DISCLOSURE Drawing 1 Bingham High School Phil Jackson 801-256-5100 ext: 74130 Room A-102 Email: [email protected] Conference Period: A-Day 2nd

Teaching Focus:  Drawing skills can be taught and learned  Positive mindset is important in learning to draw  Drawing takes practice and improvement is a gradual process

Course Focus: This beginning course introduces and develops competence in observational drawing skills. The emphasis is on effective drawing techniques and skillful use of the Elements of Design. Media: Graphite, pen & ink, charcoal, and carbon pencils Units Based on Elements of Design: Line, Shape, Value, Form, Space/Perspective

Standards-Based Grading: Projects (80% of the final grade)  Standards-based grading measures the student’s mastery of the learning objectives.  Students will receive a rubric with pre-established criteria for each project. A 5-point scale will describe the student’s level of proficiency.  If a student does not master the learning objective they may redo or add to a project and resubmit for a higher possible grade (within 2 weeks).

Grading System:

5 A Exceeding Standard 4 B Meeting Standard 3 C Approaching Standard 2 D Developing 1 F Emerging

Participation (20% of the final grade)  Students will receive 40 points per day for participation in class. This score will be entered every 5 class days/2 weeks.  Deductions will be entered IF a student loses any points.  The Participation grade is based on: Using class time to work on projects, listening and sharing opinions in class discussions, punctuality & preparedness, respect & courtesy, daily clean-up, and following the rule on electronic devices. Regarding cell phones they are used on a privileged basis. If texting, gaming, streaming video, using social media, or any other inappropriate usage becomes a problem the privilege will be revoked.  Art Class Grading Scale: A 100.00% 90.01% A- 90.00% 85. 01% B+ 85.00% 80. 01% B 80.00% 75. 01% B- 75.00% 70. 01% C+ 70.00% 65. 01% C 65.00% 60. 01% C- 60.00% 55. 01% D+ 55.00% 50. 01% D 50.00% 45. 01% D- 45.00% 40. 01% F 40.00% 0.00%

Late Projects: After one week the projects will lose one letter grade. Late work will not be accepted the last week of the quarter. Extra Credit: No extra credit is offered, as students can redo a project to raise their score on each project. Excused absences: Student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to complete the missed project and participation points within one week. Unexcused absences: NO make-up allowed for projects or participation points. Attendance: The most important factor in doing well in an art class is attendance. Students who are in class receive valuable instruction and assistance with class projects. Refer to the current BHS Attendance Policy. Tardies: Each student will receive one free tardy. Participation points will be deducted thereafter.

Class Rules:  Respect the teacher. Give your full attention and follow directions the first time given.  Respect others. Use positive language and behavior. No put-downs, swearing, or crude language.  Respect yourself. Be positive, do your best, and dress according to the Bingham High School dress code.  Respect the art environment. Clean up your area & classroom. Take care of art supplies and equipment. Clean up after any food or drink..  Artwork and its subject matter must be school appropriate.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior: Reduced or zero daily work points, seat change, teacher conference, student behavior contract, and parent conference. Consequences for appropriate behavior: Full participation points, students may choose own seats, freedom to bring in food/drinks, and positive parent contact.

Art Supplies & Fees:  Students will receive a list of required art supplies call an “Art Kit”  Pay online and turn in receipt to teacher

2016-17 Drawing 1 Art Kit

Prismacolor Ebony Pencil .75

General’s Kimberly Drawing Pencil (2H) .75

Wolff Carbon Pencil (B) 2.30

Wolff Carbon Pencil (4B) 2.30

General’s Primo White Charcoal Pencil 1.20

Blending Stump (#4) .50

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen (03, 0.35 mm) 2.25

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen (05, 0.45 mm) 2.25

Dahle Dual Metal Pencil Sharpener 4.20

Prismacolor Kneaded Eraser (large) .75

General’s Factis White Eraser .75

Paper Mate Tuff Stuff Eraser Stick 1.80

C-Thru Plastic Ruler (18”) 3.20

Strathmore Visual Journal Drawing Sketchbook (8” x 5 ½ “) 5.00

Class Fee (for use of additional materials and equipment) 5.00

Total: $ 33.00

I look forward to having you in class! Please sign and return to Mr. Jackson (A-102) Thank you.

Student’s name______(Please Print)

Class Period______

I have read and understand the above disclosure for Mr. Jackson’s art class:

Student signature______

Parent/Guardian Signature______