About You PWAOU

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About You PWAOU

A A EU Appropriation PROEPGS Ability ABLT Approximate PROFPL About PW April AP About a PWA Arrange ARPHG About you PWAOU Are R Accept SEP Are the R-T Accident STKEPBT Are you RU Accompany A/K-P Around ARPB Account K-T Ask SK Accountant K-T/APBT Ask the SK-T Acknowledge ABG/TPHOPBLG Ask you SKU Actual TUL Assist AES Actually TUL/HREU Assistance AES/APBS Advance SRAPBS Assistant AES/APBT Advantage SRAPBG Association A/SOERBGS Advice SREUS Assume SAO UPL Advise SREUZ Assumption SUPLGS Again TKPWEPB Attorney TOERPB Against TKPWEPBS August AUG Agency AGS Authority THORT Agent AGT Authorization THORGS Ago AG Authorize THORZ Affect AFBGT Auto AO After AF Automobile AOBL Almost HR-PL Already HR-R Balance PW-PBS Also HR-S Be PWE Always AULZ Became PWAEUPL a.m. AEPL Because PWAUZ am APL Become PW-BG America PHERBG Been PW-PB American PHERPB Before PWR Among PHOPBG Began TKPWAPB Amount APLT Begin TKPWEUPB Another TPHOERPBLG Begun TKPW-PB Answer AEPBS Behind HEUPBD Any TPHEU Being PW-G Anybody TPHEUB Belief PWHRAO EF Anyone TPHEUPB Believe PWHREF Anything TPHEUG Between TWEPB Apartment PARPLT Beyond KWROPBD Apology A/POLG Billion PW-L Appoint POEU Business PWEUZ Appointment POEUPLT But PWU Appreciate PRERB But the PWUT Appropriate PROEPT Can K Defendant TKEFT Can a KA Department TKEPT Can be K-B Destination STK-GS Can I KEU Determine TKERPL Can you KU Develop SREL Can you ever KUFR Development SREPLT Certain SERPB Did TK Certainly SERPBL Did he TKE Certainty SERPBT Did the TK-T Certificate SERT Did you TKU Certification SERGS Did you ever TKUFR Certify SER Did you have TKUF Children KHEURPB Difference TKEURFPBS Circumstance SEURBG Different TKEURFPB Company K-P Difficult TKEUFL Communicate KPHUPB Difficulty TKEUFLT Communication KPHUPBGS Direction TKREBGS Concern KERPB Do TKO Condition K-PB Do you TKOU Confer K-FR Do you have TKUF Confidence K-FDZ Do you know TKAO UPN Confident K-FD Doctor TK-R Connect KEBGT Does STK Conscious K-RBS Does he STKE Consider KR- Does it STKEUT Consideration KR-GS Does the STK-T Construct KRUBGT Dr. TKR Continual TEUPBL Continuation TEUPBGS Effect EFBGT Continue TEUPB Either AOERPBLG Convenience SREPBS Element HR-PLT Convenient SREPB Emergency PH-PBLG Cooperate KAOPT Enclose KHRO Corporate KORPT End AEPBD Corporation KORPGS Enough TPHUF Correct KREBGT Envelope TPH-FL Could KO Equip KWEUP Could have KOF Equipment KWEUPLT Could have been KOFB Error ROR Could have had KOFD et cetera ETS Could you be KOUB Even AOEPB Could you have KOUF Evening AOEPBG Couple KUPL Ever -FR Every EFR Damage TKAPBLG Everybody EFRB December TKES Everyone EFRPB Everything EFRG He E Evidence EFDZ He can EBG Evident EFD He had ED Examination SK-GS He is ES Examine SK-PL Help HEP Hospital HOPT Familiar TPAEPL Hospitalization HOPGS Familiarity TPAEPLT How many HOUPL Farther TPARPBLG How much HOUFP February TPEB However HOUFR Figure TPEUG Hundred HUPB Finance TP-PB Husband HUS Financial TP-PBL Follow TPOL I EU Forward TPOERD Identification O*EUD/TPEUBGS Friday TPREU Identify O*EUD/TPAOEU From TPR Identity O*EUD/TEU Further TPURPBLG If TP If a TPA General SKWREPB If he TPE Generally SKWRAPBL If I TPEU Gentleman SKWRA If the TP-T Gentlemen SKWRE If you TPU Go TKPWO If you ever TPUFR Good TKPW Imagine PHAPBLG Good many TKPW-PL Immediate PHAOED Government TKPWOFT Immediately PHAOED/HREU Importance PORPBS Had H Important PORPBT Had a HA In TPH Had been H-B In a TPHA Had the H-T In order TPHORD Had you HU In our TPHOUR Happen HAP In the TPH-T Have SR Include KHRU Have been SR-B Inclusive KHRUF Have gone SR-G Indicate KA ET Have had SR-H Indication KA EGS Have the SR-T Indict TKAOEUT Have you SRU Indictment TKAOEUPLT Have you beenSRUB Individual SREUD Have you ever SRUFR Infect TPEBGT Have you ever gone Infectious TPEBGT/SHUS SRUFRG Inform TPH-F Have you gone SRUG Information TPH-FGS Having SR/-G Injure SKWRUR Injury SKWREUR May be PHAEU/PWE Inquire KWEUR May have PHA EUF Inspect SPEBGT May have been PHA EUFB Instruct STRUBGT May have had PHA EUFD Interest TR May have the PHA EUFT Into TPHAO Maybe PHA EUB Into the TPHAOT Me PHE Involve SROF Member PHEB Is S Memoranda PHEPL/TKA Is a SA Memorandum PHEPL/TKUPL Is he SE Merchandise PH-DZ Is it ST Messenger PHEPBG Is it a STA Million PH-L Is it the ST-T Miss PH-S Is that STHA Monday PHOPBD Is the S-T Money PH-PB Is there STHR Month PHO Is this STH Mortgage PHORT It T Mr. PHR It is T-S Mrs. PHR-S It will T-L Ms. PH-Z Its -TS Much PH-FP Must PHU January SKWRAPB Must be PHUB Judgment SKWRUPLT Must have been PHUFB July SKWRUL Must have hadPHUFD June SKWRUPB My PHEU Juror SKWROR Jury SKWR-R Natural TPHARL Necessary TPHES Knowledge TPHOPBLG Necessity TPHE Neighbor TPHA EUB Labor HRA EUB Neither TPHAOERPBLG Legal HREL Neglect TPHEGT Letter HRER New TPHU Little HREUL Newspaper TPHUP Locate HROEBGT No TPHO No one TPHO/WUPB Machine PH-RB No, sir TPHOS Manufacture PH-F Nobody TPHOEB Manufacturer PH-FR Nothing TPHOG Many PH Notice TPH-TS March PHAUR November TPHOF Material TERL Number TPHUB Materiality TERLT May (month) PHAE Object OBT Observation OFRGS Prefer PREFR Observe OFRB Prepare PRAOEP Occur KUR Presence PREPBS Occurrence KURPBS Present PREPBT October OBGT President PREZ Of -F Principle PREUPB Of the -FT Probability PROBLT Office OFS Probable PROBL Oh, OERBGS Proceed PROED On OPB Proper PROR On the OPBT Properly PRORL Only OEPBL Property PRORT Open OEP Proximate PR-FPL Operate PRA EUT Purchase PR-FP Operation PRA EUGS Purpose PURP Opinion P-PB Purposely PURPL Opportunity TUPBT Order ORD Quality KWALT Organization ORGS Quantity KWAPBT Organize ORG Question KWE Owe O Ready R-D Participate PARP Reason R-PB Particular PHRAR Reasonable R-PBL Passenger PAEPBG Receipt RET Peculiar KWHRAR Receive SEF People PEPL Recognition ROEUGS Period PERD Recognized ROEUZ Percent PERS Recommend REPL Perfect PR Record RORD Perhaps PRAPZ Refer REFR Person PERPB Regard RARD Personal PERPBL Regular REG Personally PERPBL/HREU Relief RAO*E/HRAOEF Photograph TPRAF Relieve RAO*E/HREF Photographer TPRAFR Remember REB Physical TP-L Report RORT Plaintiff PHR-F Represent REPT Plea PHRE RepresentationREPGS p.m. P-PL Request KW Police PHRAOES Require REUR Position POGS Respond SPOPBL Possess PAES Response SPOPBS Possession PAES/GS Responsibility SPOPBLT Possibility POBLT Responsible SPOPBL Possible POBL Result RULT Return RURPB That the THAT The -T Satisfaction SAEGS Their THEUR Satisfy SAEF There THR Saturday STKA There are THR-R Scam SKA*PL There is THR-S Scene SAEPB They THE Season S-PB They are THER Second SEBGD They had THED Secretary SEBGT they have THEF September SEPT they have gone THEFG Shall -RB they have had THEFD She SHE They will THEL She is SHES Think THEU Shipment SHEUPLT This TH Significance SEUGS This is TH-S Significant SEUG Thousand THOU Sister ST-R Thursday THURS Skit SK*EUT To TO So many SOPL To be TOB So much SOFP To go TOG Some SPH- To have TOF Some of SPH-F To you TOU Some of the SPH-FT Today TOD Somebody SPH-B Together TOGT Somehow SPHOU Tomorrow TOEPL Someone SPHUPB Too many TAOPL Something SPH-G Too much TAOFP Sometime SPHAOEUPL Toward TORD Somewhere SPHA EUR Treatment TRAOEPLT Statement STAEUPLT Tuesday TUS Structure STRUR Subject SUBT Under TPH-R Submission SPHEUGS Understand TPH-RS Submit SPHEUT Understood TPH-RD Sudden SUD United States UTS Suddenly SUD/HREU Unless TPH-LS Sufficient SUF Until TPH-L Suggest SUGT Until the TPH-LT Sunday SUPBD Unusual TPHAO URBL Unwilling TPH-LG Telephone TEFL Up UP Testify TEF Upon POPB Testimony T-PL Up the UPT That THA Usual AO URBL That is THAS Very SRE With you WU Very many SREPL Within W-PB Very much SREFP Without WOUT Visit SREUFT Woman WOPL Volume SROL Women WEUPL Worthless WORLS We WE Would WO We are WER Would be WOB We have WEF Would have WOF We have had WEFD Would have been WOFB Well W-L Would have had WOFD Wednesday WEPBS Would you be WOUB Were W-R Would you ever WOUFR Were the W-RT Would you have WOUF What WHA What is WHAS Yes KWRE What you WHAU Yes, sir KWRES Whatever WHAFR Yesterday KWRED When WH You U When he WHE You are UR When I WHEU You can UBG When is WH-S You had UD When the WH-T You have UF Whenever WH-FR You have had UFH Where WR You will UL Where are WR-R Your KWRUR Where is WR-S Where the WR-T Wherever WR-FR Whether WHR Whether of not WHRORPBT Which KH Which is KH-S Whichever KH-FR Who WHO Who is WHOS Why KWR Will HR Will be HR-B Will the HR-T Will you HRU Will you ever HRUFR Willing -LG With W With a WA With the W-T

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