Honors Sophomore English

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Honors Sophomore English

Classroom Procedures Mrs. Barbosa Room 273

Listed below are some classroom procedures that I expect you to understand and follow. I. Rules: Be sure to read, understand and abide by the Student Code of Conduct. Infractions of the following rules will result in silly, mindless, time-consuming punish work, detention, or discipline referral (for repeat offenders): A. Show respect for yourself, other students, and school property. B. Wear your uniform according to the school policy C. Do not arrive late for class. D. Do not talk at inappropriate times. E. Do not chew gum, eat, or drink. Reminder: Each student is allowed four parent notes per class per semester. Early dismissals and late arrivals with a parent note are included in these four, not extras. II. Detentions: Detentions will be held before or after school. (If you cannot stay for detention due to transportation problems or extra-curricular activities, do not earn time after school by talking, being late, eating, etc.) III. Supplies: Bring the following supplies to class every day unless I tell you otherwise. A. Three-ring binder with the following sections: 1. Paragraph revision 2. Composition--pre-writing, first drafts, revisions 3. Reading journal (These will be turned in, so they need to be removable.) 4. Essay annotations 5. Vocabulary B. Loose-leaf paper C. Pen with black ink D. Copy of the novel you are reading for class IV. Beginning Class: As soon as you get to class, be seated in your assigned desk and begin your Paragraph Revision. V. Participation: We have class discussions on a regular basis. All students are expected to participate. VI. Asking Questions: If you have a question that would benefit the entire class, feel free to raise your hand at any time and, when called on, ask it. On the other hand, if your question concerns only you (e.g., “What did I miss yesterday?”) wait until roll has been taken and the class is working quietly before asking. VII. Evaluation: Your final grade will be based on homework, quizzes, tests, essays, group work, journals, and exams. Each assignment will be worth a given number of points. These will be averaged at the end of the grading period and the grading standards set forth in the student handbook will be used. Note: split block classes consist of two half-credit courses. (Translation: An 89% first semester and a 96% second semester are forever a B and an A.) A semester grade is calculated as follows: (2 x quarter average + 2 x quarter average + exam)  5. VIII. Making up Work: An assignment that was due on the day of your excused absence should be completed while you are out and placed in the designated bin on my desk when you enter class the next day. You will have two school days to complete any class work you have missed. If you allow two days to lapse without making up the work, you will receive a zero. Further, if you are on campus on a due date (but have an early dismissal, a field trip, or check in late), find me to turn in your work. If you are not at school and excused on a due date, turn in your work the morning you return (even if you have Mr. Rice’s class). Remember field trips are a privilege and should not interfere with other class assignments; therefore, a field trip is no reason to neglect due dates or exam dates. Work should be turned in either before leaving or on the assigned date, and tests should be taken early. IX. Making up Tests: Make-up tests will be administered on the date of your return if your absence was excused; for unexcused absences, you will receive a zero. Most tests given in this class correspond to a reading deadline. It is unfair to the students who come to school on the date a book is due if others take the test at their convenience. X. Late Work will not be accepted. XI. Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarism includes copying from someone else’s work verbatim or copying the content of another person’s work without giving that person credit. (This means that if you use someone else’s ideas, even if you put them in your own words or change the wording of the original, without citing your source, you are plagiarizing.) Assignments that reflect cheating or plagiarism will result in the following: a zero for the assignment, contact with a parent/guardian, notification to NHS sponsors. Let me assure you that plagiarism is easy for me to spot! The zero for a dishonest assignment will (and should) affect your overall average. XII. If you need to use the restroom, please wait for a quiet time during class. Go straight to the restroom and back—in silence. If you take too much time I will assume that you are skipping class. If the pass disappears, the class will not receive another one. XIII. Outside Help: I am available before and after school and during my planning block if you need extra help. Just be sure to give me notice so I’ll be in the room when you get here.

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