Padstow Town Council
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Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council of Padstow Town Council held on Tuesday 31 July 2012 at 7.30pm
Present: Councillors Mrs T Walter (Chair), Mrs P Davis, D Edwards, R Higman, M J Hunt, Mrs K Seaber, D Vivian, and Cornwall Councillor S Rushworth, Mr R Beale, Ms L Cox - Padstow Youth Club, Mr A Nicholls & Ms F Trenouth – Trevone Youth Club, Mr R Stevenson – Trevone Photography Group, PCSO A Smith and 5 members of the public In Attendance: Mrs S Lee – Town Clerk
2012/36 Youth Provision – a discussion on youth provision in the parish took place. It was agreed that the youth groups would meet together to look at possible joint working arrangements to share resources etc. It was felt that the involvement of the Sailing Club would be useful. The Town Clerk would circulate contact details of all the organisations. Action: Town Clerk
2012/37 To receive apologies for absence and announcements - apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs T Evans, K Freeman, A Rickard, Mrs A Symons & C Watson-Smyth.
2012/38 Declarations of interest - none
2012/39 Public Participation – Issues were raised with regard to:- i. The new car parking orders currently under consultation by Cornwall Council relating to Fentoluna Lane and the proposed loss of car parking spaces. The need to put in representations to Cornwall Council with regard to any views was stressed. Cllr Rushworth will investigate this further. ii. Street Trading issues and concern with the current trading. iii. The Park and Ride operation was discussed and it was suggested that the operation of the scheme needed to be looked into for the new season. iv. Cornwall Councillor report – Cllr Rushworth updated on issues within Cornwall Council including the agreement to move to Shared Services and proposed housing numbers within the Core Strategy – concern was expressed regarding employment for any increased population. v. Police report – was tabled - 5 crimes were reported.
2012/40 The minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 26 June– it was RESOLVED that these were a true record of the meeting and they were signed by the Chair.
2012/41 Clerks Report – was received for information
2012/42 Committees/Working Group Meetings – i. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings be adopted by the Council
General Office/PTC Meeting/Minutes/2012/June 2012 1 a. Leisure, Tourism & Open Spaces – 3 July b. Highways, Roads & Transport – 10 July i. The minutes of the planning committee held on 10 July were RECEIVED. ii. The notes of the following working group meetings were RECEIVED - a. Devolution – 13 July
2012/43 Committees a. Leisure, Tourism & Open Spaces – it was agreed to carry forward the appointment of an additional committee member to the next meeting. Action: Town Clerk
b. Finance & General Purposes – it was RESOLVED to elect the following Councillors to the committee – Cllrs Mrs Walter, Watson- Smyth, Freeman, Rickard, Hunt, Seaber, Higman & Edwards. c. Planning committee – it was RESOLVED to delegate powers in relation to the Neighbourhood Development Plan to the planning committee and set up a budget of up to £10,000 for this project. The final plan should come to Full Council for approval before independent assessment. Action: Town Clerk – terms of reference/Accountant - budget
2012/44 Finance a. Finance report was received for information b. Accounts for payment – it was RESOLVED to pay the accounts for July totalling £40330.36 and bank transfers of £27313.89 c. External auditors report it was RESOLVED to accept the report - there were no issues raised in the report.
2012/45 Correspondence a. The correspondence for information listed was noted as attached. b. To discuss and decide on – a. Padstow Lions – it was RESOLVED that no trading was permitted on the bandstand and that the Lions be asked to continue in their original location Action: Town Clerk b. Unit 1 workshop Units – the meeting was advised that the art exhibition closed on 28 July and no further exhibitions will take place as they are in breach of the lease conditions c. Cornish Language – the Clerk was advised to contact Rev Barry Kinsman to see if he would be interested in making contact. Action: Town Clerk d. Cornwall Council licensing – Town Clerk to seek further details as Cllr Higman may be able to attend. Action: Town Clerk
2012/46 Planning – PA12/05912 – Musto Ltd 17-19 Duke St – application for consent for the continued display of a non-illuminated fascia shop front signage – it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application
General Office/PTC Meeting/Minutes/2012/June 2012 2 2012/47 Land registry – the Clerk updated the Council on the first tranche of registrations for title – all of these had gained absolute title. The maps provided with the title have raised several issues with regard to Council land and it was agreed that Cllrs Seaber & Vivian would meet with the Clerk to discuss and bring to the relevant committee/Full Council meeting. The next tranche of registration will include the Cory shelter, Ladywell Street & possibly the land around the war memorial as the Clerk has recently found evidence that this belongs to the Council. Action: Town Clerk
2012/48 Street trading – the Clerk reported back on a meeting with Enforcement and the police. The suggestion of setting some spaces up in the shelters on North Quay was discussed but it was felt until there was legislation in place to prevent hair braiders etc working on the quay this would not be successful. A meeting would be arranged with the police, Dan Rogerson, Cornwall Council, Harbour Commissioners, Town Councillors and the public to look at the way forward. Action: Town Clerk
2012/49 Devolution – Cory Shelter toilets surrender of lease request by Cornwall Council - it was agreed that the correspondence would be passed to the next devolution meeting on 7 August at 2pm
2012/50 Future of Station House – i. an excellent response has been received to the questionnaires and the replies have been collated for a working group meeting on 2 August. ii. Crib Box – a letter from the tenant has highlighted that the building is in a poor state of repair - it was agreed that the working group would discuss this and look at the way forward on 2 August.
2012/51 Christmas cards – it was agreed that Councillors would check to see if they had a photograph of Padstow in the snow.
2012/52 Council/Police surgery - it was reported that one member of the public attended the joint surgery on 4 July. It was RESOLVED that a further surgery would take place in September subject to room availability and the use of the Library foyer as a better venue was discussed with a Thursday daytime slot – Cllrs Mrs Walter, Cllr Davis & Cllr Rushworth would attend the next surgery dependent on date/time. Action: Town Clerk
2012/53 Reports from members – to receive reports from meetings attended- none
To note dates of the next Padstow Town Council meeting – a. HRT – 7 August 7pm b. Planning committee –– 14 August 7pm c. Finance & General Purposes – rescheduled for Thursday 30 Aug 7pm d. Leisure, Tourism & Open Spaces – 4 September 7pm e. Planning – 11 September – 7pm f. Staffing – 18 September – 6pm General Office/PTC Meeting/Minutes/2012/June 2012 3 g. Full Council –– Tuesday 25 September 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 9.20pm
Signed...... Dated...... a Dissertation on Padstow Copied to all Cllrs b Padstow Sea Cadets – AGM 26 July Copied to all Cllrs c Picture of visit by Cmdre.Miller & Lt.Collins d Possible move to Padstow Passed to CC e Trevone Sewerage Liaison Group – Resident Representation f CALC Newsletter – The Week Issue 19 g Email enquiring what licensing/process needed to busk or sell produce. Referred to CC h Email from website regarding refuse /recycling and signage Responded - forwarded to Cllr Rushworth i Cornwall Waste Forum St Dennis Branch – Bulletins j ‘Padstow Since Closure’ / Photos k E mail regarding possible food poisoning from eating fish and chips at Acknowledged referred Walkers |Restaurant to CC Environmental Health l Cornwall Council – Notice of road closures for Padstow Town Carnival Displayed on notice on 4th August. board m CCAF Agenda n CPRE Cornwall Newsletter 19 o SCCU Involvement – Weekly email p Cornwall AONB Newsletter: Tir Teg q Trevone Liaison Group Meeting / SW Water Minutes To Group r Launch of LEP Strategy Requested Copy s Padstow to Rock Swim responded t CC – Electoral Review Panel Draft Recommendations u Email regarding closure of cinema responded v Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise P’ship-Economic Growth Strategy w Savills – Prideaux-Brune Estate new contact x Trevone Liasison Meeting Notes 26th June 2012 Also on Website y Temporary Road Closure 30-31st August 2012 z Minutes of Meeting of PHC 21st June 2012 aa Memorial Seat request responded bb PHC fine responded cc Minutes from Community Network 28TH June 2012 copied to Cllr AR dd Town & Parish Council Newsletter July 2012 Copied to all Cllrs ee CALC Newsletter – The Week – Issue 21
General Office/PTC Meeting/Minutes/2012/June 2012 4