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Curriculum Vitae: Izak Dunn
3501 S. McClintock Drive #2011 Tempe, AZ 85282 [email protected] 208.230.6057 Objective: Charting the course of life
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (2007), Idaho State University Master of Arts in Philosophy (2009), Gonzaga University
Areas of Specialization: History of Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Nietzsche), Argumentation and Debate Areas of Competence: History of ancient western philosophy, history of modern western philosophy, psychoanalytic feminism, symbolic systems and logic, public speaking, persuasion, small group communication, applied ethics Languages: German (Reading Competence) Experience
Position Responsibilities Contact
Assistant Director of Teach units of Dr. Linda Lederman, Chair Debate, Instructor, Communication Studies of the Hugh Downs School Arizona State University – (Public Speaking, of Human Communication, Tempe Argumentation), organize Arizona State University 2012-Present and run squad meanings, individualized coaching, Stauffer Hall A412 topic research, tournament P.O. Box 871205 travel administration, Temple, AZ 85287 tournament travel, program development, 480.965.5095 professional service, hosting debate tournaments, hosting debate camps, hosting intramural debates.
2 Assistant Coach, Ethics Attend and lead team Dr. Jennifer Brian, Honors Bowl, Barrett Honors meetings (3 hours/week), Faculty Fellow, Arizona College – 2015-Present research applications of State University ethical theories to issues of contemporary interest (3-7 Sage South 150 hours/week), tournament Tempe Campus Mailcode travel, program 1612 development, Tempe, AZ 85287 individualized coaching 480.727.3592
Director of Forensics, Teach units of Debate Dr. Gary Krug, Chair of the Quarterly Faculty quarterly, units of Public Department of Appointment, Eastern Speaking, organize and run Communications Studies, Washington University squad meetings (12 Eastern Washington 2009-2012 hours/week), individual University coaching (4-12 hours/week), topic 109 Communications research, tournament Building travel administration Eastern Washington Univ (booking hotels, flights, Cheney, WA 99004-2408 registration for tournaments, funding), 509.359.4236 tournament travel (driving included), program development (squad recruitment, funding, travel).
Assistant Debate Coach, Attendance of squad Glen Frappier, Director of Gonzaga University meetings (18 hours/week), Forensics at Gonzaga 2007-2009 individual coaching (12 University hours/week), research, writing syllabi, tournament 502 E. Boone, Box 20 travel, maintain FTP Spokane WA, 99258 solutions, advising [email protected]
3 Debate Lab Instructor, Classroom instruction (60+ Glen Frappier, Director of Gonzaga Debate Institute hours/week), institute Forensics at Gonzaga 2006-Present lectures, writing University curriculum, research, adjudication of debate rounds
Director of Internal Affairs, Organization and tabulation Dr. Debbie Hutchins, Graduate Student of blind review, tabulation Assistant Professor of Philosophy Conference at of awards, administration Philosophy at Gonzaga Gonzaga (2009) of venue, banquet University proceedings 502 E. Boone, Box 47 Spokane WA, 99258
Graduate Assistant to the Grading, research (philosophy Dr. David Calhoun, Associate Department of Philosophy of mind, contemporary object Professor of Philosophy, at Gonzaga (Fall 2007 – relations theory, behavioral Director of Graduate Studies Spring 2009) psychology, critical at Gonzaga University thinking/logic and argumentation, history of ancient philosophy), one large 502 E. Boone, Box 47 research project for PHIL 447: Spokane WA, 99258 Wisdom (comparative psychology, epistemology of [email protected] wisdom, comparative religious studies), research for Dr. Mark 509.313.6743 Alfino’s paper on Hellenistic theories of pleasure (forthcoming), writing curriculum (critical thinking, history of ancient philosophy), lecturing (critical thinking, history of contemporary philosophy), editing Dr. David Calhoun’s The Craft of Thinking: An Introduction of Philosophical Reasoning (forthcoming)
4 Assistant Debate Coach to Attendance of squad Dr. Sarah Partlow-Lefevre, the James E. Rupp Debate meetings (6 hours/week), Director of Debate at Idaho State University Society at Idaho State individual coaching and University (Academic Year instruction (20+ hours/ Campus Box 8115, ISU 2006) week), research, Pocatello ID, 83209 tournament travel, advising, administration [email protected] (travel funding requests, 208.282.5962 booking hotels, flights, rentals, tournament registration) Presentations
James E. Roland Memorial Closing Address, Gonzaga Debate Institute, 2016.
Lecture series on debate topics and strategies, Arizona Debate Institute 2012-present. Recent topic presentations include, “The Significance of Healthcare for the People: Individual Responsibility, Neoliberalism, and Biopolitical Control,” (2017) “Neoliberal hegemony: the continuation of imperialism by other means,” (2016) “Decriminalization and homo sacer: critical perspectives on control via legalization” (2015).
Closing Address, Arizona Debate Institute, 2012.
Lecture series on debate topics and strategies, Gonzaga Debate Institute 2006-present. Recent topic presentations include, “Epistemology and Pedagogy: intersections of philosophy and educational practice,” (2017), “Postcolonial perspectives on US-China relations,” (2016), “The (Bio)politics of Surveillance: from disciplinary societies to societies of control” (2015).
“The Non-Traditional Showdown,” an experimental demonstration debate showcasing cutting edge forensic practices, Gonzaga Debate Institute, 2009-2013.
“Toward a Minor Interpretation of Nietzsche,” Departmental Colloquium in Philosophy for Graduate Students, Spring 2009.
“Brownfields, Neoliberalism, and Subsidized Redevelopment: A Debate,” conference of Focus the Nation at the University of Idaho, Fall 2008.
Opening Address and Master of Ceremonies, 2008 Graduate Student Philosophy Conference at Gonzaga.
5 Professional Service Grant Writer, Open Society Foundation Youth Fund, 2011.
Curriculum Committee, Department of Communications Studies at Eastern Washington University, 2009-2010. Other Positions, Professional Affiliations Assistant Director, Southwest Championship Debates, Arizona State University (2013-Present).
Director and Host, Annual Intramural Debates hosted by the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, Arizona State University (2012-Present).
Moderator, First Annual EWU Public Debates, Eastern Washington University (2012).
Judge and Moderator, John Quincy Adams Public Speech Contest at Gonzaga University (2010- 2012).
Moderator, “Dialogue on the Monologues: Should Gonzaga University have banned the Vagina Monologues?”, Gonzaga University (2009).
Master of Ceremonies, Graduate Student Philosophy Conference at Gonzaga (2008, 2009).
Blind Reviewer, Graduate Student Philosophy Conference at Gonzaga (2008).
Debate Team Captain for the James E. Rupp Debate Society, Idaho State University (2004- 2006).
Associate, American Philosophical Association. Awards, Scholarships, Grants Coach of the Year, Bob Mukai Invitational hosted by Weber State University, 2014.
Eastern Washington University Foundation Grant, funding for the EWU Debate Team, 2009- 2014.
Critic of the Year, Cross-Examination Debate Association 2009.
Extended Assistantship (awarded competitively based on merit) to the Department of Philosophy at Gonzaga University, 2007-2009.
Laura Moore Cunningham Scholar, Idaho State University, 2002-2006.
Robert C. Byrd Scholar, Idaho State University, 2002-2006.
National Merit Scholar, 2002.
6 Other Achievements
Co-founder of, a website designed to discuss the use of philosophy and “Kritik” in contemporary policy debate.
Coached teams which received First Round Bids to the National Debate Tournament, 2007, 2011, 2012. Coached teams which qualified to the National Debate Tournament from 2007-2014 and 2016. Coached teams qualifying for the elimination rounds of the Cross Examination Debate Association National Debate Tournament from 2007-present.
First Round Bid to the National Debate Tournament, 2006.
Third Place, Twelfth Speaker, Cross-Examination Debate Association National Tournament, 2006.
Third Place, Fourth Speaker, Shirley Classic Debates at Wake Forest University, 2005. Other
Member, American Go Association.