Terrington St John Parish Council

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Terrington St John Parish Council

Terrington St John Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Hall

Present: Mr C Clifton - Chair, Mrs S Cooper, Mrs C Gibbs, Revd M Dale, Mr K Knight, Mrs E Roffe and Mr B Dye 3 members of the public

1. To consider accepting apologies for absence . Apologies were accepted from Mrs V Nelson, Mr C Cook

2. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed None.

3. Presentation from Alex Fradley Graduate Planner - Neighbourhood Plan Alex Fradley was welcomed to the meeting.

C Clifton explained that the Parish Council has already taken some advice from other Parish Councils and have conducted their own research. The questionnaires have already been circulated and recently returned. The response has been in the region of 14%. The next stage for the PC is to review the questionnaire results and evaluate the responses.

A Fradley introduced himself, he works for the Borough Council within the Local Plan Team. He is now assisting parishes with their Neighbourhood Development Plans. He explained that another local Parish Council had an idea to potentially take their plan forward together with TSJ NDP and that this could be done if both parishes agreed. No has taken place with any other Parish Council at this stage. A Fradley explained what Neighbourhood Development Plans can be used for. Generally, NDPs set out policies in relation to development and for the use of land. They will be a community led plan and is there to help guide development, regeneration and conservation within the NDP area. The NDP should represent neighbourhood views and aspirations and should be written by members of the local community. Policies will be created that will address local issues. A Fradley gave examples of this in the local area such as altering the development boundaries or earmarking areas for protection. NDPs are intended to give communities greater control over developments. It's important to understand that PCs will not be able to stop development but will be able to channel development in certain ways. Through the NDP, the PC of Brancaster have restricted the size that new dwellings can be built and how big extensions can be to prevent large houses being built for people who don't permanently live in the village and to encourage smaller size properties.

NDPs if adopted are part of the Statuary Development Plan for the area and the planning authority will check that plans are conforming with the NDP policies. NDPs will be used to determine planning applications. NDPs are there to provide the neighbourhood with greater control over developments.

Those parishes with NDP will receive 25% of any Community Infrastructure Levy funds that arise from a development in the area. Those parishes without NDP only receive 15%. The Borough Council have recently conducted the last consultation stage of their Community Infrastructure Levy before it is submitted to be examined by the government. The Terrington St John parish is in an area that would attract £40/sqm contribution. The levy received by the PC could be used for what the Parishioners felt most appropriate - i.e. to build affordable housing or a community centre.

A Fradley noted that the NDP can address highway issues such as traffic calming issues or where bus stops are sited. A Fradley confirmed the Borough Council has to conform to the plan once it is in place. A Fradley explained the NDPs will not be able to have a 'no development' policy as the government will not allow this. The NDP polices will be equal to the national and local planning policies. However, if Signed: Date: Page 54 the Borough Council are found not to have a 5 year land supply, which it has been the case recently, any polices relating to housing supply will have little or no weight and that will include the NDP policies.

There are Basic Conditions the NDP must comply with. These are set out in the Localism Act 2012 which outline basic neighbourhood planning regulations. The conditions are:  The NDP must conform with the strategic policies of the Borough Councils local plan. These are presently the 2011 Core Strategies, saved policies from the 1998 Local Plan, and emerging policies contained within the Site Allocation and Development Management Polices plan .  Must support sustainable development.  Must conform to EU regulations.  Must have regard to national planning policies.  Must support development so that it doesn't burden development in other areas.  Must have an end date to the plan on the front cover – suggest 2026 to line it with the Borough Council’s Core Strategy. Can do the plan again at any time but have to go through process and push through a particular policy.

A Fradley took the members through the process and noted:  When the Parish comes to having the referendum process, the Parish will need to achieve 50% of the the votes cast for the NDP to be adopted.  The PC can employ consultants, one person can work on it, a team of people can work on it but it is up to PC how it is done.  The first stage is the designation of the NDP area and this tends to be parish boundary. The Borough Council can provide a parish boundary map. (AF to get this ready for the PC). A statement then has to be added to the map, describing why the area is appropriate to be designated as a NDP area. This then goes out for consultation for 6 weeks. Decision is made straight away.  Then can be 10/12 weeks to adopt plan. Can have a NDP steering group to take the plan forward.  There are sources of funding available, providing up to £8,000 from government and the website locality.org.uk that can give information and advice. Another organisation to contact is Planning Aid.  Aims and objectives of plan need to be identified. C Clifton discussed issues specific to the village.

A Fradley briefly discussed the 10 steps to producing the plan. 1. Prepare the plan. This means preparing evidence and data about local area from the questionnaire and focus group. Official consultation for 6 weeks. Leaflets, adverts and meetings. Changes may be required after the consultation. Health check of the plan by an independent expert. Borough Council will pay 2/3rds of the cost. 2. Plan is then submitted to Borough Council. This will include map, consultation statement, consultation comments, plan, statement of how it meets the basic conditions, stability appraisal (optional) and strategic and environmental assessments (optional). 3. The Borough Council then advertise the NDP for 6 weeks. 4. The Borough Council then appoints an independent inspector. 5. Independent examiner advises Borough Council and changes can be made. 6. Borough Council considers Examiner's advice. 7. The Borough Council then holds the local referendum. 8. If over 50% of votes in favour of plan, it will be adopted. 9. Formal process of adoption. 10. Plan used to decide planning applications, alongside Borough's local plan.

C Clifton noted that the next stage for the steering group would be to have a meeting during the month to review the questionnaires and identify an outline for the plan. K Knight, M Dale, B Dye and C Clifton are part of the steering group. A Fradley to provide details of other NDPs that will help the PC. Counties

Signed: Date: Page 55 possibly merging will not affect the NDP. Planning practice guide and neighbourhood planning – clerk to provide details of website information to all members.

A Fradley was thanked for the presentation and left the meeting at 7.50pm.

4. To approve the minutes of the last council meeting and matters arising Minutes of the meeting of Terrington St John Parish Council held on Wednesday 4th May 2016: It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chair.

Matters arising  NDP questionnaires - A member noted that they had not received the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire prior to distribution.  Vice Chair - K Knight was proposed as Vice Chair by M Dale, this was seconded by B Dye and all agreed.  Defibrillator – C Clifton explained that he will be meeting with the Headteacher next week and that the school has funds to buy one defibrillator already and are fund raising for another one that can be used as a mobile unit. Each defibrillator costs about £500. The members agreed to fund an additional unit to be located outside the school so it will be available to the whole village.  Returned questionnaires - C Clifton noted that a large number of questionnaires were returned to the pharmacy in particular, therefore noting that lots of people use the pharmacy and is a good reason for the pharmacy to be in the village.  SAM 2 data – C Clifton requested up to date data so that it can be presented to the Chief of police. K Knight agreed to prepare the data. Action: K Knight K Knight discussed a missing bracket and noted that trees now over growing one of the SAM2 signs – clerk to follow this up. C Clifton to contact A Wallace regarding this too. Action: K Knight K Knight noted that the dates and times vary on the SAM2 data collection units, clerk to raise this with Westcotec. Action: Clerk It was noted that SAM2 signs are going up in many other local villages now.  Speed watch – C Clifton explained that to date there had been about 10 people observed breaking the speed limits by the speed watch teams. Letters have not been issued by the Norfolk Police due to administration issues. C Clifton noted that there have been problems with the batteries. New batteries have been obtained. Currently speed watch group are meeting every other week.  Litter picker - The Clerk noted that although she has been able to talk to the litter picker's family, she has not spoken directly to the litter picker. Quotes have been sought from NORSE for the litter picking role in case the litter picker finishes. The Clerk has tried to arrange a meeting but he has not got back to the Clerk with a meeting date. C Clifton will try to ring the litter picker tomorrow. It was agreed that if this is unsuccessful then a recorded letter should be sent to the litter picker giving a deadline for a meeting to be held.

5. To suspend the meeting to allow public participation The meeting was suspended to allow for public participation.

A member of the public up dated regarding horse signs. C Clifton noted that he has met with A Wallace and enquired about erecting signs.. A Wallace sees no reason why sign cannot be erected. The members discussed the need for a sign on School Road. C Clifton to chase this matter up with A Wallace. Action: C Clifton

A member of the public noted that the development opposite Marcroft is up for sale but the application is still pending. Clerk to find out what is happening regarding this application 15/01660/O. Action: Clerk

Signed: Date: Page 56 Question regarding NDP – would NDP relate to outline applications. PC would be able to comment on all planning applications.

A member discussed an issue regarding someone being clocked doing over the speed limit.

A member discussed an issue relating to Brecklands comments regarding Coopers transport. Breckland note there should be a percentage of affordable/social housing. A member asked if the PC should make a comment about this, as people in the village may not wish to increase the number of affordable houses in the village at this time. It was noted that this is very inconsistent with other local applications. C Clifton to contact J Hall regarding this. Action: C Clifton

The meeting was reopened.

It was agreed that an alteration to Coopers development comment should be made to clarify the support of the PC to the duel carriage being changed to a single carriageway. Clerk to forward this alteration to planning. Action: Clerk

6. To consider balances at bank and approve payments to be made The Clerk circulated the bank reconciliation and budget before the meeting. The balances at bank as at last bank statements received Current A/c (20/5) £100.00 Business Savings A/c (20/5) £26,216.21

Accounts for payment - resolved to approve the following payments in accordance with the budget:

Payee Details Cheque number Amount A Watson Litter picking 101670 £52.50 G Robinson Clerk 101671 £145.50 Westcotec Lighting contractor 101672 £16.50 NORSE Grounds maintenance 101673 £113.36 Playsafety ROSPA playground check 101674 £79.80 Minuteman Questionnaires for NDP 101675 £342.00 Aon Insurance 101676 £612.82

S Cooper took the insurance documents to check the suitability of the insurance provided.

The Clerk circulated the Annual governance statement 2015/16 prior to the meeting, along with the Accounting statements for 2015/16 and completed Annual internal audit report for 2015/16.

It was agreed that the Annual Governance statement should be signed and returned to the external auditor. Action: Clerk

The clerk notified the members that the Unity Trust would charge to use the facility. It was agreed that the Parish Council would still move to Unity trust bank application. Action: Clerk

The members discussed that the car park has not been tarmaced during the month. It was agreed that the contractor would be requested to give a start date - if not acceptable an alternative contractor would be employed. The contact details of a suitable contractor were provided to K Knight to follow up. Action: K Knight

7. To agree the Financial Regulation The Financial Regulations agreed May 2015 and a model document from the NALC website were circulated prior to the meeting.

The members discussed this and items were altered. Signed: Date: Page 57 Clerk to circulate the amended document ready to be considered again next month.

8. To agree the Standing Orders The Standing Orders agreed January 2016 and a model document from the NALC website were circulated prior to the meeting.

The members discussed this and items were altered. Clerk to circulate the amended document ready to be considered again next month.

9. To agree the Filming Protocol The Filming Protocol document was circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this would be considered at next month's meeting.

10. To agree the Model Publication Scheme The Model Publication Scheme was circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this would be considered at next month's meeting.

11. To consider planning matters Applications 16/00784/OM - OUTLINE APPLICATION SOME MATTERS RESERVED: Residential development of 29 dwellings Middlegate Main Road Terrington St John (Considered 24/5/16 by the Parish Council at an extra ordinary meeting)

Decisions 15/00438/OM Terrington St John Playing Field School Road Terrington St John Norfolk - Outline Application: Residential development of 35 houses and new sports and social field including dedicated parking for Terrington St John Primary School. Application Permitted 24 May 2016 Committee Decision

16/00642/O Terrington St John The Gambles School Road St John's Fen End Terrington St John Norfolk PE14 7SJ - Outline Application: Proposed new dwelling Application Refused 20 May 2016 Delegated Decision

15/01499/OM - Land On the North West Side of Old Church Road Terrington St John Norfolk - OUTLINE APPLICATION ALL MATTERS RESERVED: Residential development to 2.07 hectares. Application permitted.

12. To consider correspondence. The Clerk reported all items of correspondence.

Dyke Ely Row - Quote received to cut grass on Ely Row, is £175.00 it was agreed this small amount of work should go ahead. C Clifton discussed contacting the IDB regarding the more substantial issues of clearing the dyke and making the area safe. Agreed to get the grass strimmed and this could be done 2/3 times per year. S Cooper to find out who owns of the dyke. Once this has been done pictures to be taken to document the concerns about the dyke. Action: Clerk/S Cooper

Mrs Dawson has agreed to cut back the hedge on Ely Row to improve the width of the road. Letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs Dawson. Action: Clerk

The Clerk noted that the owners of Fourways house have agreed to cut hedges back. A letter of thanks to be sent. Action: Clerk

Transport letter sent out 1/6 – may be required for Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Signed: Date: Page 58 13. To consider Neighbourhood Plan Addressed earlier in the meeting.

14. To consider the Consolidated Charity C Clifton reported that a meeting took place during the month. The allotment maps were reviewed. E Roffe was elected as a Trustee, it was agreed that the accounts would be audited and a meeting is being arranged to view the allotments during the month.

15. To consider the Speed watch update Addressed earlier in the meeting.

16. To consider Clerk's report The Clerk's report was circulated prior to the meeting. There were no items that required further action at this time.

17. To consider member’s reports  There is a bin on School Road that is over flowing, clerk to report. Action: Clerk  Advertising signs – the members discussed the removal of the signs. It was agreed to have as an agenda item next month. M Dale is going to take legal advice from the Borough Council about illegal advertising signs. Action: M Dale  It was agreed another charity meeting should be held to further discuss charity records.

18. To receive items for next month's agenda  Financial Standards, Standing Orders, filming, publication scheme  NDP actions  Charity meeting

19. Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 6th July 2016 at 7.00pm in the Ely Row Methodist Hall

The public were directed to leave the meeting for the next item.

20. To discuss confidential items No items to be discussed.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm

Signed: Date: Page 59

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