Project Or Work Group Meeting Minutes

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Project Or Work Group Meeting Minutes

Date: 2017-11-09 Time: 09:00-10:00 am Eastern Time

HL7 Project Services Work Group (PS) Hyperlink: Join WebEx meeting: MINUTES MTID=m0ff2fff961e6dfac6d17868d5a36f67a Location: conference call Meeting number: 630 386 782 Meeting

password:HL7Standards Dial in: 770.657.9270 PC 2811011 Quorum Requirements Met: Yes For PS: Co-Chair plus two without preponderance of influence Facilitator Freida Hall Note taker(s) Rick Haddorff Attendee Name Affiliation

X Rick Haddorff (Co-Chair) Mayo Clinic/Foundation X Freida Hall (Co-Chair) Quest Diagnostics, Incorporated X Dave Hamill HL7 International Wayne Kubick HL7 International X Bryant Johnson LS Technologies LLC Tony Julian (ARB) Mayo Clinic Anne Wizauer HL7 International Ken McCaslin Accenture Federal Lynn Laakso HL7 International

Agenda Topics/Minutes  Agenda review and approval – Approved

 Open Forum: Freida - Bryant pursuing getting a login to Confluence as a non-member to view online PSS – should be possible; Dave is working on 2018 PSS updates.

 Approve previous meeting minutes – 2017-10-26. Approved by general consent Use general consent method when there are no corrections: “You have received the minutes. Are there any corrections to the minutes? Hearing none, if there is no objection the minutes are approved as posted.”

 Action Items – NONE  Additional Topics:

o Update from Dave on Withdraw process – See earlier minutes for historical notes.

2017-08-03: Dave – new process is being enacted – no other update. 2017-10-12: GOM updated in September 2017 publication. Dave has checklist of items completed. HQ recently received three new withdrawal requests. Pilot in process, but now question raised re: approval levels (Wayne, TSC). Lynn is working on modifying the standards grid, pending discussion PBS metrics; it will include withdrawn and expired. Lynn will be working with ARB. Lynn also working on the withdraw cover page template. Leave on agenda to monitor status. 2017-10-26: Leave on agenda to monitor status; TSC is monitoring, possibly preparing modifications to the process. Of the three or four sent out, one of the recent items got a lot of feedback which went to all the co-chairs (reply all to list). Some concerns re: volume of email, but it did generate discussion re: the withdrawal which was the intent.

2017-11-09: Freida deleted historical line items that did not provide an update.; Dave – TSC wants to re-evaluate not having to withdraw something that has never been published; e.g. STU balloted

Page 1 of 5 but never published. o Other - Review PSS Confluence: Dave worked on the PSS that Wayne started in Confluence. Link to the word document – PSS Template with Instructions – so the Confluence PSS is basically just the template. Items marked with a diamond are needed for the PSS-Lite. Online form has greyed-out areas to indicate no data entry. Has check boxes available. Rick and Freida should request an id from David Johnson and get into Confluence and check out the online PSS.

2017-03-30: Rick and Freida have gotten access to Confluence and have started reviewing online PSS. First impression is good. Will send notes to Dave. Dave next step is to let Wayne know the template is out there – what next? Concern that with all the reviews needed, how does everyone get to it?

Freida: may need check boxes in approval section to trigger notification for concurrent approval. Dave to discuss with Wayne what is next step;

2017-05-25: Dave said this is now a key initiative for HL7 staff. Will be working with Wayne. Will be working with us to test. Target deadline is September.

2017-07-06: David Johnson working with contractor to modify servers to achieve a seamless request for user ID, vs. manual management of ID assignment. 2017-08-03: Confluence contractor has created way to add users. Looking for pilot users. New library of projects rather than load of current projects. 2017-09-28: Bryant will test process to create user ID. 2017-10-12: Announcement on Groups

2017-10-26: Contract announced for Confluence/Jira development, which includes the online PSS. Freida needs to check with Karen re: the balloting section of co-chair handbook which may need update after the ANSI audit. The audit was conducted remotely but HL7 has not received the report or any questions yet.

2017-11-09: Freida deleted historical line items that did not provide an update.; Dave – no participants yet for online PSS pilot, Contract awarded to Constable Consulting; Bryant joined – waiting on response; Freida – walked through to where the process is documented with Dave’s guidance (HL7 page – Resources – Procedures); Bryant will test setting up an account. o PLCPD – Ballot Reconciliation 2017-10-12: Handle Negative comments, triaged items, and Block Votes 1, 2, and 3 announced to PS list September 28.

Freida posted: d_20171012.xls

And filtered the October 26 version for line items that are still open: d_20171026.xls

2017-10-26: Continue ballot reconciliation. The updated ballot reconciliation spreadsheet (post call) is

Page 2 of 5 posted at the hyperlink below. Most of the remaining items deal with the flowchart. There are 3 “in person” items from Hans Buitendijk; Freida will invite Hans to the next PLCPD call. nsolidated_20171026.xls

2017-11-09: Hans not available for today’s call, need to schedule an add on call one of these dates pending availability: 11/16, 11/30, 12/14, or 12/28. All these dates except the 12/28th acceptable for Rick. November 16th and 30th and December 14th work for Dave and Bryant. Continued with Ballot reconciliation;

Adjourn 9:59 AM ET

Action Items

Next Meeting / Preliminary Agenda Items

 Standing item: Review work items (in Gforge)— Scheduled last Thursday of month References: GForge Link to Project Services:

TSC Projects Project Title Project # Rank Status Student Internship Program 1171 5 On Hold

Ongoing Project Title Tracker # Rank Status TSC delegated work (ongoing) (PI #535) 1107 Annual Updates to the Project Approval Process (Target January of each year) (PI #531) * * New Tracker created each year – Closed Tracker 1550; separate trackers for 2017 and 2018 below.

Page 3 of 5 January 2018 Deliverables Project GForge # Due Description Insight # Plan for Trimester WGM using attached checklist (2018 JAN) 2022 2018 Jan **Need to update due date in header after each WGM to next WGM Create short "how to" webinars on project management related items (2018 JAN) 2014May – discussed working on at least one webinar per WGM to produce at least three/year  High - How to complete PSS - Will do dry run at upcoming meeting to develop script. 2017-07-06: Pending  Medium - SD Co-Chairs – items to review to approve projects  Medium - GOM – Project Management related items  Medium - Why do we do Project Management in a volunteer organization?  Low - Expand PM mentoring/constructive feedback to volunteers  Low - Managing Scope Creep – when to update/create new (FAQ items)  Low - Change Management  Low - Project Facilitator (expectations)  Low - ANSI Essential Requirements - Project Management related items 2714 2018 Jan 2017-07-06: PLCPD? 12338 2018 Jan Online PSS (CTO project) (2018 JAN) Modify the Project Health Scoring Calculation (2018 JAN) 10348 2018 Jan 2017-07-06: Moved to JAN 2018

12204 2018 Jan Annual Updates to the PSS and Project Approval Process (2018 Jan) 531 Multi-year Planning (2018 JAN) 12339 2018 Jan 2017-08-31: Rick still working on Review online Co-chair Handbook (2018Jan) 2017-07-20: tentative Note: Need to validate online version is in synch with updated .pdf version (#2309) of handbook

2017-09-28 Update Post Call: Freida did analysis during the September 2017 WGM and provided feedback to Wayne Kubick (CTO). Will also send analysis to PS list. Analysis compared the current wiki Co-chair Handbook to the .pdf version. Reverse analysis, e.g. is everything in the .pdf on the wiki, was not 12936 2018 Jan performed due to time constraints.

March 2018 Deliverables Project GForge # Due Description Insight # Bi-Annual update to Co-Chair Handbook (2018Jan) 2017-07-31: Freida moved to January 2018 deliverable in minutes per July 10 PIC call: “Suggested changes due by January 2018, plan to publish May 2018 and revised due date in GForge. 2018 2309 March 2017-09-28 Post call update: This tracker is for the .pdf version. 2018 2356 March *WGH* Update 3 year plan every 16 months (2018 March)

May 2018 Deliverables Project GForge # Due Description Insight # 1970 2018May Bi-Annual Review-Update of Project Facilitator document (2018 May)

Page 4 of 5 September 2018 Deliverables Project GForge # Due Description Insight # Review Project Life Cycle for GOM reference updates (thrice per year) 1052 2018 (2018SEP) (PI #533) **HL7 ER (Freida 2) SEP Complete for now, Moved to Sep 2018 533 2018 1975 SEP Bi-Annual Update HL7 Ballot Guide - annual check (2018 SEP)

January 2019 Deliverables 2354 2019 Jan *WGH* Update Mission Charter with T3SD approval every 2 yrs (2019 JAN)

September 2019 Deliverables Edits to Project Life Cycle (2019 SEP) Moved from #711 (PI #533) 2012-03-29 Update is 100% complete: Ballot in September 2774 Sep 2019 2017-07-06: After ballot – will review again SEP 2019 533

May 2020 Deliverables 2020 *WGH* Review DMP every 3 years (2020 MAY) 2355 May 2017-04-13 Approved V4.2 update; reset next due date to 2020 May

September 2020 Deliverables 2353 2020 Sep *WGH* Update SWOT every 3 years (2020 Sep)

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