Structure and Bonding

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Structure and Bonding

Chemistry 2 30. What are monomers? Structure and bonding 31. How are low density polymers formed? 1. What is ionic bonding? 32. How are high density polymers formed? 2. Between which groups on the periodic 33. What are thermosoftening polymers? table does it occur? 34. What are thermosetting polymers? 3. What does the receiver form? 4. What does the giver form? Rates of Reaction 5. How are they held together? 35. How can the rate of chemical reaction be 6. Give an example of a giant ionic lattice found? 7. Why is a lot of energy required to break 36. What equation can be use to represent up a giant ionic structure? this? 8. In the liquid state, molten or dissolved in 37. When do chemical reactions occur? water they can do what? 38. What is activation energy? 9. Complete this: solid ionic compounds are 39. If the reactants produce a gas what ….. in a …… They vibrate but ….. move happens to the mass? around so ….. conduct …… 40. What can measure the volume of gas 10. Complete this: ………. Ionic Compounds evolved? are where high ….. provide …. to 41. If a cloud precipitate is formed what is overcome strong ….between ions. They timed? can …… so ….. electricity 42. What will happen to particles if 11. Ionic compounds in a …… separate away temperature is increased? from the …… because of ….moleculees, 43. What will happen to particles if pressure enabling them to ……around the ……. increases? 12. How are covalent bonds formed? 44. What happens to collisions if there is an 13. Between which groups does it occur? increase in surface area? 14. What are simple molecules? Give three 45. Draw a graph showing A) a farily slow examples reacition b) a quicker reaction but the 15. Why don’t they conduct electricity? same initial amounts c) more product and 16. What are giant covalent structures? an increased rate 17. What is diamond? Describe its structure 46. What are catalysts? 18. What is graphite? Describe its structure? 47. Give three examples of different catalysts 19. What is silicon dioxide? used in industry – not enzymes. 20. What are giant metallic structures? 48. What happens to the surroundings in an 21. why are they malleable? endothermic reaction? Why? 22. What are alloys? 49. Give three examples of an endothermic 23. How do they affect the properties in reaction terms of atoms? 50. What happens to the surroundings in an 24. How does liquid nitrogen cool metals? exothermic reaction? Why? What can they be used for? 51. Give three examples of an exothermic 25. When did chemists discover carbon reaction cages? 52. Show a reversible reaction of copper 26. What are they called? sulphate Atoms and Quantitative Chemistry 27. State three things that have been made 53. What is a positive particle in an atom’s up of (answer to 26) nucleus? What is its mass? 28. What is nanoscience? 54. What is a neutral particle in an atom’s 29. State four ways that nanoscience can be nucleus? What is its mass? used to improve every day lives. 55. What is a negative subatomic particle in 80. If a substance is dissolved in water what is an atom’s energy shell called? What is its it called? mass? 81. What are soluble hydroxides known as? 56. What is the atomic number? 82. What do acids form when added to 57. What is the mass number? water? 58. What is meant by the relative atomic 83. What do soluble hydroxides form when mass? added to water? 59. What are the relative atomic masses of a) 84. Is pH higher further up the scale or lower? hydrogen, b)helium, c)nitrogen, d)oxygen, 85. Which indicator is used for showing this? d)iron 86. An acid + metal forms what? Give an 60. What is the relative formula/molecular example using magnesium chloride and mass of a compound? hydrogen 61. What is the relative formula mass of 87. An acid+base forms what? Give an ammonia? example using sulphuric acid and 62. What is a mole? magnesium oxide 63. What is 1 mole of a) carbon, b)oxygen 88. An acid+alkali forms what? Give an atom, c)iron, d)potassium, e)calcium, example using nitric acid and sodium f)argon hydroxide 64. What is half a mole of a)water, b)carbon 89. An acid+carbonate forms what? Give an dioxide, c)ammonia, d)potassium example using hydrochloric acid and chloride? calcium carbonate 65. What is the formula for working out the 90. What do some acids and alkalis form total number of moles? when they react? 66. What is the formula for working out the 91. Ammonium nitrates are formed by what? percentage of an element in a 92. What are ammonia salts used for and compound? how are they made? 67. What is the formula for working out 93. If two solutions of soluble salts are added percentage yield? to water what is formed? 68. What is meant by the term ‘isotope’ 94. In the example lead nitrate + potassium 69. Why isn’t it always possible to obtain iodide which are the isoluble salts? calculated amounts? 70. What is the empirical formula? Electrolysis 71. Use the empirical formula to work out a) 95. What is electrolysis? copper oxide, b)sodium hydroxide 96. What are electrodes? c)water 97. To which electrode does a) cation b)anion 72. What is a reversible reaction? move to? Why? 73. What is gas chromatography? 98. Upon heating what happens to an ionic 74. How does it work? substance? 75. Why do compounds in a mixture dissolve 99. Why may products vary? better than ones in a solvent? 100. What is oxidation? Give an 76. What are the advantages and example disadvantages of instrumental analysis? 101. What is reduction? Give an Acids and Alkalis example 77. Give four examples of an acid 102. In an aqueous solution if two 78. Give four examples of a base elements can be produced at an electrode 79. Give three examples of neutral solutions will the more reactive or less reactive element from? 103. At a positive electrode 22. What is scum? hydroxide ions are usually discharged to 23. Do soapless detergents form scum and form what? scale? 104. When is this not the case? 24. Which ions does hard water contain? 105. What is electroplating? 25. What is gypsum? 106. Why is it done? 26. Is calcium carbonate soluble in water? 107. Describe the process of 27. Is calcium carbonate soluble in slightly manufacturing aluminium acidic water? 108. What can sodium hydroxide and 28. If these ions are removed what can soap chlorine be used for? form? 29. What else does hard water cause problems in? What are the effects? Chemistry 3 30. What is temporary hardness? Periodic table 31. How can it be removed? 1. Who was John Dalton? 32. Why can’t permanently hard water be softened by boiling? 2. In which year did John Newlands build on Dalton’s ideas? 33. How can it be softened? 3. Why was Newland’s theory flawed? Give 34. What is ion exchange resin? two reasons 35. What are the advantages and 4. Who was Dimitri Mendeleev and what did disadvantages of hard water? he do? 36. What does the solubility of a solute in 5. Whose idea is the modern periodic table water depend on? based on? 37. What is a substances solubility? 6. How are they different? 38. What is wrong with drinking distilled 7. How are elements organised? water? 8. What are group 1 elements known as? 39. Describe the process of sedimentation 9. What charged ions do they form? 40. Describe the process of filtration 10. What are their four properties? 41. Describe the process of disinfection 11. Where are the transition elements found? 42. What is a home filter jug used for? 12. What are their densities like compared to 43. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages group 1 elements? of using fluoride ions in water treatment? Energy from Reactions 13. What are their properties like compared to group 1 elements? 44. How can the relative amount of energy released when a substance burns be 14. Give an example of a coloured compound measured? 15. Which elements in this section can form 45. What does each letter stand for in the different ions? formula Q=MxCxΔT 16. What are group 7 elements known as? 46. How can energy transfer be reduced in a 17. What charged ions do they form? polystyrene cup? 18. What are their four properties? 47. In an exothermic reaction are products at a lower energy level than the Water surroundings or a higher energy level? What does soft water form when 19. Why? combined with soap? 48. In an endothermic reaction are products What does hard water form when 20. at a lower energy level than the combined with soap? surroundings or a higher energy level? 21. What is scale? Why? 49. Does a catalyst increase or decrease 69. In a reversible reaction what does the activation energy? position of equilibrium depend on? 50. If energy change = Δproducts – 70. If temperature is raised what will happen Δreactants, work out the answer of N2 (g) to the a)endothermic b)exothermic + 3H2 (g) – 2NH3 (g) reaction yield? 51. What can be used as an alternative to 71. If temperature is lowered what will fuel? happen to the a)endothermic 52. What can fuel cells be fed with to produce b)exothermic reaction yield? water and energy to power vehicles? 72. If pressure is raised will the reaction 53. What needs to be matched to compare which produces less volume or more these fuels with petrol? volume be encouraged? Titrations 73. If pressure is lowered will the reaction 54. What are added together in a conical flask which produces less volume or more in a neutralisation reaction with volume be encouraged? phenolphthalein insulator? 74. What happens to a reaction if a catalyst is 55. Why is a biuret used? added? 56. 1dm3 = how many cm3? 75. What are the raw materials for the Haber 57. What is the formula for the number of process and how are they obtained? moles ina solution? 76. What type of catalyst is needed for the 58. In which areas of industry are unknown Haber process? substances needed to be analysed? Give 77. What are the ideal conditions? at least three 78. Do higher pressures favour the forward or 59. What colour do the metal ions in a flame backward reaction? of a) lithium b) sodium c) potassium )d) 79. Why is pressure set as high as possible, calcium e)borium f)magnesium turn? but why is temperature not? 60. Precipitation reactions of sodium 80. What is the problem with lower hydroxide turn a) aluminium ions b) temperatures? calcium ions c) magnesium ions d) iron 2+ 81. Why is 450® chosen? ions e) iron 3+ ions f) copper ions into 82. What would happen to the reaction what? without the catalyst? 61. What do carbonate ions react with to Alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids form carbon dioxide? 83. What is the general formula for the 62. Sulphate ions in……produce a ….. structure of an alcohol? precipitate in ….. chloride in …… 84. What are the first three homologous hydrochloric…… alcohols? 63. Halide ions in a solution produce what 85. What are their properties? with silver nitrates in the presence of 86. They dissolve in water to form what? what? what colour does a)silver chloride 87. How is ethanol produced and what is its b)silver bromide c)silver iodide turn? most popular use? 64. If the concentration of the reactant is 88. Whare are methylated spirits used for? unknown, how can the results be found 89. If there is more ethanol in a fuel is there out? more or less pollution formed? Ammonia 90. How can ethanol be oxidised? State two 65. What is equilibrium? ways 66. Where does equilibrium occur? 91. What is the general formula for the 67. What is a closed system? structure of a carboxylic acid? 68. Are the reactions still taking place? 92. When dissolved in water they form what? 93. Why are they known as weak acids? 94. What is the difference between strength and concentration? 95. What can carboxylic acids with longer chains form? 96. How are esters formed and what is their functional group? 97. What are their properties? 98. Complete this example: ethanol+ethanoic acid - …. 99. What are they commonly used for? 100. Why do some esters cause ethical issues?

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