Rampton Parish Council s2

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Rampton Parish Council s2

Rampton Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Rampton Parish Council held on the 15th May 2017 in the Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0JU. The meeting commenced at 7:00pm.

Members Present Cllr Muriel Arden Chairman Cllr Libby Hauton Vice-Chair Cllr Ivor Lewin Cllr Pam Hawkins Vacancy Vacancy

Also, Present Ed Knox Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer 9 Members of the Public

RPC/1/17 Housekeeping Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.

RPC/2/17 To Elect a Chairman After discussion, Cllr Lewin Proposed and Cllr Hawkins Seconded that Cllr Arden be elected Chairman. The resolved to appoint Cllr Arden as Chairman.

RPC/3/17 To Elect a Vice-Chair Following Cllr Doyle’s resignation from the Parish Council and after discussion, Cllr Lewin Proposed and Cllr Hawkins Seconded that Cllr Hauton be elected as Vice-Chair, the council resolved to appoint Cllr Hauton as Vice-Chair. The Clerk is to arrange to exchange Barrie Doyle for Cllr Hauton as a signatory on the Council’s Santander Bank Accounts.

RPC/4/17 Apologies for Absence After discussion, the council resolved to accept the apology of Cllr Sheppard who is on holiday.

RPC/5/17 Declarations of Interest None

RPC/6/17 To Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes of 10th April 2017 as a true and accurate record.

RPC/7/17 To Elect a Trustee to Diana Eyre’s Educational Foundation After discussion, the council resolved to reappoint Cllr Hawkins as the Parish Council appointed trustee.

RPC/8/17 To Elect Committee Members to Village Hall Committee and Pinder Park Committee The village hall committee is down to 4 members. The Pinder Park committee is down to 5 members. Cllr Arden promoted the existence of the committees to the members of the public at tonight’s meeting. She asked that anyone who would be willing to join the committees make themselves known to Ivor Lewin for the Village Hall or Nick Easey for Pinder Park.

1 RPC/9/17 To Announce the New Village Warden Cllr Lewin advised that following successful interview, Sam Foster has been appointed as New Village Warden subject to a 3-month introductory probationary period. The Clerk has arranged for contracts to be signed. Cllr Lewin is working closely with Sam to support him in his new role. Sam is very keen and his twin brother is Lengthsman at South Leverton Parish Council. It was agreed that Sam will work 8 hours and this will use up the surplus £500 Lengthsman Grant funding from the previous financial year. Sam will be clearing the roadside on Treswell Road of weeds and vegetation along the pathway towards the School.

RPC/10/17 Matters Arising: 1) To Sign & Witness the Mast Lease: The Council’s solicitor had checked the lease and confirmed no alterations were required to the agreed heads of terms. The Council signed the lease with the Clerk, Ed Knox signing in the capacity of ‘Proper Officer’ and Cllr Arden signing in the Capacity of ‘Chairman’. Cllrs Lewin & Hawkins, together with Janet Lancaster signed as witnesses. Action, the Clerk to return the documents to the Solicitor.

2) To Receive Bowls Club Work Report Regards Spoil Heap: Cllr Arden reported that she had spoken with members of the bowls club and arranged for John Foster from Bassetlaw District Council Parks Department to attend for a site visit. John will advise on suggestions and ideas for further developing the whole area of the park. The Bowls Club have advised they will retain 60 tonnes of spoil for the zip-wire and that the surrounding area is to be returned to original which means that the spoil is to be removed and any damage done to the area will be rectified. This may include reseeding of grass. The bowls club also have some finishing works to carry out, installation of the path around the green, a watering system, water and electricity supply.

3) To Receive Progress Update on Pinder Park Entrance Area Alterations: Cllr Arden advised that the Council had agreed to take down the barrier, install security fencing and a gate to match the existing style. Cllr Lewin advised that three quotes had been obtained for the work, £2,500, £2,260 & £1,393 inc VAT. Cllr Arden advised that the Council should proceed with the work as soon as possible for security and for safety reasons. Cllr Hawkins Proposed and Cllr Hauton Seconded to 1) accept the lowest quote, 2) advise the contractor to proceed as soon as possible, 3) Ted Morris to be given the barrier if he would like to reuse it. Action - It was resolved that Cllr Lewin shall proceed with the quote, liaise with the contractor, Cllr Lewin shall also liaise with Ted Morris regards the barrier. It was also agreed that Cllr Arden shall chase Phil Tonks regards the outstanding reinstatement work promised last year.

4) To Receive Progress Update on Village Hall Refurbishments: Cllr Lewin reported that the work starts tomorrow on the damp proofing, it is estimated that the hall will be out of action for approximately three weeks. Following the completion of the damp proofing and ventilation works, water based paint for redecoration shall be used once the room has completely dried out and the smell has cleared. The sunken tarmac in the car- park will be reinstated by RS Palmer’s after the hall refurbishment has completed.

5) To Decide Final Location of the 3 rd Defibrillator: Cllr Arden reported that Woodbeck Community Centre’s Defibrillator was installed recently. RST Electrical had installed the second unit on the Village Hall and the third unit on the external wall at Holme Farm, Laneham Street. The Clerk has written to the Quickfall family thanking them for allowing the installation of the unit. Cllr Hawkins advised everyone present that Retford Lions are holding a training session at Woodbeck Community Centre on 5th June at 7:15pm and encouraged the public to attend to learn how to use a defibrillator. It was resolved that 1) Cllr Hawkins shall undertake the fortnightly check of the Holme Farm unit. 2)

2 Cllr Lewin shall undertake the fortnightly check of the Village Hall unit. 3) The clerk shall write to the Quickfall’s offering them £30 per year to cover electric costs, and inform the East Midlands Ambulance Service of the new unit locations. The Clerk handed Cllrs Lewin & Hawkins laminates to go in each defibrillator kiosk, these advise how to undertake the fortnightly checks and the dates when the batteries and electrodes require replacement in 2019 and 2021.

 To Authorise £400 S214 Churchyard Grass Cutting Grant to Rampton PCC: Section 214 of the Local Govt Act 1972 allows the Parish Council to contribute to the grounds maintenance costs of any churchyard or burial ground. Cllr Arden reported that Helen Slattery from the Church PCC has asked the Parish Council for help, their funds are limited and there are only three members on the PCC, they ask if the Parish Council could assist with Grass cutting costs. Cllr Lewin asked the Clerk to obtain a tender from Ulyett Landscapes to undertake the work. A quote of £28 per cut was provided on the basis that Ulyetts cut the grass on the same days as Pinder Park. Cllr Arden Proposed and Cllr Hawkins Seconded that the Council accepts the tender, organises the Grass Cutting of the Churchyard by Ulyetts. It was resolved that the clerk shall inform Ulyetts and Helen Slattery.

RPC/11/17 To Receive Risk Assessment Update Cllr Hawkins advised that the risk assessment is almost finished being reviewed. There are two points to update regards the storage of council records and Loss of Clerk. It was resolved that the Clerk to review those sections and suggest suitable amendments for Cllr Hawkins to complete the risk assessment. Cllr Hauton offered to type up the final version of the document during June 2017.

RPC/12/17 To Receive Internal Auditors Report for year ending 2016/17 The Clerk Advised that the Internal Auditor found the accounts to be in good order. As in previous years, Mr Peters does not wish to charge a fee for his services as Internal Auditor.

RPC/13/17 To Approve Annual Governance Statement Section 1 of Annual Return 2016/17 The Council approved the Annual Governance Statement. The Clerk and the Chairman signed the Annual Governance Statement.

RPC/14/17 To Approve Accounting Statements (Section 2 Annual Return) for Year Ending 2016/17 The Clerk circulated the end of year accounts summary and the Council approved the Accounts. The Clerk and the Chairman signed the Accounting Statements.

The Clerk will submit the Annual Return to the External Auditor along with any required supporting documents.

RPC/15/17 Finance: The Clerk circulated the Council members by email prior to the meeting the following:

1. To Approve Payments: after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: - Payee Item Amount Ulyett Landscapes Pinder Park Grass Cuts Apr £96.00 E Knox April Net Salary, Mileage & Expenses £397.87 HMRC PAYE E Knox Income Tax £93.40 C Foster Village Warden Salary 24.04.17 – 31.05.17 £300.00 Wilko’s Village Warden Safety Equipment, Gloves, Litter £31.99 Picker, Spades Aspli Safety Ltd Village Warden Road Cones & Signage £64.03 Cllr I Lewin Village Warden Wheelbarrow, Hi Viz jacket, Coat,

3 Shovel & brush £92.68 Cllr B Doyle Village Hall Waterpipe Adaptor & Connectors £14.96 E-On Post Office Electricity 31.03.2017-28.04.17 £10.94 Rampton PCC S.214 Churchyard Maintenance Grant £400.00 RST Electrical Ltd Defibrillator, Installation, Electrical hardwiring/test £378.00 Morrisons Chairman’s Allowance Annual Parish Meeting Refreshments £28.85 Quickfall Family to Cover Electricity Costs of Defibrillator cabinet £30.00 Total Payments £1,938.72

2. Receipts:

Receipts Received this month: From Item Amount Notts County Council Lengthsman Scheme Grant 2017/18 £1,000

Total Receipts £1,000.00

3. Bank Balances

The Current Account Balance today is £16,375.65 The Deposit Account Balance today is £5,466.47

RPC/16/17 To Support Felicity Ferriter Regards Dignified Grave Markers and spoil heap move The Council resolved to support felicity in her quest to ask Rampton Hospital to provide full dignified grave markers for all the patients buried in Rampton Churchyard. Action, when Felicity contacts Rampton Hospital she will mention that she has the backing and support of the Parish Council in her actions. Cllr Arden advised that Helen Slattery from the PCC had relocated the spoil heap.

RPC/17/17 Council Member Resignations Cllr Arden announced that Cllr Morris resigned on 3rd May 2017 and Cllr Doyle had resigned from the Council with effect from today. She gave thanks for Barrie & Ted for their hard work over the years as Parish Councillors. Cllr Hawkins asked for a round of applause.

The Clerk has notified the returning office at Bassetlaw District Council of the resignations. The Returning officer shall issue a ‘Notice of Casual Vacancy’ which will be displayed on the internet and noticeboards. The Notice will state that a by-election to fill the vacancy will be held, if within 14 days from the date of the Notice, ten or more electors from the parish give Notice in writing to the Returning Officer requesting an election. The approximate cost of a by-election to the Parish is £3,000 to £5,000. The Notice will also state that if no request is made to the Returning Officer, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option. If the required 10 requests for a poll are received within the specified time by the Returning Officer, a by-election, at the cost of the Parish Council, will be held within 60 days of the date when the Notice was first published. If insufficient requests are received within 14 days, then the Parish Council must co-opt suitable replacements. At this point the Clerk can advertise for suitable candidates to apply for the vacant positions. To be a Parish Councillor you must:  Be at least 18 years old

4  Be a British, EU or Commonwealth Citizen  You are registered to vote on the electoral roll within the Civil Parish of Rampton  For the at least the past 12 months, you either live in the parish or within 3 miles of it, work or are a land owner in the parish Apart from the above rules you will also be disqualified from being a parish councillor if:  You are employed by the Parish Council  You have been declared bankrupt  You are subject to a debt relief order  You have received a prison sentence (including a suspended sentence) of three months or more within the last 5 years  You have been disqualified under the Representation of the People Act 1983, which covers corrupt or illegal practices and offences relating to donations.

RPC/18/17 Any Other Business Cllr Lewin advised that he has received further complaints regarding the Heras fencing outside the Royal Oak. Previously Cllrs Lewin, Arden and Doyle have all visited the owner to raise the concerns. The County Council visited the owner last month. The clerk is to send a polite letter to the owner asking when the fencing is to be removed and to check with the County Council as to what their findings were. Cllr Hawkins raised the question of the tree in a dangerous condition with low hanging branches in a lane on Laneham Road. The clerk will email Pam a map and google Earth image to ascertain the exact location so that a letter can be sent to the landowner and the matter reported to the County Council.

RPC/19/17 Date/Time of Next Parish Council Meeting

Monday 12th June 2017 7.30pm

RPC/20/17 Closure of Meeting There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 8:20PM. Janet Lancaster then served light refreshments in the interval, before the commencement of the Annual Parish Meeting.




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