In Order to Foster Good Sportsmanship Throughout Our Elmhurst Little League Community
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Elmhurst Little League Code of Conduct for Managers and Coaches
In order to foster good sportsmanship throughout the Elmhurst “Little League” community, it is essential that the following be understood and agreed upon prior to the start of League activities, and particularly the start of team play.
Managers and Coaches have a responsibility to teach League players the sport of baseball, and set an example of good sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play. Both on and off the field, team managers and coaches are expected to exemplify the positive characteristics to which “Little League” and therefore our league is committed. During games and practices it is particularly important that managers and coaches adhere to the standards of good conduct that the League has adopted. To ensure this behavior is consistently evident on the field, the board formalized this Article of Conduct.
The following should be part of your managing/coaching philosophy: A. Be positive and respect each child as an individual. B. Be open to ideas, suggestion, and help. C. Teach the value of competition. (Winning and LOSING) D. Teach the fundamentals of baseball. E. Be justifiably fair in giving playing time to all players. F. Protect participants from injury and harm. G. Attend mandatory Manager/Coaches and safety training. (Below is for Managers Only) H. Hold team practice at least once a week. I. Teach Sportsmanship, i.e. Have players, coaches and yourself shake hands with the opposing team after each ballgame. J. Pursue required NYSCA certification.
Part of your responsibilities as a team manager or coach will include being, but not limited to: 1. Responsible for the operation of the team, including care of equipment and collection of monies as required. 2. Responsible for collection of playing equipment and uniforms and returning it to league equipment manager by September 1st following the current season. 3. Required to sign and adhere to a Code of Conduct each year. 4. Responsible for the conduct of your self, your coaches (managers only), players and player’s parents. 5. Responsible for reading, understanding and adhering to By-Laws and Official Rules and Regulations of Little League, INC Williamsport, PA. 6. Required to attend all meetings called by, League VP, VP of Operations and President. 7. Game Day Responsibilities: Home Team Managers/Coaches (All Divisions) 1. Participate in evaluating playing condition of field and determine playability. 2. Notify League VP of all cancellations and unfinished games. 3. Supply new ball to umpire. If balls are lost or damage, a good used ball will be sent in, starting with the home team and alternate thereafter. 4. Provide an adult announcer/ scoreboard operator for the press box. 5. Prepare ball diamond for game. (Includes lining field, putting out bases, and setting up pitching machine, etc. 6. Validate pitching record by initialing the opposing team’s official pitching record at the end of each game. 7. Assist visiting team in closing diamond after final game of the day. (Includes pulling bases, locking up equipment and buildings, etc.)
Revised 02/12/2007 1 Elmhurst L.L. Manager/Coach Code of Conduct - 2007 8. Cleaning up home team dugout after each game. 9. Cleaning up the home team side of the diamond and bleachers after final game of the day, including emptying of dugout waste cans. Visiting Team Managers/Coaches 1. Provide an adult to assist in keeping official scorebook and records. (Minor, Major, Jr. and Sr. only) 2. Supply new ball to umpire. If balls are lost or damage, a good used ball will be sent in starting with the home team and alternate thereafter. 3. Validate pitching record by initialing the opposing team’s official pitching record at the end of each game. 4. Cleaning of the visiting team dugout after each game. 5. Cleaning up the visiting team side of the diamond and bleachers after final game of the day, including emptying of dugout waste cans. 6. Assist the home team manager in preparing the diamond for the game. 7. Closing diamond at final game of day. (Includes pulling bases, locking up equipment and buildings, etc.) 8. Turn off lights and lock up press box.
Manager/Coaches behavior that will be considered unacceptable: Use of: A. Alcoholic beverages during the hours preceding or during a ball game or practice at any facility (including parking areas). B. Obscene and or abusive language when addressing players, umpires, league officials and parents. C. Harassment of umpires, fans and opposing team members. D. Tobacco (of any form) during a ball game or practice at any facility. Except in designated areas only. E. Any other behavior deemed unsportsmanlike, in violation of league policies or offensive to the League.
Corrective measures for actions that are determined to be in violation of or offensive to Code of Conduct, League Policies or “Little League Baseball Inc.” Measures will be administered as follows: A. Warning – During a game, an umpire or board member may issue an official warning for any unsportsmanlike behavior. The warning will be recorded and reported to League officials. For the benefit of all participants, players, managers, coaches, umpires the warning reports will be regularly monitored. Note: A warning must precede all ejections. (Exception; in the case of physical altercations) B. Ejection - Should an umpire or board member eject a manager or coach from the game, they must immediately leave the ballpark/property, including the parking lot; unless a valid reason for noncompliance is provided to a league official. In the event the game is continued the ejection status carries over to the extended innings. Any manager or coach that is ejected by an umpire or board member and continues the harassment of the umpire or board member after the ejection, will be penalized by having an additional three (3) game added to the suspensions outlined below. First Ejection – Any ejected Manager, Coach or Player will be suspended from their next game. Second Ejection – Any Manager, Coach or Player ejected by an umpire or board member for a second time will be suspended for (3) three games. Third Ejection – Any Manager, Coach or Player being ejected a third time by an umpire or board member will be suspended for the remainder of the season and banned from POST – SEASON PARTICIPATION.
All suspensions may be appealed to the Executive Board through the League VP.
Revised 02/12/2007 2 Elmhurst L.L. Manager/Coach Code of Conduct - 2007 Request for Manager/Coach Consideration
I have read the Code of Conduct guidelines and Procedures for Choosing Managers/ Coaches in their entirety and agree to adhere to and accept them. I understand that failure to comply with these guidelines could result in my removal as manager or coach. I further understand I will be regularly monitored and informally evaluated by the League to determine my effectiveness and ability to reflect positively on the mission and goals of Little League and as such realize that my actions can impact future consideration. Additionally, I have completed the required volunteer application and agreed to let Elmhurst League Officials conduct a criminal background check as required by “Little League Inc.”
I would like to be considered for: ______Manager ______Coach
In the division of: ______Baseball ______Softball
at the Level of: ______T-ball (baseball only) ______Prep ball (baseball only) ______Minor League ______Major League ______Junior League ______Senior League ______Big League (baseball only)
Please note, if your interest is dependent upon being paired with another manager/coach, please list the names of individuals you want to manage/coach with:______
NYSCA Certification and Mandatory Training: I acknowledge that, as a manager or coach, I am required to attend at least one Manager/Coaches training session (to be held in the spring) and must provide proof of NYSCA certification. Failure to comply will make
me ineligible to participate in All-stars tournaments. ______(initials)
______Date:______Manager/Coach Signature
______Phone:______Printed Name
E-mail Address:______NYSCA Certification #:______
For League Use Only:
Manager: Accepted:____Yes _____No Division(s):______Level(s):______
Coach: Accepted:______Yes _____No Division(s):______Level(s):______
If applicant was denied in whole or in part, please state reason: ______
Revised 02/12/2007 3 Elmhurst L.L. Manager/Coach Code of Conduct - 2007