The Redwoods Group Insurance Program for Ymcas
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The Redwoods Group Risk Management Services
The Redwoods Group Insurance Program for YMCAs RISK MANAGEMENT ALERT
YMCA Facility Self-Inspection Report
Location Name: ______
Inspected by: ______Date: ______
1. Contingency procedures for emergencies, natural disasters (fires, tornadoes, severe winter weather), and bomb threats are in place and are drills regularly conducted with the staff.
2. Evacuation plans are posted in all rooms and in all hallways.
3. A first aid kit adequate for the potential need is readily accessible and personnel trained in first aid are readily available.
4. Sweep sheets are maintained for the bathrooms and locker rooms and are signed off regularly by those who service the areas.
5. Parking areas are well maintained, level, and free from holes and surface irregularities.
6. Parking lots are marked with arrows and signs indicating the direction of traffic flow.
7. The number, location, and design of disabled parking spaces conform with local statute.
8. Walkways are well maintained, level, and free from holes and surface irregularities.
9. Walkways and ramps are at least 48” wide and are provided with a limited-slip surface.
10. If any walkway gradient for handicapped access exceeds 1’ rise in 20’, level spaces are provided at least every 30’.
11. Ramps provide handicapped access to all walkways without having to negotiate a curb.
12. Ramp gradient for handicapped access does not exceed 1’ rise in 12’.
13. All elevation changes have conspicuous anti-slip markings on both tread and riser.
14. Handrails are provided that extend 1’ beyond the top and bottom of all steps and ramps.
15. Adequate maneuvering room is provided at the bottom of all ramps and in front of all doors (5' by 5' for ramps and outward opening doors, 3' by 5' for inward opening doors).
© The Redwoods Group, 2013 Released 03/01/1999 Revised 01/2013 The Redwoods Group – Risk Management Services Facility Self-Inspection Report – page 2 of 5 pages
16. Lighting levels in parking areas and on walkways are adequate, with all changes in elevation (i.e., ramps, steps, etc.) having additional illumination and are marked.
17. Drainage is controlled so that water does not run across high traffic or walkway areas.
18. Provision has been made for ice and snow removal of parking lots and walkways.
19. All exits are identified with illuminated exit signs such that an exit sign can be seen from any location in the public area of the facility; exit marking must be such that it is identifiable to all types of disabled persons (e.g., including blind).
20. All exits are accessible for use (unlocked with unobstructed access inside and outside).
21. Exit doors from public areas, from enclosed fire escapes, and from rooms with a capacity of 100 or more persons are provided with panic hardware.
22. Emergency lighting (or an emergency generator system) illuminates every exit all the way to the grade level. This includes exterior walks and stairs if that is the means of access to the grade level, as it is not an exit until the ground floor is reached.
23. If emergency lighting devices are the method used in item 18 above, these were each tested during this inspection. If item 18 is met by the use of an emergency generator, its monthly operation (for at least 30 minutes) is documented and its last service by an outside, qualified contractor (__/__/__) was less than 12 months ago.
24. Adequate exits are provided from all public areas (minimum of 2 from halls, lobby, any meeting or exercise room with a capacity of 50 or more) to a clear outside location.
25. All walking surfaces (floors, stairs, ramps) are in good repair (without irregularities, buckled or torn carpet, etc.) and have non-slip surfaces.
26. All floor surfaces are maintained clean and dry, with appropriate means of ensuring that condition even during inclement weather. Temporary signs are used to mark wet surfaces when necessary.
27. Illumination levels are sufficient (including fire escape stairwells).
28. Handrails are provided for all elevation changes, with multiple rails as required by statute.
29. At least 1 entrance to the building is accessible to the disabled (and provides the disabled with access to the elevators if the building is multistoried).
30. Door sills do not create any sharp inclines or abrupt changes in levels.
31. Door closer speeds are adjusted to allow the use of the door by the physically disabled.
32. Steps do not have protruding lips at the front edge of the step.
© The Redwoods Group, 2013 Released 03/01/1999 Revised 01/2013 The Redwoods Group – Risk Management Services Facility Self-Inspection Report – page 3 of 5 pages
33. Floors on each story are either at a common level or connected by ramps meeting (9) above.
34. If present, elevators are clearly marked at each landing “In case of emergency, use stairways instead of elevator” or similar wording.
35. Appropriate fire extinguishers are accessible within 75' of any location; they are clearly marked and accessible, fully charged and their last service was less than 12 months ago.
36. If there is automatic sprinkler protection, the system is serviced by a qualified outside contractor, and the last service (__/__/__) was less than 12 months ago.
37. If there is an automatic sprinkler system, all control valves are either fitted with tamper alarms or are locked in the "on" position. If locked, weekly verification of the valve positions are documented for all control valves including any outside indicator valve.
38. If there is an automatic sprinkler system, the fire department connection to the sprinkler (and standpipe if present) is readily accessible and provided with appropriate covers.
39. If there is a sprinkler system, all sprinklered areas (including valve rooms, service areas, and concealed spaces) are provided with a source of heat that will keep the area above 40o F at all times.
40. If a fire hose system is present, it is serviced by an outside contractor, who also checks hose condition. The last check (__/__/__) was less than 12 months ago.
41. There are no steady-stream type nozzles utilized anywhere in the facility.
42. All fire doors were checked during the above inspection and found to be shutting completely without binding or sticking.
43. The fire detection and alarm systems (including individual detectors) receive monthly testing and documentation. Smoke should be used for individual alarm testing, not just the test button.
44. Fire alarm sensors are located throughout the building that provide both auditory and visual alert signals that are detectable anywhere in the building.
45. Manual pull alarm stations are at all exit points from the building and provide both auditory and visual alert signals that are detectable anywhere in the building.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES (ADA) … where not addressed elsewhere
46. There are telephones that are designed for the impaired which are so designated.
© The Redwoods Group, 2013 Released 03/01/1999 Revised 01/2013 The Redwoods Group – Risk Management Services Facility Self-Inspection Report – page 4 of 5 pages
47. At least one telephone in each "bank" of telephones is accessible to the disabled.
48. Elevator call buttons allow access by the disabled (i.e., low enough, Braille type labels).
49. The elevator announces floor stops by both visual and auditory means.
50. All building control devices (light switches, fire alarms, etc.) have been installed at heights that are accessible by the disabled.
51. Bathrooms have been installed or renovated to meet the needs of the disabled.
52. Systems are in place that will assist a visually impaired person during an evacuation.
53. Drinking fountains have been installed that are accessible to the disabled.
54. All service areas, storage rooms, and access ways are kept locked and inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
55. Equipment, tools, and materials in service or storage rooms are neatly and safely stored.
56. Flammables (including in equipment) are either in a (preferably vented) metal cabinet or kept in a separate storage structure removed from the building.
57. All chemical containers (chlorine, cleaning chemicals, flammables, etc.) are properly labeled and kept secure from unauthorized persons.
58. Electrical and mechanical rooms are free of combustible storage.
59. Electrical cords are maintained properly (free from excessive wear, fraying, etc.) and do not present slip, trip, or fall hazards to patrons, vendors, or employees. If needed, cord runners.
60. Trash and other debris is removed from building daily and placed in an approved Dumpster or other suitable container.
61. Eye protection is provided (and its use mandated as evidenced by placarding and equip- ment condition) for any grinding, key cutting, handling of chemicals, etc.
62. Proper machine guarding is maintained on stationary and portable equipment.
63. Compressed gas cylinders are capped and secured in an upright position when not in use.
64. Material Safety Data Sheet files are maintained and accessible to all employees.
65. The area is restricted to individuals at least 18 years of age (14 with parental consent).
© The Redwoods Group, 2013 Released 03/01/1999 Revised 01/2013 The Redwoods Group – Risk Management Services Facility Self-Inspection Report – page 5 of 5 pages
66. Members and guests sign a waiver and/or release to use the area and equipment.
67. Equipment in the room is maintained in good condition and is not crowded.
68. Electrical cords and connections for equipment do not create trip or fall hazards.
69. Instructions for the use of all equipment are clearly posted within the exercise room.
70. A staff member is present in the area at all times or an emergency telephone connected to the front desk is located in the room and is clearly identified.
Please call us at 800-463-8546 to discuss this or any other risk management safety tip, or visit our web site at to learn more about YMCA risk management issues.
© The Redwoods Group, 2013 Released 03/01/1999 Revised 01/2013