Education and Careers in Physics
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Education and Careers in Physics
These are some of the links we talked about in class to get you thinking about your own plans for school, summer co-ops, graduate work and careers. Course selection is next week! Consider including Physics.
If you want to find out more about a topic, just Google it!
Kieran Broekhoven, HC ’13 has applied to study mechatronics at Waterloo
He may do a summer co op at NRC HIA (National Research Council Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
Hannah Broekhoven Regi ’05 studies debris discs
Her master’s Thesis at University of Victoria involved studying gamma Doradus
Currently she is studying debris discs in the Auriga constellation. Education and Careers in Physics
The APOD (astronomy picture of the day from NASA) would make a great home page! Her undergraduate degree was at Queen’s University in SSP Astrophysics. The department news page lists several researchers who have won NSERC Strategic Grants and other Awards to fund their research equipment and graduate students. Education and Careers in Physics
Government of Canada invests in SNOLAB 2013-01-22 OTTAWA, ONT. — January 22, 2013 — The Government of Canada, through the Canada Foundation for Innovation, is investing $145 million in maintenance and operating support for Canada’s high-performing, internationally renowned research facilities. Canada’s synchrotron research installation, a national high-performance computing platform, and SNOLAB, a world-class underground neutrino and dark matter physics laboratory are all receiving funding from CFI’s Major Science Initiatives fund— enabling the best and brightest researchers to carry out internationally competitive research that results in benefits to Canada as a whole Read more
Life in the Universe: Are We Alone?
This is one of many free lectures open to the public, keep an eye on the main physics page for upcoming events. Having a university in your home town is an incredible resource. Use it!
Also , there is a talk every month at the Queen’s Observatory
This page a list of the topics researched by HC 2013 SPH3U students. It can be used as a resource of possible fields and schools for the future.
Mark Bonner googled mining engineering. Ben also contributed to this conversation. Education and Careers in Physics
here are some related links: canada-2012-edition/ Education and Careers in Physics
Timmerie Lewis Feb 19, 2013 presents:
Home Page:
Keywords: Experimental Biophysics Cell and tissue mechanics, atomic force microscopy, fluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy
Research Interests: Dr. Pelling is generally interested in understanding the dynamic mechanical properties of cellular systems across nanometer and micrometer length scales. The mechanical response and transduction pathways of living cells are explored using genetic manipulation and a variety of scanning probe and optical techniques. The long term goals of his research program are to understand the genetic and architectural control mechanisms of mechanotransduction pathways in health and disease.
Dylan’s discovery, presented Feb. 20 2013 Education and Careers in Physics Education and Careers in Physics
Cosmic Ray Inspection and Passive Tomography James Botte, Carleton University, Dept. of Physics
Research Assistant Office: HP 2372 Email: [email protected] Groups: Cosmic Ray Inspection and Passive Tomography FOREWARN: Predicting Extreme Space Weather
The smuggling of fissile material into or out of Canada is a concern. The Canadian Border Services Agency has systems in place to detect low-level gamma radiation but the efficiency of detecting well shielded nuclear materials is very low. While the probability of smuggling a fissile device into Canada is thankfully very low, the consequences could be devastating, so monitoring the transport of these materials - in cargo containers for example, warrants further investigation.
The Canadian team is working on a proof of principle project, to see if the naturally occurring cosmic ray muon flux can be used to detect the presence of high atomic number (high Z) materials. This method applies high energy physics detector techniques to track the muons as they interact with the material. The Carleton group is currently building a full-scale prototype of the proposed detector, and have developed detector technologies which will be used in a new project for detecting mass coronal ejections.
More links from Ms. Broekhoven Thursday Feb 21:
One for the boys: (Kieran was just accepted into the Waterloo mechatronics engineering program.) fbid=10151520494256908&set=a.472841976907.286124.321586106907&type=1&theat er Education and Careers in Physics
And since Kieran likes to play guitar… Here is the youtube video for his song that he sings LIVE from space with the Barenaked Ladies. He did in fact write most of the song. Pretty impressive! Education and Careers in Physics
And here is his FB photos from space (These links are courtesy of Ms. Emily Marshall, another teacher candidate at HC and her Google searches. Chris Hadfield is from her hometown of Sarnia.)
And one for Queen’s:
Andrew J. Feustel Andrew J. Feustel is an American geophysicist and a NASA astronaut. His first spaceflight in May 2009, STS-125, lasted just under 13 days. Wikipedia Born: August 25, 1965 (age 47), Lancaster Space missions: STS-125, STS-134 Space agency: NASA First space flight: STS-125 Education: Queen's University, Oakland Community College, Lake Orion High School, Purdue University Feustel-finds-time-photos-spacewalk.html
(When he came to Queen’s to give a speech and deliver the school banner he had taken to space, he told me that the average age of an astronaut is in their late 30’s.
Ben Gagnon presents Friday Feb 22:
Condensed Matter Physics, crystals, magnets, superconductors, semiconductors Co-Inventor of the Charge Coupled Device for which he won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics "Know how to judge when to persevere and when to quit. If you're going to do something, do it well. You don't have to be better than everyone else, but you ought to do your personal best."
Willard S. Boyle Birthdate August 19, 1924 Birthplace Amherst, Nova Scotia Residence Wallace, Nova Scotia Education and Careers in Physics
Family Members Mother: Bernice Dewar Father: Ernest Boyle Spouse: Betty, landscape artist and community gallery founder. Children: Robert, Cynthia, David, Pamela Personality Adventurous, clever, curious Other Interests Sailing, skiing Title Physicist; Retired former Executive Director of Research, Communications Sciences Division, Bell Labs in New Jersey Education and Careers in Physics
Office Communication Sciences Division, Bell Laboratories, New Jersey Degrees BSc, McGill, 1947 MSc, McGill, 1948 PhD (Physics), McGill, 1950 Canadian Science & Engineering Hall of Fame, 2005 Nobel Prize, Physics, 2009 Companion of the Order of Canada, 2010 Mentor Mother who homeschooled him till grade 9 Mr. Bailey, high-school teacher who taught confidence Lester Germer, Bell Labs supervisor for introduction to culture Last Updated August 10, 2010 Popularity Profile viewed 66418 times Career Advice
Hannah King presents:
David R. Chettle Professor, Medical Physics & Applied Radiation Sciences Email: [email protected] Phone: 905 525 9140 ext. 27340 Office: NRB 106
Research Interests Education and Careers in Physics
Human body composition. Development of methods to measure elemental content in living human subjects. Examples include lead (Pb) in bone using x-ray fluorescence, strontium in bone using x-ray fluorescence, aluminum in bone using neutron activation, mercury in kidney or other sites using x-ray fluorescence, manganese in bone using neutron activation, nitrogen (protein) in whole body using prompt gamma neutron activation, potassium (body cell mass) by whole body counting, cadmium in liver or kidney by prompt gamma neutron activation. Interaction of science and faith, science and religion dialogue. Education and Careers in Physics
Kenya Costa- Dookhan presents Monday Feb 25, 2013:
Joleen Mayer presents Monday Feb 25, 2013: