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CLIPS Word Template s1

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability Skills check

Do you think you are already competent in developing workplace policy and procedures for sustainability? If so, and you are thinking about applying for Recognition, you should first do this Skills check to identify your prior learning and work experience and if you have gained the required skills and knowledge for this unit. You can also use this check to identify any gaps in your skills and knowledge if you think you have some prior learning and experience toward this competency.

When you carry out this check, you will be looking closely at each of the Elements in this Unit of competency to get an understanding of what skills and knowledge are involved. You will then ascertain either:

 whether you should proceed to apply for Recognition at your college

 which skills and knowledge you still need to gain, ie your skills and knowledge gaps.

Work through the steps below when considering your skills, knowledge and experience.

1. List your skills, knowledge and experience (generic and specialist).

2. Match your skills, knowledge and experience against the unit’s Elements (and work out if there are gaps in your skills, knowledge and experience).

To view the full text of this Unit of competency, go to: National Training Information Service (NTIS) and search for BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.

Note: If your organisation has a licence for a commercial online recognition tool, you may want to use this tool to assist you with matching your skills against Units of competency.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence

To gain Recognition you will be required to produce evidence of your skills, knowledge and related experience and, in particular, evidence of:

 involvement as a key person in planning, developing and implementing organisational policy and that the developed policy complies with legislative requirements

 implementation strategy, as part of the policy, that has been devised, implemented and reviewed showing a measurable improvement utilising the chosen benchmark indicators

 communicating with stakeholders to discuss possible approaches to policy development and implementation, and contributing to the resolution of disputes among stakeholders

 developing and monitoring policies for analysing data on enterprise resource consumption

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 © NSW DET 2009

 using software systems for recording and filing documentation for measurement of current usage and using word processing and other basic software for interpreting charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information

 reviewing and improving policies by identifying improvements and benchmarking against industry best practice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence, Unit guide BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability. 10/03/2008

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 © NSW DET 2009

Step 1: List your skills, knowledge and experience

Think about the different workplaces you have worked in, when and the type of work you did.


Be sure to include workplaces that are not necessarily related to the industry you are currently working in as well as experiences in places outside of the paid workforce.

As you list your skills and knowledge, you’ll find it useful to have your résumé and/or any documents such as letters of reference that contain information about your experience. Summarise your overall experience.

Workplace and period Type of work Skills, knowledge and experience

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 1 © NSW DET 2009

Step 2: Match your skills, knowledge and experience against the Elements of competency

Using the tables below, work out your skills and knowledge gap in relation to each Element of competency for this unit: BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.

Begin by reading the performance criterion in the first column and reflect on what it means, using the information provided in the second column. Then reflect on whether you have demonstrated the skills and knowledge required by the performance criterion. If you do have skills and experience directly related to the performance criterion, jot examples (of qualifications, training, experience etc).

You may find that you have not ticked all or some of the performance criteria. This gives you an indication of where your skills gaps lie. You will need to go to the learning topic for the Element you need help with.

If you find that you have said ‘Yes, I do have the skills/knowledge’ for all of the performance criteria, then you may not need to work through the learning topics. You will then need to decide whether you should go directly to either a topic, Your task to prepare for assessment, or apply for Recognition at your college.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 2 © NSW DET 2009

Element 1 (BSBSUS501A) Develop workplace sustainability policy Performance criteria What this could mean… Your examples of training and/or work Yes, I do have the experience skills & knowledge

1. Define scope of sustainability policy Scope of workplace sustainability policy may include:  addressing sustainability initiatives through reference to standards, guidelines and approaches such as:  ecological footprinting  Energy Efficiency Opportunities Bill 2005l  Global Reporting Initiative  green office program  green purchasing  Greenhouse Challenge Plus (Australian government initiative)  ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life cycle analyses  life cycle analyses  product stewardship  supply chain management  sustainability covenants/compacts  triple bottom line reporting  integrated approach to sustainability which includes environmental, economic and social aspects, or a specific approach that focuses on each aspect individually  investigating particular business and market context of the industry/organisation  meeting relevant laws, by laws and regulations or best practice to support compliance in

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 3 © NSW DET 2009

environmental performance and sustainability at each level as required (such as Environmental Protection or Biodiversity Conservation Act):  international  commonwealth  state/territory  industry  organisation  parts of the organisation to which it is to apply, including whether it is for the whole organisation, one site, one work area or a combination of these

2. Gather information from a range of Sources may include: sources to plan and develop policy  regulatory sources  relevant personnel  organisational specifications

3. Identify and consult stakeholders as a Stakeholders may include: key component of the policy development  individuals and groups both inside and outside process the organisation who have some direct interest in the organisation's conduct, actions, products and services, including:  customers  employees at all levels of the organisation  government  investors  local community  other organisations  regulators

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 4 © NSW DET 2009

 suppliers  key personnel within the organisation and specialists outside the organisation who may have particular technical expertise

4.Include appropriate strategies in policy Strategies may include: at all stages of work for minimising  promotional activities resource use, reducing toxic material and  raising awareness among stakeholders hazardous chemical use, and employing  training staff in sustainability principles and life cycle management approaches techniques

5. Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost 6. Develop policy that reflects the organisation's commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity 7. Agree to appropriate methods of implementation

Go to one of the following sections in this resource:  Topic 1 Develop workplace sustainability policy — if you do not meet the requirements for this element.  Your task — if you answered ‘yes’ but think that you need more practice in project work.

If you answered ‘yes’ and think that your skills and experience as it relates to this element are substantial, then you may wish to seek further information about applying for Recognition at your college.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 5 © NSW DET 2009

Element 2 (BSBSUS501A) Communicate workplace sustainability policy Performance criteria What this could mean… Examples of training and/or work Yes, I do have the experience skills & knowledge 1. Promote workplace sustainability policy, including its expected outcome to key stakeholders

2. Inform those involved in implementing the policy as to outcomes expected, activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned

Go to one of the following sections in this resource:  Topic 2 Communicate and implement sustainability policy — if you do not meet the requirements for this element.  Your task — if you answered ‘yes’ but think that you need more practice in project work.

If you answered ‘yes’ and think that your skills and experience as it relates to this element are substantial, then you may wish to seek further information about applying for Recognition at your college.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 6 © NSW DET 2009

Element 3 (BSBSUS501A) Implement workplace sustainability policy Performance criteria What this could mean… Examples of training and/or work Yes, I do have the experience skills & knowledge 1. Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace sustainability policy

2. Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency

3. Establish and assign responsibility to use recording systems for tracking continuous improvements in sustainability approaches

Go to one of the following sections in this resource:  Topic 2 Communicate and implement sustainability policy — if you do not meet the requirements for this element.  Your task — if you answered ‘yes’ but think that you need more practice in project work. If you answered ‘yes’ and think that your skills and experience as it relates to this element are substantial, then you may wish to seek further information about applying for Recognition at your college.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 7 © NSW DET 2009

Element 4 (BSBSUS501A) Review workplace sustainability policy Performance criteria What this could mean… Examples of training and/or work Yes, I do have the experience skills & knowledge 1. Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders

2. Investigate successes or otherwise of policy

3. Monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance

4. Modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made

Go to one of the following sections in this resource:  Topic 3 Review sustainability policy implementation — if you do not meet the requirements for this element.  Your task — if you answered ‘yes’ but think that you need more practice in project work. If you answered ‘yes’ and think that your skills and experience as it relates to this element are substantial, then you may wish to seek further information about applying for Recognition at your college.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 1 © NSW DET 2009

Resources for Recognition

 Skills Recognition website (NSW Department of Education and Training) provides more information about the Recognition process.

 The Skills Passport is a set of questionnaires designed to help you recognise the skills you have achieved in your studies, at work and through life experiences.

 SkillsBook is on online tool to help you map knowledge and skills to a Unit of competency. Check to see if your organisation is licensed to use this tool.

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability – Skills check Version 1 2 © NSW DET 2009

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