bianca Davis, Bianca Vaszolyi and Deb Jones (minutes)
Item Details Action
Meeting: Term 2, Week 11
Date: Thursday 23rd June, 2016
Location: Staff Room
Time: Meeting Opened at - 6.35pm Meeting Closed at – 7.30pm
Matt Borg, Leanne Keane, Diana Darmanin, Anthony Michielin, 1. Attendance Monique Hamilton, Aneta Kimoska, Bianca Davis, Anna Bouzinis, Martina Jimenez, Sofie Akamatis, Gabrijela Kilpatrick, Bianca Davis,
Bianca Vaszolyi and Deb Jones (minutes) 2. Apologies Gabrijela Kilpatrick, Bianca Vaszolyi and Martina Jimenez
3. Minutes from Minutes accepted as presented. As Tabled Moved: Sophie Akamatis previous School Council Motion : That the School Council minutes for May be confirmed and Seconded : Aneta Meeting accepted. Kimoska
1 Mackellar Primary School School Council Meeting Minutes 4. Matters arising from Nil previous meeting/s
5. Items for General - Grade 1 Dinner / Grade 2 Sleepover - Approved Business - Teacher Notebook – Leanne presented. Mackellar PS has the opportunity to become an Apple School that is required to be approved by SC. The Teacher Notebook Scheme is changing so staff does not have to purchase it. The school would cover the difference in cost (tbc) over a window device. School Council members voted in favor of this.
- Monique congratulated Matt on being successful on his appointment of Principal and thanked those involved in the process for their contribution. 6. Correspondence In - Nil Out - Nil
7. Reports 7.1 Principals Report - As Tabled. Enrolment numbers are down, the school needs to be promoted through local kindergartens.
Ratification of accounts 7.2 Finance Committee Report - As Tabled Moved: Monique Hamilton and Seconded: Leanne Keane acceptance of payments Ratification of accounts and acceptance of payments for Mackellar of Mackellar Primary Primary School. School for Motion: “that the accounts as presented be ratified for payment with the month of MAY payments totalling $138,713.88 made during MAY 2016 , by way of 2016 cheque numbered 98802 & by direct bank credit numbered 13216 to 13294 & Bpay Payments numbered 13216 to 13294 be approved”
Janice Szmal’s retirement will take place on Tuesday 26th July. Invitations will be sent out shortly.
6.3 Facilities Committee Report - As Tabled Female Staff Toilets are in Urgent need repair. A new block will be built as soon as possbile
6.4 Education Sub Committee Report – As Tabled Moved: Sophie Akamatis “Motion” school council endorse the implementation of these policies – Seconded: Aneta Kimoska Duty of Care, Internet and Social Media, Photographing and filming students, Attendance, Staff Code of Conduct, Concerns and Complaints – Parents and First Aid.
The next group of policies to be approved need to reviewed by Thursday 14th July at next meeting
6.7 Out Of School Hours Care Report – As Tabled
2 6.8 Canteen Committee Report – As Tabled
6.9 Fundraising Committee Report – As Tabled Renata to take possible date (Thursday 8th December) for EOY Toy Fund Concert to next staff meeting 15. Next meeting Meeting concluded at : Tuesday 19th July, 2016 at 6.30pm 7.30 pm Items for Next Agenda
Signature School Dated: Council President
3 Mackellar Primary School School Council Meeting Minutes