Learning Media Assessment Form 8

Functional Learning Media Checklist

Student Date Evaluator


Use of Use of Use of Use of Use of Use of vision touch hearing Learning Materials vision touch hearing Teaching Methods V - - Pictures V - - Pointing V - - Conventional calendars V - - Gestures - - A Environmental sounds V - - Facial expressions V - A Community environment V - - Demonstration V - - Environmental signs V - A Modeling - - A Tapes, records, CDs - - A Oral instructions V - A Videos, movies, TV - - A Verbal prompts V - - Posters - - A Verbal guidance V - - Felt board - - A Verbal descriptions V - - - - A Questioning V T A - - A Class discussions V T A V T A

Use of Use of Use of Adaptive Communication Systems and Materials vision touch hearing

Unaided Communication Systems V T - Sign language V T - Gestures V T A V T A

Aided Communication Systems V T A Communication boards - - A Tape recorders V T - Picture communication books V T A Technology-based communication systems (such as speech synthesizers) V T A Primitive communication devices (such as real objects, miniatures) V T A Other augmentative communication devices V T A V T A

Koenig & Holbrook, Learning Media Assessment of Students with Visual Impairments 191