Oak Grove PTA Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Kim Albea, PTA President at 4:01pm.

Members present: Kim Albea, Angelina Rooney, Missy Sauer, Jeanne Englert, Kirsten DiNonno, Teresa Walsh, Denise Vivace, Jennifer Weisel, Kathleen Licari, Dorothy Mitchell and Lisa Santiago- Cuba.

Minutes from the November 2015 meeting were approved; Teresa Walsh made a motion to approve, seconded by Kirsten DiNonno.

President’s Report – Kim Albea

 See Events updates below

Principal’s Report – Angelina Rooney

 Security plan update - new cameras installed, an ID swipe system will be available and an automatic lock system; possibly vestibules for the lobby area too

 Education funding is expected for 15 schools in district; focus is on technology and would provide smart boards in every classroom

 NYS has voted for a four-year “hold” on using student scores on the Common Core state tests to evaluate job performances by teachers. Mrs. Rooney noted the state exams are still very helpful and tell teachers where students strengths and weaknesses are

 Barnes & Noble night was successful with over $1300 raised which will be used directly for new books for many classrooms

 Spelling Bee had a finalist from 4/5th grade level going on to regional competition

 Feb. 5th is next report cards as well as annual Academic Bowl

 PTA Council meetings are cancelled for January & February

Treasurer’s Report – Kirstine DiNonno

 Expenses since last meeting are listed on the spreadsheet provided. Checking account balance as of Jan. 10 was $3298.81 and Savings account was $2770.11.

Teacher Representative’s Report – Mrs. Turpin-O (report provided by Kim Albea)

 Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is ongoing and will be due in February. Students will be jumping next month in gym class and a special jump day on Feb. 10 for older students.

Recent Events Update:  Blood drive exceeded its goal for this year

 Talent show was a huge success –many talented Oak students participated

 Holiday Shoppe was also a nice turnout and students seemed to enjoy the free gift wrapping and selections from new vendor. Profit was around $830

 Barnes & Noble night mentioned was quite successful and student behavior was very good

 Winter concert –very nice turnout by families but some parental issues to be addressed. A notice will be going home to some families regarding this.

 Movie night –well attended and went fairly smoothly; a different older group now with 6 th graders attending

 School spirit day included the PBS team’s work

Upcoming Events:

 Bowling Night –to be rescheduled  Feb. 5: Jersey Day & Academic Bowl  Feb, 10: Jump Rope for Heart early jump for grades 4-5-6th  Feb. 11: Movie Night

School will have a ½ days on Jan. 15 & Feb. 12; no school on Jan. 18 & Feb. for Holidays

Next PTA Meeting will be: Thurs. Feb. 18 at 6:30pm in Library

OTHER: Wappingers school district website has been updated –more new features to be coming

Meeting adjourned at 4:25pm.

PTA Secretary, Jeanne Englert