Stockade Association General Meeting Thursday, September 16th, 2010 First Reformed Church 8 North Church Street Meeting Minutes

Prior to the commencement of the business meeting, Robert Stern read a dedication for a new plaque to be placed at the corner of Church and Front Streets honoring Association pioneer and neighborhood leader Ernie Cohen

Robert Petito a longtime Stockade neighbor, then made a presentation entitled "This Old Neighborhood" an inaugural discussion reflecting the historic homes and people of the Stockade. The informative presentation was warmly received.

President Mary D’Alessandro called the General Business Meeting to order at 8:00 pm

Secretary’s Report The Minutes of the May 13, 2010 General Membership Meeting were approved as written in the Spy.

Proposed Dock Update City Council Member and Stockade neighbor Peggy King provided an update on the Proposed Riverside Park Dock. She stated that the approval of the dock is “no where near a done deal.” She has recently been apprised of concerns that the river may be too narrow at the current proposed location and would possibly interfere with boat traffic, crew teams and the water ski school. She is interested in investigating the feasibility of instead placing the dock near the community college. To date, she has seen no budget or drawing for the dock.

Open Forum Jack McDonald spoke about the Millington House (near the corner of Union and South College Streets, across from the Van Dyke). He announced that he is now working on rehabilitating the building, and that neighbors can now see the improvements to the exterior. Next step will be further development of the Gillette House (which stands on the corner, next to the Millington House). Unfortunately, there has been no market interest in using the building for office space. He would like the association to consider supporting him to develop the property into a deli and bagel shop. Jennifer Wells made a motion that the association issue a letter of support to the zoning board. Gloria seconded and voiced her support for a use variance. The motion was approved.

Jack then discussed recent trends in the neighborhood and his perceptions that the appearance of certain homes is declining. He proposed that the Association form a Committee that would consider quality of life issues, including looking at other historic districts and considering supporting legislation or policies to address the situation. Valerie Ackerman stated that many poor people in the neighborhood would be very interested in having landlords incentivized to take better care of their property. Mary stated that she would discuss these issues with the Board.

Connie Colangelo asked about Association membership. If someone joins in the middle of the membership year, as many did in April, for how long is the membership valid? Mary answered that it is good till the end of the membership year, which is the end of September

Brett and Stacy Lauren-Kennedy announced that they are working on removing graffiti in the neighborhood. If you see any, let them know.

Committee Reports: Nominating Committee—no report. The Association needs volunteers for the nominating committee

Infrastructure Committee—no report

Stockade Spy-Sylvie Briber—The new Spy delivery person is Sam Boese. His brother Adam will assist. Sylvie received accolades from several members for her great job with the Spy. Sylvie noted that she is very interested in hearing from neighbors who may want to write for the Spy.

Membership—no report

Events Committee-Carol DeLaMarter announced that the Association raised $8,000 on the Garden Tour. These funds will be used to maintain gardens in the neighborhood for a two-year period. The garden club is interested in redeveloping the Washington Garden to be more low maintenance, much like the gardens maintained by Cathy Boese at the end of Ingersoll Avenue. Carol noted that they are looking for input on the kind of events the Association should be promoting. Mary noted that Soiree was a great event this year. She offered special thanks to the MacDonald’s for use of the Van Dyke and their continuing support.

Committee of Safety-—no report.

Zoning/Preservation—no chair—no report

Old Business—no old business

New Business Mary asked for a proposed amendment to the Stockade Association By-Laws to permit the board to vote via email on minor yet immediate issues. Jennifer Wells stated that in her view the Board already has this authority. Hearing no disagreement, it was the consensus of the membership that no bylaws amendment is needed.

Mary stated that Metroplex has been helpful to the Stockade, and that the Metroplex role in saving the Van Dyke is a good example of their interest and contributions to the Stockade.

Connie Colangelo announced that the first Sunday in December is the lighting of the Stockade Christmas tree. Connie volunteered to order the tree and work with the city to put it in place. Jennifer Wells agreed to help with the reception. Jack MacDonald agreed to donate the tree.

Regarding the proposed dock, David Giacalone stated his belief that the city will bring their SEQR determination to the City Council before our next Stockade membership meeting, which will preclude any other opportunity for comment. After that, there will be no way to stop it except for a lawsuit. He recommended that the Association send comments to the City officials in opposition to the dock very quickly. Mary assured the membership that the Association would draft a letter to the appropriate city officials stating our reasons for opposing the proposed dock.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm