Jimmy Sutherland HAIR: Sandy 917-723-8792 HEIGHT: 6’ [email protected] EYES: BROWN ______

FILM: Grand Street Pub Owner Lex Sidon Sleepwalkers(w/ Donald Sutherland) Feet Doug Aitken and Friends Escort Escort Alex Bradleys Martocellos West Canal Street Grey Lupine Pictures Americana Jason James Washington Addiction Smoker Five Alive Productions Sounds Of The Underground Jimmy Cinematik Maggieville Henry NYU

THEATRE: Spoon River Anthology Various Roles Adam Roebuck The Devil And Ben Jones Pug CCCP Guys And Dolls Sky NY Youth Theatre Ruddigore Ensemble Days Gone By Productions The Sound Of Music Fredrich BR Little Theatre

TAP: The Box NYC Jimmy Tapz Simon Hammerstein Sonnets On Tap Soloist Novisi Productions From Hoofin’ 2 Hittin’ Principle Dancer The Supper Club NYC Platinum Taps Tappin’ Tommy Producers Club City Kids Rep. Rep. Member City Kids Rep. NYC

Performs internationally with percussion/tap shows at live industrials for companies such as Tee and Jam, Inc., Rhythm Rox, MRK/Kaiman Records and more

COMMERCIAL: Conflicts available upon request. Back To School Gregory Steve & Barry’s

TRAINING: ACTING: Maggie Flannigan; Scott Hudson; Stephen Michaels; Roger Hendricks Simon VOICE: Alyssa Ciccarello; Lester James Ottinger; Ninfa Caruso; Andrew Cooke DANCE: Henry LeTang; Charles Goddertz ; Skip Cunningham ; Cathy DeFrances