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Members Absent: None

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Hemphill Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday,

March 22, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for a regular Board Meeting in the HISD Administration Office with the following members present: Lloyd Ford, Janis Speights, Stephen Crowell, Welden Elliott, Lynn

Lindsey, Chad Moody, and Carolyn Wych.

Members absent: None.

Also present were Andy Trekell, Superintendent, Sally Butler, Business Manager, Kelli Barnett, Marc

Griffin, Beth McBride, Susan Smith, Stephanie Corley, Tom Beall, and Kyle Bolyard.

Lloyd Ford, School Board President, called the meeting to order and established a quorum.

Welden Elliott gave the invocation.

Lloyd Ford led the pledge to the flag.

Carolyn Wych recited the Hemphill ISD Mission Statement.

Kelli Barnett, Notary Public, administered the Oath of Office to Lynn Lindsey.

At this time Lloyd Ford, Board President, presented Tom Beall a plaque for his years of service on the


Lloyd Ford asked if any visitors would like to speak at this time and Kyle Bolyard spoke to the Board.

The Board approved the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on February 16, 2012 on a motion by

Janis Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.

The Board approved the minutes of the Special Board Meeting on February 21, 2012 on a motion by

Welden Elliott, seconded by Chad Moody, passed unanimously.

Andy Trekell, Superintendent, gave the Superintendent’s Report:


School 2010 – 2011 2011 - 2012

High School 273 257

Middle School 304 291

Elementary School 352 360

Total 929 908

Construction Project Progress

Goodwin Lasiter is still working on the elementary building plans.

School Board Trustee Election

All Positions are unopposed.

School Budget

A Preliminary Budget Workshop has been scheduled for 6:00 p.m. for April 12, 2012.

Secure Rural Schools Information

The District Coordinator for Senator Robert Nichols Office is still researching some information. Mineral Money

The school received $ 556,227.56 this week for collection dates of October 2010 – September 2011.

The Fire Marshall came and inspected the school and all corrections have been made.

Area School Board Spring Workshop

May 15, 2012 at SFA in Nacogdoches

High School UIL

We are the District Champions again this year making this 16 consecutive years being District


Hemphill 355, San Augustine 338, Woden 334, Central Heights 277, Woodville 125, Newton 51, and

Corrigan Camden 21.5

Mr. Trekell then presented the Superintendent’s Recommendations:

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of Board action on Localized District Policy Update 93 from TASB

Policy Service.

The Board approved to add, revise, or delete (Local) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 93 with the following changes, FFH (Local) and FFI (Local) are adopted effective August 27, 2012, on a motion by Janis

Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval to cancel School Trustee Election for May 12, 2012.

The Board approved to cancel School Trustee Election for May 12, 2012 on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously. All incumbents, Position # 6 Welden Elliott, Position

# 7 Chad Moody for the Regular Election, and Position # 3 Lynn Lindsey for the Special Called Election to fill an unexpired vacancy had no opposition.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of student overnight trip requests.

The Board approved the student overnight trip requests as presented on a motion by Welden Elliott, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Academic UIL to Tyler for Regional UIL Competition on April 20 – 21, 2012

FCCLA to Dallas for State Competition on April 11 – 13, 2012

One Act Play to Huntsville for Area Competition on April 11, 2012

Executive Session: To discuss personnel as allowed in Gov. Code Sub Chapter 551.072 and 551.074.

The Board convened into executive session at 7:40 p.m.

The Board returned to open session at 8:52 p.m.

Continue Superintendent’s Recommendations:

Mr. Trekell recommended accepting resignations.

The Board approved accepting resignations from the following personnel on a motion by Janis

Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.

Jennifer Flurry – Speech Language Pathologist Assistant – Effectively May 26, 2012 Susan McCulley – Special Education Counselor – Effectively July 31, 2012

Kathy Fitzgerald – Technology Director – Effectively June 29, 2012

Mr. Trekell recommended employing personnel.

The Board approved employing the following personnel for the 2012 – 2013 school year on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.

Tonya Lowe – Custodian

Adela Castor – Custodian

James McCaskey – Bus Driver

Elementary – Term - Suellen Abbott, Shea Bolton, Sarah Barnett, Nan Byars, Kathleen Christian,

Brittany Simmons, Jean Easley, Denise Eddings, Brittney Hall, Gail Fuller, Christa Gibbs, Heidy Griffin,

Amanda Hardy, Stacy Harris, Lori Henderson, Jonni Chance, Karrie Jones, Sandra Lambert, Ellen Mills,

Jennifer Moody, Sandy Savell, Becky Smith, Patsy Vlasek, Marcie Welch, Sheila Williams, Jerelyn

Atchison, Amy Williams.

Paraprofessionals – Stephanie Cunningham, Andrea Felts, Connie Felts, Kim Frick, Judy Glende, Kathy

Barefield, Shelli Nichols, Ginger Nethery, Andrea Oden, Dawn Procell.

Middle School – Term – Justin Adams, Charles Atchison, Susan Conn, Nicole Corley, Stephanie Elliott,

Darlene Elmore, Debbie Ener, Shelley Fisette, Bettie Janzen, Tina Jay, Jared Jones, Kaye Jones, Edith

Parrish, Heather Phillips, Lana Procella, Margaret Quick, Cindy Roberts, Joseph Taylor, Candi Thomas,

Shannon Whittington.

Paraprofessionals – Ellen Garrett, Renita Harris, Paula Pearson, Sharon Snow, Marsha Williams.

High School – Term – Ryan Angell, Clark Barnett, Karen Bennett, Shannon Bishop, Sandra Butler,

Kathy Conn, Josh Drake, David Eddings, Sherri Eddings, Nina Farrell, Bettine Godwin, Kathy Harris,

Dorothy Henson, Eddie Henson, Sherrill Hobbs, Cindy Ince, Christi Jones, Jamie Luna, Richard

Mitchell, Rob Powell, Ken Thomas, Lea Warren, Jordan Washington, Annette Yates.

Probationary – Kacie Drake, Angela Iles, Rey Rocha, Glen Vaughan.

Librarian – Shelly Starr, Nurses – Stacee Barnett, Cecily Bridges.

Paraprofessionals – Nora Alford, Nena Cannon, Sandra Easley, Victoria Ridings, Beverly Rocha,

Sharon Crowell, Janet Thomas, Kim Westbrook.

Administration Office – Kelli Barnett, Laura Socha, Denise English, Wayne Alford, Kathleen Henson.

Maintenance – Cotton Collier, Henry Reeves, Rex Harrell, Josh Bennett, Mitch Beauchamp, Travis

Elliott, Danny Brown, Willie Simmons, Joe Dominguez, Donna Dupre, Maintenance Secretary.

Bus Drivers – Josh Bennett, Kathy Barefield, Willie Simmons, Cotton Collier, Joe Dominguez, Rex

Harrell, Travis Elliott, Donna Dupre, Mitch Beauchamp, Geraldine Woodward, James McCaskey.

Custodians – Susan Clark, Mattie Nelson, Teresa Corley, Becky Burnett, Toby Rothen, Susana Lopez,

Vinson Weimer, Tonya Lowe, Adela Castor.

Night Watchmen – Charles Cook, Brad Felts. Cafeteria – Shirley Dupree, Connie Sparks, Vila Parks, Angie Lowe, Kristi Moore, Julie Forse, Tammy

Ener, Maricela Castor, Teresa Watson, Renee Rhodes, Katherine Hernandez.

Sabine County Shared Services Arrangement – Tammy Alexander, Gail Brown, Jessica Byley, Sharon

Cartwright, Elizabeth Welch.

Technology – Connie Woods.

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented the financial report for the month of February 2012.

The Board approved the financial report for the month of February 2012 on a motion by Welden

Elliott, seconded by Chad Moody, passed unanimously.

There was not a Budget Amendment # 4 so no action was taken.

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented a Memo regarding Special Revenue Funds

270 00 5929 00 000 2 00000 $ 22,218.00

270 11 6645 00 999 2 11000 $(22,218.00)

To record Title VI, Part B NOGA

313 00 5929 00 000 2 00000 $ 62,443.00

313 11 6117 00 751 2 23000 $( 62,443.00)

To record Maximum Entitlement

314 00 5929 00 000 2 00000 $ 232.00

314 11 6125 00 751 2 23000 $( 232.00)

To record Maximum Entitlement

410 00 5829 00 000 2 00000 $ 1,204.00

410 11 6321 00 001 2 11000 $( 1,204.00)

To record State Instructional Materials

There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. on a motion by

Carolyn Wych, seconded by Chad Moody, passed unanimously.

______Lloyd Ford, President Stephen Crowell, Secretary Hemphill Board of Education Hemphill Board of Education

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