Porcini dusted Diver Scallops Butternut Squash Blinis Chef Michael Schmutzer, Doral Arrowwood Serves: 8

Scallops Ingredients: 24 ea. - Diver Scallops or Jumbo Scallops (size U-10) 2 oz. - Olive Oil ¼ c. - Porcini Powder Kosher Salt

Method: Start by removing the muscle from each scallop and season with kosher salt. Preheat a large pan until very hot. Dip the seasoned scallops on by one in porcini dust and sear both sides at a very high heat until golden brown and heated through. Set aside and keep warm

Butternut Squash Blini Ingredients: 1 ea. - Butternut Squash (Roasted) ½ c. - Heavy Cream 5 ea. - Egg Yolks 1 c. - Flour 4 oz. Butter (room temperature) Salt and Pepper to taste

Method: In a medium size mixing bowl add squash purée, cream and egg yolks then slowly add the flour until a doughy constancy is reached. In a preheated pan melt butter and make 8 equal sized blinis, Cook unitl brown on both sides and cooked thoroughly.

Roasted Tomato Coulis Ingredients: 2 tbsp. - chopped Shallots 2 c. – fresh Tomato Sauce ¼ c. - fresh Basil chiffonade 1 oz. - Olive Oil

Method: In a small sauce pan sauté shallot, then add tomato sauce, basil, salt and pepper and simmer for about 15 min. Using a stick blender purée until smooth and add water if necessary. Salt and pepper to taste.