Agenda TN AFPM

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Agenda TN AFPM

Meeting Minutes TN AFPM Board of Directors Meeting 16 August 2012 2:00 PM CST

Type of Meeting: Board of Directors - Regular

Meeting Facilitator: Alan M. Armstrong

I. Call to order – Chairman Armstrong called meeting to order at 2:02 pm

II. Roll call (P = Present, A = Absent)

A. Alan M. Armstrong P

B. Sandra Knight P

C. Cindy Popplewell P

D. William Veazey P

E. Stacy Morrison A

F. Sharon Armstrong P

G. Tom Skehan P Arrived late, 2:30pm

H. Dan Hawk A (Ex Officio)

I.H.Stanley Harrison A (Ex Officio)

J. Jenna McGee A (Website)

III.Approval of Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting

Motion: To approve the agenda for the Board of Directors meeting, with a correction to the date to August 16th, was made by Sharon Armstrong.  Second: By William Veazey  Vote: AYE 5 NO 0 IV. Approval of minutes from previous meetings

Motion: To accept the July 23rd Board of Directors meeting minutes was made by Sharon Armstrong.  Second: By Tom Skeehan.  Vote: AYE 5 NO 0

Motion: To accept the July 26th Full Membership meeting minutes, with corrections, was made by William Veazey.  Second: By Cindy Popplewell.  Vote: AYE 5 NO 0

V. Treasurer and Membership Report – William Veazey

A. Income

 $37,690.15

B. Expenditures

 $25,316.35 expense

 $12,373.80 balance

C. Conference

 Income - $6760.15 (less $114.85 for non-attendee Steve Miner) = $6,645.30

 Expenses - $3,224.00 (plus $434.05 from RegOnline) = $3,658.05

 Total Revenue - $2,987.25

D. Membership

 43 members

 19 unique jurisdictions, including the State of Tennessee

 William will send information to members with expired memberships

E. Non-profit status with IRS

 Sharon to attend upcoming meeting in Louisville, KY, on August 28th

VI. Chairman’s Report – Alan M. Armstrong  Successful Conference

 Concern regarding election process

VII. Regional Representative Reports

A. East Tennessee Regional Report – Stacy Morrison – ABSENT

B. Middle Tennessee Regional Report – Sharon Armstrong

 Nothing to report at this time.

C. West Tennessee Regional Report – Tom Skehan

 Identified December 7th for Training @ SWTDD Board room will seat 50 to 60 individuals classroom style.

 Tom is preparing article for TN AFPM newsletter and will send to NFIP communities within the West Tennessee region to advertise training workshop and generate interest.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Newsletter – Sharon Armstrong

 Next edition will be October

 Special edition to be distributed in November

B. IT/Media – Sharon Armstrong

 Nothing to report at this time.

C. Membership – Sandra Knight

 Lost 110 members and 40 jurisdictions due to new year

 William is sending renewal information to all expired memberships

D. TN AFPM Website – Jenna McGee - ABSENT

E. Conference – Cindy Popplewell

 See Attachment #1 – Results of Conference Evaluations IX. Ex-Officio Report – Stanley Harrison  Stanley continues to promote TN AFPM during phone CACs (Community Assistance Contact) providing TN AFPM website information.

 Following the TN AFPM Conference Panel Discussion, a summation of comments and discussion points were prepared and sent to Susan Wilson and Roy McClure (FEMA) for response on recommendations, questions, and standardized process for CAV visits.

 L273 discussions to start.

X. Old business  None at this time.

XI. New Business  None at this time.

XII. Next Meeting

Motion: Sandra Knight made a motion to schedule the next meeting for Friday November 9th at 11pm CST in Kingsport, TN. Sharon Armstrong to secure a meeting location in Kingsport.  Second: By William Veazey.  Vote: AYE 6 NO 0  Note, Sandra Knight arrived late to Mtg and thus not included in earlier voting.

XIII. Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn was made by Sandra Knight at 2:45pm.  Second: By William Veazey.  Vote: AYE 6 NO 0 ATTACHMENT #1


Feedback from Evaluations

1. Overall, the conference met or exceeded my expectations:  Strongly Agree - 3  Agree - 7  Neutral - 1  Disagree - 0  Strongly Disagree -0 2. Event presenters (sessions and keynotes) met or exceeded my expectations:  Strongly Agree - 2  Agree - 8  Neutral - 1  Disagree -  Strongly Disagree -0 3. The content of the event was:  Very Advanced - 1  Somewhat Advanced - 6  Intermediate - 5  Somewhat Basic - 0  Very Basic - 0 4. The event better prepared me to do my job or perform my role:  Strongly Agree - 5  Agree - 5  Neutral - 1  Disagree - 0  Strongly Disagree - 0 5. How did you hear about the conference?  Email - 4  TN AFPM Website - 4  Local Newspaper - 0  Professional Contact - 4  Other – BOD; Member 6. Why did you choose to attend this event?  Topics - 7  Presenters/Speakers - 2  CEU credit - 5  Recommended - 1  Other – CFM Exam (2) 7. Were the location and dates of the conference well-suited for you?  Yes - 5  Yes, I prefer this location over our previous one  Yes, I enjoyed being next to Kentucky Reservoir and near enough parks to go eat  Excellent, love having these sessions at a State Park  Very much so  I think a month later would be better.  Location ok – a little off the beaten path  July is HOT! Maybe September?  Scheduling near Nashville or Gatlinburg (more of a resort) would draw more people  Could we begin to explore availability of conference center now instead of waiting 9 months in advance?

8. What did you like about the conference?

 CFM Refresher Course  Contacts and Information  Presentations, discussions with other attendees, cookout  Cookout Rocked  Sessions very helpful to my job  Encouraged me to do my job  It’s actually training that I have to know to do my job  Location , topics, discussions  Networking  Relaxed, friendly atmosphere  Relevant topics and educated presenters  Meeting with other floodplain managers  Enjoyed program, food was good, facilities were fine.

9. Are there any topics you would like to see covered in future events?  Corps and TVA permit and Land development criteria  Flood venting vs. resistance to requirements vs conflicts with energy code of ICC  Your community has flooded. How do you get yourself interjected as an essential part of the recovery process that is not overlooked by recovering residents?  Building contractor community resistance to venting and mechanical equipment elevation  Continuing credit for landscape architects, architects, engineers, surveyors, planners  Easy methods for obtaining cooperation between floodplain manager and building inspector at local level  Walk from start to finish an actual permit application that falls into flood zone AND go to the actual site (i.e., field trip) Walk through the required applications, certificates, site visit, process of measuring BFE, and where the first level is to be located, etc.  GIS analysis  Help with LOMA/LOMA-F and other types of forms  Let’s review conference agendas in other SE state associations – we need to avoid repetition of presentations

10. Any additional comments or concerns?

 Lack of sponsors and attendees  It would have been helpful to have better and more widespread internet service  Thank you for NOT making us sing in and out of every single session  Loved the wine tasting  Enjoyed conference – very informative  Time frame for presentations was longer than most presentations  I believe the election of officers would work better if a Nominating Committee worked in advance to craft a list of nominees. I believe it is awkward to solicit nominees from the floor in opposition to an incumbent who has agreed to run again.  Thanks and appreciate to all who worked hard to make the conference a success!

11. Would you recommend to a friend or colleague?

 No – 0  Yes - 11  Hell Yes! – 1

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