____ 1. the Three Particles That Make up Atoms Are

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____ 1. the Three Particles That Make up Atoms Are

practice ch2

Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The three particles that make up atoms are a. protons, neutrons, and isotopes. c. positives, negatives, and electrons. b. neutrons, isotopes, and electrons. d. protons, neutrons, and electrons. ____ 2. The space surrounding the nucleus of an atom contains a. protons. c. neutrons. b. electrons. d. ions. ____ 3. Democritus believed that atoms a. were composed of electrons. c. could be divided. b. were composed of protons. d. could not be divided. ____ 4. The nucleus is made up of a. protons and electrons. c. protons and neutrons. b. electrons and neutrons. d. protons, neutrons, and electrons. ____ 5. If a chlorine atom had 17 protons and 18 neutrons, it would be called a. chlorine-17. c. chlorine-35. b. chlorine-18. d. chlorine-1. ____ 6. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons and a. a different number of electrons. c. a different number of neutrons. b. a different number of molecules. d. the same number of neutrons. ____ 7. Which of the following is a use of radioactive isotopes? a. can determine the ages of rocks and fossils b. can be used to treat cancer and kill bacteria that cause food to spoil c. can be used as “tracers” to follow the movements of substances within organisms d. all of the above ____ 8. If an atom contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons, its atomic number is a. 1. c. 12. b. 11. d. 23. ____ 9. Which of the following terms describes a substance formed by the combination of two or more elements in definite proportions? a. compound c. nucleus b. isotope d. enzyme ____ 10. Which of the following makes up a molecule of water? a. one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen b. one atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine c. one atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen d. two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen ____ 11. Which of the following is NOT true about chlorine? a. It is a poisonous, greenish gas. b. It combines with sodium to form table salt. c. It was used to kill many soldiers in World War I. d. It is not reactive. ____ 12. Which of the following statements about a compound is true? a. The physical and chemical properties of a compound are usually very different from those of the elements from which it is formed. b. Only the physical properties of a compound are usually the same as those of the elements from which it is formed. c. Only the chemical properties of a compound are usually the same as those of the elements from which it is formed. d. The physical and chemical properties of a compound are usually the same as those of the elements from which it is formed. ____ 13. A covalent bond is formed as the result of a. transferring electrons. c. transferring protons. b. sharing an electron pair. d. sharing a proton pair. ____ 14. Which term does NOT apply to sodium chloride? a. molecule c. compound b. ionic bonding d. crystal ____ 15. What type of electron is available to form bonds? a. valence c. ionic b. nucleus d. covalent ____ 16. What type of ion forms when an atom loses electrons? a. neutral c. negative b. positive d. possibly positive or negative ____ 17. Ice floats on water because a. of cohesion. c. water shrinks when it freezes. b. ice has a higher density than water. d. water expands when it freezes. ____ 18. The most abundant compound in most living things is a. carbon dioxide. c. sodium chloride. b. water. d. sugar. ____ 19. Water molecules are polar, with the a. oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being slightly negative. b. oxygen and hydrogen sides being slightly positive. c. oxygen and hydrogen sides being slightly negative. d. oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly positive. ____ 20. Which of the following lists the different types of chemical bonds in order of increasing attraction? a. ionic, covalent, hydrogen c. hydrogen, covalent, ionic b. covalent, ionic, hydrogen d. hydrogen, ionic, covalent ____ 21. A solution is a(an) a. breaking of a chemical bond. b. chemical reaction. c. evenly distributed mixture of two or more substances. d. combination of two or more liquids. ____ 22. If you stir salt into boiling water, you produce a a. mixture called a suspension. c. solution and suspension. b. mixture called a solution. d. mixture only. ____ 23. When salt is dissolved in water, water is the a. reactant. c. solute. b. solution. d. solvent. ____ 24. Suspensions are mixtures a. of water and undissolved material. b. in which the components are evenly distributed throughout the solution. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b ____ 25. If the pH of stomach acid and of oven cleaner were measured, a. both would be below 7. b. both would be above 7. c. the pH of stomach acid would be above 7, but the pH of oven cleaner would be below 7. d. the pH of stomach acid would be below 7, but the pH of oven cleaner would be above 7. ____ 26. A map of eastern North America, showing the pH of rainfall in the various states, indicates that the pH of rain in New York State varies from 4.22 to 4.40. According to these figures, the most acidic rainfall in New York State has a pH of a. 4.22. c. 4.35. b. 4.30. d. 4.40. ____ 27. A substance with a pH of 6 is called a. an acid. c. both an acid and a base. b. a base. d. neither an acid nor a base. ____ 28. Solutions that contain concentrations of H+ ions lower than pure water a. have pH values below 7. c. are bases. b. are acids. d. are enzymes. ____ 29. Amino acid is to protein as a. fat is to lipid. c. sugar is to fat. b. DNA is to RNA. d. simple sugar is to starch. ____ 30. A monosaccharide is a a. carbohydrate. c. nucleic acid. b. lipid. d. protein. ____ 31. Which of the following organic compounds is the main source of energy for living things? a. carbohydrates c. nucleic acids b. lipids d. proteins ____ 32. Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins? a. store and transmit heredity b. help to fight disease c. control the rate of reactions and regulate cell processes d. build tissues such as bone and muscle ____ 33. Which statement is true? a. Simple sugars are made of polysaccharides. b. Glycerol is made of fatty acids. c. RNA molecules are made of nucleotides. d. Amino acids are made of proteins. ____ 34. In chemical reactions, atoms are a. created. c. rearranged. b. destroyed. d. neutralized. ____ 35. When hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, water is a. a product. c. both a product and a reactant. b. a reactant. d. neither a product nor a reactant.

____ 36. Identify the reactant(s) in the chemical reaction, CO2 + H2O  H2CO3. a. CO2, H2O, and H2CO3 c. H2CO3 b. CO2 and H2O d. CO2 ____ 37. What is the process that changes one set of chemicals into another set of chemicals? a. cohesion c. chemical reaction b. adhesion d. dissolving ____ 38. What is the term used to describe the energy needed to get a reaction started? a. adhesion energy c. cohesion energy b. activation energy d. chemical energy ____ 39. Chemical reactions that release energy a. will not occur. c. will always explode. b. will never explode. d. often occur spontaneously. ____ 40. If a reaction in one direction releases energy, the reaction in the opposite direction a. also releases energy. c. destroys energy. b. absorbs energy. d. cannot occur. ____ 41. Which of the following is a form of energy that may be released during a chemical reaction? a. heat c. light b. sound d. all of the above ____ 42. Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true? a. Enzymes work best at a specified pH. b. All enzymes work inside cells. c. Enzymes are proteins. d. Enzymes are organic catalysts. ____ 43. Which of the following statements is true about catalysts? a. Catalysts slow down the rate of chemical reactions. b. All catalysts are enzymes. c. Catalysts are used up during a chemical reaction. d. Catalysts lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction. ____ 44. A substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction is called a(an) a. catalyst. c. molecule. b. lipid. d. element. ____ 45. Enzymes affect the reactions in living cells by changing the a. products of the reaction. c. temperature of the reaction. b. speed of the reaction. d. pH of the reaction.

Modified True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the sentence or statement true.

____ 46. The basic unit of matter is the molecule. ______47. A substance made up of only one kind of atom is an element. ______48. The isotope oxygen-18 has 18 protons. ______49. Scientists show the composition of compounds by a kind of shorthand known as a chemical formula. ______50. When atoms share six electrons, they are joined by a double bond. ______51. Adhesion is responsible for the surface of the water in a graduated cylinder that is slightly curved at the sides. ______52. When sugar is dissolved in water, the sugar and water are chemically combined. ______53. Water is the greatest solute in the world. ______54. A substance with equal numbers of ions and ions is an alkaline solution. ______55. Buffers are weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases to prevent sudden changes in pH. ______56. Lipids are important parts of biological membranes and waterproof coverings. ______57. Polysaccharides are formed through the process known as polymerization. ______58. The substances that are present when a chemical reaction begins are the products. ______

____ 59. The chemical reaction of and is irreversible. ______60. Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in the cell without requiring high temperatures are antibodies. ______

Completion Complete each sentence or statement.

61. The subatomic particles that make up atoms are protons, neutrons, and ______. 62. Most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in the ______. 63. If an atom contains 15 protons, it must contain 15 ______. 64. Because they have the same number of protons and electrons, all isotopes of an element have the same ______properties. 65. Unlike the resulting stable compound—table salt—the two gases making up this compound are ______. 66. A chemical bond formed by the transfer of electrons is a(an) ______bond. 67. Due to ______forces, the structure of a gecko’s feet enables it to climb up vertical surfaces. 68. A water molecule is polar because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and the ______atoms. 69. Water’s ______allows it to dissolve compounds such as table salt (NaCl). 70. The stomach produces a(an) ______to help digest food. 71. The pH scale is a measurement system that indicates the concentration of ______in solution. 72. Complex carbohydrates are to monosaccharides as polymers are to ______. 73. The elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction are known as ______. 74. Chemical reactions that ______energy will not occur without a source of energy. 75. The name of an enzyme usually ends in ______.

Short Answer 76. Why are atoms considered neutral? 77. What is mass number? 78. What is a molecule? 79. What are the main types of chemical bonds? 80. What accounts for water’s properties of adhesion and cohesion? 81. Where would you most likely find shared electrons in a water molecule? 82. What is a mixture? 83. Use the terms solvent and solute to describe how to prepare a salt solution. 84. Based on its pH value, is sea water more acidic or less acidic than pure water? 85. What are the four groups of organic compounds found in living things? 86. Distinguish between RNA and DNA. 87. Describe the general chemical equation X + Y  XY in words. 88. What is one of the most important factors in determining whether a chemical reaction will occur? 89. What does the energy come from that enables you to breathe and think? 90. Name two essential roles that enzymes play in cells.



Atomic Mass Element Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons Number Number Hydrogen H 1 1 Helium He 2 4 Carbon C 6 6 Oxygen O 8 8 Neon Ne 10 10 20 Aluminum Al 13 27 Zinc Zn 30 30 65

Figure 2–1

91. Calculating Based on Figure 2–1, what is the mass number of carbon? 92. Applying Concepts Based on Figure 2–1, what is the atomic number of oxygen? 93. Applying Concepts Using Figure 2–1, how many electrons does an atom of aluminum contain? 94. Applying Concepts According to Figure 2–1, an atom of which element contains two neutrons? 95. Applying Concepts Based on Figure 2–1, which element has a mass number of 16?


pH Values of Some Common Substances Substance pH Hydrochloric acid 1.0 Sulfuric acid 1.2 Tomatoes 4.2 Rainwater 6.2 Pure water 7.0 Sea water 8.5 Ammonium chloride 11.1 Sodium hydroxide 13.0

Figure 2–2

96. Applying Concepts What is the strongest acid listed in Figure 2–2? 97. Applying Concepts What is the pH of the weakest acid listed in Figure 2–2? 98. Applying Concepts What is the pH of the strongest base listed in Figure 2–2? 99. Applying Concepts According to the pH values of Figure 2–2, does a solution with a hydrogen ion concentration less than that of pure water have a pH greater or less than 7? 100. Calculating A change of one unit on the pH scale represents a tenfold increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions. According to the pH values listed in Figure 2–2, how much greater is the hydrogen ion concentration in tomatoes than in rainwater?


101. Applying Concepts According to Figure 2–3, which enzyme would you expect to find in a bacterium growing in a hot spring? 102. Using Tables and Graphs According to Figure 2–3, at what temperature do the two enzymes have the same amount of activity? 103. Using Tables and Graphs According to Figure 2–3, which enzyme has an optimum temperature of 40C? 104. Applying Concepts Based on Figure 2–3, which enzyme would have the most activity in humans? 105. Using Tables and Graphs Based on Figure 2–3, which enzyme is active over the largest temperature range? practice ch2 Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 2. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 3. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 4. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 5. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 6. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 8. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 9. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 10. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 11. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 12. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 13. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 14. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 15. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 16. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 17. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1 18. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1 19. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1 20. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 38 | p. 41 OBJ: 2.2.1 21. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 22. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 23. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 24. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 25. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 26. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 27. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 28. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 29. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 45 | p. 47 OBJ: 2.3.1 30. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 46 OBJ: 2.3.1 31. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 45 OBJ: 2.3.1 32. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 48 OBJ: 2.3.1 33. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 46 | p. 47 OBJ: 2.3.1 34. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 35. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 36. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 37. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 38. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 39. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 40. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 41. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 42. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 51 | p. 52 | p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.3 43. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 44. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 45. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE

46. ANS: F, atom

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 47. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 48. ANS: F, 8

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 49. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 50. ANS: F, triple

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 51. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 41 OBJ: 2.2.1 52. ANS: F, physically

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 41 OBJ: 2.2.2 53. ANS: F, solvent

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 54. ANS: F, water

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 42 | p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 55. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 56. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 46 OBJ: 2.3.1 57. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 45 | p. 46 OBJ: 2.3.1 58. ANS: F, reactants

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 59. ANS: F, reversible

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 49 | p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 60. ANS: F, enzymes

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3


61. ANS: electrons

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 62. ANS: nucleus PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 63. ANS: electrons

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.2 64. ANS: chemical

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 65. ANS: explosive reactive

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 37 OBJ: 2.1.3 66. ANS: ionic

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 67. ANS: van der Waals

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 39 OBJ: 2.1.4 68. ANS: hydrogen

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1 69. ANS: polarity

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.2 70. ANS: acid

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 71. ANS: ions

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 72. ANS: monomers

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 45 | p. 46 OBJ: 2.3.1 73. ANS: products

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 74. ANS: absorb

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 75. ANS: -ase

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 52 OBJ: 2.4.3


76. ANS: Atoms have equal numbers of negative electrons and positive protons. PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 35 OBJ: 2.1.1 77. ANS: Mass number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 78. ANS: A molecule is the smallest unit of most chemical compounds.

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.3 79. ANS: The main types of chemical bonds are covalent bonds and ionic bonds.

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2.1.4 80. ANS: The ability of water to form multiple hydrogen bonds accounts for water’s properties of adhesion and cohesion.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 41 OBJ: 2.2.1 81. ANS: They would be found near the oxygen atom of the water molecule.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1 82. ANS: A mixture is a material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined.

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 41 OBJ: 2.2.2 83. ANS: Add some salt—the solute—to a container of water—the solvent—to produce a salt solution.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 42 OBJ: 2.2.2 84. ANS: Sea water has a pH between 8 and 9, whereas pure water has a pH of 7. Therefore, sea water is less acidic than pure water.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 85. ANS: The four groups are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 45 OBJ: 2.3.1 86. ANS: RNA contains the sugar ribose, and DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 47 OBJ: 2.3.1 87. ANS: X reacts with Y to produce XY.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 49 OBJ: 2.4.1 88. ANS: changes in energy PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 89. ANS: The energy comes from chemical reactions that release energy stored in food.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 OBJ: 2.4.2 90. ANS: Answer should include two of the following: regulating chemical pathways, making materials that cells need, releasing energy, and transferring information.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.3


91. ANS: 12

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 92. ANS: 8

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 93. ANS: 13

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 94. ANS: helium

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 95. ANS: oxygen

PTS: 1 DIF: B REF: p. 35 | p. 36 OBJ: 2.1.2 96. ANS: hydrochloric acid

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 97. ANS: 6.2

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 98. ANS: 13.0

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 99. ANS: greater PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 100. ANS: 100 times (10  10)

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 43 OBJ: 2.2.3 101. ANS: enzyme Y

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 | p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 102. ANS: about 45C

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 | p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 103. ANS: enzyme X

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 | p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 104. ANS: enzyme X

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 | p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3 105. ANS: enzyme Y

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 50 | p. 51 OBJ: 2.4.3

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