Unconfirmed Minutes s7
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These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.0 Opening Comments 1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check - quorum established 1.2 Introductions 1.3 Routing of Attendance List 1.4 Approval of minutes from Previous Meeting-minutes approved 1.5 Membership 1.6 Action Items Review
The following representatives were in attendance:
John Barrett GEAE Dianna Berube Pratt & Whitney Doug Bruce Raytheon Aircraft Andy Dale Eaton Aerospace Chet Date Honeywell Chris Diepenbrock The Boeing Company Mehmet Doner Rolls-Royce En Englehard Owego Heat Treat Alan Fletcher US Air Force Frank Gritsko Sikorsky Aircraft Debra Harrison DCMA Arnold Horoff Laboratory Testing Inc. Arne Logan The Boeing Company John McBrien GSA David Mitchell Mitchell Laboratories Jay Park Northrop Grumman Julio Perez Airbus Manfred Podlech MTU Aero Engines Chatt Rhodes Cessna Aircraft Tim Shiple Raytheon Aircraft Dan Smith GEAE David Soong Hamilton Sundstrand Mike Spencer Vought Aircraft Camille Valmy Airbus Gerrald Wahlin AAA Plating Nadcap Management Council Meeting PRI Staff in Attendance: Anne Allen Jerry Aston Mark Aubele Jim Bennett Don Buehler Bill Dumas Laura Fisher Michael Forman Jennifer Gall Lisa Glavan Mike Graham Arshad Hafeez Jamie Heusey Judy Herilla Jim Lewis Heather Meyer Scott Nelson Keith Purnell Seema Saleem Glenn Shultz Ian Simpson Louise Stefanakis James Stokes
Meeting attendees:
Bob Akin Quality Heat Treating Matt Akin TrueLogic Windsor Amundsen Honeywell Fran Azzarto GEAE Daniel Backus Har-Conn Chrome Co. Ward Barcafer The Boeing Company Roger Beil Honeywell Norm Bennett Suncoast Heat Treating Ron Bodemeijer Ken Bouchard Metallurgical Processing Inc. Mark Brown Suncoast Heat Treating Wayne Canary Rolls-Royce Corp. Larry Casillas Honeywell Jerry Cedrone Alcoa Howmet Castings Byron Colcher Raytheon Aircraft Gary Coleman The Boeing Company James Cummings Metal Finishing Co. Robert Custer AAA Plating Mike Davis GEAE Suzanna DeMoss AC Tech David Denny Air Capitol Plating Leonard Diamond Eaton Aeroquip Jim Doherty GEAE Nadcap Management Council Meeting Donald Dziachan Eaton Aeroquip Ranier Endress MTU Aero Engines Yves Esquerre Airbus Gary Fox EME Inc. Ronald Franklin ChemResearch Co Inc. Doug French Vought Aircraft Richard French Alcoa Fastening Systems Howard Fullilove Northrop Grumman Steve Garner Eaton Aerospace Ken Gaston The Boeing Company Mark Gleason GEAE John Gourley Honeywell Subodh Govardhan Eaton Aerospace Dale Harmon Cincinnati Thermal Spray Sharon Harmon Cincinnati Thermal Spray – South Gerald Harvey Chem-Fab Corp. Clyde Herrington Eaton Aerospace John Higgins Rolls-Royce PLC Robert Humphrey NASA Andy Iesalnieks Rolls-Royce Corp Michael Irvin The Boeing Company David Isenberg Parker Hannifin Corp. Eric Jacklin FM Callahan & Son Inc. Mira Jacobs The Boeing Company Ed Jamieson Bodycote Thermal Processing West Keith Kastner Cessna Aircraft David Kawai The Boeing Company Phil Keown GEAE Earl Koechig The Boeing Company Bob Koukol Honeywell Ralph Kropp MTU Aero Engines Juergen Krueger Airbus Keven Kudelka Westfield Electroplating Co. Ivan Kwok The Boeing Company Bob Lehnen Bodycote Thermal Processing Frank Lennert The Boeing Company Johanna Lisa Continental Heat Treating Bill Lodwick Praxair Surface Technologies Dale Lombardo GEAE John Lowman Continental Heat Treating Matthew Lucas GEAE Ken Mantle Coating Technologies Inc. Leslie Mason Applied Aerospace Structures Corp. Doug Matson The Boeing Company Steve Maus Rolls-Royce Corp. Garry McGuire NASA Dave Michaud Fountain Plating Bill Miller The Boeing Company Tom Murphy Sikorsky Aircraft Ed Nellans Rockwell Collins Inc. Nadcap Management Council Meeting Mitch Nelson Cessna Aircraft Ron Nelson Howmet Turbine Components Casting Teresa O’Leary Cessna Aircraft Jeremy Phillips Cessna Aircraft Larry Phipps Alcoa Philippe Pons Airbus Sydney Pope DCMA Bob Reynolds The Boeing Company Elena Ritoli Metallurgical Processing Inc. Dale Roberts Praxair Surface Technologies Rosie Robrigado PRC-DeSoto International Dan Ryan Honeywell Jerry Satchwell Rolls-Royce PLC John Sattler Raytheon Aircraft Christian Schwaminger MTU Aero Engines John Sheets The Boeing Company Andrew Sheppard Coating Technologies Inc. Stuart Sherman Metallurgical Processing Inc. Dale Simpson Bell Helicopter Clifford Smith GSA David Smith Rolls-Royce PLC Vitorio Stana Avcorp Industries Inc. Andy Statham Rolls-Royce PLC Jeff Steele D Aircraft Products Ron Stewart Ellison Surface Technologies David Sullivan Wyman-Gordon Forgings D. Scott Sullivan Rolls-Royce Corp Laetitia Tonnelier Airbus Steven Tooley Rolls-Royce PLC Peter Torelli The Boeing Company Gary Trewiler GEAE Jim Vannatta Bell Helicopter Brad Wall Rolls-Royce Corp. Gary White Orbit Industries Johnathan Wright Cessna Aircraft
Dan Smith is replacing John Barrett as the GEAE Nadcap Management Council voting representative.
Debra Harrison is replacing Mark Young as the DCMA Nadcap Management Council voting representative.
Tim Shiple is replacing Doug Bruce as the Raytheon Nadcap Management Council voting representative.
Camille Valmy is replacing Julio Perez as the Airbus Nadcap Management Council voting representative. Nadcap Management Council Meeting Frank Gritsko is replacing Peter Krutohollow as the Sikorsky Nadcap Management Council voting representative.
PRI Board member Dick Pocock opened the January Nadcap Management Council meeting.
Nadcap Management Council member Julio Perez appealed for attendance at the April 2004 meeting in Toulouse, France.
2.0 PRI/Nadcap Status Report - Introduction of new staff - Audit Projections - Auditor Projections - Prime Subscriptions - eAuditNet Status - Europe and Asia Progress
The PRI/Nadcap Status Report update was given by Arshad Hafeez. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
3.0 NMC Chairpersons’ Report - Report results of PRI Board meeting - Planning & Operation and NMC Steering Committee meeting summary - Oversight Audit - Ethics Committee - Status of Baseline Audit Criteria Team - Cause and Effect Team Report
The NMC Chairperson’s report was given by Arne Logan. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
An Ethics Committee Issue was discussed by John Barrett. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
The status of the Baseline Audit Criteria Team was given by John Barrett. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Nadcap Management Council Meeting
Jim Doherty of the Cause and Effect Team gave a report out to the Nadcap Management Council. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
4.0 Task Group Reports
AQS – The task group status report was given by Chris Diepenbrock. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Chemical Processing (CP) – The task group status report was given by Mike Davis. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
Mike Davis stepped down as the task group chair and Ward Barcafer was announced as the new task group chair.
Coatings (CT) – The task group status report was given by Jim Doherty. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
The task group is about 70% complete with a draft of their checklists for the baseline initiative and are expecting to have the drafts completed by the end of the week.
Elastomer Seals (Seals) – Alan Fletcher reported the task group was working to update its checklist and standard.
Electronics (ETG) – Gary McGuire reported the task group was working to develop checklists. It had participation from six primes and one supplier. NASA has agreed to Chair the task group.
Heat Treating (HT) – The task group status report was given by John Gourley. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document Nadcap Management Council Meeting
Materials Testing (MTL) – The task group status report was given by Keith Kastner. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
NMSE – The task group status report was given by Mark Gleason. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
NDT – The task group status report was given by Phil Keown. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
The task group is also 80% complete with its baseline initiative.
Sealants – Alan Fletcher reported the task group is working on revising its standard.
Welding (WLD) – The task group status report was given by Wayne Canary. (See attachment)
Microsoft Word Document
5.0 Supplier Support Committee report
The Supplier Support Committee report to the Nadcap Management Council was given by Ed Englehard. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
6.0 New Projects Log
Don Buehler discussed the new projects log and where to find it on the PRI website. (See attachments)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Nadcap Management Council Meeting 7.0 PRI Website Demo
A demo of the new PRI website www.pri-network.org was given by Seema Saleem. (See attachment)
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
8.0 New Business - Next Meeting, April 19-23, 2004, Toulouse, France
The next Nadcap meeting in Toulouse, France was discussed. All Hotel reservations are being made through PRI. To make a reservation please visit the PRI website at www.pri- network.org and download a hotel form. All reservation forms must be faxed to Lisa Glavan at 724-776-4110 no later than Friday, February 27, 2004.
9.0 Adjourn