Home Visit Plan

Baby’s age: 1 month, 2 weeks

Parental Health  Ask mother for the date of her scheduled postpartum visit with her healthcare provider. If she is unable to provide the date, support her in making the appropriate appointment.  For breastfeeding mothers present as anticipatory guidance Breastfeeding: Collection, Storage and Use of Expressed Milk for Well Infants  Review with mother Calming the Storm, Process for Gaining Control over Stress, assist mother in discovering ways to manage her stress.  Collect Substance Use and Smoking Inventory

Parenting  Collect the Infant Birth Form  Ask mother the date of the next scheduled visit with the infant’s healthcare provider. If she is unable to provide the date, support her in making the appropriate appointment.  Review Keys to Caregiving: Booklet # 4 State Modulation  Follow up with mother on any insights she has gained using the Sleep and Activity Record. Provide guidance regarding her infant’s emerging routines.

Child Development  Present as Anticipatory Guidance Parents as Teachers: 1 Month: Week 2 o Discussion Points . States of consciousness . Tummy time o Parent Handouts . Your Child or Your Baby, 11/2 to 31/2 Months : What is Special About This Age?, p. D-77/D-87 . When the Crying Won’t Stop or Don’t Shake Your Baby! . Tummy Time

Personal & Environmental Safety  Discuss any concerns that mother may have regarding her or her infant’s safety.  Collect Nursery Safety Inventory

Social Supports  Collect Interpersonal Support Inventory  Collect Social Network Index  Discuss with mother the amount and quality of support she is receiving from her significant other, family and friends.  Present Family Vitality: Building a Strong Marriage to foster discussion regarding communication with significant others and family members

© 2010, Every Child Succeeds® Life Course Development  Collect Demographic Baseline Form if appropriate.  Discuss with mother the impact of the baby’s birth on her current activities surrounding work/school.  Share with mother Child Care Checklist for Parents to assist her decision making process in choosing qualified and safe child care for her infant.  Complete Turning My Dreams Into Goals (mother) and Turning My Dreams Into Goals (baby) with mother.

Parent Handouts eECS Forms and Inventories  Breastfeeding: Collection, Storage  Substance Use and Smoking Inventory and Use of Expressed Milk for Well  Infant Birth Form Infants  Nursery Safety Inventory  Calming the Storm: Process for  Interpersonal Support Inventory Gaining Control over Stress  Social Network Index  Keys to Caregiving: Booklet # 4  Demographic Baseline Form State Modulation  Sleep and Activity Record  Family Vitality: Building a Strong Marriage  Child Care Checklist for Parents (English and Spanish)  Turning My Dreams Into Goals (mother)  Turning My Dreams Into Goals (baby)

Parents As Teachers

1 Month: Week 2  Parent Handouts o Your Child or Your Baby, 11/2 to 31/2 Months : What is Special About This Age?, p. D- 77/D-87 o When the Crying Won’t Stop or Don’t Shake Your Baby! o Tummy Time  Activity: Tummy Time

© 2010, Every Child Succeeds®