Constitution and Bylaws s2

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Constitution and Bylaws s2

 Supporting appropriate legislation Constitution and Bylaws concerning complementary, integrative, and of the alternative medicine. Energy Kinesiology  Encouraging research in the field of energy kinesiology. Association Supporting our members by:  Providing educational and networking opportunities through conferences, web-site CONSTITUTION and publications.  Monitoring and keeping members PREAMBLE informed of legal and legislative issues.  Providing members with an We the membership declare this constitution to environment for personal growth and spiritual establish and preserve unity in the field of enhancement. Energy Kinesiology, and to govern this  Providing business guidance for both Organization in an orderly, professional beginning and experienced practitioners. manner. This document provides guidance and procedures to enable the organization to Enhancing the lives of recipients of accomplish its purpose. Energy Kinesiology by:  Bringing understanding, wholeness, and greater health to the body, mind and spirit. ARTICLE 1: NAME  Promoting awareness, enlightenment and love throughout the world. This organization will use the name ENERGY KINESIOLOGY ASSOCIATION (EnKA) ARTICLE 3: DEFINITION OF ENERGY KINESIOLOGY ARTICLE 2: MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS: Adopted 5/18/03) Kinesiology is defined as “the study of (Amended 6/03/05) movement.”

The Mission of The Energy Kinesiology Energy Kinesiology may be defined as the Association is to unite Energy Kinesiologists, study and application of the energy thereby educating, enriching, and empowering movement within living systems. the profession, practitioners and all recipients of this technology. Energy Kinesiology is an educational bio- energetic model using body monitoring as The Energy Kinesiology Association is the primary bio-tool to obtain feedback dedicated to: from the whole being’s innate wisdom, facilitating self-regulation for the highest Promoting the profession of Energy good. Kinesiology by:  Providing a forum for the open Body monitoring may be defined as including: exchange of methods and ideas among the muscle testing, muscle monitoring, muscle “Ks”. checking, body awareness, noticing, energy  Educating the public. awareness and any other method used to  Supporting ethical standards for the assess the body’s energy response. profession.

MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 1 of 11 Energy Kinesiologists utilize muscle testing as We acknowledge all modalities that utilize a biofeedback tool to facilitate an individual in Energy Kinesiology for their direction of restoring harmony and balance of body energy; purpose and recognize that each growth and change; and requirements of the contributes to our common body of client. knowledge.

ARTICLE 4: STATEMENT OF BASIC We believe that each client is unique, and that BELIEFS body monitoring is the practical vehicle that honors individuality and assists in We believe: achieving the client’s needs.

Energy underlies all existence. We believe that clients are the authority governing themselves and their issues and There is a flow and transformation of this that the responsibility for health and energy within and between organisms and change belongs solely to them, for which between organisms and the environment. we act only as facilitators by way of muscle monitoring using Energy We are part of the universal energy source and Kinesiology. respect others and ourselves as unique expressions of this source. We recognize the validity and diversity of the kinesiology applications of fellow We are holistic in nature. associates and welcome the new information their creativity brings to our The human energy system expresses itself as profession. body, mind and spirit. ARTICLE 6: ENKA CODE OF ETHICS All living beings have the ability to heal themselves through an innate intelligence. To assist members in the conduct of their business the EnKA Board of Directors is The genetic blueprint and the multiple authorized to develop and promulgate a regulatory and energetic systems of living Code of Ethics for its members. Members beings exemplify this intelligent design. are free to choose whether or not to adopt this Code of Ethics in their own All living beings have the potential for positive business/practice, or to develop their own. change. 2. CODE OF ETHICS (As adopted by the The client/practitioner or student/teacher Board of Directors on 5/17/02, in manner relationship is a partnership with shared specified in the Constitution) responsibilities. This Code of Ethics is a summary of the ARTICLE 5: PRACTICES OF THE BODY general principles of acceptable, ethical OF ENERGY KINESIOLOGY professional behavior within the Energy Kinesiology community. Within the many We are an organization with the common different schools of Energy Kinesiology, we all denominator of body monitoring as our share a common foundation: to provide biofeedback tool as we practice our unique services that promote the greatest good for the modalities. client.

MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 2 of 11 In my willingness to promote awareness of Kinesiologists and other health care ethics within the energy kinesiology practitioners. community, and myself, I agree to: Additionally, I acknowledge that my own Conduct business and professional activities development, personally and professionally, with integrity, in a professional, honest, enhances the value of what I am able to offer and fair manner. to my clients and students The foundation of ethical conduct is being mindful of and Perform only those services for which I am discerning in my thoughts, feelings, words and qualified and represent my education, behaviors. I will strive to include mindfulness certifications, professional affiliations and and discernment in my personal and other qualifications honestly. I will make a professional goals. referral, when appropriate and if possible.

Acknowledge the inherent worth and ARTICLE 7: CHARACTER individuality of each person by honoring clients’ and students’ religious, spiritual, This membership organization is governed health, education, political and social democratically by the membership and views, and life choices, not discriminating overseen by the elected officers and board against, race, creed, color, gender, and members. This organization is an autonomous sexual orientation. body guided by and operating within parameters established herein. Accept responsibility to maintain my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Refrain from diagnosing, prescribing, or BYLAWS treating any medical disorder unless licensed to do so. ARTICLE 1: MEMBERSHIP Strive for professional excellence through (A-1) SECTION 1: MEMBERSHIP ongoing assessment of personal strengths, DEFINITION limitations and effectiveness, and by Persons may become members of EnKA by continued education and training. submitting a completed application and fees to the First Vice President, Membership. Abide by all applicable laws governing Energy Kinesiology. I shall consider working for All members will subscribe to the basic beliefs the repeal or revision of laws detrimental and practices of the Body of Energy to the legitimate practice of Energy Kinesiology and consider adopting the EnKA Kinesiology. Code of Ethics. Acknowledge the confidential nature of the The Board of Directors is authorized to professional relationship with my client. I establish policies and procedures for the will respect each client’s right to privacy, various membership categories to be able to: disclosing confidential information only receive discounts on advertising in EnKA when either authorized by the client or Publications; purchase exhibit/display space at mandated by law. conferences; sell products or services at conferences; and purchase the EnKA Respect the professional status of other Energy membership mailing list. Membership MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 3 of 11 categories available are: recommended for all professional members to sustain professional growth. One-half of STUDENT the hours attended at kinesiology Student membership is open to anyone conferences may be counted toward this who is in the process of learning Energy requirement. Kinesiology as a profession and has less than 200 hours of educational training. Professional members may hold any office Student members can serve as a Board of the organization and have two votes on member of the organization but cannot be each business item. an officer. Students can only use the designation “Student of Energy CERTIFIED ENERGY KINESIOLOGIST Kinesiology” when referring to themselves. LEVEL 1 (CEnK1) Students have one vote on items related to To qualify for Certified Energy Kinesiologist the business of EnKA. Level 1 membership, an individual must have a total of 250 hours total kinesiology content. ASSOCIATE Documentation must be submitted showing Associate membership is open to anyone that the following has been completed: who has an interest in the art/science of o 100 hours of Category A courses Energy Kinesiology, and the functioning of o 75 Hours minimum in accredited EnKA, but is not a practicing kinesiologist streams beyond the 100 and can refer to him/herself as “Supporter hours taken of Energy Kinesiology”. Associate in Category A members can serve as a Board member but o 75 Hours of other Category A, B, or C cannot be an officer of the organization. courses, repeats or Associates have one vote on EnKA conference business items. attendance o 8 Hours of Ethics Training PROFESSIONAL (Coursework that has been approved by To qualify for professional membership, an the EnKA). individual must: o First Aid and/or CPR certification o Clarification is detailed in Appendix 9  submit documentation that he or she has attended 200 hours of Kinesiology Certified Energy Kinesiologist Level 1 training, or members may hold any office of the submit a Certificate of Completion or  organization and have two votes on each letter certifying him or her as a private business item. practitioner or teacher from a Kinesiology CERTIFIED ENERGY KINESIOLOGIST Organization that meets the requirements for LEVEL 2 (CEnK2) (OM) To qualify for Certified Energy Kinesiologist Organizational Membership status, Level 2 membership, an individual must have a whether or not that Energy Kinesiology total of 500 hours total kinesiology content and organization 220 total hours of additional relevant training. is a member of EnKA. EnKA will All approved hours of Level 1 apply towards publish a list of approved Kinesiology requirements for Level 2. Documentation Organizations. must be submitted showing that the following has been completed: An additional 30 training hours per year is o 100 hours of Category A courses MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 4 of 11 o 200 Hours minimum in accredited hours taken streams beyond the 100 in Category A hours taken o 600 Hours of other Category A, B, or C in Category A courses, repeats or o 200 Hours of other Category A, B, or C conference courses, repeats or attendance conference o 4 Hours of Ethics Training attendance (Coursework that has been approved by o 8 Hours of Ethics Training the EnKA) beyond the 16 hours (Coursework that has been approved by included in Level 1 and Level 2. the EnKA) beyond the 8 hours in Level o First Aid and CPR certification 1. o Clarification is detailed in Appendix 9 o First Aid and CPR certification o Clarification is detailed in Appendix 9 In addition to Kinesiology hours, training in the areas below need to be satisfied to In addition to Kinesiology hours, training in complete Certified Energy Kinesiologist the areas below need to be satisfied to Level 3: complete Certified Energy Kinesiologist o Anatomy & Physiology 150 hrs Level 2: of EnKACAB approved courses o Anatomy & Physiology 100 hrs o Nutrition 40 hrs of EnKACAB approved courses or EnKACAB approved courses o Nutrition 40 hrs o Communication/Interactions 40 hrs or EnKACAB approved courses of EnKACAB approved courses o Communication/Interactions 40 hrs o Business Management 40 hrs of EnKACAB approved courses of EnKACAB approved courses o Business Management 40 hrs Certified Energy Kinesiologist Level 3 of EnKACAB approved courses members may hold any office of the organization and have two votes on each Certified Energy Kinesiologist Level 2 business item. members may hold any office of the organization and have two votes on each LIFE business item. Life membership is not available after 5/17/02. Life members prior to 5/17/02 CERTIFIED ENERGY KINESIOLOGIST will maintain their status as Life Members, LEVEL 3 (CEnK3) may hold office, and vote on business To qualify for Certified Energy Kinesiologist matters. Life members have two votes on Level 3 membership, an individual must have a EnKA business items. total of 1,000 hours total kinesiology content and 270 total hours of additional relevant ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS training. All approved hours of Level 1 and Better deffinitio of what an OM is. Level 2 apply towards requirements for Level Organizations teaching and using Energy 3. Documentation must be submitted showing Kinesiology shall have a total of up to two that the following has been completed: seats on the Board of Directors, with voting o 100 hours of Category A courses status for this membership category. o 300 Hours minimum in accredited Organizational members can only vote for streams beyond the 100 candidates for the Board of Directors that will be representing the Organization

MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 5 of 11 Members. The Board can enact and change the Organizational members shall vote for up Affiliate Membership requirements by a to 2 seats on the EnKA Board from simple majority amongst their number. vote.

On matters requiring a vote at General (A-1)SECTION 2: RIGHTS OF MEMBERS Membership meetings, as well as for the All Members will receive newsletters, notices, election of officers, each individual and an annual membership list. organization holding membership shall be entitled to have its designated All members may attend and participate in representative cast two votes on its behalf. annual or regional meetings.

The EnKA Board of Directors is authorized Members may hold office and be elected as to establish the criteria for becoming an Board Members in EnKA, if permitted in Organizational Member including how to their membership category as defined in allocate seats on the Board of Directors and Article 1 – Membership, Section 1 – how the positions are to be selected. The Membership Definition; however, only Board will then publish these criteria to the members having Professional status can be membership. The Vice-President elected to the offices of President, Vice (Membership) will oversee administration Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurer. of this membership category. Any member except affiliate member can be elected as a Board member. The Board can enact and change the Organizational Membership requirements All members participate in decisions brought by a simple majority vote. forth at meetings by being present and voting at the time of decision, or by AFFILIATE submitting an absentee ballot by mail or Organizations and individuals offering fax. Each member has one or two votes products and/or services to Energy based on his/her membership category. Kinesiologists and EnK Organizations may The current candidates and issues for each be members of EnKA, with non-voting annual meeting will be published in the status. The EnKA Board of Directors is newsletter at least four weeks before the authorized to establish the criteria for annual meeting. Special elections Affiliate Membership, publish these requiring decision between annual criteria, and the Vice-President meetings may be presented through the (Membership) will oversee administration newsletter an/or special mailings four of this membership category. weeks prior to a stated deadline and decided solely by absentee ballot received Persons or organizations wishing to be by mail or fax. Absentee ballots must be considered for AM status must submit an received by the EnKA Recording Secretary application form to the membership by the stated deadline. A majority of those committee specifying its product. present and/or submitting absentee ballots must vote to approve any action/decision AMs will not be entitled to vote for the presented. Detailed results will be Board of Directors; vote at the Annual published in the next newsletter. Meeting; or hold positions on the Board of Directors. All members may be observers at Board meetings except when the Board is in MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 6 of 11 Executive Session. or faxed absentee ballots. These issues will be presented through the newsletter and/or special (A-1) SECTION 3: TERMINATION OF mailing, along with the facts available for a MEMBERSHIP decision. The announced deadline for Membership may be terminated if one fails to receiving ballots must be at least four weeks pay the annual dues. Persons delinquent more after the mailing. A majority of the votes than one year must reapply for membership at received must approve the action/issue new member rates. presented. The result will be published in the next newsletter. Took out method of absentee ARTICLE 2: MEETINGS ballot.

All meetings of EnKA will be conducted using (A-2) SECTION 3: BOARD MEETINGS Roberts Rules of Order. The Board of Directors (The Board) shall consist of the elected officers of EnKA and (A-2) SECTION 1: ANNUAL MEETING the elected Board Members. They shall EnKA will have at least one meeting annually meet at least two times a year for the whose purpose is both professional purpose of directing the affairs of EnKA. enhancement and conduct of the business Meetings are at the discretion of the of the Organization. This meeting will be President, or a majority of the Board announced in the newsletter, and in other Members. Meetings may be conducted by mailings to the membership, along with the telephone conference calls. Each board proposed agenda for the business meeting. member will be notified at least one week before the meeting. An emergency The business meeting will be open to all meeting may be called with a 48 hour members of EnKA and they may advanced notice; however, only the participate in the discussion and cast one or emergency topic may be discussed and two votes each, depending on their voted on at this meeting. A simple membership status. Absentee ballots by majority of the Board of Directors shall mail or fax may be used by those members constitute a quorum for the conduct of unable to attend. EnKA Business. Decisions will be published in the newsletter. By petition of There will be reports from the EnKA the membership (25 members or 25% of representatives that attended other the membership, whichever is lesser) a meetings and gatherings. decision may be reconsidered by the membership at the next annual meeting. Minutes will be taken and made available to the membership. The financial report of If appropriate, the Board of Directors will the Treasurer will be appended to the appoint EnKA representatives to National minutes. Approval of minutes from the and International events/organizations, previous meeting will be the first order of providing these representatives with business. appropriate guidance.

(A-2) SECTION 2: ISSUES NEEDING The Board of Directors may honor present and MEMBERSHIP DECISION BETWEEN past members and outstanding persons in ANNUAL MEETINGS the field of Energy Kinesiology with The Board of Directors may determine that appropriate awards and recognition. issues should be voted on by the members Awards will be presented at the annual between annual meetings, solely using mailed meeting. MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 7 of 11 A committee chaired by a member of the Officers, Board Members, and EnKA Board of Directors will nominate the Officers Representatives may be financially assisted of EnKA. Nominations may also be made from with the expenses of conducting EnKA the floor at the annual general membership business with prior approval of the Board. meeting. They will be elected by the majority of members present at the annual meeting, Minutes of the meetings will be taken, including those voting by absentee ballot summarized in the newsletter (or other received by mail or fax. The term of office EnKA publication) and the detailed shall be two years. Officers may serve for a minutes made available to any requesting total of three consecutive terms (six years). member. They may be re-elected after at least one term out of office. Only members with a (A-2) SECTION 4: REGIONAL EKA professional status may be nominated and MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES serve as Officers on the EnKA Board. EnKA may authorize and encourage Regional meetings or conferences for both Board members may be elected to be an officer professional enhancement and personal while serving or completing a term as a board networking. All current and potential member. EnKA members are welcome to attend. Regional meetings or conferences must be The EnKA President and the two Vice- conducted in alignment with the Mission, Presidents (Membership and Annual Meeting), Vision, and Code of Ethics of EnKA. will be elected at least 6 months in advance of the Annual Meeting at which time they will be ARTICLE 3: OFFICERS, AND installed and assume their official duties. The additional period of time, from their election BOARD MEMBERS until they assume office for their official two- year term, will be in a learning internship and The membership shall elect a President, two assistance role to prepare them to serve more Vice Presidents (Membership and Annual effectively. Meeting/Conference), two Secretaries (Recording and Corresponding), a Treasurer, Recognizing the importance of having an six (6) Board Members to conduct the affairs active and involved Board, the Board of of the EnKA, and up to two (2) Board Directors may choose to ask a board members allocated for Organizational member/officer to leave his/her position, if that Members board member/officer misses fifty percent of the total board meeting time within a one year All EnKA Officers and Board Members, must period. The Board of Directors will then be members in good standing and shall not be nominate and elect a replacement to complete the Spouse/Domestic Partner /Immediate the term of the departing board Family Member of any other EnKA Officer or member/officer. Board Member. Board members must have the ability to access and use e-mail. (A-3) SECTION 1: PRESIDENT The President shall lead EnKA to function as a Members cannot hold an office in EnKA while professional organization serving its they are officers in other similar organizations; membership. The President shall preside at however, they can be an Officer of EnKA and meetings and also represent the organization in a Board member of other-similar dealings with other groups. organizations.

MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 8 of 11 (A-3) SECTION 2: FIRST VICE (A-3) SECTION 7: BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP There shall be six (6) Board members, each The First Vice President shall serve as elected for a three-year terms, and the Board of president, in his/her absence, and shall be Directors shall decide how to allocate up to responsible for obtaining new members and two additional seats on the Board for enhancing current membership. Organizational Members, serving for two years. Two Board members shall be elected (A-3) SECTION 3: SECOND VICE each year and shall be nominated from the PRESIDENT, ANNUAL MEETING members at large by a nominating committee The Second Vice President shall be established by the Board of Directors, or by specifically responsible for the Annual meeting nomination from the floor at the annual and may also sign checks in the absence of the meeting. When a Board Member is elected to Treasurer. an office of the organization, or otherwise must depart from office, their replacement will be (A-3) SECTION 4: RECORDING nominated and elected by the Board of SECRETARY Directors to complete the term of the departing The Recording Secretary shall take the minutes Board member. Board members may not serve of all official meetings of the Board and the more than two consecutive terms (six years). Annual Business meeting and shall direct the Board members may be from any membership preparation and distribution of the newsletter. category except Affiliate Member. All minutes will be summarized in the newsletter and be available to any requesting ARTICLE 4: COMMITTEES member. All absentee ballots and tallying of votes at the annual meeting is the (A-4) SECTION 1: SPECIAL PURPOSE responsibility of this office. Should this person (AD HOC) COMMITTEES be absent, he or she will arrange for his or her The President and/or the Board as necessary replacement. for the conduct of the organization’s business shall appoint AD HOC committees. Ad hoc (A-3) SECTION 5: CORRESPONDING committees will be given a written charter that SECRETARY specifies the task to be accomplished and the The Corresponding Secretary shall be time of its completion. The chair of the responsible for the correspondence of EnKA, committee will be a current member of the shall maintain all records of that organization and its members will be correspondence, all official files and records of appropriate to the task to be accomplished. the organization. Progress of the committee will be reported to and monitored by the Board of Directors and (A-3) SECTION 6: TREASURER the charter modified, in writing, as appropriate. The Treasurer shall oversee the collection and Results/progress will be summarized at each disbursement of all moneys for EnKA. The annual meeting. An Audit Committee and a Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial Nominating Committee are AD HOC statements and shall prepare for an annual committees. audit (see Article 4, Section 3). No disbursement above $400 can be made without (A-4) SECTION 2: STANDING previous authority (specific or policy) of the COMMITTEES Board of Directors. The Treasurer is Standing committees are formed by the Board authorized to open bank accounts and for major ongoing tasks of the organization. investment accounts in the name of EnKA. An EnKA member who is appointed by the Board will chair these committees, comprised MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 9 of 11 of members that are part of the EnKA organization or are non-members that have (A-5) SECTION 4: EXPENDITURES specific expertise to the task and are supportive All expenditures over $400 shall be authorized of EnKA. Standing Committees will have a by a majority vote of the Board. All written charter, and develop and maintain expenditures without regard to amount shall be standard operating procedures to implement in accordance with established policy and good the goals, objectives and policies established. business practices. Once established, the committee may propose goals, objectives, and policies to the Board for (A-5) SECTION 5: OPERATIONS AND approval prior to implementation. POLICIES Membership on standing committees is EnKA shall develop and maintain written renewed annually. The chairperson will make policy documents, including job responsibility frequent reports to the Board of Directors and descriptions for all staff, volunteer workers, committee reports will be summarized at the and committee members, as well as other annual meeting. The Standing Committees documents relating to EnKA operations. are: These policy documents are to be considered an appendix to the bylaws of EnKA, but may 1. Professional Standards and not be contrary to the spirit and intent of this Education document. 2. Membership and Networking 3. Annual Meeting and Special Revisions to these policy documents may be Meetings suggested by any officer, board member, 4. Promotion and Public Relations committee member or member at large. 5. Finance and Budget. Additions, revisions or deletions of EnKA policies require (1) review by the officer or ARTICLE 5: FINANCES committee to whose responsibility the policy relates; (2) review by the Board; (3) approval (A-5) SECTION 1: BUDGET by the majority of the Board. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and submit it to the Board of Directors for ARTICLE 6: REGIONAL/STATE approval. Upon approval, it will be reported at EnKA UNITS the annual meeting. It is the policy of EnKA to encourage and (A-5) SECTION 2: ACCOUNTING support further regionalization of the PROCEDURES organization. The purpose of these units shall An accounting of all funds collected and be to hold and conduct meetings; provide disbursed shall be prepared by the Treasurer, professional and social networking and be presented at every board meeting. At opportunities; and organize educational, the annual meeting finances will be legislative, public relation, and membership summarized and a detailed accounting will be programs to serve their organizational needs. available to requesting members. These units will subscribe to the Principles and Ethics of this Constitution. Relationships (A-5) SECTION 3: AUDITING between EnKA and these units will be An audit of the books shall be done annually cooperative. by an independent accountant or by an ad hoc committee appointed for that purpose. This ARTICLE 7: STRATEGIC Audit will be presented to the Board and made ALLIANCES available to the membership. MargeBowen2008>CathyLayland2010 p 10 of 11 Constitution and/or Bylaws may be accepted EnKA may join with other organized energy and amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the kinesiologists and/or kinesiology organizations proxies received (via mail and/or fax). to consolidate efforts and promote interest in and the use of body monitoring as a UPDATED July 2008: biofeedback tool. Marge Bowen, President Cathy Layland, President Elect ARTICLE 8: DISSOLUTION OF Erica Williams, VP (Annual Meeting) THE ORGANIZATION \George Cossolias, Treasurer Karen Ownbey, Recording Secretary Should EnKA dissolve as an organization, all Karen Beleck, Corresponding Secretary assets will be donated to a NOT-FOR-PROFIT Georgianna Liguori, VP (Membership) organization selected by the Board and Claudette Koch, Board Member announced to the current membership. Mary Lou Firth-Irving, Board Member Natalie Nehman, Board Member ARTICLE 9: AMENDMENTS AND Jill Albrandt, Board Member REPEALS

Changes to this Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed, in writing, at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. Copies of the amendment will be furnished to all Board Members prior to its consideration. The amendments will be adopted only after approval by the membership as described below.

Subject to any provision of law applicable to the amendment of the Constitution and/or Bylaws of nonprofit organizations, this Constitution and Bylaws may be amended, or repealed and new Bylaws adopted at any Annual Membership Meeting conducted in accord with the intent of this constitution/bylaws. Notice of any proposed amendments must be printed and mailed, faxed or emailed to the Membership no later than thirty (30) days proceeding the date of the scheduled Annual Membership Meeting.

The Board of Directors, may also, at its discretion, solicit the membership for a proxy vote on the Constitution and Bylaws and proposed amendments(s) to the Bylaws, provided notice of such vote is mailed to the membership forty-five (45) days prior to the date designated for tabulation of the vote. The

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