Unit 1 Another Country

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Unit 1 Another Country

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Unit 1 Another country Part 2 Adriana: Life in England Adriana Gonzalez-Vera trained as a vet in her home country. Part 1 Living abroad She came to the UK with her British husband Mark 10 years These days, people don’t always stay in the country where ago. they were born. Adrianna: I was born in Santiago, capital of Chile, in South Many people choose to live in other countries and in other America. cities. She didn’t only work with animals when she lived in Chile. They sometimes live a long way from home. I worked as a veterinary surgeon, and I also worked as a In an international city, like London, you can meet people consultant in retail and pharmaceuticals. from lots of countries. I met my husband through work. Some people left their home country a long time ago, and some people have just arrived in the city. He was the managing director of the company where we worked. They all have different reasons for moving to another country. Adriana swapped the busy lifestyle of a South American city Mary: I left about five years ago and came to London just to for the peace and quiet of the English countryside. work, really. What did her family think about her moving to another Jann: I left my home country about 20 years ago to go country to live? abroad to study. They thought that it was very far away for all of us, and that it Eva: I left in September of this year to study Shakespeare at was going to be a little bit more difficult to meet up. Shakespeare’s Globe. Adriana doesn’t work as a vet in the UK. Living in a different country can be very exciting. She’s using other skills from her home country, Chile. You experience a new culture, and it’s great for learning a new language. I run my own Spanish consultancy company, where I train company directors and help them with their presentation. People often love their new home. I also do some translations, and some Spanish teaching. Mary: The food, culture, music, theatre is really wonderful here and you get a sense that there’s a real … great buzz Most of my family are still in Chile. around London. I have my mother, my father, my younger sister, her husband Jann: What I like is the weather, the adventure of being in a and her daughter, and my two grandmothers living in Chile. new country, and the people. I miss the weather, I miss the hot summers, and I miss the Eva: I love the international feel of London. warm people, the friendly people in Chile. The fact that, walking to and from school, I hear five or six I miss my Mummy’s cooking, really, and I miss the long talks languages easily. with my father. Jann: What I like is the weather, the adventure of being in a Adriana’s two daughters are now 9 and 7 years old. new country, and the people. They are very adorable girls. But it can also be a challenge living far from your own country. Camilla loves reading and she loves the outdoors. And there are some things that everyone misses … Isabelle, she likes fashion, she likes make-up, and everything in pink! Mary: I suppose I miss my friends and my family a lot. I have a lot of friends in London as well, but you always remember For now, Adriana enjoys the quiet country life in England, but your friends from home. she would like to go back to Chile one day. Jann: I miss the culture, the language, and my family. I would really like to work as a vet again. Eva: I miss having children in my life. My nephews and my Unfortunately I would have to qualify again in the UK. nieces running round. Perhaps we will stay here for a long time, or maybe we will Living in a different country, whether it’s for family, work, or go back to Chile if my husband can find work there. study, can be a great opportunity. And for some people, the longer you stay, the harder it is to go home. Video script

a really long time. Part 3 Anita: Life in Barcelona So, for now it’s nice, and I’m really happy here, I enjoy it a Anita Patwardhan moved from her home city of San Francisco lot, but I don’t know if I will be here forever. to live in the Spanish city of Barcelona. Her parents are Indian, but she was born in the United States. Anita: Well I first came to Barcelona in 2003, because I wanted to study Spanish, and then I fell in love with the city at that time, so I decided that I wanted to come back. Luckily, in 2005, Anita found a job in Barcelona. So I decided to come back and, and I’m really happy here, I really enjoy it. Today, Anita’s home is in an area called San Gervasi, about 15 minutes walk from the city centre. It’s very convenient for me because I have my job within walking distance. I can take the bus directly to the beach, and I’m there in 15 minutes. Anita spoke fluent Spanish when she came back to Barcelona, and found a job with an American online marketing company. I work for a company that provides different online marketing services for hotels, and specifically my team builds websites for hotels, so I work with designers and programmers. As well as a great job, Anita has many friends in Barcelona. We’re all very close, we’re friends, so it’s almost like a second family away from home; we have dinners together, we celebrate birthdays together, so, it’s, it’s a nice feeling. Although she has got a good job and close friends she still misses home. I miss my family most of all. It’s very difficult to not be able to give my mum a hug, or to enjoy my Dad’s barbecue. So I feel happy if I can see them. But staying in touch with family overseas is much easier today. So my family and I, we speak generally every weekend, either through Skype, or through e-mail, and every now and then on the telephone too. They have come to visit me a few times, and I try to go back and see them at least once a year. Anita really loves her new life in Barcelona. Barcelona is an amazing place, you have a combination of so many wonderful things with weather, cultural activities, beautiful architecture, and most importantly the beach. How can anyone not like the beach? But still she’s not sure where her life will take her in the future. I don’t know if I will stay in Spain forever, forever seems like Video script

Unit 2 A park in the sky Part 2 The High Line Part 1 New York City living In 2009 a new and very unusual park opened in Downtown Manhattan. New York City is one of the busiest, noisiest, but most popular cities in the world. The new park, called The High Line, is now one of the city’s most popular attractions, and it’s easy to see why people love Eight million people live in New York’s five boroughs. it. The largest is Queens, then there’s Brooklyn, the Bronx, and The High Line is nearly one and a half miles long, but it’s less Staten Island. than 20 metres wide. The smallest borough is Manhattan. It runs right through the buildings three storeys up, over the But this is the borough most people talk about when they talk traffic and crowded streets below. about New York. Before the High Line was a beautiful park it was a train line. For people who love city life New York is the perfect place to The High Line opened in 1934. live and for visitors it’s the trip of a lifetime. Before that, from the 1850s until the early 1930s, trains There’s so much to see and do. travelled along the streets of Manhattan. It’s got amazing shopping and restaurants, exciting theatres, The trains carried milk, meat, and goods. and some of the most famous architecture in the world. But with more cars on the roads, along with people and But not everyone enjoys New York life. horses, it was very dangerous and there were many accidents. It’s hard to wake up refreshed in a city that doesn’t sleep. Because of these accidents, the High Line was built and the Living in the city can be very stressful and it’s easy to feel trains now travelled safely above the traffic. lonely. Trains used the High Line until 1980, when the train line So where do New Yorkers go to get away from the crowds, closed. traffic, and stress? Then, for many years, the High Line was empty and its There are many beautiful parks in Manhattan, and they are landscape started to change. great places to relax. Without any trains travelling on the tracks plants started to Some, like Washington Square Park, aren’t very big, but they grow. are very popular with local residents. Some people wanted the High Line demolished, but a group People come here to chill out and have fun. of city residents fought to protect it. Central Park is 2.5 miles long and half a mile wide and it has They dreamed of making the old train line into ‘a park in the over 35 million visitors every year. sky’. When you’re in Central Park you can forget that you are in the And finally, this dream came true. middle of a busy city. After years of work the first section of the High Line park opened on June 9th 2009. In 2011 the second section opened, and the park isn’t quite finished. But already three million visitors come to the park every year. Video script

Part 3 A great success On a perfect hot and sunny day in July the High Line is busy with visitors and staff. Gardeners are looking after the plants and flowers, while the guides are helping visitors, telling them more about the park’s history and environment. In the park there are plenty of places to sit where you can relax, listen to music, or meet with friends and chat. Many visitors are enjoying the views over the Hudson River, as far as the Statue of Liberty, or watching the busy streets below. So what do today’s visitors think of the High Line? Betty: Oh, this is an amazing resource. It’s this green oasis in an urban setting that is just surprising and beautiful. Derek: It’s a little bit of the country in the city, you know, that you really don’t get enough of here. Jeanie: I think it’s beautiful. It gives … it’s a great place for people to spend their time off, their lunch breaks, their time with family. So, I think it’s a fabulous place in the city to go. Lance: Beautiful. It’s an amazing treasure. We just arrived an hour ago and we’ve just started walking along, but it’s amazing to see the sites of the city and all the foliage, all the green trees and plants, and all the people enjoying the beautiful day. The High Line is an amazing success. It’s a pathway of flowers and grass that runs through neighbourhoods where many people haven’t got gardens. For local residents it’s a place where they can chill out and escape the stress and noise of the crowded city. And, for visitors, it’s an opportunity to explore New York’s amazing architecture and experience one of the world’s greatest cities in a very different way. In New York City, the High Line makes a difference to people’s lives. It makes people happy. Video script

Unit 3 The Titanic Part 2 Building the Titanic Part 1 A tragic story The birthplace of the Titanic is Belfast. In April 1912 newspapers around the world were full of the Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland in the United tragic story of one of the most famous ships in history – the Kingdom and the city was famous for ship-building in the Titanic. 20th Century. At the time, the Titanic was the largest passenger ship in the The Harland and Wolff shipyard, where they built Titanic, world. still exists today. She was nearly 270 metres long and over 53 metres high with You can see the dock where they finished the ship. nine decks. They don’t make ships here anymore, but you can still see the She was owned by the White Star Line. yard’s two massive cranes, Samson and Goliath, from all across the city. The Titanic left the port of Southampton on the south coast of England on the 10th April 1912. Today, the old shipbuilding area of Belfast is called the Titanic Quarter. She stopped briefly at Cherbourg in France, and Queenstown, now called Cobh, in Ireland, and then started her journey There’s a lot of new development in this area. across the Atlantic towards her final destination, New York. And there’s a huge new Titanic Signature Building at the old She was carrying 1343 passengers and 885 crew members. shipyard where you can learn more about the ship. The trip to New York was her maiden voyage. From the outside this amazing new building looks like the bow of the Titanic. Some passengers, in first class, were rich and famous. And behind the new building you can still see the old offices But most second and third class passengers weren’t rich. of Harland and Wolff, where they designed the ships for the They were people from across Europe travelling to America to White Star Line. start new lives. This building is empty today, but in 1900 there were hundreds The story of the Titanic is so famous that everyone knows of people working here, and around 15,000 people working in how the voyage ended. the shipyards. Just before midnight on Sunday 14th April, as she was sailing The Titanic was the second of three ships that Harland and towards the coast of North America, the ship hit an iceberg Wolff were building for the White Star Line in the early 20th and was badly damaged. century. Two hours 40 minutes later the ship sank. The plans for the Titanic and its sister ship, the Olympic, were almost identical both inside and out, but the Titanic was Tragically, there weren’t enough lifeboats and only 710 slightly bigger. people survived. The designers marked the Titanic’s differences in red on the In 1985 the wreck of the Titanic was finally found at the ships’ plans. bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, two and a half miles down. You can see these original plans at the Ulster museum of Folk A hundred years after the Titanic sank people are still and Transport’s Titanica exhibition in Belfast. fascinated by its story. You can also see a lot of the objects from the Olympic. But, while there are hundreds of books, television programmes, and famous films about the ship’s short voyage, The Titanic had identical items on board when she sank. many people still know very little about where the ship came At the exhibition you can also learn much more about the from and the people who built it. people who built the ship, and the people who were travelling on her when she sank. And this is just one of many Titanic exhibitions around the world. Video script

Part 3 My great-grandfather’s story Unit 4 Healthy eating The tragedy of the Titanic was very difficult for the people of Part 1 A diet for a long life Belfast and for many years no-one in Belfast talked about how There are many reasons for differences in life expectancy, that they built the Titanic. is, the average age that people live to. But this changed over time and today people in the city are But one of the most important secrets to a long life is food – proud of their family histories. having enough food, and eating the right food. There’s a memorial to the men of Belfast who died on the ship We all know it’s not always easy to eat well. outside the City Hall. We have busy lives. Nowadays, a lot of people don’t cook And tour guide Susie Millar has her own very special family traditional food at home. story. Fast food is quick and cheap everywhere. Susie: I can remember as a small child, my grandmother taking me to see the Titanic memorial, which stands in the But a bad diet can reduce your life expectancy by many years. grounds of Belfast City Hall, and she pointed up at, at the So, do you think you have a healthy diet? name, Thomas Millar on the plinth and told me that that was my great-grandfather. Dan: I think I have a healthy diet, 80 per cent of the time. I eat whole foods, home-cooked food, meat, vegetables. My great-grandfather worked here in Harland & Wolff, in the I don’t like much junk food or processed food. shipyard which built Titanic and he had helped to construct the engines for Titanic and its sister, Olympic … Tim: I feel I have a balanced diet. But you could always eat more fruit and vegetables. And Tommy Millar has a special place in the history of the Titanic. Anne-Marie: Not so healthy. I eat a lot of sugar, so, sugar’s not very good for you. He’s unique, he’s the only one of the crew who worked on the construction of Titanic for Harland & Wolff and then worked Angus: I do not have a healthy diet at all. I like for White Star as one of the crew. cheeseburgers, I like bad food. Like many people on the ship, Tommy was leaving Ireland to Do you think some countries have a better diet than other start a new life in America. countries? Before my great-grandfather left Belfast, he said his goodbyes Beth: Country that has the healthiest diet? to his two sons and he gave each of them two new pennies I probably think the Mediterranean countries, places like dated 1912 and he told them not to spend those coins until the Italy, and France, and Spain. family was all together again. They eat a lot of locally produced food. Sadly, Tommy was one of the crew members who died. But Angus: I believe that the countries which have the healthiest his family never forgot him. diet are places such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, this is because of their reliance on things like olive oil and fish. … my grandfather kept those two pennies all of his life and he passed them down through the family and we still have them Edel: I’m not too sure. I’ve been to Japan before and they in the family today. seem to eat a lot of fish and oily foods. I think they have a very healthy diet. But why is the story of the Titanic still so famous after a hundred years? Dan: I spent a lot of time in Spain and I think they have a very healthy diet. Susie Millar thinks that there are two reasons that people will They eat a lot of natural food. always be interested in the Titanic. They eat a lot of vegetables, they eat a lot of fresh fish, it’s all … you’ve got the biggest ship in the world with the richest fresh food. people in the world and the poorest people in the world, So I always felt very healthy when I was in Spain. sailing across the Atlantic and on the maiden voyage, it hits In the United States the average life expectancy is only 78 this iceberg and it’s a disaster. years. And within that bigger story, there are all these little threads A lot of traditional American food isn’t very healthy. of stories, individual stories about families and people, and people who were heroes and people who were cowards and Often there’s a lot of fried food and meat and there aren’t people who were villains, so you’ve got all those elements many fresh vegetables or salad. within it, so I think those two things combined give you a But luckily in cities like New York there are lots of places to really good story. eat and drink where you can find the most delicious food from around the world. Video script

Part 2 Italian food At over 81 years, the average life expectancy in Italy is one of Part 3 Japanese food the highest in the world, and food is one of the most important The longest life expectancy in the world is in Japan. parts of Italian culture. Life expectancy for women in Japan is over 86 years old! And when Italians move to other countries, they take their food with them. And one of the secrets to the long lives of the Japanese is their traditional diet. New York is full of Italian restaurants. The traditional Japanese diet is very healthy, and today Italian food is a great example of the Mediterranean diet – a Japanese food is popular around the world. diet that is one of the healthiest in the world. Jing Chen is the manager of Miraku, a Japanese restaurant in This is PJ Charlton, an Italian Restaurant on Charlton Street in Long Island, New York. Greenwich Village, New York. So, what is it that makes Japanese food so healthy? Phil Mouquinho opened the restaurant in 1979. Jing Chen: Japanese people live a very long life, and I think The area around the restaurant has changed a lot in 30 years, that’s mainly due to their diet of eating a lot of fish. but PJ Charlton’s still serves fabulous Italian cuisine to residents and visitors to the city from around the world. Fish have omega 3, which is good for the body. So, what is it that makes Italian food so healthy? What ingredients are popular in Japanese food? The heart of any good Italian cuisine begins with garlic, Some of the key ingredients in Japanese cuisine are rice, fish, onions, and olive oil. seaweed, and soy. And once you begin with that, and you introduce the great How do you cook the food? San Marsano tomatoes, you begin to create a Marinara There’s grilling, there’s ‘sautéing’, there’s braising. sauce. What about Jing? What’s her favourite meal? Your greens, I like to refer to all of those greens as captured sunlight. I love Japanese food. It’s basically all of the vegetables that you can think of, err, The ingredients are very fresh, because it focuses on with a little bit of garlic and oil. seasonality. In addition to that, when you talk about pasta, it’s nothing Sushi is really unique to Japanese cuisine, there’s no other more than flour and eggs. cuisine that uses raw fish. What could be more simple than that, more healthy and more Raw fish tastes really, really great, has a lot of, you know, nutritious? natural flavours. Some of the pastas that we use here at the restaurant are And it’s also very, very healthy. linguini, spaghetti, and we have rigatoni, penne, and then we have the cannelloni, and we have ravioli, and we have what Like the Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet isn’t good for we call the stuffed pastas. you just because of the healthy ingredients. How do you cook the food? It’s about a different way of eating. We sauté many of our vegetables, we broil many of our meats Japanese food looks beautiful. and poultry, we don’t fry, we try to stay away from the frying There are a lot of small dishes, and a lot of variety. process, because it’s not that healthy for you. People eat slowly, and they eat less food. When my customers come in and they greet me and they’re happy, and they sit and they tell one another this is the best But everything tastes amazing! kept secret in New York City, it makes me feel very, very good. I love doing what I do. I’ve been doing it for 32 years. I feel that, watching my customers eat my food, get healthy, stay happy, is what I want to do. The Mediterranean diet isn’t just good for you because of the healthy ingredients. Eating a healthy Mediterranean diet is about eating delicious food together, and most of all it’s about enjoying your food. Video script

They are building new cities that try to change the way we Unit 5 Alternative energy live and use energy today, and in the future. Part 1 Fuel for the future In the United Arab Emirates they are building a new ‘green’ city, where renewable energy is at the heart of the Today, one of the biggest global challenges we face is how we development. are going to be able to supply enough energy for everyone in the future. Masdar City is a walled city 11 miles from the city of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Globally, we are using more and more energy. British architects Foster and Partners designed the city and the We all want electricity for our homes, and fuel for our cars. Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company is building it. We need our factories to work and our planes to fly. The first residents moved in in 2009 but it probably won’t be But we know that traditional energy sources, fossil fuels like finished until 2025 or 2030. oil, gas and coal, won’t last forever and are causing Masdar City is a very big project. environmental problems like climate change. Masdar is going to be a square, nearly a mile wide and when it Some energy sources, like nuclear power, can also be harmful is finished they hope that about 40,000 people will live in the when accidents occur. city, and another 50,000 will commute to Masdar every day The development of new energy sources is becoming more from across the United Arab Emirates. important across the world. People are looking for sources of energy that are safe and cheap, like wind power, solar energy from our homes or huge Part 3 A green city solar farms, or hydro-electric power using our rivers and The brand new hi-tech Masdar City will use only solar, wind, lakes. and other clean, green renewable energy sources. We need energy that won’t run out, renewable energy, and They will also try to reduce energy use as much as possible. energy that won’t damage the environment, green energy. By designing buildings and streets to use shade and wind to Some of these energy sources are already well-known. stay cool when the temperature outside can rise to over 40 And most people have opinions about what kind of energy we degrees, the city will use less energy. will be using in the future and what’s the best kind of The city will also recycle most of its water and waste. renewable energy. One of the most important ideas for reducing energy use in Ijeoma: I think we’ll use more wind energy and I think that Masdar is that you won’t be able to drive a normal car in the we’ll use more solar energy. city. I believe the government is investing in that. Instead, there will be public transport using electric vehicles Judy: People will probably use more solar energy, more and a ‘Personal Rapid Transit’ system. wind power, more hydro-power. The Personal Rapid Transit system uses small pods that travel Andrew: In the future I think we will use more renewable on magnets in the roads across the city. forms of energy, especially as fossil fuels are running out. I feel solar power, wind power will be increasing in the You will get into a pod at stations around the city, choose future, and I think that will be more sustainable for our where you want to go on the touchscreen and the pod will development. carry you to your destination. The design of the city encourages people to walk – the staircases are large and lifts are hard to find! Part 2 Alternative living Building a new city is very expensive and complicated. A few countries, like Iceland, are lucky. But at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, and They already have their own renewable power supply; across Masdar city, they are using and testing technology that, geothermal power. hopefully, will be used around the world in the future. Geothermal power provides over 60% of Iceland’s energy. Across the country they use the boiling hot water from under the surface of the earth to make electricity. This electricity is clean and green, and will never run out. But other countries are looking at the problem of energy use in a different and dramatic way. Video script

know, in the summer it stays light a really long time and Unit 6 Scotland that’s nice. Part 1 The country Cassandra: I think that people are willing to share cultural differences which, for me, is interesting so, the atmosphere is The United Kingdom is made up of four countries; England, something I love. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. And the worst thing about Scotland? England is the biggest country and has a population of over 50 million. Sandra: The weather. It’s really cold compared to Spain. Northern Ireland is the smallest and has a population of fewer Robin: Cold. than two million. Isabelle: I hate the rain, it’s windy and I don’t like the food Scotland’s population is a lot smaller than England’s, at just apart from fish and chips. over five million, but the country has got some of the most beautiful scenery in the UK. Scotland has got the tallest mountain in the UK, Ben Nevis, Part 2 The people and the deepest lake, Loch Morar, as well as historic castles, Although it is part of the United Kingdom, Scotland has its amazing beaches, and a dramatic coastline. own Government, which meets at the modern Parliament But there’s much more to Scotland than beautiful countryside, buildings in Edinburgh. it’s also got some of the most exciting and important cities in People from Scotland are called Scots. the UK. Over the past 400 years hundreds of thousands of Scots have Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. left to live in countries around the world. It’s an important city for business and culture, with some great Generations on, many of the families of these emigrants still modern architecture. feel a strong connection to Scotland, and they often return to Edinburgh isn’t as big or as modern as Glasgow, but it’s the the country to visit. capital city of Scotland and it’s the top destination for Scots have got their own vocabulary for example; – small is international visitors to the country. ‘wee’, a lake is a ‘loch’ and a child is a ‘bairn’. Around one and a half million international visitors come to Sometimes even English people find it hard to understand Edinburgh every year. Scots when they are speaking English as they can have strong So what do international visitors think about the country? accents. What’s Scotland like? So, what are the Scots like? Jazz: I came to Scotland last week. I’ve been here about a Isabelle: Very friendly. They are funny to understand, some week, so far. It’s gorgeous. speak funny. The countryside’s beautiful, Edinburgh is stunning and the Amrita: Pretty bubbly, friendly. people are really friendly. And the food’s great. Rory: Often very loud. Jackie: It’s miserable. Firstly, I really like sunny weather and Conor: They’re very friendly, very welcoming. it’s grey here all the time. Alex: I would say Scotland was more … feels more like a wee Sandra: I think it’s really nice place; a lot of young people, community, compared to England. many parties and the university is great. I really like it. How different is Scotland from your home country? Amrita: It’s a lot colder than where I’m from. Robin: I don’t know, just the people are a lot nicer here than in Germany. Isabelle: The people are very polite here, whereas back home it’s not as, not as nice. Very friendly. What’s the best thing about Scotland? Sandra: The best thing about Scotland? I think maybe the landscape, the mountains, the Highlands. Jackie: In summer it’s… there’s really gorgeous light, you Video script

Part 3 Edinburgh The most popular tourist attraction in Edinburgh is the castle, and it’s one of the oldest buildings in the city. There’s been a castle here for nearly a thousand years. Edinburgh Castle stands on Castle Rock and has got amazing views over the city and across to the River Forth. But once a year the castle isn’t the centre of attraction, and many people agree on the best time to visit the city. Isabelle: Summer during the Fringe Festival. Absolutely amazing. Alex: Oh, Edinburgh Festival. Andy: Edinburgh Festival. There’s lots of things happening. Street artists and different kind of shows on and stuff in the theatres. It’s good. Every year, in August, the city holds the biggest arts festival in the world, the Edinburgh Festival. It’s the most exciting time to visit Edinburgh, and the city is busier in August than at any other time of the year. Edinburgh’s population of 450,000 people doubles and the city becomes the cultural capital of the world. The Festival began in 1947 and is a 3-week celebration of art, music, theatre, film, dance and comedy. During the festival, there are performances all over the city – over 30,000 performers come to the city to work in over 2,000 shows. The most popular shows are comedy, but there’s something for everyone. Edinburgh isn’t a cheap city and everything gets even more expensive in August. Luckily there are a lot of free shows during the festival, from music and magic, to street theatre and there’s so much to do that people come back year after year. Video script

The Austen family weren’t very wealthy and they didn’t have Unit 7 Writers’ houses a great estate. Part 1 Places that inspire writers Jane’s own home isn’t as large or as beautiful as the homes of the characters in her novels, like Mr Darcy. There are many cities around the world that have inspired great works of art and literature. But the house is quite comfortable, pretty and light and there’s a beautiful garden. For hundreds of years artists have come to Paris to live and work. Visitors today can see many of Jane’s possessions including the desk where she completed her six novels. Writers like George Orwell, F Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and many others travelled from across Europe, Jane Austen didn’t become a famous writer in her own and around the world, to experience life in the city. lifetime. The beautiful city of Prague inspired the work of Franz Kafka, Her own name did not even appear on her work until after her and since the early 20th Century New York has been home to death. many writers and artists. She wrote as ‘a Lady’. London has changed a lot since Charles Dickens wrote about But slowly she has become one of the most read female the city in the early 19th Century, but the city still attracts novelists in the world. writers from the UK and around the world. Since the early 20th century, there have been many famous Of course, it isn’t just great cities that inspire writers. film and television adaptations of her novels. Every year people travel from around the world to the Lake The first famous film of Pride and Prejudice was made in District in the North of England, to visit a tiny farmhouse in 1940. the middle of beautiful English countryside. In recent years there have been many adaptations of her work, Hill Top farm was the home of Beatrix Potter. as well as films about her life. Potter wrote and illustrated the Tale of Peter Rabbit and many Keira Knightly played Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and other stories for children. Prejudice, and Anne Hathaway played Jane Austen herself in Since she wrote Peter Rabbit in 1902 publishers have sold a film about her life, Becoming Jane. more than 40 million copies, and they have translated the And still today fans come to this quiet and gentle part of the story into more than 35 languages. English countryside to learn more about her life and work. Hill Top has been open to the paying public for over 60 years, and it’s still as popular as ever. In 2011 there were over 100,000 visitors. Part 3 The Brontës Over 200 miles away from the gentle countryside and bright, comfortable living rooms of Jane Austen’s world there’s Part 2 Jane Austen another house with a far more dramatic and remarkable literary history. Around a hundred years earlier another female British author was at work. This is the town of Haworth in Yorkshire, in the North of England, and at the top of the steep cobbled high street is the In the city of Bath in the South West of England there’s a Brontë Parsonage. museum about one of England’s most well-known writers of the early 19th Century; Jane Austen, the author of Pride and This house was the home of Charlotte Brontë, the author of Prejudice. Jane Eyre, Emily Brontë, the author of Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontë, the author of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Austen wrote about this city in her novels, and it’s a favourite location for film and television adaptions of her work. The sisters moved here with their father Patrick and their brother, Branwell, and it was in this small home they wrote But Austen only lived in Bath for a short time. the famous novels that have sold millions of copies and have She wrote most of her famous novels in the peace and quiet of been adapted into hundreds of stage plays, films and the English countryside. television programmes. This is Chawton, a 17th century country house where Jane Haworth is surrounded by Pennine Yorkshire moorland and Austen lived with her mother and sister Cassandra from 1809 this dramatic scenery was the inspiration for many of the until just before her death in 1817. Brontës’ novels. Today the house is a museum that has been open to the public Life was very hard here in the mid-1800s. since 1949. Video script

The Brontës’ mother died soon after arriving at Haworth, and Unit 8 Twins two sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, died when they were just 10 and 11. Part 1 Why are twins special? The sisters were very close and rarely left the Parsonage, as It doesn’t matter if you have boys or girls; it’s always a Ann Dinsdale from the Brontë Parsonage explains: challenge bringing up children. What they really wanted to do was to be together at the But bringing up twins is an even greater challenge. Parsonage and to write and that’s what they did. Can you imagine two of everything, at the same time? The sisters wrote in the evening, sitting together at the table in the small dining room. The Department of Twin Research at Kings College London has a database of over 12,000 twins who are taking part in a Like Jane Austen, the sisters didn’t use their real names when fascinating research programme. they first published their books. Throughout their lifetimes, the twins regularly visit St They published their novels under the names Currer, Ellis, Thomas’ Hospital in London to have a range of medical tests. and Acton Bell, hoping that they would be treated as, as writers rather than women writers. Today, hundreds of pairs of twins taking part in the programme have come to a summer party at the hospital. Their books were instant hits and everyone wanted to know the true identity of the authors. It’s a chance to meet other twins and share their experiences. So, Charlotte and Anne travelled to London by train to tell So, why are all these twins so important to scientists? their publishers their real names. All identical twins, like Xand and Chris, share 100 per cent of But tragedy was never far away. their genes – they are genetically identical. In 1848, Bramwell died, followed three months later by Emily Twins usually look exactly the same, and they often have very and then Anne five months after that. similar abilities, interests and personalities. Shortly after she married, Charlotte died in 1855. Xand: Chris and I are similar in that we enjoy the same things, we both have a lot of the same friends. But by the time she died, Charlotte was a famous writer. Chris: We both did medical degrees, we both did exactly the She died in 1855 in this house and two years after her death, same A levels. a biography written by Elizabeth Gaskell was published, ‘The Life of Charlotte Brontë’ and that attracted a huge amount of But, identical twins can often be good at different things, and interest in the Brontë’s lives … people wanted to come to even suffer from different diseases. Haworth and see the place where the Brontë novels had been Chris: I think I am different to you, I think I do have some written and to see where the family had lived their lives. free choice. There has been a small Brontë museum in Haworth since There are differences in our personalities. 1895, but it wasn’t until 1928 that the Parsonage opened to the Remember when we were ten and I failed, you know, I came public. bottom of the class in every single exam and everyone said oh, you know why don’t you just work a bit harder like your Today, inside, visitors can see many of the sisters’ possessions brother and you’d do a bit better. including Charlotte’s wedding dress, and many of the sisters’ handwritten letters and manuscripts. So, if two people are genetically identical, why is one loud and boisterous and the other quiet and sensitive? Experts still come to the Parsonage from around the world to research the sisters and their work. Or why does one get an illness and the other doesn’t? Every year we get 75,000 visitors on average and they’re It is these differences between identical twins that are so drawn from all over the world, from America, from Japan, important to researchers. from places in this country. They give us a clearer picture of the influence of ‘nature’ – The Brontë novels have been translated into, into over 26 our genes – and ‘nurture’ – how we live – on the development different languages … they’re read by people all over the of our personality and health. world. And scientists hope that this will help them to identify and For many visitors, it is exploring the dramatic Yorkshire prevent health problems in the future. countryside surrounding the Parsonage that really helps them to understand the powerful novels of the remarkable Brontë sisters. Video script

Part 2 Being a twin Part 3 Bringing up twins Runyararo and Rufaro Mapfumo are twins. Rachel: I love that! That’s nice seeing that. They live together in East London. Rufaro: Yeah. Us dressed the same with our jackets. Rufaro: My name is Rufaro Mapfumo, I’m 20 years old. Runyararo: I think that’s probably when we looked most similar actually... I’m 23 minutes older than my twin sister and I study bio- medical science at Middlesex University. Rachel Mapfumo is the mother of the Mapfumo twins. Runyararo: I’m Runyararo Mapfumo, um, also 20 years old, Rachel: Oh yes I remember. and I’m studying film and visual effects at Sheffield Hallam Rufaro: That’s when we went for our audition, … our first University. audition as twins. For Rufaro and Runyararo, there are many more advantages to Rachel: I remember buying those t-shirts in Marks and being twins than disadvantages. Spencer’s. Rufaro: Having a double wardrobe is great. So, what’s it like trying to raise identical twins? As a twin, umm, one of the advantages about being a twin is Rachel: I had to rely a lot on my parents, because, having getting to play tricks on people. two babies, they had different times of feeding, that was one When we were younger, we swapped classes a few times, of the difficulties, different times of sleeping. which was interesting. So you find, if you didn’t have any help then you would be up 24/7. I went to her maths class, and she went to my English class, Another difficulty is the cost. Everything you pay for is and we swapped because we thought it would be really funny. double. We never got caught though. We used to look even more Not so much when they’re young, but when they’re older, it similar. becomes very costly. When they were teenagers, the Mapfumo twins did some Rufaro: Our spotlight picture, there… acting. Rachel: The girls bonded right from the first day. They learnt new skills, but, as at school, they were still able to I used to keep them more or less together. take each other’s place when necessary. They had different cribs, they had different, you know, separate chairs. Because they were twins, they once had the chance to work on But for some reason they always used to reach out for each a Harry Potter film. other, or look out for each other. Rufaro: They would give us one role and divide that between us. Sometimes it seems the girls can communicate without So I would go on set for three hours, while Runyararo was in talking. school, and then, once I’d finished and I’d had my time on set, they used to swap us over. Rachel: I can’t even tell you sometimes as a mother what they do, but I know they have a silent way of communicating. So I suppose that’s good, because we, even though we got to If Runyararo is say at Sheffield, and Rufaro is in London, and do what we loved, we still had enough time to go to school, if something is happening to Runyararo that she is not happy, and get a really good education as well. Rufaro can pick it up. Runyararo: Rufaro’s a bit more of a joker. She liked to make She was in the library, and she left to go to the toilet, and she everybody laugh, whereas I could possibly be seen as more … when she got back her laptop had been stolen, and she was serious. quite upset. She hadn’t rung me or she hadn’t rung her sister. Rufaro: Runyararo has a lot of patience, and I think when But at the moment when she was so desperate, her sister rang you do film, you need to have a lot of patience, and kind of her from London to see if she was all right, because she just speak to the people you’re working with and artists, and be felt something was going on. able to guide them patiently, whereas I kind of want things So it’s things like that as well, even when they’re apart, that done then and there. I have a little bit less patience. they can still communicate. It’s always nice having someone that you have close They know if one is in trouble, or one is not happy. connection to, and having a twin, I don’t think there’s a Or if one is happy, for that, for that matter. stronger bond. It’s like living with your best friend really.

What advice does Rachel have for parents of school-age twins? Video script

Rachel: You mustn’t be given a report where the teachers are using ‘They’. You should have single reports for each individual child. The problem I’ve found was that the teachers could not differentiate between the two girls. Who was Rufaro and who was Runyararo. You have to be absolutely sure that the teacher is talking about the correct twin. Half the time they got it all wrong and mixed up. Runyararo: Very nice, smiling in the background … your teddy making its way into every picture. Rachel: Is that you or Runyararo? Rufaro: Oh yeah! Rachel: That’s not you, that’s your sister. Rachel: They’ve got a very close bond. I don’t worry so much about them because I know they’ve got each other. They talk to one another, and the most interesting is at the moment to see them grow up to be very confident and individual young ladies. Video script

When he was only nine years old Roald’s mother sent him to Unit 9 Roald Dahl boarding school a long way from home. Part 1 The man He was terribly homesick and he wrote her letters nearly every day. Roald Dahl is known to generations of children as the man that brought them magical stories like Charlie and the Although he was lonely and unhappy, his letters were always Chocolate Factory, Danny the Champion of the World and cheerful and full of stories. James and the Giant Peach. And school wasn’t all bad. Many people remember his stories from their childhood. A chocolate company sometimes sent new sweets for students Olive: I’ve got a few favourites. There’s Matilda, The to test. Witches, James and the Giant Peach. This gave Roald a life-long love of chocolate, and became the They are so fantastic and different it’s like going into another inspiration for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. world. Gemma: Roald Dahl absolutely loved chocolate and Beth: I used to read a lot of Roald Dahl when I was little, and whenever he ate them, instead of just throwing the wrappers I had a lot of Roald Dahl read to me by my parents. away he actually kept them and he would scrunch them all He’s very funny. He’s a very witty author who makes good together to make a silver ball and he actually kept that ball as stories for children and for adults. a little souvenir on his desk next to him when he wrote. Kate: The BFG, The Big Friendly Giant, is about a big monster and he goes around catching dreams. I can’t even remember. Edel: I can’t remember. I think my dog ate that book. Tom: I’ve taught Roald Dahl to children. I read four or five of his books and the ones that I taught were Danny Champion of the World, which I think is probably my favourite of all his books. But they are great children’s books. Children love them and it’s great to be able to teach them to children who want to learn, who want to know. And he’s a great man. I love his books. I think they’re great. He invented his own words and he wrote about fantastic places and people. By the end of the 20th century people had bought over 35 million copies of his books. At the Roald Dahl museum and Story centre you can learn more about him and his world. Gemma Holland works at the centre. She explains why Dahl’s stories are still popular today: Gemma: I think that the children still find the same things funny as they found funny 50 years ago and I think that Roald Dahl had a really amazing way of being able to reach the children, but also be able to reach the adults that were reading with the children. So the humour isn’t just for the child but it’s also for the parents or the adult reading with that child and I think that is a massive appeal as well for everybody. Roald Dahl’s parents were Norwegian, but they had left Norway to live in Wales before Roald was born on 13 September 1916. Dahl wrote about his childhood in his autobiography, ‘Boy’. He told many stories about being naughty at school. Video script

Part 2 The writer Part 3 The magic Roald wasn’t the best student at school, but he was always Millions of children have heard or read the stories of Roald good at sport and he enjoyed adventure. Dahl, but at the Roald Dahl story centre they encourage young people to write their own stories. He didn’t go to university after he finished school. Gemma explains… Instead, he started working for an oil company. I think story telling is important because it helps to make life They sent him to Africa. more interesting. Gemma: Then World War II broke out and Roald Dahl saw Around the museum there are lots of things to inspire young this as another part of an adventure, so he actually joined the writers. Royal Air Force and he became, and and learnt to fly a plane, um and he actually flew a variety of different planes, Tiger So how did writers like Dahl turn their ideas into a story? moths, Hurricanes, Gladiators and um unfortunately er Roald Roald Dahl er always wrote his ideas down in his ideas books Dahl was actually involved in quite a serious accident when that he kept with him at all times. he crashed his plane in the desert, and he was very badly injured. He actually had some ideas in his notebook for 20 years before he used them. And all of that adventure actually led to his first ever published piece of writing and it was called ‘Shot Down Over And Dahl always wrote in the same way. Libya’. He always wrote in his writing hut and I’m sitting in his By this time, Dahl already knew how to tell a great story. replica chair right now um, and we’re surrounded by lots of really interesting things that he kept in his writing hut. He wrote a dramatic report about his accident while he was recovering in the United States. Dahl always wrote with a pencil. He described how the Germans had shot him down, but really So he would sharpen six of them and then he would sit down he had crashed because he had run out of fuel! to write on his special yellow paper. Dahl had moved to the United States in 1942. Everything he did he wrote by hand. He was working as a TV presenter when he met his wife, He would write for two hours every morning and then he Patricia Neal. would stop for lunch and then he would write for two hours every afternoon as well. She was a film star. Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of 74. One of the last lines They married in 1953 and moved back to England. he wrote was, ‘Those who don’t believe in magic will never The couple lived in the small town of Great Missenden and find it’. they had five children. I think that’s a lovely way to finish off his last book. By the 1960s he had become a very successful short story Basically saying that if you believe in magic you will find it, writer. and I think story storytelling definitely helps us to keep that At this time most of his stories were for adults. magic alive. Then the first story that he wrote for children was called ‘The Gremlins’ and it was all about little creatures that got inside the engines of planes and caused them to crash and break down. And it was after that story and after the success of that story that he started writing stories for children including those famous ones such as James and the Giant Peach and then obviously Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Video script

were really welcoming, they invited me into their homes, they Unit 10 Three inventors looked after me, they listened to me and we shared ideas, so although initially I was frightened about the experience, it Part 1 Emily Cummins was actually incredible. Many of the inventions of the past 100 years have changed the way we live our lives. Mobile phones are owned by almost six billion people Part 2 Josh Silver worldwide and when over six trillion texts are sent every year, It is estimated that about 60 per cent of the world’s population many of us believe that we can’t live without them. need eye-glasses to see clearly. People are always trying to think of the next big invention Everyone should have their eyes checked regularly by an eye- that’s going to change the world. care professional. But for some inventors this doesn’t mean designing a new But, in parts of Africa, there’s only one eye-care professional phone app, or building a smaller, quicker, lighter computer. for eight million of the population. For some inventors it’s about looking at what everyone really If you can’t see, you might not be able to read, or drive, or can’t live without. even work. Emily Cummins is a young inventor who is looking for new Josh Silver is a Professor of Physics. ways to help people. He invented a new kind of eye-glasses to solve this problem. She started inventing at a very young age. John: These, these eye-glasses are rather interesting, rather Emily: At the age of 4, my granddad gave me a hammer. special in a way, I call them adaptive eyeglasses and I will I used to spend hours with him in his shed at the bottom of the demonstrate them for you. garden. The eye-glasses work by adding liquid to the lenses. As I got older, he would teach me about the different I want to see clearly in the distance, I just… I’m covering up properties of materials and how to use the tools and the one eye, I’m adjusting the lens now until I’ve got nice clear machinery in his shed. vision and then do the same with the other eye and there we While she was still at school Emily designed a new type of are. fridge. Right, I can now see clearly in the distance so these glasses But her fridge doesn’t look like the ones that most of us have have the interesting feature that I can change each lens so as in our kitchens. to suit my vision and get clear vision. It’s designed to be used in areas where there isn’t any When you go through this correction procedure and you get electricity. the eye-glasses set to your vision, you don’t wear them like that, you do up the screws on this frame and you cut off the I spent a lot of time researching how to redesign the adjusters and then you end up with this, which you can wear refrigerator. and this is my pair and there are about 40,000 or so of these I realized that people in Africa weren’t able to store food and in use now in about 20 countries. medicine because they didn’t have access to electricity or It’s taken Josh over twenty years of research to develop these refrigerators. eye-glasses. The design was very simple. A small cylinder inside a larger He travelled to Africa to see how his eye-glasses could help one. people. You put your food or medicine in the small cylinder. Henry Ajay Mensa was the first person to get a pair of Josh’s Between the two cylinders you put some material that stays eye-glasses. wet like sand or soil. Shall we try the glasses and see if that helps you with In the sun, the fridge then ‘sweats’, just like a person. threading it? The water evaporates and pulls the heat out of the small Henry was a tailor in a small village in Ghana. cylinder and the contents stay cool. He needed good eye-sight to do his job making clothes, but The fridge was designed so anyone anywhere could make it his eye-sight was getting worse… with simple tools and materials. Ah! That did it immediately! So it works! And Emily wanted to help people do this. He was trying to thread a needle and he couldn’t and he put When I was 18, I travelled to Africa on my own which was them on and he adjusted them and he just threaded a needle really scary at first but actually, when I got there, people immediately and what he did was he then, he then started Video script

operating his sewing machine much faster. projects around the world to make sure that people have access to clean water, not just for a day or for a week but for This experience proved that Josh’s eye-glasses can work. life. Today he is still improving his invention and looking for ways of producing adaptive eyewear for everyone who needs it. My motivation for the work is to see those billions of people that need eyewear get it.

Part 3 Michael Pritchard No-one can live without water, but today over a billion people live in water poverty. They haven’t got easy access to clean water. Drinking dirty water makes millions of people sick, and kills thousands of people every day. After seeing the terrible result of the Asian Tsunami in 2004, inventor, Michael Pritchard, decided he wanted to do something about this problem. It is expensive and difficult to send bottles of clean water to disaster areas. Michael thought it was a simple problem. Michael: … water is everywhere and Mother Nature has her own way of getting water to people, they’re called the clouds, they pick the water up from the sea for free, they take the salt out of it for free, they transport it hundreds of miles for free and then they dump it on the mountains and the rivers and the streams and where do people live? Near water. So, Michael Pritchard invented the Lifesaver water bottle. Using a special filter, the bottle can clean any water making it safe to drink. What the lifesaver bottle allows people to do is take that water, put it in the bottle, give it a few pumps and the bottle just through filtration, very small holes, removes all of the bacteria and all of the viruses and makes the water sterile and safe to drink. This new technology saves people’s lives and Michael has developed more products using his technology, like the Lifesaver jerry can. The Lifesaver jerry can, can process up to 20,000 litres of water and is specifically designed to go into people’s homes and to be used on an everyday basis. [The Lifesaver jerry can came like a gift for us, because without the jerry can we would not have life. Everyone would die. So, the jerry can means life for us.] Michael has travelled around the world seeing his products in action saving lives. We do many projects around the world to help people who do not have access to clean drinking water, whether that be in Malaysia or in Haiti, or in Pakistan or in India, we do lots of Video script

across the world. Unit 11 The Homeless World Cup We used football because it’s very, very simple, everybody Part 1 The power of football understands it, it’s an international language first of all so … you, you can involve anybody, male, female, big, small, really Football, or soccer, is one of the most popular sports in the good player, really useless player, doesn’t matter, it’s a great world. way of including people. It’s played by millions of young people around the world Teams in the Homeless World Cup don’t play matches in a every day. football stadium. At the professional level it’s an international game. They play a kind of football called Street Soccer. Talented young players often leave their home countries to Street soccer is, is just a simple form of football which is train at the youth academies of famous football clubs around usually played in, in the street. the world. I mean football’s just this wonderful game, you can play it Becoming a successful player can change their life. anywhere, you, you can play it on an 11 a side standard One of the world’s best footballers, Leo Messi, is Argentinian, football pitch but you can also play 2 a side or 20 a side or but he has been playing for FC Barcelona in Spain for many you can play indoors or outdoors or – and you can mix teams years. of really good people and not very good people so street soccer’s like that, it’s just a space in the street. Messi moved to Spain when he was just 13, and he was only 16 when he started playing for the first team. The teams play on a small court. For a few lucky players, like Messi, playing football has not There are eight players in each team, but only four play at the only been a life-long passion, but it has also made them rich same time. and famous. The games only last for 14 minutes. And sometimes this fame gives them a chance to help others. In the World Cup Tournament the teams play about three Messi now works as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF games a day. helping children around the world. Organizing an international football tournament with teams of But even if it doesn’t make you a star, football can make a homeless people isn’t simple. dramatic difference to people’s lives. It takes a lot of work and it’s a challenge for Mel’s team in Once a year, over 60 teams from around the world meet to Scotland and their partners working around the world. play in a very unusual football tournament, the Homeless As well as organizing the tournament, they have to raise World Cup. money and get passports and tickets for all the players. The Homeless World cup brings together teams of homeless So it’s all year round work that we’re doing to, to make sure people to play football for their country and helps them that they, they come to, to the event. change their lives forever. But the hard work is worth it. The tournament has grown every year and now there are Part 2 The tournament around 50,000 homeless people from 70 countries training for a place in their national team. Mel Young is the co-founder and President of the Homeless World Cup. The organization has many famous supporters and you even can watch the matches on television. Mel started his career in journalism. But since 1993 he has been working on projects helping the homeless. Part 3 Changing lives Today, he works at the global organization’s offices at a For Mel, and his team, the most important thing about the football stadium in Scotland. Homeless World Cup is that over 70 per cent of the homeless He explains how the tournament started: players change their lives for the better because of the tournament. Mel: The idea of the Homeless World Cup came in a conference that we were having in 2001 in Cape Town. The coach of the Kenyan team agrees: I was talking with a colleague with mine, Harold Schmidt I can tell you that over 95 per cent of all the players who took from, from Austria about how, how we could include more part – it has changed their life for the better. homeless people. Because of Homeless World Cup that they are where they are Mel and Harold thought of things that brought people together now. Video script

They say now: This is not my life. I was not meant to be on the street. I must get out of it, go back home, and start a new life. Mel believes that the project is so successful because it helps the homeless become part of a team. This helps them to improve their own lives while the project supports and encourages them. Mel: I mean… I think my view is that homelessness … you are on your own. And football is this great way in which you can be included so we get people from that position and say, do you want to play football… and then the training sessions build so you create a kind of, if you like a family, which is the team. And the results for people like David Duke can be amazing. David: I was living in a homeless project in Glasgow. I took part in the Homeless World Cup which was held in Gothenburg in 2004. David had become homeless as a teenager in Glasgow in Scotland, but the Homeless World Cup helped him change his life. I went back into further education once I came back from the Homeless World Cup. David completed his college course and got a full-time job. And he continued to work with the Homeless World Cup. My participation in the Homeless World Cup has led to me being a player, an assistant coach, a coach, manager, project manager, and I’m now a global ambassador for Homeless World Cup. Today, David runs Street Soccer, an organization helping other homeless people in Scotland get involved with football. David is a wonderful example of the success of a project that believes a ball can change the world. The Homeless World Cup helped me change my life by providing me an opportunity to change my own life, it inspired me, it gave me motivation, and it encouraged me to be all I can be. Video script

Unit 12 Where next? Part 2 Festivals Part 1 Cities If you could travel around the world, which cultural festivals would you like to see? It’s always nice to think about your next holiday. You can experience Chinese New Year celebrations, or St It’s good to have something to look forward to and most Patrick’s Day parades, in many different countries. people know where they will go for their next holiday. If you visit the United States in early July you’ll enjoy the Dorothy: Spain. Independence Day celebrations. Yoni: On my next holiday, I’m going to stay in New York. The Stars and Stripes flags will be flying and people will be Mary: To Paris. wearing red, white, and blue. Tiffany: Probably Dubai. In cities like Boston you’ll see parades of people dressed in historic costumes, and celebrating the birth of the United Joanna: I’m going to stay in a few different places, but one of States. the places I am most excited about is we’re going to stay in an eco-lodge in the jungle in Cambodia. If you go to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in February you’ll see the amazing Carnival. Reed: Los Angeles, California. And, with over 500,000 people celebrating, you might get the Selina: The next place on our list is Scotland. chance to join in! Justin: The Bahamas. And there’s the Notting Hill Carnival in London every There are so many amazing places to visit around the world. August. It would be great to see them all. It’s a celebration of Caribbean culture in the United Kingdom, with music, dancing, and food. But most of us haven’t got the time or the money to visit other countries and explore new places. And if you are very lucky, it won’t rain! But what if your life were different? And if you visit the historic city of Venice in Italy, you might experience the Carnival of Venice. If you were rich, would you travel the world? Venice is one of the most amazing cities in the world with If you didn’t have to go to work every day, where would you beautiful bridges, homes, and piazzas, and kilometres of go next? canals you can explore on a gondola. Is there a city you’ve always wanted to visit? There has been a spring time festival in Venice since the 11th There’s so much to see and do in San Francisco in the USA. century. There’s the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge, the famous hills, At this time the carnival lasted about two months. and the historic island prison of Alcatraz. Today, the modern carnival lasts for two weeks and takes And if you go down to Pier 39 you’ll see the bridge and the place in February or March every year. prison, and you might see some of San Francisco’s famous sea It’s a colourful celebration. lions. There are parties and processions with everybody wearing Or you might prefer to visit Shanghai in China. beautiful costumes. It’s a huge city with a fascinating history. You’ll see many people wearing masks. It’s changing all the time so you’ll always see something new Masks are an important part of the traditional celebrations. and exciting. At huge masked balls people dance to classical music. The Pudong skyline looks even better by night. The parties continue in the streets through the night. Or what about New Dehli, the capital city of India? If you come to the Carnival it will be an experience you’ll If you visit Dehli you’ll see amazing buildings like the Lotus never forget. Temple and the Akshardham Temple. If you like cricket, it’s a great place to see some of the players of the future. If you drive in Dehli, you’ll need to be very careful on the roads – but you’ll experience one of the most exciting and interesting cities in the world. Video script

Part 3 Adventure If you were more courageous would you try a more adventurous kind of holiday? How about trying surfing or kite-surfing? For some people sight-seeing or going to cultural festivals isn’t exciting enough. They don’t want to relax in their time off; they want an action-packed holiday. And there’s one place that is the perfect destination for people looking for adventure – Queenstown in New Zealand. Queenstown is a small town on New Zealand’s South Island, next to Lake Wakatipu. Tourists come here looking for fun and adventure. In the past, people came to see the beautiful scenery. They went hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. This beautiful boat, the TSS Earnslaw has travelled across Lake Wakatipu for over a hundred years. And it still carries passengers every day. But today, there are a lot more cool things to try in Queenstown. If you like speed, you’ll enjoy the Shotover Jet. This was one of the first adventure sport attractions in Queenstown. Over two million people have enjoyed the high-speed trip down the Shotover River since 1970. If you’re feeling really brave and you want a great view of Lake Wakatipu, you should try sky-diving. If it’s your first time, you won’t jump alone. But even if you jump with an instructor – it will be one of the most amazing experiences of your life. But if you come to Queenstown, and you’re into action, there’s one activity you have to try … a bungee jump! This is the Kawarau Bridge, near Queenstown. The bridge over the Kawarau River is 43 meters high. People come here from all over the world, because this was the world’s first bungee jump. Bungee jumping looks dangerous, but really it’s very safe. Over 300,000 people have jumped here since 1988. Of course, many more people haven’t jumped because they are too scared. But they’ve watched their friends and family jump! If you had the chance would you jump? Are you brave enough?

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