Rotary Club of Ladysmith

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Rotary Club of Ladysmith


Rotary Club Of Ladysmith Committee guide


“Rotary Shares” When I attended PETS I had my eyes opened to how complex our great organization is. Of course the constitution and bylaws is the base from which we operate. I have been speaking to, and learning from many of you about the many great things we do in our club. I checked on what other clubs pass on from year to year to help the new club leaders. To prepare myself for the year I put a draft guide together based on what my perception is of what happens in our club. With the help of the 2007-8 executive the goals for the coming year have been determined. The entire club will have the opportunity to review them at a fall club ‘Fireside’. We are now a club of 40 approximately. As a group grows in numbers its organizational structure grows to involve and challenge all. This document, with ongoing revisions, will help with year-end transitions and be a reference for the club, especially for new members on our website.

Please examine this guide, help modify it as necessary. If we start the new Rotary year in an organized way, knowing where we are and where we are going, we will have a great year in 2007/2008.

Mary June 13, 2007 2


This guide is prepared for the use of members. It is intended to outline the roles of the various Club directors and their committees. A ‘Fireside’ in October will give all Rotarians an opportunity to influence the club’s goals.

Executive 2007-2008

President: Mary Mulrooney. 245-4384 [email protected]

Past President: Barb. Bezeau 245-7326 [email protected]

President elect :David Walbank 245-1431 [email protected]

Secretary: Paul Williams 245-4435 [email protected]

Treasurer Pat Moore 245-5967 [email protected]

Directors 2007-2008

Rotary Foundation Ray Stokes 245-7044 [email protected]

Membership Michael Furlot 245-5771 [email protected]

Public Relations Gerold Haukenfrers 245-0037 [email protected] Service Community Joan Phillips 245-8104 [email protected] International John Mulrooney 245-4384 [email protected] Vocational Marshall Butcher 245-3729 [email protected]

Club AdministrationJohn Crowther 245-9925 [email protected]

Special Projects assigned as needed

Within the directorships above, ongoing and single-purpose temporary committees are created as needed. No committee should be fewer than three, no matter how informal, each with a deputy chair. ( Due to personal, family or business pressures, absence, illness there are times when even the most dedicated of Rotarians will be unavailable. There needs to be another Rotarian available to continue the task.) 3

Membership. Director, Michael Furlot Deputy Director, Nita Grant

The Rotary Membership directorship

-develops and implements a strategy to successfully Recruit, Orient and Retain club members --is encouraged to attend or send a representative to District membership conference in Vancouver Aug.07 --regularly provides news by e-mail to newsletter and website

GOALS 2007/08

1. Increase membership of club by one (net). 2. Hold inductions 4 times a year. 3. Hold a Fireside for new members. 4. Give presentations to the club on membership. 5. Complete a classification survey by Oct 07 and update with each change in membership. 6. Invite Rotary families to appropriate functions (possibly create a function). 7. Invite partners of deceased members to appropriate Rotary club functions.

This directorship has the following committees Membership Induction - looks after the induction ceremonies of new members. This ceremony to be held four times per year at the first regular meeting of Sept. Dec. March and June. - convenes a fireside (Rotary teaching and Q & A) each year for new members of less than one year -arranges presentations for the club on Recruitment, Orientation, and Retention. Membership Retention -develops and implements strategies to make members feel welcome, valued and useful within the club. -assigns a mentor to each new member (this should be a member other than the member’s sponsor). - involves members’ families (extended families) at least once each year (plan and pick date in advance) - involves partners of deceased club members. - promotes and Encourage participation of club members in the Rotary Friendship Exchange either at a club/district/national/international level. -checks with members who have not attended last 4 mtgs. Classifications - keeps an ongoing survey of vacancies within club - recruits following the appropriate procedure Fund Raising as needed. 4

More information www.rotary .org ,& Club membership Committee Manual (2006)

Public Relations. Director, Gerold Haukenfrers Deputy Director, Frank Elsom This Directorship develops and implements plans to provide the public and the members with information about Rotary and promotes club service projects and activities.

GOALS 2007/8

1. Committees take responsibility for e-mailing news to the editor/press secretary. 2. The press secretary provides a media release for each significant club story.* 3. Committees take responsibility for contributing news to the webmaster 4. Explore linking website and newsletter, with ‘member only’ section.

This directorship involves these areas:

- Website -maintain and update the Club website as required

- Calendar -develop a weekly/monthly .yearly club calendar of events This will require co-ordination between club administration and all avenues of service Member List: in conjunction with the Membership Committee compile a list of club members including name, classification,,spouse,address ,home number ,Work Number ,Cell number, e-mail address.

-News letter -requires input from all committees and club members

-Photography - takes photographs of club events

-History -preserves a history of the club activities , events, projects etc

and develops and implements protocol /guidelines to ensure continuity

Press Secretary: -prepares and submit press release to the local media regarding club special events projects, international and local, major donations.( it may be jointly agreed on for committee chairs to undertake doing this for specific project)*.

Other tasks as requested by the President and/or Committee Chair

Fund Raising as needed

More information www.rotary .org ,& Club Public Relations Committee manual (2006) 5

Service ,Community : Director Joan Phillips Deputy Director, Ken Bosma

This Directorship searches out, develops, promotes, and implements Local Community projects, applying the new Grants Policy of the club. Recommending, modification to the Board of Directors as needed.

GOALS 07/08

1. Complete the Rotary Peace Park commitment by June 08. 2. Assess ongoing commitments Dec 07. 3. Successfully complete the Pant and Paddle fundraiser, Sept/Oct 07 4. Explore having a long term plan and a significant new community development project.

On-going projects: Entry in Ladysmith Parade Pancake Breakfast Pant and Paddle Light –Up concession Breakfast with Santa (if requested by LAFF ) Gaming (Bingo) Storage Shed and keys Garden Tour Boat Ramp Rotary Memorial Peace Park

Other projects or tasks requested by the President or Committee chair.

Fund Raising for Community Projects

More information ,and Club Service Committee Manual ( 2006) 6

Service, World Community: Director, John Mulrooney Deputy Director, Andy Bohay

This directorship searches out, promotes and implements International/World community service projects.

GOALS 2007/8

1. Maintain and strengthen the partnership in the Wheelchairs to Mexico Project and ship … wheelchairs or walkers. 2. Continue to support Shelterbox Canada with member involvement, Club promotion and the purchase of Shelterboxes. 3. Explore and make some commitment to a micro-credit project. 4. Participate in (a member attends) and support ( $500) the Mid-Island Group for World Community Service)WCS.

Stratagies: -continue with wheel chairs to Mexico project, delivering at least 20 chairs -continue with Eye-Glasses to Mexico project , delivering at least 50 pairs -continue to support Shelter box Canada project, purchasing at least 2 Boxes

The directorship involves these areas: Student Exchange: -Youth Exchange S.T.E.P (short term exchange program) -Year long exchange (on-going evaluation) Grants: - Various grants are available for projects both local and International

Ambassadorial Scholarships

Group Study Exchange

Rotary Friendship Exchange

Other projects or tasks as requested by the President or Committee chair

Fund Raising for International Projects, e.g. tentative running of Bar for tournament- dance Sept 07 More information www.rotary .org , Club Service Projects Committee Manual (2006) 7

Service,Vocational: Director Marshall Butcher

Deputy Director, Barb Bezeau (Past-President)

This Directorship searches out, promotes, and implements Vocational projects that address the needs of our club, our community.

GOALS 2007/08

1. Early in September arrange for one designated Teacher/Administrator to

communicate with at LSS.

2. Promote, beginning in September, in media and at LSS the following youth

programs: Adventures in Fisheries, Forestry, Music, and Citizenship and

RYLA. Students attend Adventures Programs in all areas possible.

3. Implement and complete year two of the dictionary and thesaurus project.

4. Have an Interact Program up and running at LSS by June 08.

5. Research ; “Student of the Month “ award.

Junior Entrepreneur of the Year

Interview day organized by Rotary at LSS.

This directorship involves the following:

Scholarships and Bursaries have an annual evaluation with LSS to assess criteria and the process for applying and receiving these awards.)

Vocational experiences -club members bring a young person to an appropriate club meeting or function.

Other projects and tasks as requested by the President or Committee Chair

Fund Raising as needed. 8

More information www.rotary .org , Club Service Projects Committee manual (2006)

Rotary Foundation. Director, Ray Stokes Deputy Director,Guy Bezeau The Rotary Foundation directorship - develops and implement plans to support the Rotary International foundation through both financial contributions and program participation -sends a representative to the District Rotary Foundation seminar -regularly provides news by e-mail to the club newsletter and website

GOALS 07/08 1. The Annual Program fund will be supported by at least 75% of club members in donating $100US dollars this Rotary Year. 2. Two additional club members become Benefactors this Rotary year 3. Presentations will be made to the club to help club members understand the relationship between Foundation giving and Foundation programs. 4. Celebrate Rotary Foundation month in November in some special way.

This directorship oversees/promotes

- Annual Giving ; $100US dollars every Rotarian ,every year - Benefactor Program - $1000 US minimum gift, or in will - Bequest program - $10,000 US minimum in estate plan.

Stratagies: a) have Rotary Foundation change boxes available for members to take home and put their change in. b) consider having a “ Two Dollar Club “ where members can contribute $2.00 per meeting ( or more ) at the door and this money goes toward Rotary Foundation

This Directorship also participates in / promotes

Rotary Friendship Exchange Polio Plus District Simplified grants Host/sponsor an Ambassadorial Scholar(s) Individual grants Sponsor a Rotary World Peace Scholar Invites Foundation program participants and alumni to participate in club programs and activities i.e Past Rotary Exchange Students, Past GSE students etc.etc. Other tasks as requested by the President and /or Committee Chair Fund Raising for Foundation

More information www.rotary .org , Club Rotary Foundation Committee manual (2006) 9

Club Administration Director, John Crowther. Deputy Director, David Wallbank(President-elect)

This directorship searches out, promotes, and conducts activities associated with the effective operation of the club. GOALS 2007/08 1.Hold regular monthly meetings or more often if needed. 2. Involve club members in taking on all the functions of club service(below). 3. Develop written job descriptions for all positions and events and post on website. 4.Develop schedules of member participation at weekly meetings. 5Develop calendar of events in conjunction with PR committee. 6. Secretary and Treasurer encourage club members to work with them and become knowledgeable in these areas. 7. Submit constitution and bi-laws to the website. 8. Have at least one new club event for members 9.Have at least one new fund Raising event . Club administration will arrange the formation of the ad-hoc committee by Sept 30th 07. 10. Report by e-mail to newsletter (website when appropriate) after each meeting.

This Directorship involves the following committees/tasks:

Treasurer: - maintains club accounts, as per RI guidelines Secretary: -maintains club secretarial role as per RI guidelines Sergeant at Arms; -set-up and take down of Rotary room for weekly meetings -Fines -Keep banners tidy. Add new banners. Rotate display if necessary. -arrange 50/50 draw Greeters: -schedule greeters on a rotating basis, for each meeting. Quartermaster: -work with secretary to supply Rotary products (pins, badges, shirts, banners) as requested/needed Attendance -in conjunction with the Secretary keep attendance of members. Singing -schedule members on a rotating basis to sing O`CANADA Toast -schedule members on a rotating basis to propose a toast to Her Majesty the Queen. Grace/Invocation -schedule members on a rotating basis to say Grace/Invocation Rotary Moment -schedule members on a rotating basis to give the Rotary Moment Used stamps and 49th parallel receipts: schedule member to co-ordinate. Speakers -in conjunction with the President and Committee Chairpersons arrange Guest Speakers and club Programs. Assemblies -schedule time, location, and topics as requested by the President. 10

Calendar of Events -work with the board, newsletter editor, webmaster and all committee Chairs to develop a weekly/monthly/yearly schedule of events. BBQ Schedule - schedule appropriate committees to host BBQ’s Christmas party -set date July previous year (location, menu, cost one month prior). Installation -set date in previous July and in conjunction with incoming President-elect co-ordinating, arrange location and main details at least three months prior to scheduled date. Refreshments -coordinate appropriate refreshments at club special events. Fund raising -for Club Service needs

Other tasks and projects requested by the President or committee Chair More information www.rotary .org , Club Administration Committee Manual (2006)

Appendices (this is a supplemental area of information to store forms and other useful documents)

Appendix 1 Rotary Friendship Exchange


e.g. at club level, attend a meeting at a club other than your own , can be used as a make-up also e.g. at district level , arrange an EXCHANGE with another club in the district , as an individual or as a club group, for a week-end , a week or … e.g. at national /international level, travel as part of a district group

Host incoming RFE groups.

Jeff Young ; district contact DUNCAN CLUB

Don Luke: Local contact PARKSVILLE CLUB 11

Appendix 2

MEMBERSHIP RESOURSE INFORMATION (to assist with matching members with areas of interest/ability for each new Rotary year)





WHAT ARE YOUR SPECIAL SKILLS OR HOBBIES( OUTSIDE OF YOUR CLASSIFICATION OR PROFESSION) Eg. woodworking, music, writing, photography, cooking mechanical, gardening, physical fitness, computers fundraising?




Rotary Club Ladysmith: Members Information Handbook

MM May /07

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