Perry L. Schoon, Ph.D
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Academic Qualifications
Spring 2005 Department Chairpersons Leadership Program (Part II) sponsored by the Institute for Academic Leadership, Florida State University (Topics included Leadership and Decision Making, Budgeting and Fund Raising, Assessment, Departmental Missions and Goals)
Summer 2004 Department Chairpersons Leadership Program (Part I) sponsored by the Institute for Academic Leadership, Florida State University (Topics included Faculty Evaluation and Performance Counseling, Legal Implications of Being and Administrator, Delegation and Using Committees, Teaching and Effective Use of Faculty Time)
1997 Ph.D. Illinois State University Educational Administration - Concentrations in Research Methods and Educational Technology
1990 M.A. Ball State University Technology – Technology Education
1989 B.S. Illinois State University, Cum Laude Technology – Technology Education
Senior Associate Dean, College of Education, University of Texas at Arlington, June, 2008 - Present Academic leadership administrative position Coordinator of the College’s NCATE accreditation process including the development/redevelopment of assessment instruments, rubrics, data management and assessment, and the synthesis and interpreting of complex college and university data. Responsible for Budget, Personnel, Technology, and Development Initiatives Chair of College Continuous Assessment Committee which oversees all accreditation issues in the College, 2006 - Present Associate Dean for Assessment & Technology, College of Education, University of Texas at Arlington, August, 2006 – May, 2008 Academic leadership administrative position Coordinator of the College’s NCATE accreditation process including the development/redevelopment of assessment instruments, rubrics, data management and assessment, and the synthesis and interpreting of complex college and
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 1 university data. Assisted departmental administrators, faculty and support staff in writing and implementing annual assessment plans; helped prepare reports and disseminate best practices on assessment activities to the campus community and university governance bodies; collaborated with the University’s Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness in conducting research, and synthesizing/interpreting complex data in order to provide information to support institutional planning, assessment, policy analysis, and decision making, and to facilitate institutional effectiveness to advance the mission of the College and University. Designed and developed a customized, electronic, web-based, data management and assessment system ( consistent with the requirements of the College’s various accreditations. This system collects all student portfolio coursework and scored rubrics aligned to state and national standards. It provides faculty and students with a common, electronic, web-based portal for uploading and updating their portfolio assessments and scored rubrics. Additionally, it allows faculty to electronically view and track student progress through COED coursework. Faculty are also able to retrieve and grade candidate work or download real-time data on candidate progress. This system uses SQL Server and ASP/ASP.Net. Conducted planning, needs assessments, and budget projection analysis for the College Technology Division Chair of College Continuous Assessment Committee which oversees all accreditation issues in the College, 2006 - Present
Interim Associate Dean of Northern Campuses, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, August, 2005 – August, 2006 Academic leadership administrative position Managed budget, facilities, space, and equipment on MacArthur/Jupiter and Port St. Lucie campuses Member of College of Education NCATE Steering Committee, COE strategic planning committee, COE Technology Committee, Delta Council, and College Advisory Council; Chair of Policies & Procedures Revisions for Dean’s office; liaison to Vice Presidents on MacArthur and Port St. Lucie campuses Assisted departmental administrators, faculty and support staff in writing and implementing annual assessment plans; helped prepare reports and disseminate best practices on assessment activities to the campus community and university governance bodies; collaborated with the University’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis (IEA) staff on technical aspects of assessment, including data analysis, survey development and collection of information into the university's electronic assessment database Conducted planning, needs assessments, and budget projection analysis for assessing instructional technology division development Manage Professional Development and Training Division for College of Education Initiated restructuring of the continuing education division within the College Responsible for the administration of continuing education programs including
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 2 faculty development initiatives, noncredit and credit offerings, certificates designed for professional audiences, non-credit open enrollment courses, seminars, workshops, special programs, and conferences. Worked with the Director of Professional Development and Training to facilitate the implementation of continuing education initiatives by providing and coordinating a range of services including needs assessment; instructor identification; budget management; student services coordination; logistics; marketing Worked with partner organizations to ensure the smooth operation of joint programs inside/outside College of Education, and troubleshooting as required
Chairperson, Department of Instructional Technology & Research, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, January, 2004 – August, 2006 Academic leadership administrative position. Managed instructional programs, scheduling and staffing of classes, 1.2 million budget, and departmental faculty and student services; recruited, hired and mentored faculty and staff; developed and implemented new curricula,. Facilitated the creation of new M.S. and Ph.D. degree proposals in Instructional Technology and Research which were sensitive to the needs of the field. The new M.S. degree in Instructional and Performance Technology was oriented towards education, corporate, and military personnel and had three new areas of concentration (E-learning, Performance Improvement, Gifted). Designed and developed the Instructional Technology & Research OWL Computerized Data Management System. This data management system tracked five fiscal accounts, faculty information (contact, tenure-status, graduate faculty status, teaching preferences, publications, service, etc.), student information (contact info., status in degree program, courses, instructors, etc.), and provided the necessary data to determine scheduling needs, generate college and university mandated reports, revise and update courses, and ease the required paperwork loads of faculty. Member/Chair of a results-oriented team who were instrumental in obtaining professional development contracts with the nation’s 5th largest school district (School Board of Broward County) totaling over two million dollars (and growing). A specialized curriculum was developed to initially train over 800 teachers during the first year of the contract. As the subsequent department chair, I managed this program. At the time I left FAU, we had trained an additional 3000 teachers with the end goal of training all 23,000 instructional staff members. A primary goal of this program was to enable the department to achieve FTE goals while allowing for the reassignment of faculty to actively pursue funded research opportunities. This program continues to the present. Faculty Assembly Vice President, College of Education, Florida Atlantic University, August, 2003- May, 2004 Faculty leadership – Elected administrative position. Member of a leadership team that created new governance structures for the faculty assembly Created and maintained faculty assembly web site. This web site provided a
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 3 means through which to collect and analyze survey data and present the results to faculty. Created an issues tracking system that enabled the leadership team to monitor the status of items brought through the assembly.
8/06 to present: Associate Professor (tenured) Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies College of Education, University of Texas at Arlington
8/03 to 8/06: Associate Professor (Awarded tenure) Department of Instructional Technology and Research (implemented name change) College of Education, Florida Atlantic University
6/97 to 7/03: Assistant Professor Department of Educational Technology and Research College of Education, Florida Atlantic University
7/95 to 5/97: Instructor Department of Educational Administration and Foundations College of Education, Illinois State University
Web Site Developer Heartland Community College Technological Innovations in Educational Research (TIER) Laboratory, Illinois State University
6/94 to 7/95: Teaching Assistant Distance Education Program Department of Curriculum and Instruction Department of Educational Administration and Foundations College of Education, Illinois State University
6/93 to 6/94: Graduate Research Assistant Technological Innovations in Educational Research Laboratory Department of Educational Administration and Foundations College of Education, Illinois State University
8/89 to 8/90: Graduate Assistant Department of Industry and Technology Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
8/92 to 6/93: Teacher Department of Technology Education Turkey Creek Junior High School, Hillsborough County School District, Tampa, FL.
8/90 to 8/92: Teacher Department of Communications and Technology Thomas Jefferson Senior High School, Hillsborough County School District, Tampa, FL.
Amirault, R., & Schoon, P.L. (2007, under contract). Instructional technology: Process and product. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Articles & Proceedings
Wilson, C.L., Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M.I., Schoon, P.L., Walker, D., & Brown, A. (In press, 2009). The proliferation of marginal research for dollars. In F. Shultz (Ed.), Annual Editions: Multicultural Education, 14th Edition. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. (Reprinted from The International Journal of Learning, pp. 85-94, 2006)
Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M.I., Wilson, C.L., Schoon, P., & Walker, D. (In Press, 2009). The need to reestablish schools as dynamic positive human energy systems that are non-linear and self-organizing: The learning partnership tree. In F. Shultz (Ed.), Annual Editions: Multicultural Education, 14th Edition. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. (Reprinted from The International Journal of Learning, pp. 255-268, 2005)
Wilson, C.L., Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M.I., Schoon, P.L., Walker, D., & Brown, A. (2006). The proliferation of marginal research for dollars. The International Journal of Learning. 13(2), 85-94. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publisher.
Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M.I., Wilson, C.L., Schoon, P., & Walker, D. (2005). The need to reestablish schools as dynamic positive human energy systems that are non-linear and self-organizing: The learning partnership tree. The International Journal of Learning. 12(10), 255-268.
Wilson, C.L., Walker, D., Cruz-Janzen, M.I., Acker-Hocevar, M., & Schoon, P. (2005, In Press). A systems alignment model for examining school practices that sustain
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 5 standards based reforms in high poverty and English language learner schools. The International Journal of Learning. 12(7), 303-310. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publisher.
Cafolla, R., & Schoon, P.L. (2003, March). Toward a new instructional design model. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings, USA, 13. 644-648.
Schoon, P.L., & Cafolla, R. (2002). World wide web hypertext linkage patterns. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 11(2), 117-139.
Weber, R.K., Forgan, J.W., & Schoon, P.L. (2002). Software evaluation for special needs: Preparing the preservice teacher from an inservice perspective. Teacher Education and Special Education 25(4)
Weber, R.K., Schoon, P.L., & Forgan, J.W. (2002, March). Special educator’s technology literacy: Identifying the void. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings, USA, 12, 2641-2646.
Elias, J. E., Cafolla, R., & Schoon, P.L. (2000). The selection of an instructional management system. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2), 123-131.
Elias, J., Cafolla, R., & Schoon, P.L. (1999, March). Selecting an Instructional Management Program: From Process to Product. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings, USA, 10, 592-595.
Schoon, P.L., & Weber, R.K. (1999, March). University Faculty Phobias: Investigating Technology Apprehension. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings, USA, 10, 592-595.
Weber, R.K., Forgan, J., & Schoon, P.L. (1999, March). Identifying the Technological Needs of the Special Needs Teacher. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings, USA, 10, 1585-1589.
Weber, R.K., Schoon, P.L., & Gonzalez, A.R. (1999, October). Designing multimedia and web-based units for technology integration: Motivation and student learning styles. WebNet 99 World Conference of the WWW and Internet Proceedings, USA, 4, 1133-1137.
Weber, R.K., & Schoon, P.L. (1998, March). Through the eyes of students: WWW navigation nightmares. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings [On-line], USA, 9, Retrieved September 30, 2000, from the World Wide Web:
Hecht, J.B., & Schoon, P.L. (1998, November). Bleeding on the Edge: Experiences from Teaching a Multimedia-Rich Course over the Internet. WebNet 98 World Conference
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 6 of the WWW and Internet Proceedings, USA, 3, (linked via CD-ROM - Portable Document # 435 of 895).
Hecht, J.B., & Schoon, P.L. (1997, November). A methodology for determining Web Site navigational efficiency [Abstract]. WebNet 97 World Conference of the WWW and Internet Proceedings, USA, 2, (linked via CD-ROM - Page 662).
Schoon, P.L. (1997, November). World Wide Web hypertext linkage patterns [Abstract]. WebNet 97 World Conference of the WWW and Internet Proceedings, USA, 2, (linked via CD-ROM - Page 703).
Hecht, J. B., Roberts, N. K., & Schoon, P. L. (1996). Teacher teams and computer technology: Do combined strategies maximize student achievement? Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 28(3), 318-328. (NOTE: This Journal is now the Journal of Research on Technology in Education)
Aloia , G.F., Riegle, R.P., & Schoon, P.L. (1996, October). Converting a large introductory course into an Internet course: Process, problems, issues, and solutions. WebNet 96 World Conference of the WWW and Internet Proceedings, [On-line], USA, 1, Retrieved September 30, 2000, from the World Wide Web:
Conference Presentations International
Schoon, P.L. (2009, March). Electronic, web-based, standards-aligned pre-service teaching portfolios: A study of score reliability. Paper submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Charleston, SC.
Schoon, P.L. (2009, March). Issues of pre-service candidate dispositions. Paper submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Charleston, SC.
Schoon, P.L. & Davis, R. (2008, November). The design, development and implementation of an electronic, web-based, data management and assessment system: A maverick model. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn), Las Vegas, NV.
Schoon, P.L., Wilson, C., Walker, D., Cruz-Janzen, M, & Acker-Hocevar, M. (2005, July). A Systems Alignment Model for Examining School Practices: A Standards- based Alignment Model. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Granada, Spain.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 7 Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M., Wilson, C., Schoon, P.L., Walker, D. (2005, July). The Need to Reestablish Schools as Dynamic Positive Human Energy Systems that are Non-Linear and Self-Organizing: The Learning Partnership Tree. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Granada, Spain.
Acker-Hocevar, M., Schoorman, D., & Schoon, P.L. (2005, April). Building democratic faculty governance as critical decision making: The role of listening and giving voice in an institutional context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
Wilson, C.L., Schoon, P.L., Walker, D.A., Cruz-Janzen, M., & Acker-Hocevar, M. (2004, April). Methodological Issues Related to Evidence-Based Research and Claims: A Critical Essay. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M., Schoon, P.L., Walker, D., Wilson, C. (2003, April). Questions of sustainable school improvement and the politics surrounding poverty and limited English proficiency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.
Cafolla, R., & Schoon, P.L. (2003, March). Toward a new instructional design model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Albuquerque, NM.
Weber, R.K., Schoon, P.L., & Forgan, J.W. (2002, March). Special educator’s technology literacy: Identifying the void. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN.
Schoon, P.L., Gonzalez, A.R., & Weber, R.K. (2000, April). An examination of motivation, student learning styles, and the design and implementation of web assisted courseware. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
*Elias, J., Cafolla, R., & Schoon, P.L. (1999, March). Selecting an Instructional Management Program: From Process to Product. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), San Antonia, TX.
* This paper won the outstanding paper award in the Educational Leadership Strand at SITE 99 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education - March 1999
Schoon, P.L., & Weber, R.K. (1999, March). University Faculty Phobias: Investigating Technology Apprehension. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), San Antonio, TX.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 8 Weber, R.K., Forgan, J., & Schoon, P.L. (1999, March). Identifying the Technological Needs of the Special Needs Teacher. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), San Antonio, TX.
Hecht, J.B., & Schoon, P.L. (1999, April). Using CU-SeeMe to deliver a Master's-level class over the Internet. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.
Weber, R.K., Schoon, P.L., & Gonzalez, A.R. (1999, October). Designing multimedia and web-based units for technology integration: Motivation and student learning styles. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WEBNET), Honolulu, HI.*
* This paper won the outstanding paper award at the WebNet 99 (Now called E- Learning) World Conference of the WWW and Internet - October 1999
Schoon, P.L. (1998, April). An examination of web site efficiency. Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Hecht, J.B., & Schoon, P.L. (1998, November). Bleeding on the Edge: Experiences from Teaching a Multimedia-Rich Course over the Internet. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WEBNET), Orlando, FL.
Weber, R.K., & Schoon, P.L. (1998, March). Through the eyes of students: WWW navigation nightmares. Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Washington, DC.
Hecht, J.B., & Schoon, P.L. (1997, November). A methodology for determining web site navigational efficiency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WEBNET), Toronto, Canada.
Schoon, P.L. (1997, November). World Wide Web hypertext linkage patterns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WEBNET), Toronto, Canada.
Aloia , G.F., Riegle, R.P., & Schoon, P.L. (1996, October). Converting a large introductory course into an Internet course: Process, problems, issues, and solutions. Paper presented at the first annual meeting of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WEBNET), San Francisco, CA.
Schoon, P.L., & Hecht, J.B. (June, 1996). Incorporating graphics, audio, and video into your World Wide Web pages. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 9 (EDMEDIA), Boston, MA.
Fansler, A.G., Schoon, P. L., Roberts, N. K., & Hecht, J. B. (1995, April). Using computers to write comprehensive examinations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Hecht, J. B., Roberts, N., Dwyer, D., Schoon, P., & Fansler, A. G. (1995). VTLOGANL: A computer program for coding and analyzing data gathered on video tape. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Hecht, J. B., Roberts, N., Dwyer, D., & Schoon, P. (1993). VTLOGANL: A computer program for coding and analyzing data gathered on video tape. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
Schoon, P.L. Acker-Hocevar, M., Cruz-Janzen, M., Wilson, C., .Walker, D., Supran, E., & Bingham-Brown, A. (2003, November). Transforming a systems alignment model to a learning partnership with roots of sustainable reform. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA), Orlando, FL.*
* This paper was nominated for the outstanding paper award at the Florida Education Research Association.
Schoon, P.L. (2002, November). A hypothetical journey: Emerging constructs and instrument development for the multi-site case study. In M. Acker-Hocevar (Chair), Making the sun shine on disadvantaged students in Florida. Symposium presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA), Gainesville, FL.
Schoon, P.L. (1997). A quantitative examination of web site navigational efficiency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Schoon, P.L., & Hecht, J.B. (1996, October). Multimedia design issues for World Wide Web pages. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Hecht, J. B., Roberts, N. K., Schoon, P. L., & Fansler, A. G. (1995, September). Teacher teams and computer technology: Do combined strategies maximize student achievement? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 10 Schoon, P. L., & Hecht, J. B. (1995, September). Designing a World Wide Web site for disseminating research. Paper and Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Hecht, J. B., Roberts, N., Dwyer, D., Schoon, P. (1994, October). VTLOGANL: Analyzing Video Taped Data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid- Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Schoon, P.L., Roberts, N.K., and Fansler, A. (1994, October). Technologists v. Educators: Resolving conflicts in creating an interactive classroom for teaching introductory statistics via distance education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), Chicago, IL.
Hecht, J. B., Wills, S. B., Schoon, P. L., Dwyer, D. J., & Roberts, N. K. (1993, October). FLEXTEXT: A methodology for the qualitative analysis of textual data. Paper and workshop presented at the Annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Roberts, N. K., Hecht, J. B., Dwyer, D. J., & Schoon, P. L. (1993, October). VTLOGANL: A methodology for the qualitative analysis of videotaped data. Workshop presented at the Annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Program Documents (Accreditation, Degree Proposals)
2008 Authored the Institutional Report (IR) and accompanying electronic exhibit room submitted for the accreditation site visit by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), University of Texas at Arlington, College of Education.
2008 Authored the Program Self-Study Report and accompanying electronic exhibit room submitted for accreditation review by the Texas Education Agency Division of Educator Standards (TEA), University of Texas at Arlington, College of Education.
2006 Authored Academic Program Review Report (118 pages) submitted to the University and the State of Florida Board of Education and Board of Governors, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education.
2006 Authored Department Academic Assessment Report and Department Dashboard Indicators report submitted to Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Instructional Technology and Research.
2005 Authored Department Academic Assessment Report and Department Dashboard Indicators report submitted to Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Instructional Technology and Research.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 11 2005 Co-Authored Department of Instructional Technology and Research Doctoral Degree Proposal (Ph.D.) in Instructional Technology & Research, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education.
2005 Co-Authored Department of Instructional Technology and Research Masters Degree Proposal (M.S.) in Instructional Technology, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education.
Proposals Submitted and Not Funded
Cartlidge, L., Wilkinson, C., Schoon, P., Cafolla, R. (1999). $400,000 1999 Technology Literacy Challenge Fund Statewide Impact Grant. Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL (Not Funded)
Schoon, P.L. (1998). Utilizing new data collection technologies to investigate faculty technology apprehension. Grant proposal ($4500) submitted for Florida Atlantic University Research Initiation Award. (Not Funded)
Schoon, P.L. (1998). Utilizing desktop video conferencing and web delivery for faculty technology training. Grant proposal submitted for Florida Atlantic University Research Initiation Award. (Not Funded)
Funded Grants and Contracts
School Board of Broward County Professional Training Contract Awarded to College of Education and Department of Instructional Technology & Research $370,000 for July, 2005 – July, 2006
School Board of Broward County Professional Training Contract Awarded to College of Education and Department of Instructional Technology & Research $450,000 for July, 2004 – July, 2005
School Board of Broward County Professional Training Contract Awarded to College of Education and Department of Instructional Technology & Research $1,600,000 for July, 2003 – June, 2004
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 12 Monographs and Technical Reports
Schoon, P.L. & Cafolla, R. (2000). Pahokee technology literacy challenge fund grant 1999-2000 experiences: A final report. Jupiter, FL: Florida Atlantic University (pp. 1- 63).
Hecht, J. B., Bland, S. J., & Schoon, P. L. (1997). Professional development school 1996-97: A collaboration of the College of Education at Illinois State University and the Community Consolidated School District #21, Wheeling, Illinois. A Research Report. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Educational Research Laboratory.
Hecht, J. B., Bland, S. J., Schoon, P. L., & Boschert, K. (1996). Professional development school 1995-96: A collaboration of the College of Education at Illinois State University and the Community Consolidated School District #21, Wheeling, Illinois. A Research Report. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Educational Research Laboratory.
Schoon, P.L. (1996, June). Protecting human subjects: Institutional review board guidebook. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Education Research Laboratory.
Hecht, J. B., Dwyer, D. J., Roberts, N. K., Schoon, P. L., & Fansler, A. G. (1994, September). Project Homeroom, Project Schoolroom, and Regular School: Innovations in team teaching, interdisciplinary learning, and the use of technology: A final report on the project at the Maine East High School. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Education Research Laboratory.
Hecht, J.B., Roberts, N.K., Dwyer, D.J., Schoon, P.L., & Fansler, A.G. (1994, June). Project F.I.R.S.T.: First year impressions. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Education Research Laboratory.
Hecht, J. B., Dwyer, D. J., Roberts, N. K., & Schoon, P. L. (1994, April). Project Homeroom, Project Schoolroom, and Regular School: Innovations in team teaching, interdisciplinary learning, and the use of technology: An interim report on the project at the Maine East High School. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Education Research Laboratory.
Hecht, J. B., Dwyer, D. J., Roberts, N. K., Schoon, P. L., Kelly, J., Parson, J., Nietzke, T., & Virlee, M. (1993, November). Project Homeroom: Second year experiences. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Education Research Laboratory.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 13 Videotapes
Hecht, J.B., Dwyer, D.J., Roberts, N.K., Schoon, P. L., & Fansler, A. G. (1995). McLean County Health Department Facilities and Services [Videotape]. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Technological Innovations in Educational Research Laboratory.
Computer Software
Schoon, P.L. (2007 - Present). UTA COED SILHOUETTE Data Management & Assessment System [Computer Program & Database System]. Arlington, TX: University of Texas at Arlington.
Schoon, P.L. (2004). OWL Data Management System. [Computer Program]. Boca Raton, FL: Florida Atlantic University
Schoon, P.L. (2003). E-Portfolio. [Computer Program, CD]. Jupiter, FL: Florida Atlantic University.
Schoon, P.L. (2001- Present). EME 4810: Applied Educational Technology Interactive Courseware. [Computer Program, CD]. Jupiter, FL: Florida Atlantic University.
Schoon, P.L. (1999/2000 and continuing). Florida Atlantic Univerity College of Education Interactive [Computer program, CD]. Jupiter, FL: Florida Atlantic University.
Schoon, P.L. (1999). Applied Educational Technology Newsletter Guide [Computer program, CD]. Jupiter, FL: Florida Atlantic University.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 14 COURSES TAUGHT
Florida Atlantic University
EME 2040: Introduction to An introduction and analysis of educational technologies Educational Technology available to prospective classroom teachers for use in the development and delivery of improved instruction. I have taught this course via distance learning and in traditional format
EME 4810: Applied Emphasis is upon integration of instructional design principles Educational Technology with uses of technology as instructional tools to enhance the quality of classroom instruction and to facilitate the work of the teacher. I have taught this course via distance learning and in traditional format
EME 6415: Courseware An introduction to design, development, implementation and Design assessment of technology-based learning environments. I have taught this course via distance learning and in traditional format
EME 6426: Administrative A survey of the fundamental application of technology to Applications of Educational educational administration Technology
EME 6209: Self-Regulated An in-depth examination of the development of instructional Learning Systems materials and the design of instructional systems based upon contemporary learning theories
EME 6414: Programming III Advanced educational programming techniques utilizing contemporary learning theory and educational computing languages I have taught this course via distance learning and in traditional format
EME 6623: Education in the Weeklong course emphasizing hands-on integration of Digital World instructional design principals with uses of hardware and software, data-driven management systems, and digital tools.
EME 6409: Explores communications technology as it relates to benefits Telecommunications for teaching and learning. The course covers the access and use of data from a variety of information resources transmitted using different media and technologies.
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 15 Illinois State University
EAF 401: Introduction to This course was designed to provide teachers and administrators Technology in Schools with appropriate tools and techniques to implement computer technology in their educational job assignment.
EAF 402: Administrative This course was designed to provide teachers and administrators Applications of with the appropriate tools and techniques needed to effectively Technology in implement technology in their educational workplace. Administration
University Committees
2006 - Present Member of Teacher Education Council (UT-Arlington) 2004 - 2006 FAU University Strategic Plan – Subcommittee on Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs. 2004 - 2006 FAU University Strategic Plan – Subcommittee on Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities. 2003 - 2004 University Distance Learning Committee 2002 - 2004 University Information Resource Management Advisory Committee
College Committees
2007 – 2008 College Website Revision Committee (UT-Arlington) 2007 - 2008 Search Committee Chair – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (UT- Arlington) 2007 – 2008 Member of College Strategic Plan Committee (UT-Arlington) 2006 - Present Chair – College Continuous Assessment Committee (UT-Arlington) 2006 - Present Chair – College of Education Technology Committee (UT-Arlington) 2006 - Present Member of COED Executive Committee (UT-Arlington) 2005 - 2006 Chair of Policies & Procedures Revisions for Dean’s office 2005 - 2006 Member of Delta Council 2005 - 2006 Chair - COE Technology Committee 2005 - 2006 Member of COE strategic planning committee 2004 - 2006 Member of COE Executive Committee 2003 - 2004 Faculty Assembly Vice President [Created FAU COE Faculty Assembly Web SITE] – This is an elected position 2004 - 2006 Chair, NCATE Data Management Committee 2003 - 2006 NCATE Steering Committee 2003 - 2004 Member of COE Executive Council 2003 - 2004 Co-Chair, COE Salary Equity Committee 2002 - 2003 College of Education Faculty Assembly Steering Committee 2001 - 2004 College of Education Technology Committee
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 16 1998 - 2006 College of Education Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 1998 - 1999 College of Education Multimedia Classroom Committee for Northern Campuses 1997 - 1998 College of Education Travel Committee for the Northern Campuses 1997 - 1998 College of Education Search Committee - Associate Dean of Northern Campuses
Department Committees
Spring 2003 Search Committee Member – Department Chair Position Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Technology Position on MacArthur Campus Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Technology Position on Davie Campus Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Measurement Position on Davie Campus Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Research Position on Northern Campuses Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Research Position on Boca Campus Spring 2003 Search Committee Member - Educational Measurement Position on Boca Campus 2001 - 2002 Department Scheduling Committee Spring 1999 Search Committee Chair - Educational Research Position on Northern Campuses 1997 - 1998 Search Committee Chair - Educational Technology Position on Northern Campuses 1997 - 1998 Search Committee Member - Educational Technology Position on Boca Campus
Regional Committees
2000 – 2004 American Educational Research Association Proposal Reviewer 1999 - 2000 American Educational Research Association Proposal Reviewer 1994 Mid-Western Educational Research Association Proposal Reviewer
School District of Palm Beach County, Florida Committees
1999 - 2002 Goals 2000 Professional Development Design Team Member 1999 - 2001 Technology Literacy Challenge Fund Grant Design Team Member
Other Committees
1998 - 2002 School District of Palm Beach Technical Assistance and Research Evaluator on County the Goals 2000 Professional Development Technology Continuation Grant. 1998- 2002 School District of Palm Beach Technical Assistance and Research Evaluator on County the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund Grant. 1997- 2004 t A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Restructuring Computer Services
Perry L. Schoon, Vita, Page 17 AWARDS
Professional Development Award for Research (2008). University of Texas at Arlington, College of Education.
Outstanding Leadership and Service Award (2006). Florida Atlantic University, College of Education.
Nominated for the 1999-2000 Florida Atlantic University MacArthur Campus Student Government Exceptional Teacher of the Year Award.
Top Paper Award at WebNet 99 (Now called E-Learning) World Conference of the WWW and Internet - October 1999
Top Paper Award in the Educational Leadership Strand at SITE 99 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education - March 1999
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE) Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
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